Ruby | 532 lines | 222 code | 41 blank | 269 comment | 16 complexity | fdec4b1a8441a6b15b854d6ff891a31d MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): CC-BY-SA-3.0, LGPL-2.1, MIT, GPL-2.0
- require 'forwardable'
- require 'multiset'
- # Multimap is a generalization of a map or associative array
- # abstract data type in which more than one value may be associated
- # with and returned for a given key.
- class Multimap
- extend Forwardable
- include Enumerable
- # call-seq:
- # Multimap[ [key =>|, value]* ] => multimap
- #
- # Creates a new multimap populated with the given objects.
- #
- # Multimap["a", 100, "b", 200] #=> {"a"=>[100], "b"=>[200]}
- # Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => 200] #=> {"a"=>[100], "b"=>[200]}
- def self.[](*args)
- default = []
- if args.size == 2 && args.last.is_a?(Hash)
- default = args.shift
- elsif !args.first.is_a?(Hash) && args.size % 2 == 1
- default = args.shift
- end
- if args.size == 1 && args.first.is_a?(Hash)
- args[0] = args.first.inject({}) { |hash, (key, value)|
- unless value.is_a?(default.class)
- value = (default.dup << value)
- end
- hash[key] = value
- hash
- }
- else
- index = 0
- args.map! { |value|
- unless index % 2 == 0 || value.is_a?(default.class)
- value = (default.dup << value)
- end
- index += 1
- value
- }
- end
- map = new
- map.instance_variable_set(:@hash, Hash[*args])
- map.default = default
- map
- end
- # call-seq:
- # Multimap.new => multimap
- # Multimap.new(default) => multimap
- #
- # Returns a new, empty multimap.
- #
- # map = Multimap.new(Set.new)
- # h["a"] = 100
- # h["b"] = 200
- # h["a"] #=> [100].to_set
- # h["c"] #=> [].to_set
- def initialize(default = [])
- @hash = Hash.new(default)
- end
- def initialize_copy(original) #:nodoc:
- @hash = Hash.new(original.default.dup)
- original._internal_hash.each_pair do |key, container|
- @hash[key] = container.dup
- end
- end
- def_delegators :@hash, :clear, :default, :default=, :empty?,
- :fetch, :has_key?, :key?
- # Retrieves the <i>value</i> object corresponding to the
- # <i>*keys</i> object.
- def [](key)
- @hash[key]
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map[key] = value => value
- # map.store(key, value) => value
- #
- # Associates the value given by <i>value</i> with the key
- # given by <i>key</i>. Unlike a regular hash, multiple can be
- # assoicated with the same value.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => 200]
- # map["a"] = 9
- # map["c"] = 4
- # map #=> {"a" => [100, 9], "b" => [200], "c" => [4]}
- def store(key, value)
- update_container(key) do |container|
- container << value
- container
- end
- end
- alias_method :[]=, :store
- # call-seq:
- # map.delete(key, value) => value
- # map.delete(key) => value
- #
- # Deletes and returns a key-value pair from <i>map</i>. If only
- # <i>key</i> is given, all the values matching that key will be
- # deleted.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300]]
- # map.delete("b", 300) #=> 300
- # map.delete("a") #=> [100]
- def delete(key, value = nil)
- if value
- @hash[key].delete(value)
- else
- @hash.delete(key)
- end
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.each { |key, value| block } => map
- #
- # Calls <i>block</i> for each key/value pair in <i>map</i>, passing
- # the key and value to the block as a two-element array.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300]]
- # map.each { |key, value| puts "#{key} is #{value}" }
- #
- # <em>produces:</em>
- #
- # a is 100
- # b is 200
- # b is 300
- def each
- each_pair do |key, value|
- yield [key, value]
- end
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.each_association { |key, container| block } => map
- #
- # Calls <i>block</i> once for each key/container in <i>map</i>, passing
- # the key and container to the block as parameters.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300]]
- # map.each_association { |key, container| puts "#{key} is #{container}" }
- #
- # <em>produces:</em>
- #
- # a is [100]
- # b is [200, 300]
- def each_association(&block)
- @hash.each_pair(&block)
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.each_container { |container| block } => map
- #
- # Calls <i>block</i> for each container in <i>map</i>, passing the
- # container as a parameter.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300]]
- # map.each_container { |container| puts container }
- #
- # <em>produces:</em>
- #
- # [100]
- # [200, 300]
- def each_container
- each_association do |_, container|
- yield container
- end
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.each_key { |key| block } => map
- #
- # Calls <i>block</i> for each key in <i>hsh</i>, passing the key
- # as a parameter.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300]]
- # map.each_key { |key| puts key }
- #
- # <em>produces:</em>
- #
- # a
- # b
- # b
- def each_key
- each_pair do |key, _|
- yield key
- end
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.each_pair { |key_value_array| block } => map
- #
- # Calls <i>block</i> for each key/value pair in <i>map</i>,
- # passing the key and value as parameters.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300]]
- # map.each_pair { |key, value| puts "#{key} is #{value}" }
- #
- # <em>produces:</em>
- #
- # a is 100
- # b is 200
- # b is 300
- def each_pair
- each_association do |key, values|
- values.each do |value|
- yield key, value
- end
- end
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.each_value { |value| block } => map
- #
- # Calls <i>block</i> for each key in <i>map</i>, passing the
- # value as a parameter.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300]]
- # map.each_value { |value| puts value }
- #
- # <em>produces:</em>
- #
- # 100
- # 200
- # 300
- def each_value
- each_pair do |_, value|
- yield value
- end
- end
- def ==(other) #:nodoc:
- case other
- when Multimap
- @hash == other._internal_hash
- else
- @hash == other
- end
- end
- def eql?(other) #:nodoc:
- case other
- when Multimap
- @hash.eql?(other._internal_hash)
- else
- @hash.eql?(other)
- end
- end
- def freeze #:nodoc:
- each_container { |container| container.freeze }
- default.freeze
- super
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.has_value?(value) => true or false
- # map.value?(value) => true or false
- #
- # Returns <tt>true</tt> if the given value is present for any key
- # in <i>map</i>.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300]]
- # map.has_value?(300) #=> true
- # map.has_value?(999) #=> false
- def has_value?(value)
- values.include?(value)
- end
- alias_method :value?, :has_value?
- # call-seq:
- # map.index(value) => key
- #
- # Returns the key for a given value. If not found, returns
- # <tt>nil</tt>.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300]]
- # map.index(100) #=> "a"
- # map.index(200) #=> "b"
- # map.index(999) #=> nil
- def index(value)
- invert[value]
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.delete_if {| key, value | block } -> map
- #
- # Deletes every key-value pair from <i>map</i> for which <i>block</i>
- # evaluates to <code>true</code>.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300]]
- # map.delete_if {|key, value| value >= 300 }
- # #=> Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => 200]
- #
- def delete_if
- each_association do |key, container|
- container.delete_if do |value|
- yield [key, value]
- end
- end
- self
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.reject {| key, value | block } -> map
- #
- # Same as <code>Multimap#delete_if</code>, but works on (and returns) a
- # copy of the <i>map</i>. Equivalent to
- # <code><i>map</i>.dup.delete_if</code>.
- #
- def reject(&block)
- dup.delete_if(&block)
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.reject! {| key, value | block } -> map or nil
- #
- # Equivalent to <code>Multimap#delete_if</code>, but returns
- # <code>nil</code> if no changes were made.
- #
- def reject!(&block)
- old_size = size
- delete_if(&block)
- old_size == size ? nil : self
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.replace(other_map) => map
- #
- # Replaces the contents of <i>map</i> with the contents of
- # <i>other_map</i>.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => 200]
- # map.replace({ "c" => 300, "d" => 400 })
- # #=> Multimap["c" => 300, "d" => 400]
- def replace(other)
- case other
- when Array
- @hash.replace(self.class[self.default, *other])
- when Hash
- @hash.replace(self.class[self.default, other])
- when self.class
- @hash.replace(other)
- else
- raise ArgumentError
- end
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.invert => multimap
- #
- # Returns a new multimap created by using <i>map</i>'s values as keys,
- # and the keys as values.
- #
- # map = Multimap["n" => 100, "m" => 100, "d" => [200, 300]]
- # map.invert #=> Multimap[100 => ["n", "m"], 200 => "d", 300 => "d"]
- def invert
- h = self.class.new(default.dup)
- each_pair { |key, value| h[value] = key }
- h
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.keys => multiset
- #
- # Returns a new +Multiset+ populated with the keys from this hash. See also
- # <tt>Multimap#values</tt> and <tt>Multimap#containers</tt>.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300], "c" => 400]
- # map.keys #=> Multiset.new(["a", "b", "b", "c"])
- def keys
- keys = Multiset.new
- each_key { |key| keys << key }
- keys
- end
- # Returns true if the given key is present in Multimap.
- def include?(key)
- keys.include?(key)
- end
- alias_method :member?, :include?
- # call-seq:
- # map.length => fixnum
- # map.size => fixnum
- #
- # Returns the number of key-value pairs in the map.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300], "c" => 400]
- # map.length #=> 4
- # map.delete("a") #=> 100
- # map.length #=> 3
- def size
- values.size
- end
- alias_method :length, :size
- # call-seq:
- # map.merge(other_map) => multimap
- #
- # Returns a new multimap containing the contents of <i>other_map</i> and
- # the contents of <i>map</i>.
- #
- # map1 = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => 200]
- # map2 = Multimap["a" => 254, "c" => 300]
- # map2.merge(map2) #=> Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 254], "c" => 300]
- # map1 #=> Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => 200]
- def merge(other)
- dup.update(other)
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.merge!(other_map) => multimap
- # map.update(other_map) => multimap
- #
- # Adds each pair from <i>other_map</i> to <i>map</i>.
- #
- # map1 = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => 200]
- # map2 = Multimap["b" => 254, "c" => 300]
- #
- # map1.merge!(map2)
- # #=> Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 254], "c" => 300]
- def update(other)
- case other
- when self.class
- other.each_pair { |key, value| store(key, value) }
- when Hash
- update(self.class[self.default, other])
- else
- raise ArgumentError
- end
- self
- end
- alias_method :merge!, :update
- # call-seq:
- # map.select { |key, value| block } => multimap
- #
- # Returns a new Multimap consisting of the pairs for which the
- # block returns true.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => 200, "c" => 300]
- # map.select { |k,v| k > "a" } #=> Multimap["b" => 200, "c" => 300]
- # map.select { |k,v| v < 200 } #=> Multimap["a" => 100]
- def select
- inject(self.class.new) { |map, (key, value)|
- map[key] = value if yield([key, value])
- map
- }
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.to_a => array
- #
- # Converts <i>map</i> to a nested array of [<i>key,
- # value</i>] arrays.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300], "c" => 400]
- # map.to_a #=> [["a", 100], ["b", 200], ["b", 300], ["c", 400]]
- def to_a
- ary = []
- each_pair do |key, value|
- ary << [key, value]
- end
- ary
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.to_hash => hash
- #
- # Converts <i>map</i> to a basic hash.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300]]
- # map.to_hash #=> { "a" => [100], "b" => [200, 300] }
- def to_hash
- @hash.dup
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.containers => array
- #
- # Returns a new array populated with the containers from <i>map</i>. See
- # also <tt>Multimap#keys</tt> and <tt>Multimap#values</tt>.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300]]
- # map.containers #=> [[100], [200, 300]]
- def containers
- containers = []
- each_container { |container| containers << container }
- containers
- end
- # call-seq:
- # map.values => array
- #
- # Returns a new array populated with the values from <i>map</i>. See
- # also <tt>Multimap#keys</tt> and <tt>Multimap#containers</tt>.
- #
- # map = Multimap["a" => 100, "b" => [200, 300]]
- # map.values #=> [100, 200, 300]
- def values
- values = []
- each_value { |value| values << value }
- values
- end
- # Return an array containing the values associated with the given keys.
- def values_at(*keys)
- @hash.values_at(*keys)
- end
- protected
- def _internal_hash #:nodoc:
- @hash
- end
- def update_container(key) #:nodoc:
- container = @hash[key]
- container = container.dup if container.equal?(default)
- container = yield(container)
- @hash[key] = container
- end
- end