Python | 300 lines | 284 code | 10 blank | 6 comment | 6 complexity | 621ae70384ce87541cebf37c56218cf9 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-3.0, BSD-3-Clause
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Part of the PsychoPy library
- # Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2022 Open Science Tools Ltd.
- # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
- from pathlib import Path
- from psychopy.alerts import alert
- from psychopy.experiment.components import Param, getInitVals, _translate, BaseVisualComponent
- from psychopy.experiment.components.eyetracker_record import EyetrackerRecordComponent
- from psychopy.experiment.components.polygon import PolygonComponent
- from psychopy.localization import _localized as __localized
- _localized = __localized.copy()
- class RegionOfInterestComponent(PolygonComponent):
- """A class for using one of several eyetrackers to follow gaze"""
- categories = ['Eyetracking']
- targets = ['PsychoPy']
- iconFile = Path(__file__).parent / 'eyetracker_roi.png'
- tooltip = _translate('Region Of Interest: Define a region of interest for use with eyetrackers')
- beta = True
- def __init__(self, exp, parentName, name='roi',
- units='from exp settings',
- endRoutineOn="none",
- shape='triangle', nVertices=4,
- pos=(0, 0), size=(0.5, 0.5), ori=0,
- startType='time (s)', startVal=0.0,
- stopType='duration (s)', stopVal=1.0,
- startEstim='', durationEstim='',
- timeRelativeTo='roi onset',
- lookDur=0.1, debug=False,
- save='every look'):
- PolygonComponent.__init__(self, exp, parentName, name=name,
- units=units,
- shape=shape, nVertices=nVertices,
- pos=pos, size=size, ori=ori,
- startType=startType, startVal=startVal,
- stopType=stopType, stopVal=stopVal,
- startEstim=startEstim, durationEstim=durationEstim)
- self.type = 'RegionOfInterest'
- self.url = "https://www.psychopy.org/builder/components/roi.html"
- self.exp.requirePsychopyLibs(['iohub', 'hardware'])
- # params
- self.order += ['config'] # first param after the name
- # Delete all appearance parameters
- for param in list(self.params).copy():
- if self.params[param].categ in ["Appearance", "Texture"]:
- del self.params[param]
- # Fix units as default
- self.params['units'].allowedVals = ['from exp settings']
- self.params['endRoutineOn'] = Param(endRoutineOn,
- valType='str', inputType='choice', categ='Basic',
- allowedVals=["look at", "look away", "none"],
- hint=_translate("Under what condition should this ROI end the routine?"),
- label=_translate("End Routine On...")
- )
- self.depends.append(
- {"dependsOn": "endRoutineOn", # must be param name
- "condition": "=='none'", # val to check for
- "param": "lookDur", # param property to alter
- "true": "hide", # what to do with param if condition is True
- "false": "show", # permitted: hide, show, enable, disable
- }
- )
- self.params['lookDur'] = Param(lookDur,
- valType='num', inputType='single', categ='Basic',
- hint=_translate("Minimum dwell time within roi (look at) or outside roi (look away)."),
- label=_translate("Min. Look Time")
- )
- self.params['debug'] = Param(
- debug, valType='bool', inputType='bool', categ='Testing',
- hint=_translate("In debug mode, the ROI is drawn in red. Use this to see what area of the "
- "screen is in the ROI."),
- label=_translate("Debug Mode")
- )
- self.params['save'] = Param(
- save, valType='str', inputType="choice", categ='Data',
- allowedVals=['first look', 'last look', 'every look', 'none'],
- direct=False,
- hint=_translate(
- "What looks on this ROI should be saved to the data output?"),
- label=_translate('Save...'))
- self.params['timeRelativeTo'] = Param(
- timeRelativeTo, valType='str', inputType="choice", categ='Data',
- allowedVals=['roi onset', 'experiment', 'routine'],
- updates='constant', direct=False,
- hint=_translate(
- "What should the values of roi.time should be "
- "relative to?"),
- label=_translate('Time Relative To...'))
- def writePreWindowCode(self, buff):
- pass
- def writeInitCode(self, buff):
- # do we need units code?
- if self.params['units'].val == 'from exp settings':
- unitsStr = ""
- else:
- unitsStr = "units=%(units)s, " % self.params
- # do writing of init
- inits = getInitVals(self.params, 'PsychoPy')
- if self.params['shape'] == 'regular polygon...':
- inits['shape'] = self.params['nVertices']
- elif self.params['shape'] == 'custom polygon...':
- inits['shape'] = self.params['vertices']
- code = (
- "%(name)s = visual.ROI(win, name='%(name)s', device=eyetracker,\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
- code = (
- "debug=%(debug)s,\n"
- "shape=%(shape)s,\n"
- + unitsStr + "pos=%(pos)s, size=%(size)s, anchor=%(anchor)s, ori=0.0)\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
- def writeInitCodeJS(self, buff):
- pass
- def writeRoutineStartCode(self, buff):
- inits = getInitVals(self.params, 'PsychoPy')
- BaseVisualComponent.writeRoutineStartCode(self, buff)
- code = (
- "# clear any previous roi data\n"
- "%(name)s.reset()\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- def writeFrameCode(self, buff):
- """Write the code that will be called every frame
- """
- # do writing of init
- inits = getInitVals(self.params, 'PsychoPy')
- # Write basics
- BaseVisualComponent.writeFrameCode(self, buff)
- buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
- code = (
- "%(name)s.status = STARTED\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
- # String to get time
- if inits['timeRelativeTo'] == 'roi onset':
- timing = "%(name)s.clock.getTime()"
- elif inits['timeRelativeTo'] == 'experiment':
- timing = "globalClock.getTime()"
- elif inits['timeRelativeTo'] == 'routine':
- timing = "routineTimer.getTime()"
- else:
- timing = "globalClock.getTime()"
- # Assemble code
- code = (
- f"if %(name)s.status == STARTED:\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"# check whether %(name)s has been looked in\n"
- f"if %(name)s.isLookedIn:\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"if not %(name)s.wasLookedIn:\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"%(name)s.timesOn.append({timing}) # store time of first look\n"
- f"%(name)s.timesOff.append({timing}) # store time looked until\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"else:\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"%(name)s.timesOff[-1] = {timing} # update time looked until\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- if self.params['endRoutineOn'].val == "look at":
- code = (
- "if %(name)s.currentLookTime > %(lookDur)s: # check if they've been looking long enough\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
- code = (
- "continueRoutine = False # end routine on sufficiently long look\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
- buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"%(name)s.wasLookedIn = True # if %(name)s is still looked at next frame, it is not a new look\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"else:\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"if %(name)s.wasLookedIn:"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"%(name)s.timesOff[-1] = {timing} # update time looked until\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- if self.params['endRoutineOn'].val == "look away":
- buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"# check if last look outside roi was long enough\n"
- f"if len(%(name)s.timesOff) == 0 and %(name)s.clock.getTime() > %(lookDur)s:\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"continueRoutine = False # end routine after sufficiently long look outside roi\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"elif len(%(name)s.timesOff) > 0 and %(name)s.clock.getTime() - %(name)s.timesOff[-1] > %(lookDur)s:\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"continueRoutine = False # end routine after sufficiently long look outside roi\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"%(name)s.wasLookedIn = False # if %(name)s is looked at next frame, it is a new look\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(-2, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"else:\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(1, relative=True)
- code = (
- f"%(name)s.clock.reset() # keep clock at 0 if roi hasn't started / has finished\n"
- f"%(name)s.wasLookedIn = False # if %(name)s is looked at next frame, it is a new look\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code % inits)
- buff.setIndentLevel(-1, relative=True)
- def writeRoutineEndCode(self, buff):
- BaseVisualComponent.writeRoutineEndCode(self, buff)
- if len(self.exp.flow._loopList):
- currLoop = self.exp.flow._loopList[-1] # last (outer-most) loop
- else:
- currLoop = self.exp._expHandler
- name = self.params['name']
- if self.params['save'] == 'first look':
- index = "[0]"
- elif self.params['save'] == 'last look':
- index = "[-1]"
- else:
- index = ""
- if self.params['save'] != 'none':
- code = (
- f"{currLoop.params['name']}.addData('{name}.numLooks', {name}.numLooks)\n"
- f"if {name}.numLooks:\n"
- f" {currLoop.params['name']}.addData('{name}.timesOn', {name}.timesOn{index})\n"
- f" {currLoop.params['name']}.addData('{name}.timesOff', {name}.timesOff{index})\n"
- f"else:\n"
- f" {currLoop.params['name']}.addData('{name}.timesOn', \"\")\n"
- f" {currLoop.params['name']}.addData('{name}.timesOff', \"\")\n"
- )
- buff.writeIndentedLines(code)
- def writeExperimentEndCode(self, buff):
- pass