Ruby | 110 lines | 85 code | 25 blank | 0 comment | 2 complexity | 44db5cec0fb12a7f3ee5574f481e33b0 MD5 | raw file
- require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper')
- require 'wurfl/handset'
- class HandsetTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def setup
- @fallback = Wurfl::Handset.new("fallback_id", "f", nil)
- @handset = Wurfl::Handset.new("handset_id", "h", @fallback)
- end
- should("not be equal to nil") { assert_not_equal @handset, nil }
- should("not be equal to 1") { assert_not_equal @handset, 1 }
- should("not be equal to fallback") { assert_not_equal @handset, @fallback }
- should("equal self") { assert_equal @handset, @handset }
- should("not have differences") { assert @handset.differences(@fallback).empty? }
- context "key not set" do
- should("not have value") { assert_nil @handset["k"] }
- should("not have owner") { assert_equal nil, @handset.owner("k") }
- end
- context "fallback key set" do
- setup { @fallback["k"] = "v" }
- should("fetch value from fallback") { assert_equal "v", @handset["k"] }
- should("have fallback as owner") { assert_equal "fallback_id", @handset.owner("k") }
- context "and handset overwrites key" do
- setup { @handset["k"] = nil }
- should("fetch value from handset") { assert_nil @handset["k"] }
- should("have handset as owner") { assert_equal "handset_id", @handset.owner("k") }
- end
- end
- context "fallback and handset set different keys" do
- setup do
- @handset["k1"] = "v1"
- @fallback["k2"] = "v2"
- end
- should("have keys from handset and fallback") { assert_equal(["k1", "k2"], @handset.keys) }
- end
- context "another handset with same wurfl_id and fallback" do
- setup { @another_handset = Wurfl::Handset.new("handset_id","h", @fallback) }
- should("equal handset") { assert_equal @handset, @another_handset}
- context "and the other handset sets a key" do
- setup { @another_handset["k"] = "v" }
- should("not equal handset") { assert_not_equal @handset, @another_handset }
- context "and the fallback sets identical key" do
- setup { @fallback["k"] = "v" }
- should("equal handset") { assert_equal @handset, @another_handset }
- end
- end
- end
- context "another handset with different wurfl_id and fallback" do
- setup do
- @another_fallback = Wurfl::Handset.new("f2", "f2_ua", nil)
- @another_handset = Wurfl::Handset.new("h2","h2_ua", @another_fallback)
- end
- context "and no keys set" do
- should('have no differences') {assert @handset.differences(@another_fallback).empty? }
- end
- context "and the other handset has a key set" do
- setup { @another_handset["k"] = "v" }
- should('have the key as a difference') do
- assert_equal ["k"], @handset.differences(@another_handset)
- end
- end
- context "and handset has a key set" do
- setup { @handset["k"] = "v" }
- should('have the key as a difference') do
- assert_equal ["k"], @handset.differences(@another_handset)
- end
- end
- context "and both handsets have different values for same key" do
- setup do
- @handset["k"] = "v"
- @another_handset["k"] = "v2"
- end
- should 'have the key as a difference' do
- assert_equal ["k"], @handset.differences(@another_handset)
- end
- end
- context "and fallbacks have different values for same key" do
- setup do
- @fallback["j"] = "1"
- @another_fallback["j"] = "2"
- end
- should 'have the key as a difference' do
- assert_equal ["j"], @handset.differences(@another_handset)
- end
- end
- end
- end