Ruby | 361 lines | 292 code | 55 blank | 14 comment | 3 complexity | 2e8dea1a26acd37c94b453e9744a03a3 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env ruby
- #---
- # Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 by Jim Weirich (jim@weirichhouse.org).
- # All rights reserved.
- # Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution,
- # and distribution of modified versions of this work as long as the
- # above copyright notice is included.
- #+++
- require 'test/unit'
- require 'fileutils'
- require 'flexmock'
- class TestStubbing < Test::Unit::TestCase
- include FlexMock::TestCase
- class Dog
- def bark
- :woof
- end
- def Dog.create
- :new_dog
- end
- end
- class DogPlus < Dog
- def should_receive
- :dog_should
- end
- def new_instances
- :dog_new
- end
- def by_default
- :dog_by_default
- end
- end
- def test_stub_command_add_behavior_to_arbitrary_objects
- obj = Object.new
- flexmock(obj).should_receive(:hi).once.and_return(:stub_hi)
- assert_equal :stub_hi, obj.hi
- end
- def test_stub_command_can_configure_via_block
- obj = Object.new
- flexmock(obj) do |m|
- m.should_receive(:hi).once.and_return(:stub_hi)
- end
- assert_equal :stub_hi, obj.hi
- end
- def test_stubbed_methods_can_take_blocks
- obj = Object.new
- flexmock(obj).should_receive(:with_block).once.with(Proc).
- and_return { |block| block.call }
- assert_equal :block, obj.with_block { :block }
- end
- def test_multiple_stubs_on_the_same_object_reuse_the_same_partial_mock
- obj = Object.new
- assert_equal flexmock(obj), flexmock(obj)
- end
- def test_multiple_methods_can_be_stubbed
- dog = Dog.new
- flexmock(dog).should_receive(:bark).and_return(:grrrr)
- flexmock(dog).should_receive(:wag).and_return(:happy)
- assert_equal :grrrr, dog.bark
- assert_equal :happy, dog.wag
- end
- def test_original_behavior_can_be_restored
- dog = Dog.new
- partial_mock = flexmock(dog)
- partial_mock.should_receive(:bark).once.and_return(:growl)
- assert_equal :growl, dog.bark
- partial_mock.flexmock_teardown
- assert_equal :woof, dog.bark
- assert_equal nil, dog.instance_variable_get("@flexmock_proxy")
- end
- def test_original_missing_behavior_can_be_restored
- obj = Object.new
- partial_mock = flexmock(obj)
- partial_mock.should_receive(:hi).once.and_return(:ok)
- assert_equal :ok, obj.hi
- partial_mock.flexmock_teardown
- assert_raise(NoMethodError) { obj.hi }
- end
- def test_multiple_stubs_on_single_method_can_be_restored_missing_method
- obj = Object.new
- partial_mock = flexmock(obj)
- partial_mock.should_receive(:hi).with(1).once.and_return(:ok)
- partial_mock.should_receive(:hi).with(2).once.and_return(:ok)
- assert_equal :ok, obj.hi(1)
- assert_equal :ok, obj.hi(2)
- partial_mock.flexmock_teardown
- assert_raise(NoMethodError) { obj.hi }
- end
- def test_original_behavior_is_restored_when_multiple_methods_are_mocked
- dog = Dog.new
- flexmock(dog).should_receive(:bark).and_return(:grrrr)
- flexmock(dog).should_receive(:wag).and_return(:happy)
- flexmock(dog).flexmock_teardown
- assert_equal :woof, dog.bark
- assert_raise(NoMethodError) { dog.wag }
- end
- def test_original_behavior_is_restored_on_class_objects
- flexmock(Dog).should_receive(:create).once.and_return(:new_stub)
- assert_equal :new_stub, Dog.create
- flexmock(Dog).flexmock_teardown
- assert_equal :new_dog, Dog.create
- end
- def test_original_behavior_is_restored_on_singleton_methods
- obj = Object.new
- def obj.hi() :hello end
- flexmock(obj).should_receive(:hi).once.and_return(:hola)
- assert_equal :hola, obj.hi
- flexmock(obj).flexmock_teardown
- assert_equal :hello, obj.hi
- end
- def test_original_behavior_is_restored_on_singleton_methods_with_multiple_stubs
- obj = Object.new
- def obj.hi(n) "hello#{n}" end
- flexmock(obj).should_receive(:hi).with(1).once.and_return(:hola)
- flexmock(obj).should_receive(:hi).with(2).once.and_return(:hola)
- assert_equal :hola, obj.hi(1)
- assert_equal :hola, obj.hi(2)
- flexmock(obj).flexmock_teardown
- assert_equal "hello3", obj.hi(3)
- end
- def test_original_behavior_is_restored_on_nonsingleton_methods_with_multiple_stubs
- flexmock(Dir).should_receive(:chdir).with("xx").once.and_return(:ok1)
- flexmock(Dir).should_receive(:chdir).with("yy").once.and_return(:ok2)
- assert_equal :ok1, Dir.chdir("xx")
- assert_equal :ok2, Dir.chdir("yy")
- flexmock(Dir).flexmock_teardown
- x = :not_called
- Dir.chdir("test") do
- assert_match %r{/test$}, Dir.pwd
- x = :called
- end
- assert_equal :called, x
- end
- def test_stubbing_file_shouldnt_break_writing
- flexmock(File).should_receive(:open).with("foo").once.and_return(:ok)
- assert_equal :ok, File.open("foo")
- flexmock(File).flexmock_teardown
- File.open("dummy.txt", "w") do |out|
- assert out.is_a?(IO)
- out.puts "XYZ"
- end
- text = nil
- File.open("dummy.txt") { |f| text = f.read }
- assert_equal "XYZ\n", text
- ensure
- FileUtils.rm_f("dummy.txt")
- end
- def test_original_behavior_is_restored_even_when_errors
- flexmock(Dog).should_receive(:create).once.and_return(:mock)
- flexmock_teardown rescue nil
- assert_equal :new_dog, Dog.create
- # Now disable the mock so that it doesn't cause errors on normal
- # test teardown
- m = flexmock(Dog).flexmock_get
- def m.flexmock_verify() end
- end
- def test_not_calling_stubbed_method_is_an_error
- dog = Dog.new
- flexmock(dog).should_receive(:bark).once
- assert_raise(Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError) {
- flexmock(dog).flexmock_verify
- }
- dog.bark
- end
- def test_mock_is_verified_when_the_stub_is_verified
- obj = Object.new
- partial_mock = flexmock(obj)
- partial_mock.should_receive(:hi).once.and_return(:ok)
- assert_raise(Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError) {
- partial_mock.flexmock_verify
- }
- end
- def test_stub_can_have_explicit_name
- obj = Object.new
- partial_mock = flexmock(obj, "Charlie")
- assert_equal "Charlie", partial_mock.flexmock_get.flexmock_name
- end
- def test_unamed_stub_will_use_default_naming_convention
- obj = Object.new
- partial_mock = flexmock(obj)
- assert_equal "flexmock(Object)", partial_mock.flexmock_get.flexmock_name
- end
- def test_partials_can_be_defined_in_a_block
- dog = Dog.new
- flexmock(dog) do |m|
- m.should_receive(:bark).and_return(:growl)
- end
- assert_equal :growl, dog.bark
- end
- def test_partials_defining_block_return_real_obj_not_proxy
- dog = flexmock(Dog.new) do |m|
- m.should_receive(:bark).and_return(:growl)
- end
- assert_equal :growl, dog.bark
- end
- def test_partial_mocks_always_return_domain_object
- dog = Dog.new
- assert_equal dog, flexmock(dog)
- assert_equal dog, flexmock(dog) { }
- end
- :should_receive, :new_instances,
- :flexmock_get, :flexmock_teardown, :flexmock_verify,
- ]
- def test_domain_objects_do_not_have_mock_methods
- dog = Dog.new
- MOCK_METHOD_SUBSET.each do |sym|
- assert ! dog.respond_to?(sym), "should not have :#{sym} defined"
- end
- end
- def test_partial_mocks_have_mock_methods
- dog = Dog.new
- flexmock(dog)
- MOCK_METHOD_SUBSET.each do |sym|
- assert dog.respond_to?(sym), "should have :#{sym} defined"
- end
- end
- def test_partial_mocks_do_not_have_mock_methods_after_teardown
- dog = Dog.new
- flexmock(dog)
- dog.flexmock_teardown
- MOCK_METHOD_SUBSET.each do |sym|
- assert ! dog.respond_to?(sym), "should not have :#{sym} defined"
- end
- end
- def test_partial_mocks_with_mock_method_singleton_colision_have_original_defs_restored
- dog = Dog.new
- def dog.mock() :original end
- flexmock(dog)
- dog.flexmock_teardown
- assert_equal :original, dog.mock
- end
- class MockColision
- def mock
- :original
- end
- end
- def test_partial_mocks_with_mock_method_non_singleton_colision_have_original_defs_restored
- mc = MockColision.new
- flexmock(mc)
- mc.flexmock_teardown
- assert_equal :original, mc.mock
- end
- def test_safe_partial_mocks_do_not_support_mock_methods
- dog = Dog.new
- flexmock(:safe, dog) { }
- MOCK_METHOD_SUBSET.each do |sym|
- assert ! dog.respond_to?(sym), "should not have :#{sym} defined"
- end
- end
- def test_safe_partial_mocks_require_block
- dog = Dog.new
- ex = assert_raise(FlexMock::UsageError) { flexmock(:safe, dog) }
- end
- def test_safe_partial_mocks_are_actually_mocked
- dog = flexmock(:safe, Dog.new) { |m| m.should_receive(:bark => :mocked) }
- assert_equal :mocked, dog.bark
- end
- def test_should_receive_does_not_override_preexisting_def
- dog = flexmock(DogPlus.new)
- assert_equal :dog_new, dog.new_instances
- assert_equal :dog_by_default, dog.by_default
- end
- def test_should_receive_does_override_should_receive_preexisting_def
- dog = flexmock(DogPlus.new)
- assert_kind_of FlexMock::CompositeExpectation, dog.should_receive(:x)
- end
- class Liar
- def respond_to?(method_name)
- sym = method_name.to_sym
- if sym == :not_defined
- true
- else
- super(method_name)
- end
- end
- end
- def test_liar_actually_lies
- liar = Liar.new
- assert liar.respond_to?(:not_defined)
- assert_raise(NoMethodError) { liar.not_defined }
- end
- def test_partial_mock_where_respond_to_is_true_yet_method_is_not_there
- liar = Liar.new
- flexmock(liar, :not_defined => :xyzzy)
- assert_equal :xyzzy, liar.not_defined
- end
- # The following test was suggested by Pat Maddox for the RSpec
- # mocks. Evidently the (poorly implemented) == method caused issues
- # with RSpec Mock's internals. I'm just double checking for any
- # similar issues in FlexMock as well.
- class ValueObject
- attr_reader :val
- def initialize(val)
- @val = val
- end
- def ==(other)
- @val == other.val
- end
- end
- def test_partial_mocks_in_the_presense_of_equal_definition
- flexmock("existing obj", :foo => :foo)
- obj = ValueObject.new(:bar)
- flexmock(obj, :some_method => :some_method)
- end
- end