https://github.com/lht/otp · Erlang · 134 lines · 52 code · 15 blank · 67 comment · 0 complexity · acd280f6c4b8a1354a13edc4a5ffab42 MD5 · raw file
- %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%
- %% %CopyrightBegin%
- %%
- %% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
- %%
- %% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
- %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
- %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
- %% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
- %%
- %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- %% under the License.
- %%
- %% %CopyrightEnd%
- %%
- %%
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------------
- %% File: corba_boa.erl
- %%
- %% Description:
- %% This file contains the CORBA::BOA interface
- %%
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------------
- -module(corba_boa).
- -include_lib("orber/include/corba.hrl").
- -include_lib("orber/include/ifr_types.hrl").
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------------
- %% External exports
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------------
- -export([%create/3,
- dispose/1,
- get_id/1]).
- % change_implementation/2,
- % set_exception/3,
- % impl_is_ready/1,
- % deactivate_impl/1,
- % obj_is_ready/2,
- % deactivate_obj/1,
- % get_principal/2]).
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------------
- %% Internal exports
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------------
- -export([]).
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------------
- %% Macros
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------------
- -define(DEBUG_LEVEL, 5).
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------------
- %% External functions
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------------
- %create(Id, Interface, Implementation) ->
- % corba:create(Implementation#orb_ImplDef.module,
- % Interface#fullinterfacedescription.id).
- dispose(Object) ->
- case binary_to_term(iop_ior:get_privfield(Object)) of
- undefined ->
- case catch iop_ior:get_key(Object) of
- {'internal', Key, _, _, _} ->
- case orber_objectkeys:get_pid(Key) of
- {error, Reason} ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] corba_boa:dispose(~p); object not found(~p)",
- [?LINE, Object, Reason], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'TRANSIENT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
- Pid ->
- gen_server:call(Pid, stop)
- end;
- {'internal_registered', Key, _, _, _} ->
- case Key of
- {pseudo, Module} ->
- Module:terminate(normal, undefined),
- ok;
- _ ->
- case whereis(Key) of
- undefined ->
- corba:raise(#'OBJECT_NOT_EXIST'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO});
- Pid ->
- gen_server:call(Pid, stop)
- end
- end;
- {'external', _} ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] corba_boa:dispose(~p); external object.",
- [?LINE, Object], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- %% Must be fixed !!!!!!!!
- corba:raise(#'NO_IMPLEMENT'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end;
- Other ->
- case iop_ior:get_key(Object) of
- {_, {pseudo, Module}, _, _, _} ->
- Module:terminate(normal, Other),
- ok;
- Why ->
- orber:dbg("[~p] corba_boa:dispose(~p); probably subobject key set(~p)",
- [?LINE, Object, Why], ?DEBUG_LEVEL),
- corba:raise(#'NO_PERMISSION'{completion_status=?COMPLETED_NO})
- end
- end.
- get_id(Object) ->
- iop_ior:get_objkey(Object).
- %change_implementation(Object, ImplementationDef) ->
- % ok.
- %get_principal(Object, Env) ->
- % ok.
- %set_exception(Major, Id, Param) ->
- % ok.
- %impl_is_ready(ImplementationDef) ->
- % ok.
- %deactivate_impl(ImplementationDef) ->
- % ok.
- %obj_is_ready(Object, ImplementationDef) ->
- % ok.
- %deactivate_obj(Object) ->
- % ok.
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------------
- %% Internal functions
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------------