https://github.com/luisibanez/ITK · C · 378 lines · 205 code · 39 blank · 134 comment · 61 complexity · 037519c2d9e6c21064ceb917a7851173 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- *
- * Author: Advisor:
- * Kenneth S. Kundert Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
- * UC Berkeley
- */
- /*! \file
- *
- * This file contains the output-to-file and output-to-screen routines for
- * the matrix package.
- *
- * Objects that begin with the \a spc prefix are considered private
- * and should not be used.
- *
- * \author
- * Kenneth S. Kundert <kundert@users.sourceforge.net>
- */
- /* >>> User accessible functions contained in this file:
- * spPrint
- * spFileMatrix
- * spFileVector
- * spFileStats
- *
- * >>> Other functions contained in this file:
- */
- /*
- * Revision and copyright information.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1985-2003
- * by Kenneth S. Kundert
- */
- #if 0
- static char copyright[] =
- "Sparse1.4: Copyright (c) 1985-2003 by Kenneth S. Kundert";
- #endif
- /*
- Removed File IO routines to get rid of fopen warnings - JLM
- */
- /*
- *
- * >>> Import descriptions:
- * spConfig.h
- * Macros that customize the sparse matrix routines.
- * spMatrix.h
- * Macros and declarations to be imported by the user.
- * spDefs.h
- * Matrix type and macro definitions for the sparse matrix routines.
- */
- #define spINSIDE_SPARSE
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "spConfig.h"
- #include "spMatrix.h"
- #include "spDefs.h"
- /*!
- * Formats and send the matrix to standard output. Some elementary
- * statistics are also output. The matrix is output in a format that is
- * readable by people.
- *
- * \param eMatrix
- * Pointer to matrix.
- * \param PrintReordered
- * Indicates whether the matrix should be printed out in its original
- * form, as input by the user, or whether it should be printed in its
- * reordered form, as used by the matrix routines. A zero indicates that
- * the matrix should be printed as inputed, a one indicates that it
- * should be printed reordered.
- * \param Data
- * Boolean flag that when false indicates that output should be
- * compressed such that only the existence of an element should be
- * indicated rather than giving the actual value. Thus 11 times as
- * many can be printed on a row. A zero signifies that the matrix
- * should be printed compressed. A one indicates that the matrix
- * should be printed in all its glory.
- * \param Header
- * Flag indicating that extra information should be given, such as row
- * and column numbers.
- */
- /* >>> Local variables:
- * Col (int)
- * Column being printed.
- * ElementCount (int)
- * Variable used to count the number of nonzero elements in the matrix.
- * LargestElement (RealNumber)
- * The magnitude of the largest element in the matrix.
- * LargestDiag (RealNumber)
- * The magnitude of the largest diagonal in the matrix.
- * Magnitude (RealNumber)
- * The absolute value of the matrix element being printed.
- * PrintOrdToIntColMap (int [])
- * A translation array that maps the order that columns will be
- * printed in (if not PrintReordered) to the internal column numbers.
- * PrintOrdToIntRowMap (int [])
- * A translation array that maps the order that rows will be
- * printed in (if not PrintReordered) to the internal row numbers.
- * pElement (ElementPtr)
- * Pointer to the element in the matrix that is to be printed.
- * pImagElements (ElementPtr [ ])
- * Array of pointers to elements in the matrix. These pointers point
- * to the elements whose real values have just been printed. They are
- * used to quickly access those same elements so their imaginary values
- * can be printed.
- * Row (int)
- * Row being printed.
- * Size (int)
- * The size of the matrix.
- * SmallestDiag (RealNumber)
- * The magnitude of the smallest diagonal in the matrix.
- * SmallestElement (RealNumber)
- * The magnitude of the smallest element in the matrix excluding zero
- * elements.
- * StartCol (int)
- * The column number of the first column to be printed in the group of
- * columns currently being printed.
- * StopCol (int)
- * The column number of the last column to be printed in the group of
- * columns currently being printed.
- * Top (int)
- * The largest expected external row or column number.
- */
- void
- spPrint(
- spMatrix eMatrix,
- int PrintReordered,
- int Data,
- int Header
- )
- {
- MatrixPtr Matrix = (MatrixPtr)eMatrix;
- register int J = 0;
- int I, Row, Col, Size, Top, StartCol = 1, StopCol, Columns, ElementCount = 0;
- double Magnitude, SmallestDiag, SmallestElement;
- double LargestElement = 0.0, LargestDiag = 0.0;
- ElementPtr pElement, pImagElements[PRINTER_WIDTH/10+1];
- int *PrintOrdToIntRowMap, *PrintOrdToIntColMap;
- /* Begin `spPrint'. */
- Size = Matrix->Size;
- /* Create a packed external to internal row and column translation array. */
- Top = Matrix->AllocatedExtSize;
- #else
- Top = Matrix->AllocatedSize;
- #endif
- CALLOC( PrintOrdToIntRowMap, int, Top + 1 );
- CALLOC( PrintOrdToIntColMap, int, Top + 1 );
- if ( PrintOrdToIntRowMap == NULL OR PrintOrdToIntColMap == NULL)
- { Matrix->Error = spNO_MEMORY;
- return;
- }
- for (I = 1; I <= Size; I++)
- { PrintOrdToIntRowMap[ Matrix->IntToExtRowMap[I] ] = I;
- PrintOrdToIntColMap[ Matrix->IntToExtColMap[I] ] = I;
- }
- /* Pack the arrays. */
- for (J = 1, I = 1; I <= Top; I++)
- { if (PrintOrdToIntRowMap[I] != 0)
- PrintOrdToIntRowMap[ J++ ] = PrintOrdToIntRowMap[ I ];
- }
- for (J = 1, I = 1; I <= Top; I++)
- { if (PrintOrdToIntColMap[I] != 0)
- PrintOrdToIntColMap[ J++ ] = PrintOrdToIntColMap[ I ];
- }
- /* Print header. */
- if (Header)
- { printf("MATRIX SUMMARY\n\n");
- printf("Size of matrix = %1d x %1d.\n", Size, Size);
- if ( Matrix->Reordered AND PrintReordered )
- printf("Matrix has been reordered.\n");
- putchar('\n');
- if ( Matrix->Factored )
- printf("Matrix after factorization:\n");
- else
- printf("Matrix before factorization:\n");
- SmallestElement = LARGEST_REAL;
- SmallestDiag = SmallestElement;
- }
- if (Size == 0) return;
- /* Determine how many columns to use. */
- Columns = PRINTER_WIDTH;
- if (Header) Columns -= 5;
- if (Data) Columns = (Columns+1) / 10;
- /*
- * Print matrix by printing groups of complete columns until all the columns
- * are printed.
- */
- J = 0;
- while ( J <= Size )
- /* Calculate index of last column to printed in this group. */
- { StopCol = StartCol + Columns - 1;
- if (StopCol > Size)
- StopCol = Size;
- /* Label the columns. */
- if (Header)
- { if (Data)
- { printf(" ");
- for (I = StartCol; I <= StopCol; I++)
- { if (PrintReordered)
- Col = I;
- else
- Col = PrintOrdToIntColMap[I];
- printf(" %9d", Matrix->IntToExtColMap[ Col ]);
- }
- printf("\n\n");
- }
- else
- { if (PrintReordered)
- printf("Columns %1d to %1d.\n",StartCol,StopCol);
- else
- { printf("Columns %1d to %1d.\n",
- Matrix->IntToExtColMap[ PrintOrdToIntColMap[StartCol] ],
- Matrix->IntToExtColMap[ PrintOrdToIntColMap[StopCol] ]);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Print every row ... */
- for (I = 1; I <= Size; I++)
- { if (PrintReordered)
- Row = I;
- else
- Row = PrintOrdToIntRowMap[I];
- if (Header)
- { if (PrintReordered AND NOT Data)
- printf("%4d", I);
- else
- printf("%4d", Matrix->IntToExtRowMap[ Row ]);
- if (NOT Data) putchar(' ');
- }
- /* ... in each column of the group. */
- for (J = StartCol; J <= StopCol; J++)
- { if (PrintReordered)
- Col = J;
- else
- Col = PrintOrdToIntColMap[J];
- pElement = Matrix->FirstInCol[Col];
- while(pElement != NULL AND pElement->Row != Row)
- pElement = pElement->NextInCol;
- if (Data)
- pImagElements[J - StartCol] = pElement;
- if (pElement != NULL)
- /* Case where element exists */
- { if (Data)
- printf(" %9.3g", (double)pElement->Real);
- else
- putchar('x');
- /* Update status variables */
- if ( (Magnitude = ELEMENT_MAG(pElement)) > LargestElement )
- LargestElement = Magnitude;
- if ((Magnitude < SmallestElement) AND (Magnitude != 0.0))
- SmallestElement = Magnitude;
- ElementCount++;
- }
- /* Case where element is structurally zero */
- else
- { if (Data)
- printf(" ...");
- else
- putchar('.');
- }
- }
- putchar('\n');
- #if spCOMPLEX
- if (Matrix->Complex AND Data)
- { if (Header)
- printf(" ");
- for (J = StartCol; J <= StopCol; J++)
- { if (pImagElements[J - StartCol] != NULL)
- { printf(" %8.2gj",
- (double)pImagElements[J-StartCol]->Imag);
- }
- else printf(" ");
- }
- putchar('\n');
- }
- #endif /* spCOMPLEX */
- }
- /* Calculate index of first column in next group. */
- StartCol = StopCol;
- StartCol++;
- putchar('\n');
- }
- if (Header)
- { printf("\nLargest element in matrix = %-1.4g.\n", LargestElement);
- printf("Smallest element in matrix = %-1.4g.\n", SmallestElement);
- /* Search for largest and smallest diagonal values */
- for (I = 1; I <= Size; I++)
- { if (Matrix->Diag[I] != NULL)
- { Magnitude = ELEMENT_MAG( Matrix->Diag[I] );
- if ( Magnitude > LargestDiag ) LargestDiag = Magnitude;
- if ( Magnitude < SmallestDiag ) SmallestDiag = Magnitude;
- }
- }
- /* Print the largest and smallest diagonal values */
- if ( Matrix->Factored )
- { printf("\nLargest diagonal element = %-1.4g.\n", LargestDiag);
- printf("Smallest diagonal element = %-1.4g.\n", SmallestDiag);
- }
- else
- { printf("\nLargest pivot element = %-1.4g.\n", LargestDiag);
- printf("Smallest pivot element = %-1.4g.\n", SmallestDiag);
- }
- /* Calculate and print sparsity and number of fill-ins created. */
- printf("\nDensity = %2.2f%%.\n", ((double)ElementCount * 100.0)
- / (((double)Size * (double)Size)));
- if (NOT Matrix->NeedsOrdering)
- printf("Number of fill-ins = %1d.\n", Matrix->Fillins);
- }
- putchar('\n');
- (void)fflush(stdout);
- FREE(PrintOrdToIntColMap);
- FREE(PrintOrdToIntRowMap);
- return;
- }
- #endif /* DOCUMENTATION */
- /* Added to export the row and column maps to convert the
- internal matrix to an external form - JLM */
- void
- spRowColOrder(
- spMatrix eMatrix,
- int* OrdToIntRowMap,
- int* OrdToIntColMap
- )
- {
- MatrixPtr Matrix = (MatrixPtr)eMatrix;
- int I, Size;
- Size = Matrix->Size;
- if ( OrdToIntRowMap == NULL OR OrdToIntColMap == NULL)
- { Matrix->Error = spNO_MEMORY;
- return;
- }
- for (I = 1; I <= Size; I++)
- { OrdToIntRowMap[ Matrix->IntToExtRowMap[I] ] = I;
- OrdToIntColMap[ Matrix->IntToExtColMap[I] ] = I;
- }
- }