Python | 73 lines | 68 code | 5 blank | 0 comment | 23 complexity | e6d98a14fd1dce9012b509b8444676f1 MD5 | raw file
- import struct, anydbm, sys, glob
- def build(path):
- db = anydbm.open('index', 'c')
- files = glob.glob('%s/*.txt' % path)
- db['_files'] = '\0'.join(files)
- for fil in files:
- lineno = 1
- fileoff = 0
- for line in open(fil, 'rb'):
- scratch = line[:6]
- try:
- key = int(line[:6], 16)
- except:
- if ':' in line:
- key = '\0\0\0\0' + line[:line.find(':')]
- db[key] = struct.pack('III', files.index(fil), lineno, fileoff)
- else:
- key = struct.pack('I', key)
- if not db.has_key(key):
- db[key] = struct.pack('III', files.index(fil), lineno, fileoff)
- lineno += 1
- fileoff += len(line)
- def ful(fp):
- ret = ''
- while True:
- ln = fp.readline()
- ret += ln
- if ln == '' or 'pop\t' in ln: break
- return ret
- def lookup_sym(sym, full=False):
- db = anydbm.open('index')
- files = db['_files'].split('\0')
- key = '\0\0\0\0' + sym
- try:
- fili, line, filoff = struct.unpack('III', db[key])
- except KeyError:
- return None
- fp = open(files[fili], 'rb')
- fp.seek(filoff)
- if full: return ful(fp).rstrip()
- return '[%s:%d] %s %s' % (files[fili], line, fp.readline().strip(), fp.readline().strip())
- def lookup_addr(addr, full=False):
- db = anydbm.open('index')
- files = db['_files'].split('\0')
- addr &= ~1
- key = struct.pack('I', int(addr) / 0x100)
- try:
- fili, line, filoff = struct.unpack('III', db[key])
- except KeyError:
- return None
- fp = open(files[fili], 'rb')
- fp.seek(filoff)
- q = '%08x' % addr
- lineno = line
- while True:
- line = fp.readline()
- if line[:8] == q:
- if full: return (line + ful(fp)).rstrip()
- return '[%s:%d] %s' % (files[fili], lineno, line.strip())
- elif line == '':
- return None
- lineno += 1
- if sys.argv[1] == 'build':
- build(sys.argv[2])
- elif sys.argv[1] == 'sym':
- print lookup_sym(sys.argv[2], len(sys.argv) > 3 and sys.argv[3] == 'full')
- else:
- print lookup_addr(int(sys.argv[1], 16), len(sys.argv) > 2 and sys.argv[2] == 'full')