C++ | 324 lines | 248 code | 51 blank | 25 comment | 61 complexity | 51689f078631da36aadeebbfec23ccbb MD5 | raw file
- /**
- * @file ArmContactModelProvider.h
- *
- * Implementation of class ArmContactModelProvider.
- * @author <a href="mailto:fynn@informatik.uni-bremen.de">Fynn Feldpausch</a>
- * @author <a href="mailto:simont@informatik.uni-bremen.de">Simon Taddiken</a>
- * @author <a href="mailto:arneboe@informatik.uni-bremen.de">Arne Böckmann</a>
- */
- #include "Tools/Debugging/DebugDrawings.h"
- #include "Tools/Math/Common.h"
- #include "ArmContactModelProvider.h"
- #include <sstream>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <algorithm>
- /** Scale factor for debug drawings */
- #define SCALE 20
- MAKE_MODULE(ArmContactModelProvider, Sensing);
- ArmContactModelProvider::ArmContactModelProvider()
- : soundDelay(1000), lastSoundTime(0), lastGameState(STATE_INITIAL)
- {
- }
- void ArmContactModelProvider::checkArm(bool left, float factor)
- {
- Vector2f retVal;
- /* Calculate arm diffs */
- struct ArmAngles angles = angleBuffer[frameDelay];
- retVal.x = left
- ? theFilteredJointDataBH.angles[JointDataBH::LShoulderPitch] - angles.leftX
- : theFilteredJointDataBH.angles[JointDataBH::RShoulderPitch] - angles.rightX;
- retVal.y = left
- ? theFilteredJointDataBH.angles[JointDataBH::LShoulderRoll] - angles.leftY
- : theFilteredJointDataBH.angles[JointDataBH::RShoulderRoll] - angles.rightY;
- retVal *= factor;
- if(left)
- {
- ARROW("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 0, 0, -(toDegrees(retVal.y) * SCALE), toDegrees(retVal.x) * SCALE, 20, Drawings::ps_solid, ColorClasses::blue);
- leftErrorBuffer.add(retVal);
- }
- else
- {
- ARROW("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 0, 0, (toDegrees(retVal.y) * SCALE), toDegrees(retVal.x) * SCALE, 20, Drawings::ps_solid, ColorClasses::blue);
- rightErrorBuffer.add(retVal);
- }
- }
- void ArmContactModelProvider::resetAll(ArmContactModelBH& model)
- {
- model.contactLeft = false;
- model.contactRight = false;
- angleBuffer.init();
- leftErrorBuffer.init();
- rightErrorBuffer.init();
- }
- void ArmContactModelProvider::update(ArmContactModelBH& model)
- {
- DECLARE_PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorLeftX");
- DECLARE_PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorRightX");
- DECLARE_PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorLeftY");
- DECLARE_PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorRightY");
- DECLARE_PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorDurationLeft");
- DECLARE_PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorDurationRight");
- DECLARE_PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorYThreshold");
- DECLARE_PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorXThreshold");
- DECLARE_PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:contactLeft");
- DECLARE_PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:contactRight");
- DECLARE_DEBUG_DRAWING("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", "drawingOnField");
- // If in INITIAL or FINISHED, or we are penalized, we reset all buffered errors and detect no arm contacts
- if (theGameInfoBH.state == STATE_INITIAL || theGameInfoBH.state == STATE_FINISHED ||
- theFallDownStateBH.state == FallDownStateBH::onGround ||
- theFallDownStateBH.state == FallDownStateBH::falling ||
- theMotionInfoBH.motion == MotionRequestBH::getUp ||
- theMotionInfoBH.motion == MotionRequestBH::specialAction ||
- theMotionInfoBH.motion == MotionRequestBH::bike ||
- !theGroundContactStateBH.contact ||
- (theRobotInfoBH.penalty != PENALTY_NONE && !detectWhilePenalized))
- {
- resetAll(model);
- return;
- }
- // check if any arm just finished moving, if so reset its error buffer
- if(leftMovingLastFrame && !theArmMotionEngineOutputBH.arms[LEFT].move)
- {
- model.contactLeft = false;
- leftErrorBuffer.init();
- }
- if(rightMovingLastFrame && !theArmMotionEngineOutputBH.arms[RIGHT].move)
- {
- model.contactLeft = false;
- rightErrorBuffer.init();
- }
- leftMovingLastFrame = theArmMotionEngineOutputBH.arms[LEFT].move;
- rightMovingLastFrame = theArmMotionEngineOutputBH.arms[RIGHT].move;
- // clear on game state changes
- if (lastGameState != theGameInfoBH.state)
- {
- resetAll(model);
- }
- lastGameState = theGameInfoBH.state;
- CIRCLE("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 0, 0, 200, 30, Drawings::ps_solid, ColorClasses::blue, Drawings::ps_null, ColorClasses::blue);
- CIRCLE("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 0, 0, 400, 30, Drawings::ps_solid, ColorClasses::blue, Drawings::ps_null, ColorClasses::blue);
- CIRCLE("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 0, 0, 600, 30, Drawings::ps_solid, ColorClasses::blue, Drawings::ps_null, ColorClasses::blue);
- CIRCLE("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 0, 0, 800, 30, Drawings::ps_solid, ColorClasses::blue, Drawings::ps_null, ColorClasses::blue);
- CIRCLE("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 0, 0, 1000, 30, Drawings::ps_solid, ColorClasses::blue, Drawings::ps_null, ColorClasses::blue);
- CIRCLE("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 0, 0, 1200, 30, Drawings::ps_solid, ColorClasses::blue, Drawings::ps_null, ColorClasses::blue);
- /* Buffer arm angles */
- struct ArmAngles angles;
- angles.leftX = theJointRequestBH.angles[JointDataBH::LShoulderPitch];
- angles.leftY = theJointRequestBH.angles[JointDataBH::LShoulderRoll];
- angles.rightX = theJointRequestBH.angles[JointDataBH::RShoulderPitch];
- angles.rightY = theJointRequestBH.angles[JointDataBH::RShoulderRoll];
- angleBuffer.add(angles);
- Pose2DBH odometryOffset = theOdometryDataBH - lastOdometry;
- lastOdometry = theOdometryDataBH;
- /* Check for arm contact */
- // motion types to take into account: stand, walk (if the robot is upright)
- if((theMotionInfoBH.motion == MotionInfoBH::stand || theMotionInfoBH.motion == MotionInfoBH::walk) &&
- (theFallDownStateBH.state == FallDownStateBH::upright || theFallDownStateBH.state == FallDownStateBH::staggering) &&
- angleBuffer.isFilled())
- {
- const float leftFactor = calculateCorrectionFactor(theRobotModelBH.limbs[MassCalibrationBH::foreArmLeft], odometryOffset, lastLeftHandPos);
- const float rightFactor = calculateCorrectionFactor(theRobotModelBH.limbs[MassCalibrationBH::foreArmRight], odometryOffset, lastRightHandPos);
- // determine if arm is not moving and time passed since last arm motion for each arm
- // HINT: both conditions should be equivalent as long as waitAfterMovement is > 0
- const bool leftValid = !leftMovingLastFrame &&
- theFrameInfoBH.getTimeSince(theArmMotionEngineOutputBH.arms[LEFT].lastMovement) > waitAfterMovement;
- const bool rightValid = !rightMovingLastFrame &&
- theFrameInfoBH.getTimeSince(theArmMotionEngineOutputBH.arms[RIGHT].lastMovement) > waitAfterMovement;
- // only integrate new measurement if arm not moving and time passed > waitAfterMovement
- if(leftValid)
- checkArm(LEFT, leftFactor);
- if(rightValid)
- checkArm(RIGHT, rightFactor);
- const Vector2f left = leftErrorBuffer.getAverageFloat();
- const Vector2f right = rightErrorBuffer.getAverageFloat();
- //Determine if we are being pushed or not. Can only be true if last arm movement long enough ago
- bool leftX = leftValid && fabs(left.x) > fromDegrees(errorXThreshold);
- bool leftY = leftValid && fabs(left.y) > fromDegrees(errorYThreshold);
- bool rightX = rightValid && fabs(right.x)> fromDegrees(errorXThreshold);
- bool rightY = rightValid && fabs(right.y)> fromDegrees(errorYThreshold);
- // update the model
- model.contactLeft = (leftX || leftY) &&
- leftErrorBuffer.isFilled();
- model.contactRight = (rightX || rightY) &&
- rightErrorBuffer.isFilled();
- // There should be no contact for an arm that is currently being moved
- ASSERT(model.contactLeft ? !theArmMotionEngineOutputBH.arms[LEFT].move : true);
- ASSERT(model.contactRight ? !theArmMotionEngineOutputBH.arms[RIGHT].move : true);
- // The duration of the contact is counted upwards as long as the error
- // remains. Otherwise it is reseted to 0.
- model.durationLeft = model.contactLeft ? model.durationLeft + 1 : 0;
- model.durationRight = model.contactRight ? model.durationRight + 1 : 0;
- model.contactLeft &= model.durationLeft < malfunctionThreshold;
- model.contactRight &= model.durationRight < malfunctionThreshold;
- if(model.contactLeft)
- {
- model.timeOfLastContactLeft = theFrameInfoBH.time;
- }
- if(model.contactRight)
- {
- model.timeOfLastContactRight = theFrameInfoBH.time;
- }
- model.pushDirectionLeft = getDirection(LEFT, leftX, leftY, left);
- model.pushDirectionRight = getDirection(RIGHT, rightX, rightY, right);
- model.lastPushDirectionLeft = model.pushDirectionLeft != ArmContactModelBH::NONE ? model.pushDirectionLeft : model.lastPushDirectionLeft;
- model.lastPushDirectionRight = model.pushDirectionRight != ArmContactModelBH::NONE ? model.pushDirectionRight : model.lastPushDirectionRight;
- PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorLeftX", toDegrees(left.x));
- PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorRightX", toDegrees(right.x));
- PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorLeftY", toDegrees(left.y));
- PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorRightY", toDegrees(right.y));
- PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorDurationLeft", model.durationLeft);
- PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorDurationRight", model.durationRight);
- PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorYThreshold", errorYThreshold);
- PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:errorXThreshold", errorXThreshold);
- PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:contactLeft", model.contactLeft ? 10.0 : 0.0);
- PLOT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:contactRight", model.contactRight ? 10.0 : 0.0);
- ARROW("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 0, 0, -(toDegrees(left.y) * SCALE), toDegrees(left.x) * SCALE, 20, Drawings::ps_solid, ColorClasses::green);
- ARROW("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 0, 0, toDegrees(right.y) * SCALE, toDegrees(right.x) * SCALE, 20, Drawings::ps_solid, ColorClasses::red);
- COMPLEX_DRAWING("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact",
- {
- DRAWTEXT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", -2300, 1300, 200, ColorClasses::black, "LEFT");
- DRAWTEXT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", -2300, 1100, 200, ColorClasses::black, "ErrorX: " << toDegrees(left.x));
- DRAWTEXT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", -2300, 900, 200, ColorClasses::black, "ErrorY: " << toDegrees(left.y));
- DRAWTEXT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", -2300, 500, 200, ColorClasses::black, ArmContactModelBH::getName(model.pushDirectionLeft));
- DRAWTEXT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", -2300, 300, 200, ColorClasses::black, "Time: " << model.timeOfLastContactLeft);
- DRAWTEXT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 1300, 1300, 200, ColorClasses::black, "RIGHT");
- DRAWTEXT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 1300, 1100, 200, ColorClasses::black, "ErrorX: " << toDegrees(right.x));
- DRAWTEXT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 1300, 900, 200, ColorClasses::black, "ErrorY: " << toDegrees(right.y));
- DRAWTEXT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 1300, 500, 200, ColorClasses::black, ArmContactModelBH::getName(model.pushDirectionRight));
- DRAWTEXT("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 1300, 300, 200, ColorClasses::black, "Time: " << model.timeOfLastContactRight);
- if (model.contactLeft)
- {
- CROSS("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", -2000, 0, 100, 20, Drawings::ps_solid, ColorClasses::red);
- }
- if (model.contactRight)
- {
- CROSS("module:ArmContactModelProvider:armContact", 2000, 0, 100, 20, Drawings::ps_solid, ColorClasses::red);
- }
- });
- if(debugMode && theFrameInfoBH.getTimeSince(lastSoundTime) > soundDelay &&
- (model.contactLeft || model.contactRight))
- {
- lastSoundTime = theFrameInfoBH.time;
- SystemCall::playSound("arm.wav");
- #else
- OUTPUT(idText, text, (model.contactLeft ? "Left" : "") << (model.contactRight ? "Right" : "") << " arm!");
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- ArmContactModelBH::PushDirection ArmContactModelProvider::getDirection(bool left, bool contactX, bool contactY, Vector2f error)
- {
- // for the left arm, y directions are mirrored!
- if (left)
- {
- error = Vector2f(error.x, -error.y);
- }
- ArmContactModelBH::PushDirection result = ArmContactModelBH::NONE;
- if (contactX && contactY)
- {
- if (error.x > 0.0 && error.y < 0.0f)
- {
- result = ArmContactModelBH::NW;
- }
- else if (error.x > 0.0 && error.y > 0.0)
- {
- result = ArmContactModelBH::NE;
- }
- if (error.x < 0.0 && error.y < 0.0f)
- {
- result = ArmContactModelBH::SW;
- }
- else if (error.x < 0.0 && error.y > 0.0)
- {
- result = ArmContactModelBH::SE;
- }
- }
- else if (contactX)
- {
- if (error.x < 0.0)
- {
- result = ArmContactModelBH::S;
- }
- else
- {
- result = ArmContactModelBH::N;
- }
- }
- else if (contactY)
- {
- if (error.y < 0.0)
- {
- result = ArmContactModelBH::W;
- }
- else
- {
- result = ArmContactModelBH::E;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- result = ArmContactModelBH::NONE;
- }
- return result;
- }
- float ArmContactModelProvider::calculateCorrectionFactor(const Pose3DBH foreArm, const Pose2DBH odometryOffset, Vector2BH<> &lastArmPos)
- {
- const Vector3BH<>& handPos3D = foreArm.translation;
- Vector2BH<> handPos(handPos3D.x, handPos3D.y);
- Vector2BH<> handSpeed = (odometryOffset + Pose2DBH(handPos) - Pose2DBH(lastArmPos)).translation / theFrameInfoBH.cycleTime;
- float factor = std::max(0.f, 1.f - handSpeed.abs() / speedBasedErrorReduction);
- lastArmPos = handPos;
- return factor;
- }