Python | 198 lines | 145 code | 24 blank | 29 comment | 4 complexity | 301f0c90519b61cc3b1e5c322a983b86 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- # This module is used for version 2 of the Google Data APIs.
- # This test may make an actual HTTP request.
- __author__ = 'j.s@google.com (Jeff Scudder)'
- import unittest
- import StringIO
- import os.path
- import atom.mock_http_core
- import atom.http_core
- class EchoClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_echo_response(self):
- client = atom.mock_http_core.EchoHttpClient()
- # Send a bare-bones POST request.
- request = atom.http_core.HttpRequest(method='POST',
- uri=atom.http_core.Uri(host='www.jeffscudder.com', path='/'))
- request.add_body_part('hello world!', 'text/plain')
- response = client.request(request)
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Echo-Host') == 'www.jeffscudder.com:None')
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Echo-Uri') == '/')
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Echo-Scheme') is None)
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Echo-Method') == 'POST')
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Content-Length') == str(len(
- 'hello world!')))
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Content-Type') == 'text/plain')
- self.assert_(response.read() == 'hello world!')
- # Test a path of None should default to /
- request = atom.http_core.HttpRequest(method='POST',
- uri=atom.http_core.Uri(host='www.jeffscudder.com', path=None))
- response = client.request(request)
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Echo-Host') == 'www.jeffscudder.com:None')
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Echo-Method') == 'POST')
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Echo-Uri') == '/')
- # Send a multipart request.
- request = atom.http_core.HttpRequest(method='POST',
- uri=atom.http_core.Uri(scheme='https', host='www.jeffscudder.com',
- port=8080, path='/multipart',
- query={'test': 'true', 'happy': 'yes'}),
- headers={'Authorization':'Test xyzzy', 'Testing':'True'})
- request.add_body_part('start', 'text/plain')
- request.add_body_part(StringIO.StringIO('<html><body>hi</body></html>'),
- 'text/html', len('<html><body>hi</body></html>'))
- request.add_body_part('alert("Greetings!")', 'text/javascript')
- response = client.request(request)
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Echo-Host') == 'www.jeffscudder.com:8080')
- self.assert_(
- response.getheader('Echo-Uri') == '/multipart?test=true&happy=yes')
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Echo-Scheme') == 'https')
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Echo-Method') == 'POST')
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Content-Type') == (
- 'multipart/related; boundary="%s"' % (atom.http_core.MIME_BOUNDARY,)))
- expected_body = ('Media multipart posting'
- '\r\n--%s\r\n'
- 'Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n'
- 'start'
- '\r\n--%s\r\n'
- 'Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n'
- '<html><body>hi</body></html>'
- '\r\n--%s\r\n'
- 'Content-Type: text/javascript\r\n\r\n'
- 'alert("Greetings!")'
- '\r\n--%s--') % (atom.http_core.MIME_BOUNDARY,
- atom.http_core.MIME_BOUNDARY, atom.http_core.MIME_BOUNDARY,
- atom.http_core.MIME_BOUNDARY,)
- self.assert_(response.read() == expected_body)
- self.assert_(response.getheader('Content-Length') == str(
- len(expected_body)))
- class MockHttpClientTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.client = atom.mock_http_core.MockHttpClient()
- def test_respond_with_recording(self):
- request = atom.http_core.HttpRequest(method='GET')
- atom.http_core.parse_uri('http://www.google.com/').modify_request(request)
- self.client.add_response(request, 200, 'OK', body='Testing')
- response = self.client.request(request)
- self.assert_(response.status == 200)
- self.assert_(response.reason == 'OK')
- self.assert_(response.read() == 'Testing')
- def test_save_and_load_recordings(self):
- request = atom.http_core.HttpRequest(method='GET')
- atom.http_core.parse_uri('http://www.google.com/').modify_request(request)
- self.client.add_response(request, 200, 'OK', body='Testing')
- response = self.client.request(request)
- self.client._save_recordings('test_save_and_load_recordings')
- self.client._recordings = []
- try:
- response = self.client.request(request)
- self.fail('There should be no recording for this request.')
- except atom.mock_http_core.NoRecordingFound:
- pass
- self.client._load_recordings('test_save_and_load_recordings')
- response = self.client.request(request)
- self.assert_(response.status == 200)
- self.assert_(response.reason == 'OK')
- self.assert_(response.read() == 'Testing')
- def test_use_recordings(self):
- request = atom.http_core.HttpRequest(method='GET')
- atom.http_core.parse_uri('http://www.google.com/').modify_request(request)
- self.client._load_or_use_client('test_use_recordings',
- atom.http_core.HttpClient())
- response = self.client.request(request)
- if self.client.real_client:
- self.client._save_recordings('test_use_recordings')
- self.assert_(response.status == 200)
- self.assert_(response.reason == 'OK')
- self.assert_(response.getheader('server') == 'gws')
- body = response.read()
- self.assert_(body.startswith('<!doctype html>'))
- def test_match_request(self):
- x = atom.http_core.HttpRequest('http://example.com/', 'GET')
- y = atom.http_core.HttpRequest('http://example.com/', 'GET')
- self.assert_(atom.mock_http_core._match_request(x, y))
- y = atom.http_core.HttpRequest('http://example.com/', 'POST')
- self.assert_(not atom.mock_http_core._match_request(x, y))
- y = atom.http_core.HttpRequest('http://example.com/1', 'GET')
- self.assert_(not atom.mock_http_core._match_request(x, y))
- y = atom.http_core.HttpRequest('http://example.com/?gsessionid=1', 'GET')
- self.assert_(not atom.mock_http_core._match_request(x, y))
- y = atom.http_core.HttpRequest('http://example.com/?start_index=1', 'GET')
- self.assert_(atom.mock_http_core._match_request(x, y))
- x = atom.http_core.HttpRequest('http://example.com/?gsessionid=1', 'GET')
- y = atom.http_core.HttpRequest('http://example.com/?gsessionid=1', 'GET')
- self.assert_(atom.mock_http_core._match_request(x, y))
- y = atom.http_core.HttpRequest('http://example.com/?gsessionid=2', 'GET')
- self.assert_(not atom.mock_http_core._match_request(x, y))
- y = atom.http_core.HttpRequest('http://example.com/', 'GET')
- self.assert_(not atom.mock_http_core._match_request(x, y))
- def test_use_named_sessions(self):
- self.client._delete_recordings('mock_http_test.test_use_named_sessions')
- self.client.use_cached_session('mock_http_test.test_use_named_sessions',
- atom.mock_http_core.EchoHttpClient())
- request = atom.http_core.HttpRequest('http://example.com', 'GET')
- response = self.client.request(request)
- self.assertEqual(response.getheader('Echo-Method'), 'GET')
- self.assertEqual(response.getheader('Echo-Host'), 'example.com:None')
- # We will insert a Cache-Marker header to indicate that this is a
- # recorded response, but initially it should not be present.
- self.assertEqual(response.getheader('Cache-Marker'), None)
- # Modify the recorded response to allow us to identify a cached result
- # from an echoed result. We need to be able to check to see if this
- # came from a recording.
- self.assert_('Cache-Marker' not in self.client._recordings[0][1]._headers)
- self.client._recordings[0][1]._headers['Cache-Marker'] = '1'
- self.assert_('Cache-Marker' in self.client._recordings[0][1]._headers)
- # Save the recorded responses.
- self.client.close_session()
- # Create a new client, and have it use the recorded session.
- client = atom.mock_http_core.MockHttpClient()
- client.use_cached_session('mock_http_test.test_use_named_sessions',
- atom.mock_http_core.EchoHttpClient())
- # Make the same request, which should use the recorded result.
- response = client.request(request)
- self.assertEqual(response.getheader('Echo-Method'), 'GET')
- self.assertEqual(response.getheader('Echo-Host'), 'example.com:None')
- # We should now see the cache marker since the response is replayed.
- self.assertEqual(response.getheader('Cache-Marker'), '1')
- def suite():
- return unittest.TestSuite((unittest.makeSuite(MockHttpClientTest, 'test'),
- unittest.makeSuite(EchoClientTest, 'test')))
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()