Ruby | 343 lines | 288 code | 55 blank | 0 comment | 2 complexity | 693147e71f6986e56888ffa5e8ed517e MD5 | raw file
- require 'test/helper'
- require 'aws/s3'
- class StorageTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def rails_env(env)
- silence_warnings do
- Object.const_set(:Rails, stub('Rails', :env => env))
- end
- end
- context "Parsing S3 credentials" do
- setup do
- AWS::S3::Base.stubs(:establish_connection!)
- rebuild_model :storage => :s3,
- :bucket => "testing",
- :s3_credentials => {:not => :important}
- @dummy = Dummy.new
- @avatar = @dummy.avatar
- end
- should "get the correct credentials when RAILS_ENV is production" do
- rails_env("production")
- assert_equal({:key => "12345"},
- @avatar.parse_credentials('production' => {:key => '12345'},
- :development => {:key => "54321"}))
- end
- should "get the correct credentials when RAILS_ENV is development" do
- rails_env("development")
- assert_equal({:key => "54321"},
- @avatar.parse_credentials('production' => {:key => '12345'},
- :development => {:key => "54321"}))
- end
- should "return the argument if the key does not exist" do
- rails_env("not really an env")
- assert_equal({:test => "12345"}, @avatar.parse_credentials(:test => "12345"))
- end
- end
- context "" do
- setup do
- AWS::S3::Base.stubs(:establish_connection!)
- rebuild_model :storage => :s3,
- :s3_credentials => {},
- :bucket => "bucket",
- :path => ":attachment/:basename.:extension",
- :url => ":s3_path_url"
- @dummy = Dummy.new
- @dummy.avatar = StringIO.new(".")
- end
- should "return a url based on an S3 path" do
- assert_match %r{^http://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket/avatars/stringio.txt}, @dummy.avatar.url
- end
- end
- context "" do
- setup do
- AWS::S3::Base.stubs(:establish_connection!)
- rebuild_model :storage => :s3,
- :s3_credentials => {},
- :bucket => "bucket",
- :path => ":attachment/:basename.:extension",
- :url => ":s3_domain_url"
- @dummy = Dummy.new
- @dummy.avatar = StringIO.new(".")
- end
- should "return a url based on an S3 subdomain" do
- assert_match %r{^http://bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/avatars/stringio.txt}, @dummy.avatar.url
- end
- end
- context "" do
- setup do
- AWS::S3::Base.stubs(:establish_connection!)
- rebuild_model :storage => :s3,
- :s3_credentials => {
- :production => { :bucket => "prod_bucket" },
- :development => { :bucket => "dev_bucket" }
- },
- :s3_host_alias => "something.something.com",
- :path => ":attachment/:basename.:extension",
- :url => ":s3_alias_url"
- @dummy = Dummy.new
- @dummy.avatar = StringIO.new(".")
- end
- should "return a url based on the host_alias" do
- assert_match %r{^http://something.something.com/avatars/stringio.txt}, @dummy.avatar.url
- end
- end
- context "Generating a url with an expiration" do
- setup do
- AWS::S3::Base.stubs(:establish_connection!)
- rebuild_model :storage => :s3,
- :s3_credentials => {
- :production => { :bucket => "prod_bucket" },
- :development => { :bucket => "dev_bucket" }
- },
- :s3_host_alias => "something.something.com",
- :path => ":attachment/:basename.:extension",
- :url => ":s3_alias_url"
- rails_env("production")
- @dummy = Dummy.new
- @dummy.avatar = StringIO.new(".")
- AWS::S3::S3Object.expects(:url_for).with("avatars/stringio.txt", "prod_bucket", { :expires_in => 3600 })
- @dummy.avatar.expiring_url
- end
- should "should succeed" do
- assert true
- end
- end
- context "Parsing S3 credentials with a bucket in them" do
- setup do
- AWS::S3::Base.stubs(:establish_connection!)
- rebuild_model :storage => :s3,
- :s3_credentials => {
- :production => { :bucket => "prod_bucket" },
- :development => { :bucket => "dev_bucket" }
- }
- @dummy = Dummy.new
- end
- should "get the right bucket in production" do
- rails_env("production")
- assert_equal "prod_bucket", @dummy.avatar.bucket_name
- end
- should "get the right bucket in development" do
- rails_env("development")
- assert_equal "dev_bucket", @dummy.avatar.bucket_name
- end
- end
- context "An attachment with S3 storage" do
- setup do
- rebuild_model :storage => :s3,
- :bucket => "testing",
- :path => ":attachment/:style/:basename.:extension",
- :s3_credentials => {
- 'access_key_id' => "12345",
- 'secret_access_key' => "54321"
- }
- end
- should "be extended by the S3 module" do
- assert Dummy.new.avatar.is_a?(Paperclip::Storage::S3)
- end
- should "not be extended by the Filesystem module" do
- assert ! Dummy.new.avatar.is_a?(Paperclip::Storage::Filesystem)
- end
- context "when assigned" do
- setup do
- @file = File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', '5k.png'), 'rb')
- @dummy = Dummy.new
- @dummy.avatar = @file
- end
- teardown { @file.close }
- should "not get a bucket to get a URL" do
- @dummy.avatar.expects(:s3).never
- @dummy.avatar.expects(:s3_bucket).never
- assert_match %r{^http://s3\.amazonaws\.com/testing/avatars/original/5k\.png}, @dummy.avatar.url
- end
- context "and saved" do
- setup do
- AWS::S3::S3Object.stubs(:store).with(@dummy.avatar.path, anything, 'testing', :content_type => 'image/png', :access => :public_read)
- @dummy.save
- end
- should "succeed" do
- assert true
- end
- end
- context "and remove" do
- setup do
- AWS::S3::S3Object.stubs(:exists?).returns(true)
- AWS::S3::S3Object.stubs(:delete)
- @dummy.destroy_attached_files
- end
- should "succeed" do
- assert true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- context "An attachment with S3 storage and bucket defined as a Proc" do
- setup do
- AWS::S3::Base.stubs(:establish_connection!)
- rebuild_model :storage => :s3,
- :bucket => lambda { |attachment| "bucket_#{attachment.instance.other}" },
- :s3_credentials => {:not => :important}
- end
- should "get the right bucket name" do
- assert "bucket_a", Dummy.new(:other => 'a').avatar.bucket_name
- assert "bucket_b", Dummy.new(:other => 'b').avatar.bucket_name
- end
- end
- context "An attachment with S3 storage and specific s3 headers set" do
- setup do
- AWS::S3::Base.stubs(:establish_connection!)
- rebuild_model :storage => :s3,
- :bucket => "testing",
- :path => ":attachment/:style/:basename.:extension",
- :s3_credentials => {
- 'access_key_id' => "12345",
- 'secret_access_key' => "54321"
- },
- :s3_headers => {'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=31557600'}
- end
- context "when assigned" do
- setup do
- @file = File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', '5k.png'), 'rb')
- @dummy = Dummy.new
- @dummy.avatar = @file
- end
- teardown { @file.close }
- context "and saved" do
- setup do
- AWS::S3::Base.stubs(:establish_connection!)
- AWS::S3::S3Object.stubs(:store).with(@dummy.avatar.path,
- anything,
- 'testing',
- :content_type => 'image/png',
- :access => :public_read,
- 'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=31557600')
- @dummy.save
- end
- should "succeed" do
- assert true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- context "with S3 credentials supplied as Pathname" do
- setup do
- ENV['S3_KEY'] = 'pathname_key'
- ENV['S3_BUCKET'] = 'pathname_bucket'
- ENV['S3_SECRET'] = 'pathname_secret'
- rails_env('test')
- rebuild_model :storage => :s3,
- :s3_credentials => Pathname.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__))).join("fixtures/s3.yml")
- Dummy.delete_all
- @dummy = Dummy.new
- end
- should "parse the credentials" do
- assert_equal 'pathname_bucket', @dummy.avatar.bucket_name
- assert_equal 'pathname_key', AWS::S3::Base.connection.options[:access_key_id]
- assert_equal 'pathname_secret', AWS::S3::Base.connection.options[:secret_access_key]
- end
- end
- context "with S3 credentials in a YAML file" do
- setup do
- ENV['S3_KEY'] = 'env_key'
- ENV['S3_BUCKET'] = 'env_bucket'
- ENV['S3_SECRET'] = 'env_secret'
- rails_env('test')
- rebuild_model :storage => :s3,
- :s3_credentials => File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "fixtures/s3.yml"))
- Dummy.delete_all
- @dummy = Dummy.new
- end
- should "run it the file through ERB" do
- assert_equal 'env_bucket', @dummy.avatar.bucket_name
- assert_equal 'env_key', AWS::S3::Base.connection.options[:access_key_id]
- assert_equal 'env_secret', AWS::S3::Base.connection.options[:secret_access_key]
- end
- end
- unless ENV["S3_TEST_BUCKET"].blank?
- context "Using S3 for real, an attachment with S3 storage" do
- setup do
- rebuild_model :styles => { :thumb => "100x100", :square => "32x32#" },
- :storage => :s3,
- :bucket => ENV["S3_TEST_BUCKET"],
- :path => ":class/:attachment/:id/:style.:extension",
- :s3_credentials => File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "s3.yml"))
- Dummy.delete_all
- @dummy = Dummy.new
- end
- should "be extended by the S3 module" do
- assert Dummy.new.avatar.is_a?(Paperclip::Storage::S3)
- end
- context "when assigned" do
- setup do
- @file = File.new(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', '5k.png'), 'rb')
- @dummy.avatar = @file
- end
- teardown { @file.close }
- should "still return a Tempfile when sent #to_file" do
- assert_equal Paperclip::Tempfile, @dummy.avatar.to_file.class
- end
- context "and saved" do
- setup do
- @dummy.save
- end
- should "be on S3" do
- assert true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end