Python | 306 lines | 283 code | 14 blank | 9 comment | 6 complexity | 39f127d033260df371795154845644d7 MD5 | raw file
- import urllib2
- from BeautifulSoup import *
- from urlparse import urljoin
- from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
- import nn
- mynet=nn.searchnet('nn.db')
- # Create a list of words to ignore
- ignorewords={'the':1,'of':1,'to':1,'and':1,'a':1,'in':1,'is':1,'it':1}
- class crawler:
- # Initialize the crawler with the name of database
- def __init__(self,dbname):
- self.con=sqlite.connect(dbname)
- def __del__(self):
- self.con.close()
- def dbcommit(self):
- self.con.commit()
- # Auxilliary function for getting an entry id and adding
- # it if it's not present
- def getentryid(self,table,field,value,createnew=True):
- cur=self.con.execute(
- "select rowid from %s where %s='%s'" % (table,field,value))
- res=cur.fetchone()
- if res==None:
- cur=self.con.execute(
- "insert into %s (%s) values ('%s')" % (table,field,value))
- return cur.lastrowid
- else:
- return res[0]
- # Index an individual page
- def addtoindex(self,url,soup):
- if self.isindexed(url): return
- print 'Indexing '+url
- # Get the individual words
- text=self.gettextonly(soup)
- words=self.separatewords(text)
- # Get the URL id
- urlid=self.getentryid('urllist','url',url)
- # Link each word to this url
- for i in range(len(words)):
- word=words[i]
- if word in ignorewords: continue
- wordid=self.getentryid('wordlist','word',word)
- self.con.execute("insert into wordlocation(urlid,wordid,location) values (%d,%d,%d)" % (urlid,wordid,i))
- # Extract the text from an HTML page (no tags)
- def gettextonly(self,soup):
- v=soup.string
- if v==Null:
- c=soup.contents
- resulttext=''
- for t in c:
- subtext=self.gettextonly(t)
- resulttext+=subtext+'\n'
- return resulttext
- else:
- return v.strip()
- # Seperate the words by any non-whitespace character
- def separatewords(self,text):
- splitter=re.compile('\\W*')
- return [s.lower() for s in splitter.split(text) if s!='']
- # Return true if this url is already indexed
- def isindexed(self,url):
- return False
- # Add a link between two pages
- def addlinkref(self,urlFrom,urlTo,linkText):
- words=self.separateWords(linkText)
- fromid=self.getentryid('urllist','url',urlFrom)
- toid=self.getentryid('urllist','url',urlTo)
- if fromid==toid: return
- cur=self.con.execute("insert into link(fromid,toid) values (%d,%d)" % (fromid,toid))
- linkid=cur.lastrowid
- for word in words:
- if word in ignorewords: continue
- wordid=self.getentryid('wordlist','word',word)
- self.con.execute("insert into linkwords(linkid,wordid) values (%d,%d)" % (linkid,wordid))
- # Starting with a list of pages, do a breadth
- # first search to the given depth, indexing pages
- # as we go
- def crawl(self,pages,depth=2):
- for i in range(depth):
- newpages={}
- for page in pages:
- try:
- c=urllib2.urlopen(page)
- except:
- print "Could not open %s" % page
- continue
- try:
- soup=BeautifulSoup(c.read())
- self.addtoindex(page,soup)
- links=soup('a')
- for link in links:
- if ('href' in dict(link.attrs)):
- url=urljoin(page,link['href'])
- if url.find("'")!=-1: continue
- url=url.split('#')[0] # remove location portion
- if url[0:4]=='http' and not self.isindexed(url):
- newpages[url]=1
- linkText=self.gettextonly(link)
- self.addlinkref(page,url,linkText)
- self.dbcommit()
- except:
- print "Could not parse page %s" % page
- pages=newpages
- # Create the database tables
- def createindextables(self):
- self.con.execute('create table urllist(url)')
- self.con.execute('create table wordlist(word)')
- self.con.execute('create table wordlocation(urlid,wordid,location)')
- self.con.execute('create table link(fromid integer,toid integer)')
- self.con.execute('create table linkwords(wordid,linkid)')
- self.con.execute('create index wordidx on wordlist(word)')
- self.con.execute('create index urlidx on urllist(url)')
- self.con.execute('create index wordurlidx on wordlocation(wordid)')
- self.con.execute('create index urltoidx on link(toid)')
- self.con.execute('create index urlfromidx on link(fromid)')
- self.dbcommit()
- def calculatepagerank(self,iterations=20):
- # clear out the current page rank tables
- self.con.execute('drop table if exists pagerank')
- self.con.execute('create table pagerank(urlid primary key,score)')
- # initialize every url with a page rank of 1
- for (urlid,) in self.con.execute('select rowid from urllist'):
- self.con.execute('insert into pagerank(urlid,score) values (%d,1.0)' % urlid)
- self.dbcommit()
- for i in range(iterations):
- print "Iteration %d" % (i)
- for (urlid,) in self.con.execute('select rowid from urllist'):
- pr=0.15
- # Loop through all the pages that link to this one
- for (linker,) in self.con.execute(
- 'select distinct fromid from link where toid=%d' % urlid):
- # Get the page rank of the linker
- linkingpr=self.con.execute(
- 'select score from pagerank where urlid=%d' % linker).fetchone()[0]
- # Get the total number of links from the linker
- linkingcount=self.con.execute(
- 'select count(*) from link where fromid=%d' % linker).fetchone()[0]
- pr+=0.85*(linkingpr/linkingcount)
- self.con.execute(
- 'update pagerank set score=%f where urlid=%d' % (pr,urlid))
- self.dbcommit()
- class searcher:
- def __init__(self,dbname):
- self.con=sqlite.connect(dbname)
- def __del__(self):
- self.con.close()
- def getmatchrows(self,q):
- # Strings to build the query
- fieldlist='w0.urlid'
- tablelist=''
- clauselist=''
- wordids=[]
- # Split the words by spaces
- words=q.split(' ')
- tablenumber=0
- for word in words:
- # Get the word ID
- wordrow=self.con.execute(
- "select rowid from wordlist where word='%s'" % word).fetchone()
- if wordrow!=None:
- wordid=wordrow[0]
- wordids.append(wordid)
- if tablenumber>0:
- tablelist+=','
- clauselist+=' and '
- clauselist+='w%d.urlid=w%d.urlid and ' % (tablenumber-1,tablenumber)
- fieldlist+=',w%d.location' % tablenumber
- tablelist+='wordlocation w%d' % tablenumber
- clauselist+='w%d.wordid=%d' % (tablenumber,wordid)
- tablenumber+=1
- # Create the query from the separate parts
- fullquery='select %s from %s where %s' % (fieldlist,tablelist,clauselist)
- print fullquery
- cur=self.con.execute(fullquery)
- rows=[row for row in cur]
- return rows,wordids
- def getscoredlist(self,rows,wordids):
- totalscores=dict([(row[0],0) for row in rows])
- # This is where we'll put our scoring functions
- weights=[(1.0,self.locationscore(rows)),
- (1.0,self.frequencyscore(rows)),
- (1.0,self.pagerankscore(rows)),
- (1.0,self.linktextscore(rows,wordids)),
- (5.0,self.nnscore(rows,wordids))]
- for (weight,scores) in weights:
- for url in totalscores:
- totalscores[url]+=weight*scores[url]
- return totalscores
- def geturlname(self,id):
- return self.con.execute(
- "select url from urllist where rowid=%d" % id).fetchone()[0]
- def query(self,q):
- rows,wordids=self.getmatchrows(q)
- scores=self.getscoredlist(rows,wordids)
- rankedscores=[(score,url) for (url,score) in scores.items()]
- rankedscores.sort()
- rankedscores.reverse()
- for (score,urlid) in rankedscores[0:10]:
- print '%f\t%s' % (score,self.geturlname(urlid))
- return wordids,[r[1] for r in rankedscores[0:10]]
- def normalizescores(self,scores,smallIsBetter=0):
- vsmall=0.00001 # Avoid division by zero errors
- if smallIsBetter:
- minscore=min(scores.values())
- return dict([(u,float(minscore)/max(vsmall,l)) for (u,l) in scores.items()])
- else:
- maxscore=max(scores.values())
- if maxscore==0: maxscore=vsmall
- return dict([(u,float(c)/maxscore) for (u,c) in scores.items()])
- def frequencyscore(self,rows):
- counts=dict([(row[0],0) for row in rows])
- for row in rows: counts[row[0]]+=1
- return self.normalizescores(counts)
- def locationscore(self,rows):
- locations=dict([(row[0],1000000) for row in rows])
- for row in rows:
- loc=sum(row[1:])
- if loc<locations[row[0]]: locations[row[0]]=loc
- return self.normalizescores(locations,smallIsBetter=1)
- def distancescore(self,rows):
- # If there's only one word, everyone wins!
- if len(rows[0])<=2: return dict([(row[0],1.0) for row in rows])
- # Initialize the dictionary with large values
- mindistance=dict([(row[0],1000000) for row in rows])
- for row in rows:
- dist=sum([abs(row[i]-row[i-1]) for i in range(2,len(row))])
- if dist<mindistance[row[0]]: mindistance[row[0]]=dist
- return self.normalizescores(mindistance,smallIsBetter=1)
- def inboundlinkscore(self,rows):
- uniqueurls=dict([(row[0],1) for row in rows])
- inboundcount=dict([(u,self.con.execute('select count(*) from link where toid=%d' % u).fetchone()[0]) for u in uniqueurls])
- return self.normalizescores(inboundcount)
- def linktextscore(self,rows,wordids):
- linkscores=dict([(row[0],0) for row in rows])
- for wordid in wordids:
- cur=self.con.execute('select link.fromid,link.toid from linkwords,link where wordid=%d and linkwords.linkid=link.rowid' % wordid)
- for (fromid,toid) in cur:
- if toid in linkscores:
- pr=self.con.execute('select score from pagerank where urlid=%d' % fromid).fetchone()[0]
- linkscores[toid]+=pr
- maxscore=max(linkscores.values())
- normalizedscores=dict([(u,float(l)/maxscore) for (u,l) in linkscores.items()])
- return normalizedscores
- def pagerankscore(self,rows):
- pageranks=dict([(row[0],self.con.execute('select score from pagerank where urlid=%d' % row[0]).fetchone()[0]) for row in rows])
- maxrank=max(pageranks.values())
- normalizedscores=dict([(u,float(l)/maxrank) for (u,l) in pageranks.items()])
- return normalizedscores
- def nnscore(self,rows,wordids):
- # Get unique URL IDs as an ordered list
- urlids=[urlid for urlid in dict([(row[0],1) for row in rows])]
- nnres=mynet.getresult(wordids,urlids)
- scores=dict([(urlids[i],nnres[i]) for i in range(len(urlids))])
- return self.normalizescores(scores)