C++ | 589 lines | 469 code | 100 blank | 20 comment | 80 complexity | 75a4c0db6733f7263ab12e9ef8b06f09 MD5 | raw file
- /*============================================================================
- MetaIO
- Copyright 2000-2010 Insight Software Consortium
- Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
- see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
- This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- See the License for more information.
- ============================================================================*/
- #include "metaTubeGraph.h"
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #pragma warning(disable:4702)
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <string>
- namespace METAIO_NAMESPACE {
- #endif
- /** MetaTubeGraph Constructors */
- MetaTubeGraph::
- MetaTubeGraph()
- :MetaObject()
- {
- {
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "MetaTubeGraph()" << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- }
- Clear();
- }
- MetaTubeGraph::
- MetaTubeGraph(const char *_headerName)
- :MetaObject()
- {
- {
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "MetaTubeGraph()" << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- }
- Clear();
- Read(_headerName);
- }
- MetaTubeGraph::
- MetaTubeGraph(const MetaTubeGraph *_tube)
- :MetaObject()
- {
- {
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "MetaTubeGraph()" << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- }
- Clear();
- CopyInfo(_tube);
- }
- MetaTubeGraph::
- MetaTubeGraph(unsigned int dim)
- :MetaObject(dim)
- {
- {
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "MetaTubeGraph()" << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- }
- Clear();
- }
- /** Destructor */
- MetaTubeGraph::
- ~MetaTubeGraph()
- {
- // Delete the list of pointers to tubes.
- PointListType::iterator it = m_PointList.begin();
- while(it != m_PointList.end())
- {
- TubeGraphPnt* pnt = *it;
- it++;
- delete pnt;
- }
- m_PointList.clear();
- M_Destroy();
- }
- //
- void MetaTubeGraph::
- PrintInfo() const
- {
- MetaObject::PrintInfo();
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "Root = " << m_Root << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "PointDim = " << m_PointDim << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "NPoints = " << m_NPoints << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- char str[255];
- MET_TypeToString(m_ElementType, str);
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "ElementType = " << str << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- }
- void MetaTubeGraph::
- CopyInfo(const MetaObject * _object)
- {
- MetaObject::CopyInfo(_object);
- }
- void MetaTubeGraph::
- PointDim(const char* pointDim)
- {
- strcpy(m_PointDim,pointDim);
- }
- const char* MetaTubeGraph::
- PointDim(void) const
- {
- return m_PointDim;
- }
- void MetaTubeGraph::
- NPoints(int npnt)
- {
- m_NPoints = npnt;
- }
- int MetaTubeGraph::
- NPoints(void) const
- {
- return m_NPoints;
- }
- void MetaTubeGraph::
- Root(int root)
- {
- m_Root = root;
- }
- int MetaTubeGraph::
- Root(void) const
- {
- return m_Root;
- }
- /** Clear tube information */
- void MetaTubeGraph::
- Clear(void)
- {
- {
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "MetaTubeGraph: Clear" << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- }
- MetaObject::Clear();
- // Delete the list of pointers to tubes.
- PointListType::iterator it = m_PointList.begin();
- while(it != m_PointList.end())
- {
- TubeGraphPnt* pnt = *it;
- it++;
- delete pnt;
- }
- m_PointList.clear();
- m_Root = 0;
- m_NPoints = 0;
- strcpy(m_PointDim, "Node r p txx txy txz tyx tyy tyz tzx tzy tzz");
- m_ElementType = MET_FLOAT;
- }
- /** Destroy tube information */
- void MetaTubeGraph::
- M_Destroy(void)
- {
- MetaObject::M_Destroy();
- }
- /** Set Read fields */
- void MetaTubeGraph::
- M_SetupReadFields(void)
- {
- {
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "MetaTubeGraph: M_SetupReadFields"
- << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- }
- MetaObject::M_SetupReadFields();
- MET_FieldRecordType * mF;
- mF = new MET_FieldRecordType;
- MET_InitReadField(mF, "Root", MET_INT, false);
- m_Fields.push_back(mF);
- mF = new MET_FieldRecordType;
- MET_InitReadField(mF, "PointDim", MET_STRING, true);
- m_Fields.push_back(mF);
- mF = new MET_FieldRecordType;
- MET_InitReadField(mF, "NPoints", MET_INT, true);
- m_Fields.push_back(mF);
- mF = new MET_FieldRecordType;
- MET_InitReadField(mF, "Points", MET_NONE, true);
- mF->terminateRead = true;
- m_Fields.push_back(mF);
- }
- void MetaTubeGraph::
- M_SetupWriteFields(void)
- {
- strcpy(m_ObjectTypeName,"TubeGraph");
- MetaObject::M_SetupWriteFields();
- MET_FieldRecordType * mF;
- FieldsContainerType::iterator it;
- mF = MET_GetFieldRecord("TransformMatrix",&m_Fields);
- it = m_Fields.begin();
- while(it != m_Fields.end())
- {
- if(*it == mF)
- {
- m_Fields.erase(it);
- break;
- }
- it++;
- }
- mF = MET_GetFieldRecord("Offset",&m_Fields);
- it = m_Fields.begin();
- while(it != m_Fields.end())
- {
- if(*it == mF)
- {
- m_Fields.erase(it);
- break;
- }
- it++;
- }
- mF = MET_GetFieldRecord("ElementSpacing",&m_Fields);
- it = m_Fields.begin();
- while(it != m_Fields.end())
- {
- if(*it == mF)
- {
- m_Fields.erase(it);
- break;
- }
- it++;
- }
- mF = MET_GetFieldRecord("CenterOfRotation",&m_Fields);
- it = m_Fields.begin();
- while(it != m_Fields.end())
- {
- if(*it == mF)
- {
- m_Fields.erase(it);
- break;
- }
- it++;
- }
- if(m_Root>0)
- {
- mF = new MET_FieldRecordType;
- MET_InitWriteField(mF, "Root", MET_INT,m_Root);
- m_Fields.push_back(mF);
- }
- if(strlen(m_PointDim)>0)
- {
- mF = new MET_FieldRecordType;
- MET_InitWriteField(mF, "PointDim", MET_STRING,
- strlen(m_PointDim),m_PointDim);
- m_Fields.push_back(mF);
- }
- m_NPoints = (int)m_PointList.size();
- mF = new MET_FieldRecordType;
- MET_InitWriteField(mF, "NPoints", MET_INT,m_NPoints);
- m_Fields.push_back(mF);
- mF = new MET_FieldRecordType;
- MET_InitWriteField(mF, "Points", MET_NONE);
- m_Fields.push_back(mF);
- }
- bool MetaTubeGraph::
- M_Read(void)
- {
- {
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "MetaTubeGraph: M_Read: Loading Header"
- << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- }
- if(!MetaObject::M_Read())
- {
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "MetaTubeGraph: M_Read: Error parsing file"
- << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- return false;
- }
- {
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "MetaTubeGraph: M_Read: Parsing Header"
- << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- }
- MET_FieldRecordType * mF;
- mF = MET_GetFieldRecord("Root", &m_Fields);
- if(mF->defined)
- {
- m_Root= (int)mF->value[0];
- }
- mF = MET_GetFieldRecord("NPoints", &m_Fields);
- if(mF->defined)
- {
- m_NPoints= (int)mF->value[0];
- }
- mF = MET_GetFieldRecord("PointDim", &m_Fields);
- if(mF->defined)
- {
- strcpy(m_PointDim,(char *)(mF->value));
- }
- int i;
- int posR = -1;
- int posP = -1;
- int posTx = -1;
- int posGraphNode = -1;
- int pntDim;
- char** pntVal = NULL;
- MET_StringToWordArray(m_PointDim, &pntDim, &pntVal);
- {
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "MetaTubeGraph: Parsing point dim"
- << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- }
- unsigned int j;
- for(j = 0; j < (unsigned int)pntDim; j++)
- {
- if(!strcmp(pntVal[j], "node") || !strcmp(pntVal[j], "Node"))
- {
- posGraphNode = j;
- }
- if(!strcmp(pntVal[j], "s") || !strcmp(pntVal[j], "S") ||
- !strcmp(pntVal[j], "r") || !strcmp(pntVal[j], "R") ||
- !strcmp(pntVal[j], "rad") || !strcmp(pntVal[j], "Rad") ||
- !strcmp(pntVal[j], "radius") || !strcmp(pntVal[j], "Radius"))
- {
- posR = j;
- }
- if(!strcmp(pntVal[j], "p") || !strcmp(pntVal[j], "P"))
- {
- posP = j;
- }
- if(!strcmp(pntVal[j], "txx"))
- {
- posTx = j;
- }
- }
- for(i=0;i<pntDim;i++)
- {
- delete [] pntVal[i];
- }
- delete [] pntVal;
- float v[30];
- if(m_Event)
- {
- m_Event->StartReading(m_NPoints);
- }
- if(m_BinaryData)
- {
- int elementSize;
- MET_SizeOfType(m_ElementType, &elementSize);
- int readSize = m_NPoints*pntDim*elementSize;
- char* _data = new char[readSize];
- m_ReadStream->read((char *)_data, readSize);
- int gc = m_ReadStream->gcount();
- if(gc != readSize)
- {
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "MetaLine: m_Read: data not read completely"
- << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << " ideal = " << readSize << " : actual = " << gc
- << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- return false;
- }
- double td;
- for(j=0; j<(unsigned int)m_NPoints; j++)
- {
- TubeGraphPnt* pnt = new TubeGraphPnt(m_NDims);
- MET_ValueToDouble(m_ElementType,_data,posGraphNode,&td);
- pnt->m_GraphNode=(int)td;
- if(posR != -1)
- {
- MET_ValueToDouble(m_ElementType, _data, posR, &td);
- pnt->m_R = (float)td;
- }
- if(posP != -1)
- {
- MET_ValueToDouble(m_ElementType, _data, posP, &td);
- pnt->m_P = (float)td;
- }
- if(posTx != -1)
- {
- for(int r=0; r<m_NDims*m_NDims; r++)
- {
- MET_ValueToDouble(m_ElementType, _data, posTx+r, &td);
- pnt->m_T[r] = (float)td;
- }
- }
- m_PointList.push_back(pnt);
- }
- delete [] _data;
- }
- else
- {
- for(j=0; j<(unsigned int)m_NPoints; j++)
- {
- if(m_Event)
- {
- m_Event->SetCurrentIteration(j+1);
- }
- TubeGraphPnt* pnt = new TubeGraphPnt(m_NDims);
- for(int k=0; k<pntDim; k++)
- {
- *m_ReadStream >> v[k];
- m_ReadStream->get();
- }
- pnt->m_GraphNode = (int)v[posGraphNode];
- if(posR != -1)
- {
- pnt->m_R = v[posR];
- }
- if(posP != -1)
- {
- pnt->m_P = v[posP];
- }
- if(posTx >= 0 && posTx<pntDim)
- {
- for(int r=0; r<m_NDims*m_NDims; r++)
- {
- pnt->m_T[r] = v[posTx+r];
- }
- }
- m_PointList.push_back(pnt);
- }
- char c = ' ';
- while( (c!='\n') && (!m_ReadStream->eof()))
- {
- c = m_ReadStream->get();// to avoid unrecognize charactere
- }
- }
- if(m_Event)
- {
- m_Event->StopReading();
- }
- return true;
- }
- MET_ValueEnumType MetaTubeGraph::
- ElementType(void) const
- {
- return m_ElementType;
- }
- void MetaTubeGraph::
- ElementType(MET_ValueEnumType _elementType)
- {
- m_ElementType = _elementType;
- }
- bool MetaTubeGraph::
- M_Write(void)
- {
- if(!MetaObject::M_Write())
- {
- METAIO_STREAM::cout << "MetaTubeGraph: M_Read: Error parsing file"
- << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- return false;
- }
- /** Then copy all tubes points */
- if(m_BinaryData)
- {
- PointListType::const_iterator it = m_PointList.begin();
- PointListType::const_iterator itEnd = m_PointList.end();
- int elementSize;
- MET_SizeOfType(m_ElementType, &elementSize);
- char* data = new char[(m_NDims*m_NDims+3)*m_NPoints*elementSize];
- int i=0;
- int d;
- while(it != itEnd)
- {
- MET_DoubleToValue((double)(*it)->m_GraphNode,m_ElementType,data,i++);
- MET_DoubleToValue((double)(*it)->m_R,m_ElementType,data,i++);
- MET_DoubleToValue((double)(*it)->m_P,m_ElementType,data,i++);
- for(d = 0; d < m_NDims*m_NDims; d++)
- {
- MET_DoubleToValue((double)(*it)->m_T[d],m_ElementType,data,i++);
- }
- it++;
- }
- m_WriteStream->write((char *)data,
- (m_NDims*m_NDims+3)*m_NPoints*elementSize);
- m_WriteStream->write("\n",1);
- delete [] data;
- }
- else
- {
- PointListType::const_iterator it = m_PointList.begin();
- PointListType::const_iterator itEnd = m_PointList.end();
- int d;
- while(it != itEnd)
- {
- *m_WriteStream << (*it)->m_GraphNode << " ";
- *m_WriteStream << (*it)->m_R << " ";
- *m_WriteStream << (*it)->m_P << " ";
- for(d = 0; d < m_NDims*m_NDims; d++)
- {
- *m_WriteStream << (*it)->m_T[d] << " ";
- }
- *m_WriteStream << METAIO_STREAM::endl;
- it++;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
- #endif