Python | 524 lines | 405 code | 94 blank | 25 comment | 28 complexity | 3976ca4f9575adc9767928e70712bbd0 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-3-Clause
- from datetime import (
- datetime,
- timedelta,
- )
- import numpy as np
- import pytest
- from pandas._libs.tslibs.ccalendar import (
- )
- from pandas._libs.tslibs.period import INVALID_FREQ_ERR_MSG
- from pandas.compat import is_platform_windows
- from pandas import (
- DatetimeIndex,
- Index,
- Series,
- Timestamp,
- date_range,
- period_range,
- )
- import pandas._testing as tm
- from pandas.core.arrays import (
- DatetimeArray,
- TimedeltaArray,
- )
- from pandas.core.tools.datetimes import to_datetime
- import pandas.tseries.frequencies as frequencies
- import pandas.tseries.offsets as offsets
- @pytest.fixture(
- params=[
- (timedelta(1), "D"),
- (timedelta(hours=1), "H"),
- (timedelta(minutes=1), "T"),
- (timedelta(seconds=1), "S"),
- (np.timedelta64(1, "ns"), "N"),
- (timedelta(microseconds=1), "U"),
- (timedelta(microseconds=1000), "L"),
- ]
- )
- def base_delta_code_pair(request):
- return request.param
- freqs = (
- [f"Q-{month}" for month in MONTHS]
- + [f"{annual}-{month}" for annual in ["A", "BA"] for month in MONTHS]
- + ["M", "BM", "BMS"]
- + [f"WOM-{count}{day}" for count in range(1, 5) for day in DAYS]
- + [f"W-{day}" for day in DAYS]
- )
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("freq", freqs)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("periods", [5, 7])
- def test_infer_freq_range(periods, freq):
- freq = freq.upper()
- gen = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=periods, freq=freq)
- index = DatetimeIndex(gen.values)
- if not freq.startswith("Q-"):
- assert frequencies.infer_freq(index) == gen.freqstr
- else:
- inf_freq = frequencies.infer_freq(index)
- is_dec_range = inf_freq == "Q-DEC" and gen.freqstr in (
- "Q",
- "Q-DEC",
- "Q-SEP",
- "Q-JUN",
- "Q-MAR",
- )
- is_nov_range = inf_freq == "Q-NOV" and gen.freqstr in (
- "Q-NOV",
- "Q-AUG",
- "Q-MAY",
- "Q-FEB",
- )
- is_oct_range = inf_freq == "Q-OCT" and gen.freqstr in (
- "Q-OCT",
- "Q-JUL",
- "Q-APR",
- "Q-JAN",
- )
- assert is_dec_range or is_nov_range or is_oct_range
- def test_raise_if_period_index():
- index = period_range(start="1/1/1990", periods=20, freq="M")
- msg = "Check the `freq` attribute instead of using infer_freq"
- with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
- frequencies.infer_freq(index)
- def test_raise_if_too_few():
- index = DatetimeIndex(["12/31/1998", "1/3/1999"])
- msg = "Need at least 3 dates to infer frequency"
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
- frequencies.infer_freq(index)
- def test_business_daily():
- index = DatetimeIndex(["01/01/1999", "1/4/1999", "1/5/1999"])
- assert frequencies.infer_freq(index) == "B"
- def test_business_daily_look_alike():
- # see gh-16624
- #
- # Do not infer "B when "weekend" (2-day gap) in wrong place.
- index = DatetimeIndex(["12/31/1998", "1/3/1999", "1/4/1999"])
- assert frequencies.infer_freq(index) is None
- def test_day_corner():
- index = DatetimeIndex(["1/1/2000", "1/2/2000", "1/3/2000"])
- assert frequencies.infer_freq(index) == "D"
- def test_non_datetime_index():
- dates = to_datetime(["1/1/2000", "1/2/2000", "1/3/2000"])
- assert frequencies.infer_freq(dates) == "D"
- def test_fifth_week_of_month_infer():
- # see gh-9425
- #
- # Only attempt to infer up to WOM-4.
- index = DatetimeIndex(["2014-03-31", "2014-06-30", "2015-03-30"])
- assert frequencies.infer_freq(index) is None
- def test_week_of_month_fake():
- # All of these dates are on same day
- # of week and are 4 or 5 weeks apart.
- index = DatetimeIndex(["2013-08-27", "2013-10-01", "2013-10-29", "2013-11-26"])
- assert frequencies.infer_freq(index) != "WOM-4TUE"
- def test_fifth_week_of_month():
- # see gh-9425
- #
- # Only supports freq up to WOM-4.
- msg = (
- "Of the four parameters: start, end, periods, "
- "and freq, exactly three must be specified"
- )
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
- date_range("2014-01-01", freq="WOM-5MON")
- def test_monthly_ambiguous():
- rng = DatetimeIndex(["1/31/2000", "2/29/2000", "3/31/2000"])
- assert rng.inferred_freq == "M"
- def test_annual_ambiguous():
- rng = DatetimeIndex(["1/31/2000", "1/31/2001", "1/31/2002"])
- assert rng.inferred_freq == "A-JAN"
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("count", range(1, 5))
- def test_infer_freq_delta(base_delta_code_pair, count):
- b = Timestamp(datetime.now())
- base_delta, code = base_delta_code_pair
- inc = base_delta * count
- index = DatetimeIndex([b + inc * j for j in range(3)])
- exp_freq = f"{count:d}{code}" if count > 1 else code
- assert frequencies.infer_freq(index) == exp_freq
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "constructor",
- [
- lambda now, delta: DatetimeIndex(
- [now + delta * 7] + [now + delta * j for j in range(3)]
- ),
- lambda now, delta: DatetimeIndex(
- [now + delta * j for j in range(3)] + [now + delta * 7]
- ),
- ],
- )
- def test_infer_freq_custom(base_delta_code_pair, constructor):
- b = Timestamp(datetime.now())
- base_delta, _ = base_delta_code_pair
- index = constructor(b, base_delta)
- assert frequencies.infer_freq(index) is None
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "freq,expected", [("Q", "Q-DEC"), ("Q-NOV", "Q-NOV"), ("Q-OCT", "Q-OCT")]
- )
- def test_infer_freq_index(freq, expected):
- rng = period_range("1959Q2", "2009Q3", freq=freq)
- rng = Index(rng.to_timestamp("D", how="e").astype(object))
- assert rng.inferred_freq == expected
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "expected,dates",
- list(
- {
- "AS-JAN": ["2009-01-01", "2010-01-01", "2011-01-01", "2012-01-01"],
- "Q-OCT": ["2009-01-31", "2009-04-30", "2009-07-31", "2009-10-31"],
- "M": ["2010-11-30", "2010-12-31", "2011-01-31", "2011-02-28"],
- "W-SAT": ["2010-12-25", "2011-01-01", "2011-01-08", "2011-01-15"],
- "D": ["2011-01-01", "2011-01-02", "2011-01-03", "2011-01-04"],
- "H": [
- "2011-12-31 22:00",
- "2011-12-31 23:00",
- "2012-01-01 00:00",
- "2012-01-01 01:00",
- ],
- }.items()
- ),
- )
- def test_infer_freq_tz(tz_naive_fixture, expected, dates):
- # see gh-7310
- tz = tz_naive_fixture
- idx = DatetimeIndex(dates, tz=tz)
- assert idx.inferred_freq == expected
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "date_pair",
- [
- ["2013-11-02", "2013-11-5"], # Fall DST
- ["2014-03-08", "2014-03-11"], # Spring DST
- ["2014-01-01", "2014-01-03"], # Regular Time
- ],
- )
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "freq", ["H", "3H", "10T", "3601S", "3600001L", "3600000001U", "3600000000001N"]
- )
- def test_infer_freq_tz_transition(tz_naive_fixture, date_pair, freq):
- # see gh-8772
- tz = tz_naive_fixture
- idx = date_range(date_pair[0], date_pair[1], freq=freq, tz=tz)
- assert idx.inferred_freq == freq
- def test_infer_freq_tz_transition_custom():
- index = date_range("2013-11-03", periods=5, freq="3H").tz_localize(
- "America/Chicago"
- )
- assert index.inferred_freq is None
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "data,expected",
- [
- # Hourly freq in a day must result in "H"
- (
- [
- "2014-07-01 09:00",
- "2014-07-01 10:00",
- "2014-07-01 11:00",
- "2014-07-01 12:00",
- "2014-07-01 13:00",
- "2014-07-01 14:00",
- ],
- "H",
- ),
- (
- [
- "2014-07-01 09:00",
- "2014-07-01 10:00",
- "2014-07-01 11:00",
- "2014-07-01 12:00",
- "2014-07-01 13:00",
- "2014-07-01 14:00",
- "2014-07-01 15:00",
- "2014-07-01 16:00",
- "2014-07-02 09:00",
- "2014-07-02 10:00",
- "2014-07-02 11:00",
- ],
- "BH",
- ),
- (
- [
- "2014-07-04 09:00",
- "2014-07-04 10:00",
- "2014-07-04 11:00",
- "2014-07-04 12:00",
- "2014-07-04 13:00",
- "2014-07-04 14:00",
- "2014-07-04 15:00",
- "2014-07-04 16:00",
- "2014-07-07 09:00",
- "2014-07-07 10:00",
- "2014-07-07 11:00",
- ],
- "BH",
- ),
- (
- [
- "2014-07-04 09:00",
- "2014-07-04 10:00",
- "2014-07-04 11:00",
- "2014-07-04 12:00",
- "2014-07-04 13:00",
- "2014-07-04 14:00",
- "2014-07-04 15:00",
- "2014-07-04 16:00",
- "2014-07-07 09:00",
- "2014-07-07 10:00",
- "2014-07-07 11:00",
- "2014-07-07 12:00",
- "2014-07-07 13:00",
- "2014-07-07 14:00",
- "2014-07-07 15:00",
- "2014-07-07 16:00",
- "2014-07-08 09:00",
- "2014-07-08 10:00",
- "2014-07-08 11:00",
- "2014-07-08 12:00",
- "2014-07-08 13:00",
- "2014-07-08 14:00",
- "2014-07-08 15:00",
- "2014-07-08 16:00",
- ],
- "BH",
- ),
- ],
- )
- def test_infer_freq_business_hour(data, expected):
- # see gh-7905
- idx = DatetimeIndex(data)
- assert idx.inferred_freq == expected
- def test_not_monotonic():
- rng = DatetimeIndex(["1/31/2000", "1/31/2001", "1/31/2002"])
- rng = rng[::-1]
- assert rng.inferred_freq == "-1A-JAN"
- def test_non_datetime_index2():
- rng = DatetimeIndex(["1/31/2000", "1/31/2001", "1/31/2002"])
- vals = rng.to_pydatetime()
- result = frequencies.infer_freq(vals)
- assert result == rng.inferred_freq
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "idx", [tm.makeIntIndex(10), tm.makeFloatIndex(10), tm.makePeriodIndex(10)]
- )
- def test_invalid_index_types(idx):
- msg = "|".join(
- [
- "cannot infer freq from a non-convertible",
- "Check the `freq` attribute instead of using infer_freq",
- ]
- )
- with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
- frequencies.infer_freq(idx)
- @pytest.mark.skipif(is_platform_windows(), reason="see gh-10822: Windows issue")
- def test_invalid_index_types_unicode():
- # see gh-10822
- #
- # Odd error message on conversions to datetime for unicode.
- msg = "Unknown string format"
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
- frequencies.infer_freq(tm.makeStringIndex(10))
- def test_string_datetime_like_compat():
- # see gh-6463
- data = ["2004-01", "2004-02", "2004-03", "2004-04"]
- expected = frequencies.infer_freq(data)
- result = frequencies.infer_freq(Index(data))
- assert result == expected
- def test_series():
- # see gh-6407
- s = Series(date_range("20130101", "20130110"))
- inferred = frequencies.infer_freq(s)
- assert inferred == "D"
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("end", [10, 10.0])
- def test_series_invalid_type(end):
- # see gh-6407
- msg = "cannot infer freq from a non-convertible dtype on a Series"
- s = Series(np.arange(end))
- with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
- frequencies.infer_freq(s)
- def test_series_inconvertible_string():
- # see gh-6407
- msg = "Unknown string format"
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
- frequencies.infer_freq(Series(["foo", "bar"]))
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("freq", [None, "L"])
- def test_series_period_index(freq):
- # see gh-6407
- #
- # Cannot infer on PeriodIndex
- msg = "cannot infer freq from a non-convertible dtype on a Series"
- s = Series(period_range("2013", periods=10, freq=freq))
- with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
- frequencies.infer_freq(s)
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("freq", ["M", "L", "S"])
- def test_series_datetime_index(freq):
- s = Series(date_range("20130101", periods=10, freq=freq))
- inferred = frequencies.infer_freq(s)
- assert inferred == freq
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "offset_func",
- [
- frequencies._get_offset,
- lambda freq: date_range("2011-01-01", periods=5, freq=freq),
- ],
- )
- @pytest.mark.parametrize(
- "freq",
- [
- "EOM",
- "W@MON",
- "W@TUE",
- "W@WED",
- "W@THU",
- "W@FRI",
- "W@SAT",
- "W@SUN",
- "Q@JAN",
- "Q@FEB",
- "Q@MAR",
- "A@JAN",
- "A@FEB",
- "A@MAR",
- "A@APR",
- "A@MAY",
- "A@JUN",
- "A@JUL",
- "A@AUG",
- "A@SEP",
- "A@OCT",
- "A@NOV",
- "A@DEC",
- "Y@JAN",
- "WOM@1MON",
- "WOM@2MON",
- "WOM@3MON",
- "WOM@4MON",
- "WOM@1TUE",
- "WOM@2TUE",
- "WOM@3TUE",
- "WOM@4TUE",
- "WOM@1WED",
- "WOM@2WED",
- "WOM@3WED",
- "WOM@4WED",
- "WOM@1THU",
- "WOM@2THU",
- "WOM@3THU",
- "WOM@4THU",
- "WOM@1FRI",
- "WOM@2FRI",
- "WOM@3FRI",
- "WOM@4FRI",
- ],
- )
- def test_legacy_offset_warnings(offset_func, freq):
- with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=INVALID_FREQ_ERR_MSG):
- offset_func(freq)
- def test_ms_vs_capital_ms():
- left = frequencies._get_offset("ms")
- right = frequencies._get_offset("MS")
- assert left == offsets.Milli()
- assert right == offsets.MonthBegin()
- def test_infer_freq_warn_deprecated():
- with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning):
- frequencies.infer_freq(date_range(2022, periods=3), warn=False)
- def test_infer_freq_non_nano():
- arr = np.arange(10).astype(np.int64).view("M8[s]")
- dta = DatetimeArray._simple_new(arr, dtype=arr.dtype)
- res = frequencies.infer_freq(dta)
- assert res == "S"
- arr2 = arr.view("m8[ms]")
- tda = TimedeltaArray._simple_new(arr2, dtype=arr2.dtype)
- res2 = frequencies.infer_freq(tda)
- assert res2 == "L"