Python | 392 lines | 363 code | 2 blank | 27 comment | 5 complexity | 3aa1da30a3359ed2d9c5be78ce03d22a MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/python
- #coding=UTF-8
- '''
- Created on 1. jan. 2010
- This script is created with the purpose of handling bandwidth issues
- with certain programs. The main problem being that the landlord of a
- certain university campus village disconnect their user's Internet
- connection if they exceed the 10gb/24h traffic limit.
- @author: Harald Hauknes <harald (att) hauknes (dot) org>
- Written for Python 2.6 with PIL
- '''
- import time
- import os
- import ConfigParser
- from Tkinter import Tk, Frame, Label
- from Tkconstants import FALSE, LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, X, W, N
- import tkFont
- import urllib2
- import base64
- #TODO: Test in Ubuntu, Windows and OSX
- #TODO: GUI for configuring cw.cfg
- #TODO: Add pokemon error handling?
- class CWGUI:
- '''
- Draws the GUI and initiates the core components of the program.
- '''
- def __init__(self):
- self.root = Tk()
- self.root.title("CW")
- self.root.resizable(width=FALSE, height=FALSE)
- self.mainframe = Frame(self.root, bg='white', border=0)
- self.values = CONFIG()
- self.labels_pnames = []
- self.labels_status = []
- self.main_window(self.values)
- def main_window(self, values):
- '''
- Initiates the main components of the program, and draws the GUI.
- '''
- font_header = tkFont.Font(family="Helvetica", size=16, weight="bold")
- label_header = Label(self.mainframe, text="Campus-Warder",
- #fg="LightCyan3",
- fg='LightCyan4',
- bg='white', font=font_header)
- label_header.pack(anchor=N, pady=5)
- frame_bandwidth = Frame(self.mainframe, border=2, relief="groove",
- bg='white')
- label_bandwidth_decorator = Label(frame_bandwidth, text="Usage:\n",
- bg='white')
- label_bandwidth_decorator.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5)
- # Colors and font
- upcolor = color_indicator(values.parser.up, values.uplimit)
- downcolor = color_indicator(values.parser.down, values.downlimit)
- font_numbers = tkFont.Font(family="Helvetica", size=12, weight="bold")
- # Values
- label_up_decorator = Label(frame_bandwidth, bg='white', text="Up: ")
- label_up_decorator.pack(side=LEFT)
- self.label_up = Label(frame_bandwidth, bg='white', fg=upcolor,
- font=font_numbers, text=str(values.parser.up) + " MB")
- self.label_up.pack(side=LEFT)
- label_down_decorator = Label(frame_bandwidth, bg='white',
- text=" / Down: ")
- label_down_decorator.pack(side=LEFT)
- self.label_down = Label(frame_bandwidth, bg='white', fg=downcolor,
- text= str(values.parser.down) + " MB", font=font_numbers)
- self.label_down.pack(side=LEFT, padx= 5)
- frame_bandwidth.pack(side=TOP)
- frame_status = Frame(self.mainframe, bg='white', border=2,
- relief="groove")
- frames_status = []
- for i in range(0, len(values.programs)):
- frames_status.append(Frame(frame_status, bg='white', border=0,
- relief='groove'))
- #Program display names
- self.labels_pnames.append(Label(frames_status[i], bg='white',
- text=values.programs[i].display_name + ": "))
- self.labels_pnames[i].pack(side=LEFT, padx=6)
- #Status
- self.labels_status.append(Label(frames_status[i], bg='white',
- text=values.programs[i].status))
- self.labels_status[i].pack(side=RIGHT, padx=6)
- frames_status[i].pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
- frame_status.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, anchor=W)
- self.mainframe.pack()
- #On the first run, wait 3 seconds so that the GUI
- #has a chance to draw
- self.root.after(3000, self.update)
- def update(self):
- '''
- Updates the status of the programs, depending on the output of the OS
- tasklist command
- '''
- #Update every 2 minutes
- self.root.after(60*1000*2, self.update)
- # Colors
- bandwidth = self.values.get_bandwidth()
- upcolor = color_indicator(bandwidth[0], self.values.uplimit)
- downcolor = color_indicator(bandwidth[1], self.values.downlimit)
- # Values
- self.label_up["fg"] = upcolor,
- self.label_up["text"] = str(self.values.parser.up) + " MB"
- self.label_up.update()
- self.label_down["fg"] = downcolor,
- self.label_down["text"] = str(self.values.parser.down) + " MB"
- self.label_down.update()
- if self.values.os == "Windows":
- ps_output = os.popen("tasklist").read()
- else:
- ps_output = os.popen("ps aux").read()
- #Loop through all programs
- for i in range(0, len(self.values.programs)):
- #If currently active
- if ps_output.find(self.values.programs[i].process_name) > 5:
- self.values.programs[i].status = "Active"
- self.values.programs[i].update()
- #If not currently active
- elif ps_output.find(self.values.programs[i].process_name) == -1:
- if self.values.programs[i].status == "Active":
- self.values.programs[i].status = "KBU"
- self.labels_status[i]["text"] = self.values.programs[i].status
- self.labels_status[i].update()
- self.mainframe.update()
- class CWPROCESS:
- '''
- Class to handle interaction with the various programs we need to
- monitor and control.
- '''
- def __init__(self, process_name, up_limit, down_limit, display_name,
- values, full_path=None, status="MIA"):
- '''
- Arguments:
- process_name -- The name of the process as the OS sees it
- #TODO:write proper docstrings
- '''
- self.process_name = process_name
- self.up_limit = up_limit
- self.down_limit = down_limit
- self.display_name = display_name
- self.full_path = full_path
- #MIA=it never ran, KIA=it ran but we killed it, Active = running now, KBU =
- #killed by user
- self.status = status
- self.values = values
- def update(self):
- if (self.status == 'MIA') or (self.status == 'KBU'):
- #This status is updated from the update status loop
- return
- elif self.status == 'KIA':
- #TODO: Test this
- if (self.up_limit > self.values.parser.up) or (self.down_limit >
- self.values.parser.down):
- self.revive()
- elif self.status == 'Active':
- if (self.up_limit < self.values.parser.up) or (self.down_limit <
- self.values.parser.down):
- self.kill()
- def kill(self):
- '''
- Kills the process using the OS own kill command
- '''
- os.system(self.values.kill_command + " " + self.process_name)
- self.status = "KIA"
- def revive(self):
- '''
- Starts processes that has earlier been killed by this script and
- is eligble to be started again.
- '''
- if self.values.os == "OSX":
- os.system("/Applications/" + self.process_name + ".app" +
- "/Contents/MacOS/" + self.process_name + " &")
- #TODO: Investigate revive hang on OSX
- #TODO: Test on all OSes
- #TODO: Switch to use of subprocess module
- if self.values.os == "linux":
- os.system(self.process_name + " &")
- if self.values.os == "Windows":
- os.system("start " + self.full_path)
- self.status = "Active"
- class CONFIG:
- def __init__(self):
- #OS
- if os.path.isdir("/Applications"):
- self.os = "OSX"
- elif os.path.isdir("C:/Windows"):
- self.os = "Windows"
- elif os.path.isdir("/usr/bin"):
- self.os = "linux"
- config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
- config.read('cw.cfg')
- self.uplimit = int(config.get('CW', 'uplimit'))
- self.downlimit = int(config.get('CW', 'downlimit'))
- all_programs_processed = False
- program_no = 1
- self.programs = []
- while not all_programs_processed:
- try:
- process_name = config.get('Program' + str(program_no),
- 'process_name')
- up_limit = int(config.get('Program' + str(program_no),
- 'up_limit'))
- down_limit = int(config.get('Program' + str(program_no),
- 'down_limit'))
- display_name = config.get('Program' + str(program_no),
- 'display_name')
- if self.os == "Windows":
- full_path = config.get('Program' + str(program_no),
- 'full_path')
- self.programs.append(CWPROCESS(process_name, up_limit,
- down_limit, display_name, self))
- program_no += 1
- except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
- break
- self.kill_command = "killall"
- if self.os == "Windows":
- self.kill_command = "taskkill /IM"
- self.router_url = config.get('CW', 'router_url')
- self.router_user = config.get('CW', 'router_user')
- self.router_pass = config.get('CW', 'router_pass')
- self.parser = CWPARSER(self)
- # Initiate values for the parser
- self.get_bandwidth()
- self.revive_list = []
- self.kill_count = 0
- def get_bandwidth(self):
- self.parser.parse()
- while ((self.parser.up == -1) or (self.parser.down == -1)):
- # If we for some reason cannot parse the values
- # we wait a second and see if we can
- self.parser.parse()
- time.sleep(1)
- #TODO: Inform user if this goes on too long
- return (self.parser.up, self.parser.down)
- def color_indicator(value, limit):
- '''
- Compares two values and returns a coloring based
- on the percentage the first value is of the second.
- Argument:
- value -- The first value
- limit -- The second value which the first is measured against
- '''
- if value < (limit * 0.33):
- color = 'darkgreen'
- elif value < (limit * 0.66):
- color = 'orange'
- else:
- color = 'red'
- return color
- class CWPARSER:
- '''
- This class handles the parsing of the html
- from the router, it gets it's values from the
- configuration object.
- '''
- def __init__(self, config):
- self.config = config
- self.up = 0
- self.down = 0
- def parse(self):
- '''
- Authenticates to the router, and parses the html of the
- 24/h view to see how much data has been transmitted
- '''
- request = urllib2.Request(self.config.router_url)
- base64string = base64.encodestring(
- '%s:%s' % (self.config.router_user,
- self.config.router_pass))[:-1]
- authheader = "Basic %s" % base64string
- request.add_header("Authorization", authheader)
- try:
- handle = urllib2.urlopen(request)
- except IOError:
- # here we shouldn't fail if the username/password is right
- print "It looks like the username or password is wrong."
- self.up = -2
- self.down = -2
- return
- html = handle.read()
- # Learned from trial and error the correct export value is extracted from the
- # 4th occurrence of the tx_total value.
- unsearched_tx = html
- unsearched_rx = html
- for i in range (0, 4):
- #This code is very old, and I cant bother to make it look better ;)
- #TODO: This is horrible, switch to regex
- index_tx = unsearched_tx.find("tx_total")
- index_rx = unsearched_rx.find("rx_total")
- if (i != 3):
- # if we aren't on the fourth occurrence we just keep searching
- unsearched_tx = (
- unsearched_tx[index_tx+25:len(unsearched_tx)])
- unsearched_rx = unsearched_rx[index_rx+25:len(unsearched_rx)]
- else:
- # extracting substring containing desired value
- tx_value = unsearched_tx[index_tx:index_tx+30]
- rx_value = unsearched_rx[index_rx:index_rx+30]
- whitepace_tx = tx_value.find(" ")
- whitepaceindexrx = rx_value.find(" ")
- # cutting away the identifying variable
- tx_value = tx_value[whitepace_tx+1:len(tx_value)]
- rx_value = rx_value[whitepaceindexrx+1:len(rx_value)]
- # the value may end in a whitespace or bracket
- # the rx value seems to be able to end in a comma
- whitepace_tx = tx_value.find(" ")
- bracket_tx = tx_value.find("}")
- whitepaceindexrx = rx_value.find(" ")
- bracketindexrx = rx_value.find("}")
- commaindex_rx = rx_value.find(",")
- # take either the bracket or whitespace that comes first
- if (whitepace_tx>bracket_tx and
- bracket_tx>0 and whitepace_tx>0):
- bracket_tx = whitepace_tx
- tx_value = tx_value[0:bracket_tx]
- if (whitepaceindexrx>bracketindexrx and
- bracketindexrx>0 and whitepaceindexrx>0):
- bracketindexrx = whitepaceindexrx
- # Seems that rx is always separated by comma
- if (commaindex_rx>bracketindexrx
- and commaindex_rx > 0):
- bracketindexrx = commaindex_rx
- rx_value = rx_value[0:bracketindexrx]
- i += 1
- # Display the value in megabytes
- try:
- self.up = int(tx_value)/(1024*1024)
- self.down = int(rx_value)/(1024*1024)
- # Sometimes the value is parsed incorrectly,
- # if so - ignore it - this script is meant to be looped
- except ValueError:
- self.up = -1
- self.down = -1
- def main():
- '''
- Initiates CampusWarder, takes no arguments.
- '''
- app = CWGUI()
- app.mainframe.mainloop()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()