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Properties File | 203 lines | 184 code | 19 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | 4911423a56eb9c50a781f44aecbb7484 MD5 | raw file
  1. web=The configuration of the jboss.web subsystem.
  2. web.add=Operation adding the web subsystem.
  3. web.default-session-timeout=The web container's default session timeout.
  4. web.default-virtual-server=The web container's default virtual server.
  5. web.instance-id=Set the identifier for this server instance.
  6. web.native=Add the native initialization listener to the web container.
  7. web.remove=Operation removing the web subsystem.
  8. web.deprecated=The Web subsystem is deprecated and may be removed or limited to managed domain legacy server use in future versions.
  9. web.describe-migration=Describes the steps that will be taken to migrate this configuration to Undertow
  10. web.migrate=Migrates this web subsystem config to Undertow
  11. web.describe-migration.migration-warnings=Any warnings about resources that could not be migrated
  12. web.migrate.migration-warnings=Any warnings about resources that could not be migrated
  13. web.migrate.migration-error=The error that occured during migration
  14. web.container=Common container configuration
  15. web.container.add=Adds web container
  16. web.container.remove=Removes web container
  17. web.container.welcome-file=A welcome file's declaration.
  18. web.container.welcome-file.welcome-file=A welcome file declaration.
  19. web.container.mime-mapping=A mime-mapping definition.
  20. web.container.mime-mapping.mime-mapping=A mime-mapping definition.
  21. web.container.mime-mapping.add-mime=Adds mime type
  22. mime-mapping name.
  23. web.container.mime-mapping.add-mime.value=A mime-mapping value.
  24. web.container.mime-mapping.remove-mime=Remove mime type
  25. mime-mapping name.
  26. web.configuration.welcome-file=A welcome file declaration.
  27. web.configuration=The common web container configuration.
  28. web.configuration.container=Mime-mapping and welcome-file management web container sub-configuration.
  29. web.configuration.static=Static files serving configuration.
  30. web.configuration.static.add=Add static configuration
  31. web.configuration.static.remove=Remove static configuration
  32. web.configuration.static.listings=Enable folder listings.
  33. web.configuration.static.sendfile=Enable sendfile if possible, for files bigger than the specified byte size.
  34. web.configuration.static.file-encoding=Force a file encoding.
  35. write HTTP methods (PUT, DELETE).
  36. web.configuration.static.webdav=Enable WebDAV functionality.
  37. web.configuration.static.secret=Secret for WebDAV locking operations.
  38. web.configuration.static.max-depth=Maximum recursion for PROPFIND.
  39. web.configuration.static.disabled=Disables the default Servlet mapping.
  40. web.configuration.jsp.add=Adds Jakarta Server Pages container configuration.
  41. web.configuration.jsp.remove=Removes Jakarta Server Pages container configuration.
  42. web.configuration.jsp=Jakarta Server Pages container configuration.
  43. web.configuration.jsp.development=Enable the development mode, which gives more information when an error occurs.
  44. web.configuration.jsp.disabled=Enable the Jakarta Server Pages container.
  45. web.configuration.jsp.keep-generated=Keep the generated Servlets.
  46. web.configuration.jsp.trim-spaces=Trim some spaces from the generated Servlet.
  47. web.configuration.jsp.tag-pooling=Enable tag pooling.
  48. web.configuration.jsp.mapped-file=Map to the Jakarta Server Pages source.
  49. web.configuration.jsp.check-interval=Check interval for Jakarta Server Pages updates using a background thread.
  50. web.configuration.jsp.modification-test-interval=Minimum amount of time between two tests for updates, in seconds.
  51. web.configuration.jsp.recompile-on-fail=Retry failed Jakarta Server Pages compilations on each request.
  52. web.configuration.jsp.smap=Enable SMAP.
  53. web.configuration.jsp.dump-smap=Write SMAP data to a file.
  54. web.configuration.jsp.generate-strings-as-char-arrays=Generate String constants as char arrays.
  55. web.configuration.jsp.error-on-use-bean-invalid-class-attribute=Enable errors when using a bad class in useBean.
  56. web.configuration.jsp.scratch-dir=Specify a different work directory.
  57. web.configuration.jsp.source-vm=Source VM level for compilation.
  58. VM level for compilation.
  59. the encoding used for Java sources.
  60. web.configuration.jsp.x-powered-by=Enable advertising the Jakarta Server Pages engine in x-powered-by.
  61. web.configuration.jsp.display-source-fragment=When a runtime error occurs, attempts to display corresponding Jakarta Server Pages source fragment.
  62. web.connector=A web connector.
  63. web.connector.add=Add a new web connector.
  64. web.connector.remove=Remove an existing web connector
  65. unique name for the connector.
  66. web.connector.protocol=The web connector protocol.
  67. web.connector.scheme=The web connector scheme.
  68. web.connector.socket-binding=The web connector socket-binding reference, this connector should be bound to.
  69. web.connector.enabled=Defines whether the connector should be started on startup.
  70. web.connector.executor=The name of the executor that should be used for the processing threads of this connector. If undefined defaults to using an internal pool.
  71. web.connector.enable-lookups=Enable DNS lookups for Servlet API.
  72. web.connector.proxy-binding=The socket binding to define the host and port that will be used when sending a redirect. The default value is null.
  73. web.connector.proxy-name=The host name that will be used when sending a redirect. The default value is null.
  74. web.connector.proxy-port=The port that will be used when sending a redirect.
  75. web.connector.max-post-size=Maximum size in bytes of a POST request that can be parsed by the container.
  76. web.connector.max-save-post-size=Maximum size in bytes of a POST request that will be saved during certain authentication schemes.
  77. if content sent or received by the connector is secured from the user perspective.
  78. web.connector.redirect-binding=The socket binding to define the port for redirection to a secure connector.
  79. web.connector.redirect-port=The port for redirection to a secure connector.
  80. web.connector.max-connections=Amount of concurrent connections that can be processed by the connector with optimum performance. The default value depends on the connector used.
  81. web.connector.virtual-server=The list of virtual servers that can be accessed through this connector. The default is to allow all virtual servers.
  82. web.connector.virtual-server.virtual-server=Name of of virtual server that can be accessed through this connector.
  83. web.connector.bytesSent=Number of byte sent by the connector.
  84. web.connector.bytesReceived=Number of byte received by the connector (POST data).
  85. web.connector.processingTime=Processing time used by the connector. In milli-seconds.
  86. web.connector.errorCount=Number of errors that have occurred in the connector when processing requests.
  87. web.connector.maxTime=Max time spent to process a requests.
  88. web.connector.requestCount=Number of requests processed by the connector.
  89. web.connector.configuration=Various additional configuration
  90. web.connector.ssl=The SSL configuration of the connector.
  91. web.connector.ssl.add=Add an SSL configuration of the connector.
  92. web.connector.ssl.remove=Remove the SSL configuration of the connector.
  93. configuration name.
  94. web.connector.ssl.key-alias=The key alias.
  95. web.connector.ssl.password=Password.
  96. web.connector.ssl.certificate-key-file=Key file for the certificate.
  97. web.connector.ssl.cipher-suite=The allowed cipher suite.
  98. web.connector.ssl.protocol=The SSL protocols that are enabled.
  99. web.connector.ssl.verify-client=Enable client certificate verification.
  100. web.connector.ssl.verify-depth=Limit certificate nesting.
  101. web.connector.ssl.certificate-file=Server certificate file.
  102. authority.
  103. password.
  104. authority revocation list.
  105. web.connector.ssl.session-cache-size=SSL session cache.
  106. web.connector.ssl.session-timeout=SSL session cache timeout.
  107. web.connector.ssl.truststore-type=Type of the truststore, There are various types of keystores available, including "PKCS12" and Sun's "JKS."
  108. web.connector.ssl.keystore-type=Type of the keystore, There are various types of keystores available, including "PKCS12" and Sun's "JKS."
  109. web.connector.ssl.ssl-protocol=Name of custom ssl protocol provider
  110. web.virtual-server=A virtual host.
  111. web.virtual-server.add=Add a new virtual-server
  112. web.virtual-server.remove=Remove an existing virtual-server
  113. unique virtual host name
  114. web.virtual-server.alias=The virtual server aliases
  115. web.virtual-server.alias.alias=The virtual server alias
  116. web.virtual-server.default-web-module=The web module deployment name that will be mapped as the root webapp.
  117. web.virtual-server.enable-welcome-root=Whether or not the bundled welcome directory is used as the root web context.
  118. web.virtual-server.configuration=configuration of virtual server
  119. web.virtual-server.access-log=The access log configuration for this virtual server.
  120. web.virtual-server.access-log.add=Add access log configuration to this virtual server.
  121. web.virtual-server.access-log.remove=Remove access log configuration from this virtual server.
  122. web.virtual-server.access-log.pattern=The access log pattern.
  123. web.virtual-server.access-log.resolve-hosts=Host resolution.
  124. web.virtual-server.access-log.extended=Enable extended pattern, with more options.
  125. web.virtual-server.access-log.prefix=Prefix for the log file name.
  126. web.virtual-server.access-log.rotate=Rotate the access log every day.
  127. web.virtual-server.access-log.setting=Settings for access log
  128. location for the access logging.
  129. directory
  130. directory
  131. relative folder path.
  132. folder the path is relative to.
  133. web.virtual-server.rewrite=A list of rewrite rules that will be processed in order on the URL or vhost specified in the request.
  134. web.virtual-server.rewrite.add=Add a rule to the list of rewrite rules.
  135. web.virtual-server.rewrite.remove=Remove a rule from the list of rewrite rules.
  136. web.virtual-server.rewrite.pattern=The pattern that will be matched.
  137. web.virtual-server.rewrite.substitution=The string that will replace the original URL or vhost.
  138. web.virtual-server.rewrite.flags=Option flags for this rewrite rule.
  139. web.virtual-server.rewrite.condition=A list of conditions this rule needs to match for rewrite to occur.
  140. web.virtual-server.rewrite.condition.add=Add a condition to the list of conditions of the rule.
  141. web.virtual-server.rewrite.condition.remove=Remove a condition from the list of conditions of the rule.
  142. web.virtual-server.rewrite.condition.test=Test pattern for the condition.
  143. web.virtual-server.rewrite.condition.pattern=The pattern to match.
  144. web.virtual-server.rewrite.condition.flags=Option flags for this condition.
  145. web.virtual-server.sso=The SSO configuration for this virtual server.
  146. web.virtual-server.sso.add=Add a SSO configuration for this virtual server.
  147. web.virtual-server.sso.remove=Erase the SSO configuration from the virtual server.
  148. web.virtual-server.sso.cache-container=Enables clustered SSO using the specified clustered cache container.
  149. web.virtual-server.sso.cache-name=Name of the cache to use in the cache container.
  150. web.virtual-server.sso.domain=The cookie domain that will be used.
  151. web.virtual-server.sso.http-only=The cookie http-only flag will be set.
  152. web.virtual-server.sso.reauthenticate=Enables reauthentication with the realm when using SSO.
  153. web.deployment=Runtime resources exposed by web components in the deployment.
  154. web.servlet=Runtime resources exposed by web components in the deployment.
  155. web.deployment.servlet=Runtime information about the servlets in the deployment.
  156. web.deployment.servlet.load-time=Load time
  157. web.deployment.servlet.maxTime=Maximum processing time of a request
  158. web.deployment.servlet.min-time=Minimum processing time of a request
  159. web.deployment.servlet.processingTime=Total execution time of the servlet's service method
  160. web.deployment.servlet.requestCount=Number of requests processed by this servlet
  161. web.valve=A global valve.
  162. unique name for the Valve.
  163. web.valve.module=Module where to find the valve.
  164. web.valve.class-name=Name of the class containing the Valve
  165. web.valve.enabled=Defines whether the Valve should be started on startup.
  166. web.valve.param=Parameter for the Valve like param-name="name" param-value="value"
  167. web.valve.param.add-param=Add parameter to the Valve.
  168. web.valve.param.add-param.param-name=Name of the parameter.
  169. web.valve.param.add-param.param-value=Value of the parameter.
  170. web.valve.param.remove-param=Remove parameter from the Valve.
  171. web.valve.param.remove-param.param-name=Name of the parameter.
  172. web.valve.add=Add a global valve.
  173. web.valve.remove=Remove a global valve.
  174. web.deployment.context-root=The context root of the web application
  175. web.deployment.virtual-host=The name of the virtual host on which the web application is served
  176. of active sessions
  177. web.deployment.expired-sessions=Number of sessions that have expired
  178. web.deployment.rejected-sessions=Number of rejected sessions
  179. web.deployment.max-active-sessions=Max number of concurrent active sessions
  180. web.deployment.sessions-created=Total sessions created
  181. web.deployment.duplicated-session-ids=Number of duplicated session IDs generated by the random source (anything \
  182. bigger than 0 means problems)
  183. web.deployment.session-avg-alive-time=Average time (in seconds) that expired sessions had been alive
  184. web.deployment.session-max-alive-time=The longest time (in seconds) that an expired session had been alive