Python | 98 lines | 71 code | 25 blank | 2 comment | 6 complexity | 558ff68fae5ee16a1f8230fc58b39421 MD5 | raw file
- import json
- import time
- import MySQLdb as db
- from twisted.application.service import Service
- from twisted.internet import task, threads, defer, reactor
- from twisted.python import log
- from txamqp.client import TwistedDelegate
- from backend.amqp import get_spec
- from tipper.publisher import PublisherFactory
- from tipper.installer import install
- class Poller(Service, object):
- def __init__(self, options, config):
- super(Poller, self).__init__()
- self.options = options
- self.config = config
- self.polling_call = None
- self.sql_connection = None
- self.publisher_factory = None
- def privilegedStartService(self):
- if self.options['install']:
- install(self.config)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def startService(self):
- super(Poller, self).startService()
- queue = defer.DeferredQueue()
- # Init AMQP connection
- kwargs = {
- 'config': self.config,
- 'queue': queue,
- 'delegate': TwistedDelegate(),
- 'vhost': self.config.get('amqp', 'vhost'),
- 'spec': get_spec(),
- }
- self.publisher_factory = PublisherFactory(**kwargs)
- reactor.connectTCP(
- self.config.get('amqp', 'host'),
- int(self.config.get('amqp', 'port')),
- self.publisher_factory
- )
- # Init MySQL connection
- kwargs = {
- 'host': self.config.get('database', 'host'),
- 'port': int(self.config.get('database', 'port')),
- 'user': self.config.get('database', 'user'),
- 'passwd': self.config.get('database', 'password'),
- 'db': self.config.get('database', 'temp'),
- 'use_unicode': True
- }
- self.sql_connection = yield threads.deferToThread(db.connect, **kwargs)
- def poll(cursor, query, rate):
- cursor.execute(query, (rate,))
- for row in cursor.fetchall():
- row = json.dumps(row)
- threads.blockingCallFromThread(reactor, queue.put, row)
- self.polling_call = task.LoopingCall(
- threads.deferToThread,
- poll,
- self.sql_connection.cursor(),
- "SELECT * FROM post_updates ORDER BY timestamp ASC LIMIT 0,%d",
- int(self.config.get('polling', 'rate'))
- )
- self.polling_call.start(int(self.config.get('polling', 'interval')))
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def stopService(self):
- super(Poller, self).stopService()
- if self.publisher_factory:
- self.publisher_factory.stopTrying()
- if self.polling_call and self.polling_call.running:
- self.polling_call.stop()
- log.msg("Waiting for all SQL requests to terminate...")
- yield threads.deferToThread(time.sleep, 2)
- if self.sql_connection:
- yield threads.deferToThread(self.sql_connection.close)