C++ | 427 lines | 314 code | 80 blank | 33 comment | 15 complexity | a163f22d6ee75c284c3b5ec43f0fc058 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0, BSD-3-Clause, BSD-2-Clause
- /*=========================================================================
- *
- * Copyright Insight Software Consortium
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- *=========================================================================*/
- #include "itkDiffeomorphicDemonsRegistrationFilter.h"
- #include "itkNearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction.h"
- #include "itkVectorCastImageFilter.h"
- #include "itkImageFileWriter.h"
- // The following class is used to support callbacks
- // on the filter in the pipeline that follows later
- template<typename TRegistration>
- class DiffeomorphicDemonsShowProgressObject
- {
- public:
- DiffeomorphicDemonsShowProgressObject(TRegistration* o)
- {m_Process = o;}
- void ShowProgress()
- {
- std::cout << "Progress: " << m_Process->GetProgress() << " ";
- std::cout << "Iter: " << m_Process->GetElapsedIterations() << " ";
- std::cout << "Metric: " << m_Process->GetMetric() << " ";
- std::cout << "RMSChange: " << m_Process->GetRMSChange() << " ";
- std::cout << std::endl;
- }
- typename TRegistration::Pointer m_Process;
- };
- // Template function to fill in an image with a circle.
- template <typename TImage>
- void
- FillWithCircle(
- TImage * image,
- double * center,
- double radius,
- typename TImage::PixelType foregnd,
- typename TImage::PixelType backgnd )
- {
- using Iterator = itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex<TImage>;
- Iterator it( image, image->GetBufferedRegion() );
- it.GoToBegin();
- typename TImage::IndexType index;
- double r2 = itk::Math::sqr( radius );
- for(; !it.IsAtEnd(); ++it)
- {
- index = it.GetIndex();
- double distance = 0;
- for( unsigned int j = 0; j < TImage::ImageDimension; j++ )
- {
- distance += itk::Math::sqr((double) index[j] - center[j]);
- }
- if( distance <= r2 ) it.Set( foregnd );
- else it.Set( backgnd );
- }
- }
- // Template function to copy image regions
- template <typename TImage>
- void
- CopyImageBuffer(
- TImage *input,
- TImage *output )
- {
- using Iterator = itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex<TImage>;
- Iterator inIt( input, output->GetBufferedRegion() );
- Iterator outIt( output, output->GetBufferedRegion() );
- for(; !inIt.IsAtEnd(); ++inIt, ++outIt)
- {
- outIt.Set( inIt.Get() );
- }
- }
- int itkDiffeomorphicDemonsRegistrationFilterTest(int argc, char * argv [] )
- {
- if( argc < 9 )
- {
- std::cerr << "Missing arguments" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "Usage:" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << argv[0] << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "GradientType [0=Symmetric,1=Fixed,2=WarpedMoving,3=MappedMoving]" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "UseFirstOrderExp [0=No,1=Yes]" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "Intensity Difference Threshold (double)" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "Maximum Update step length (double)" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "Maximum number of iterations (int)" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "Standard deviations (double)" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "Maximum error (double)" << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "Maximum kernel width (int)" << std::endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- using PixelType = unsigned char;
- enum {ImageDimension = 2};
- using ImageType = itk::Image<PixelType,ImageDimension>;
- using VectorType = itk::Vector<float,ImageDimension>;
- using FieldType = itk::Image<VectorType,ImageDimension>;
- using IndexType = ImageType::IndexType;
- using SizeType = ImageType::SizeType;
- using RegionType = ImageType::RegionType;
- using DirectionType = ImageType::DirectionType;
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- std::cout << "Generate input images and initial deformation field";
- std::cout << std::endl;
- ImageType::SizeValueType sizeArray[ImageDimension] = { 128, 128 };
- SizeType size;
- size.SetSize( sizeArray );
- IndexType index;
- index.Fill( 0 );
- RegionType region;
- region.SetSize( size );
- region.SetIndex( index );
- DirectionType direction;
- direction.SetIdentity();
- direction(1,1)=-1;
- ImageType::Pointer moving = ImageType::New();
- ImageType::Pointer fixed = ImageType::New();
- FieldType::Pointer initField = FieldType::New();
- moving->SetLargestPossibleRegion( region );
- moving->SetBufferedRegion( region );
- moving->Allocate();
- moving->SetDirection(direction);
- fixed->SetLargestPossibleRegion( region );
- fixed->SetBufferedRegion( region );
- fixed->Allocate();
- fixed->SetDirection(direction);
- initField->SetLargestPossibleRegion( region );
- initField->SetBufferedRegion( region );
- initField->Allocate();
- initField->SetDirection(direction);
- double center[ImageDimension];
- double radius;
- PixelType fgnd = 250;
- PixelType bgnd = 15;
- // fill moving with circle
- center[0] = 64; center[1] = 64; radius = 30;
- FillWithCircle<ImageType>( moving, center, radius, fgnd, bgnd );
- // fill fixed with circle
- center[0] = 62; center[1] = 64; radius = 30;
- FillWithCircle<ImageType>( fixed, center, radius, fgnd, bgnd );
- // fill initial deformation with zero vectors
- VectorType zeroVec;
- zeroVec.Fill( 0.0 );
- initField->FillBuffer( zeroVec );
- using CasterType = itk::VectorCastImageFilter<FieldType,FieldType>;
- CasterType::Pointer caster = CasterType::New();
- caster->SetInput( initField );
- caster->InPlaceOff();
- //-------------------------------------------------------------
- std::cout << "Run registration and warp moving" << std::endl;
- using RegistrationType = itk::DiffeomorphicDemonsRegistrationFilter<
- ImageType,ImageType,FieldType>;
- RegistrationType::Pointer registrator = RegistrationType::New();
- registrator->SetInitialDisplacementField( caster->GetOutput() );
- registrator->SetMovingImage( moving );
- registrator->SetFixedImage( fixed );
- const double intensityDifferenceThreshold = std::stod( argv[3] );
- const double maximumUpdateStepLength = std::stod( argv[4] );
- const unsigned int numberOfIterations = std::stoi( argv[5] );
- const double standardDeviations = std::stod( argv[6] );
- const double maximumError = std::stod( argv[7] );
- const unsigned int maximumKernelWidth = std::stoi( argv[8] );
- registrator->SetIntensityDifferenceThreshold( intensityDifferenceThreshold );
- registrator->SetMaximumUpdateStepLength( maximumUpdateStepLength );
- registrator->SetNumberOfIterations( numberOfIterations );
- registrator->SetStandardDeviations( standardDeviations );
- registrator->SetMaximumError( maximumError );
- registrator->SetMaximumKernelWidth( maximumKernelWidth );
- const int gradientType = std::stoi( argv[1] );
- using FunctionType = RegistrationType::DemonsRegistrationFunctionType;
- switch( gradientType )
- {
- case 0:
- registrator->SetUseGradientType( FunctionType::Symmetric );
- break;
- case 1:
- registrator->SetUseGradientType( FunctionType::Fixed );
- break;
- case 2:
- registrator->SetUseGradientType( FunctionType::WarpedMoving );
- break;
- case 3:
- registrator->SetUseGradientType( FunctionType::MappedMoving );
- break;
- }
- std::cout << "GradientType = " << registrator->GetUseGradientType() << std::endl;
- const int useFirstOrderExponential = std::stoi( argv[2] );
- if( useFirstOrderExponential == 0 )
- {
- registrator->SetUseFirstOrderExp( false );
- }
- else
- {
- registrator->SetUseFirstOrderExp( true );
- }
- // turn on inplace execution
- registrator->InPlaceOn();
- FunctionType * fptr;
- fptr = dynamic_cast<FunctionType *>(
- registrator->GetDifferenceFunction().GetPointer() );
- fptr->Print( std::cout );
- // exercise other member variables
- std::cout << "No. Iterations: " << registrator->GetNumberOfIterations() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Max. kernel error: " << registrator->GetMaximumError() << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Max. kernel width: " << registrator->GetMaximumKernelWidth() << std::endl;
- double v[ImageDimension];
- for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < ImageDimension; j++ )
- {
- v[j] = registrator->GetStandardDeviations()[j];
- }
- registrator->SetStandardDeviations( v );
- using ProgressType = DiffeomorphicDemonsShowProgressObject<RegistrationType>;
- ProgressType progressWatch(registrator);
- itk::SimpleMemberCommand<ProgressType>::Pointer command;
- command = itk::SimpleMemberCommand<ProgressType>::New();
- command->SetCallbackFunction(&progressWatch,
- &ProgressType::ShowProgress);
- registrator->AddObserver( itk::ProgressEvent(), command);
- // warp moving image
- using WarperType = itk::WarpImageFilter<ImageType,ImageType,FieldType>;
- WarperType::Pointer warper = WarperType::New();
- using CoordRepType = WarperType::CoordRepType;
- using InterpolatorType =
- itk::NearestNeighborInterpolateImageFunction<ImageType,CoordRepType>;
- InterpolatorType::Pointer interpolator = InterpolatorType::New();
- warper->SetInput( moving );
- warper->SetDisplacementField( registrator->GetOutput() );
- warper->SetInterpolator( interpolator );
- warper->SetOutputSpacing( fixed->GetSpacing() );
- warper->SetOutputOrigin( fixed->GetOrigin() );
- warper->SetOutputDirection( fixed->GetDirection() );
- warper->SetEdgePaddingValue( bgnd );
- warper->Print( std::cout );
- warper->Update();
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- std::cout << "Compare warped moving and fixed." << std::endl;
- // compare the warp and fixed images
- itk::ImageRegionIterator<ImageType> fixedIter( fixed,
- fixed->GetBufferedRegion() );
- itk::ImageRegionIterator<ImageType> warpedIter( warper->GetOutput(),
- fixed->GetBufferedRegion() );
- unsigned int numPixelsDifferent = 0;
- while( !fixedIter.IsAtEnd() )
- {
- if( fixedIter.Get() != warpedIter.Get() )
- {
- numPixelsDifferent++;
- }
- ++fixedIter;
- ++warpedIter;
- }
- using WriterType = itk::ImageFileWriter< ImageType >;
- WriterType::Pointer writer1 = WriterType::New();
- WriterType::Pointer writer2 = WriterType::New();
- WriterType::Pointer writer3 = WriterType::New();
- writer1->SetFileName("fixedImage.mha");
- writer2->SetFileName("movingImage.mha");
- writer3->SetFileName("registeredImage.mha");
- writer1->SetInput( fixed );
- writer2->SetInput( moving );
- writer3->SetInput( warper->GetOutput() );
- writer1->Update();
- writer2->Update();
- writer3->Update();
- std::cout << "Number of pixels different: " << numPixelsDifferent;
- std::cout << std::endl;
- const unsigned int maximumNumberOfDifferentPixels = std::stoi( argv[9] );
- if( numPixelsDifferent > maximumNumberOfDifferentPixels )
- {
- std::cout << "Test failed - too many pixels different." << std::endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- registrator->Print( std::cout );
- // -----------------------------------------------------------
- std::cout << "Test running registrator without initial deformation field.";
- std::cout << std::endl;
- bool passed = true;
- try
- {
- registrator->SetInput( nullptr );
- registrator->SetNumberOfIterations( 2 );
- registrator->Update();
- }
- catch( itk::ExceptionObject& err )
- {
- std::cout << "Unexpected error." << std::endl;
- std::cout << err << std::endl;
- passed = false;
- }
- if ( !passed )
- {
- std::cout << "Test failed" << std::endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------
- std::cout << "Test exception handling." << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Test nullptr moving image. " << std::endl;
- passed = false;
- try
- {
- registrator->SetInput( caster->GetOutput() );
- registrator->SetMovingImage( nullptr );
- registrator->Update();
- }
- catch( itk::ExceptionObject & err )
- {
- std::cout << "Caught expected error." << std::endl;
- std::cout << err << std::endl;
- passed = true;
- }
- if ( !passed )
- {
- std::cout << "Test failed" << std::endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- registrator->SetMovingImage( moving );
- registrator->ResetPipeline();
- std::cout << "Test nullptr moving image interpolator. " << std::endl;
- passed = false;
- try
- {
- fptr = dynamic_cast<FunctionType *>(
- registrator->GetDifferenceFunction().GetPointer() );
- fptr->SetMovingImageInterpolator( nullptr );
- registrator->SetInput( initField );
- registrator->Update();
- }
- catch( itk::ExceptionObject & err )
- {
- std::cout << "Caught expected error." << std::endl;
- std::cout << err << std::endl;
- passed = true;
- }
- if ( !passed )
- {
- std::cout << "Test failed" << std::endl;
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- std::cout << "Test passed" << std::endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }