Python | 372 lines | 332 code | 10 blank | 30 comment | 7 complexity | f3bdb200b52640e87bab3c2c6f5703cb MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #
- # Copyright 2006-2009 Zuza Software Foundation
- #
- # This file is part of the Translate Toolkit.
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- """Parent class for LISA standards (TMX, TBX, XLIFF)"""
- import re
- from translate.storage import base
- from translate.lang import data
- try:
- from lxml import etree
- from translate.misc.xml_helpers import getText, getXMLlang, setXMLlang, \
- getXMLspace, setXMLspace, namespaced
- except ImportError, e:
- raise ImportError("lxml is not installed. It might be possible to continue without support for XML formats.")
- def _findAllMatches(text, re_obj):
- """generate match objects for all L{re_obj} matches in L{text}."""
- start = 0
- max = len(text)
- while start < max:
- m = re_obj.search(text, start)
- if not m:
- break
- yield m
- start = m.end()
- #TODO: we can now do better with our proper placeables support
- placeholders = ['(%[diouxXeEfFgGcrs])', r'(\\+.?)',
- '(%[0-9]$lx)', '(%[0-9]\$[a-z])', '(<.+?>)']
- re_placeholders = [re.compile(ph) for ph in placeholders]
- def _getPhMatches(text):
- """return list of regexp matchobjects for with all place holders in the
- L{text}"""
- matches = []
- for re_ph in re_placeholders:
- matches.extend(list(_findAllMatches(text, re_ph)))
- # sort them so they come sequentially
- matches.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.start(), b.start()))
- return matches
- class LISAunit(base.TranslationUnit):
- """
- A single unit in the file. Provisional work is done to make several
- languages possible.
- """
- #The name of the root element of this unit type:(termEntry, tu, trans-unit)
- rootNode = ""
- # The name of the per language element of this unit type:(termEntry, tu,
- # trans-unit)
- languageNode = ""
- #The name of the innermost element of this unit type:(term, seg)
- textNode = ""
- namespace = None
- _default_xml_space = "preserve"
- """The default handling of spacing in the absense of an xml:space
- attribute.
- This is mostly for correcting XLIFF behaviour."""
- def __init__(self, source, empty=False, **kwargs):
- """Constructs a unit containing the given source string"""
- self._rich_source = None
- self._rich_target = None
- if empty:
- self._state_n = 0
- return
- self.xmlelement = etree.Element(self.namespaced(self.rootNode))
- #add descrip, note, etc.
- super(LISAunit, self).__init__(source)
- def __eq__(self, other):
- """Compares two units"""
- if not isinstance(other, LISAunit):
- return super(LISAunit, self).__eq__(other)
- languageNodes = self.getlanguageNodes()
- otherlanguageNodes = other.getlanguageNodes()
- if len(languageNodes) != len(otherlanguageNodes):
- return False
- for i in range(len(languageNodes)):
- mytext = self.getNodeText(languageNodes[i],
- getXMLspace(self.xmlelement,
- self._default_xml_space))
- othertext = other.getNodeText(otherlanguageNodes[i],
- getXMLspace(self.xmlelement,
- self._default_xml_space))
- if mytext != othertext:
- #TODO:^ maybe we want to take children and notes into account
- return False
- return True
- def namespaced(self, name):
- """Returns name in Clark notation.
- For example namespaced("source") in an XLIFF document might return::
- {urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1}source
- This is needed throughout lxml.
- """
- return namespaced(self.namespace, name)
- def set_source_dom(self, dom_node):
- languageNodes = self.getlanguageNodes()
- if len(languageNodes) > 0:
- self.xmlelement.replace(languageNodes[0], dom_node)
- else:
- self.xmlelement.append(dom_node)
- def get_source_dom(self):
- return self.getlanguageNode(lang=None, index=0)
- source_dom = property(get_source_dom, set_source_dom)
- def setsource(self, text, sourcelang='en'):
- if self._rich_source is not None:
- self._rich_source = None
- text = data.forceunicode(text)
- self.source_dom = self.createlanguageNode(sourcelang, text, "source")
- def getsource(self):
- return self.getNodeText(self.source_dom,
- getXMLspace(self.xmlelement,
- self._default_xml_space))
- source = property(getsource, setsource)
- def set_target_dom(self, dom_node, append=False):
- languageNodes = self.getlanguageNodes()
- assert len(languageNodes) > 0
- if dom_node is not None:
- if append or len(languageNodes) == 0:
- self.xmlelement.append(dom_node)
- else:
- self.xmlelement.insert(1, dom_node)
- if not append and len(languageNodes) > 1:
- self.xmlelement.remove(languageNodes[1])
- def get_target_dom(self, lang=None):
- if lang:
- return self.getlanguageNode(lang=lang)
- else:
- return self.getlanguageNode(lang=None, index=1)
- target_dom = property(get_target_dom)
- def settarget(self, text, lang='xx', append=False):
- """Sets the "target" string (second language), or alternatively
- appends to the list"""
- #XXX: we really need the language - can't really be optional, and we
- # need to propagate it
- if self._rich_target is not None:
- self._rich_target = None
- text = data.forceunicode(text)
- # Firstly deal with reinitialising to None or setting to identical
- # string
- if self.gettarget() == text:
- return
- languageNode = self.get_target_dom(None)
- if not text is None:
- if languageNode is None:
- languageNode = self.createlanguageNode(lang, text, "target")
- self.set_target_dom(languageNode, append)
- else:
- if self.textNode:
- terms = languageNode.iter(self.namespaced(self.textNode))
- try:
- languageNode = terms.next()
- except StopIteration, e:
- pass
- languageNode.text = text
- else:
- self.set_target_dom(None, False)
- def gettarget(self, lang=None):
- """retrieves the "target" text (second entry), or the entry in the
- specified language, if it exists"""
- return self.getNodeText(self.get_target_dom(lang),
- getXMLspace(self.xmlelement,
- self._default_xml_space))
- target = property(gettarget, settarget)
- def createlanguageNode(self, lang, text, purpose=None):
- """Returns a xml Element setup with given parameters to represent a
- single language entry. Has to be overridden."""
- return None
- def createPHnodes(self, parent, text):
- """Create the text node in parent containing all the ph tags"""
- matches = _getPhMatches(text)
- if not matches:
- parent.text = text
- return
- # Now we know there will definitely be some ph tags
- start = matches[0].start()
- pretext = text[:start]
- if pretext:
- parent.text = pretext
- lasttag = parent
- for i, m in enumerate(matches):
- #pretext
- pretext = text[start:m.start()]
- # this will never happen with the first ph tag
- if pretext:
- lasttag.tail = pretext
- #ph node
- phnode = etree.SubElement(parent, self.namespaced("ph"))
- phnode.set("id", str(i+1))
- phnode.text = m.group()
- lasttag = phnode
- start = m.end()
- #post text
- if text[start:]:
- lasttag.tail = text[start:]
- def getlanguageNodes(self):
- """Returns a list of all nodes that contain per language information.
- """
- return list(self.xmlelement.iterchildren(self.namespaced(self.languageNode)))
- def getlanguageNode(self, lang=None, index=None):
- """Retrieves a languageNode either by language or by index"""
- if lang is None and index is None:
- raise KeyError("No criterea for languageNode given")
- languageNodes = self.getlanguageNodes()
- if lang:
- for set in languageNodes:
- if getXMLlang(set) == lang:
- return set
- else:#have to use index
- if index >= len(languageNodes):
- return None
- else:
- return languageNodes[index]
- return None
- def getNodeText(self, languageNode, xml_space="preserve"):
- """Retrieves the term from the given languageNode"""
- if languageNode is None:
- return None
- if self.textNode:
- terms = languageNode.iterdescendants(self.namespaced(self.textNode))
- if terms is None:
- return None
- else:
- return getText(terms.next(), xml_space)
- else:
- return getText(languageNode, xml_space)
- def __str__(self):
- return etree.tostring(self.xmlelement, pretty_print=True,
- encoding='utf-8')
- def _set_property(self, name, value):
- self.xmlelement.attrib[name] = value
- xid = property(lambda self: self.xmlelement.attrib[self.namespaced('xid')],
- lambda self, value: self._set_property(self.namespaced('xid'), value))
- rid = property(lambda self: self.xmlelement.attrib[self.namespaced('rid')],
- lambda self, value: self._set_property(self.namespaced('rid'), value))
- def createfromxmlElement(cls, element):
- term = cls(None, empty=True)
- term.xmlelement = element
- return term
- createfromxmlElement = classmethod(createfromxmlElement)
- class LISAfile(base.TranslationStore):
- """A class representing a file store for one of the LISA file formats."""
- UnitClass = LISAunit
- #The root node of the XML document:
- rootNode = ""
- #The root node of the content section:
- bodyNode = ""
- #The XML skeleton to use for empty construction:
- XMLskeleton = ""
- namespace = None
- def __init__(self, inputfile=None, sourcelanguage='en',
- targetlanguage=None, unitclass=None):
- super(LISAfile, self).__init__(unitclass=unitclass)
- if inputfile is not None:
- self.parse(inputfile)
- assert self.document.getroot().tag == self.namespaced(self.rootNode)
- else:
- # We strip out newlines to ensure that spaces in the skeleton
- # doesn't interfere with the the pretty printing of lxml
- self.parse(self.XMLskeleton.replace("\n", ""))
- self.setsourcelanguage(sourcelanguage)
- self.settargetlanguage(targetlanguage)
- self.addheader()
- self._encoding = "UTF-8"
- def addheader(self):
- """Method to be overridden to initialise headers, etc."""
- pass
- def namespaced(self, name):
- """Returns name in Clark notation.
- For example namespaced("source") in an XLIFF document might return::
- {urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1}source
- This is needed throughout lxml.
- """
- return namespaced(self.namespace, name)
- def initbody(self):
- """Initialises self.body so it never needs to be retrieved from the
- XML again."""
- self.namespace = self.document.getroot().nsmap.get(None, None)
- self.body = self.document.find('//%s' % self.namespaced(self.bodyNode))
- def addsourceunit(self, source):
- #TODO: miskien moet hierdie eerder addsourcestring of iets genoem word?
- """Adds and returns a new unit with the given string as first entry."""
- newunit = self.UnitClass(source)
- self.addunit(newunit)
- return newunit
- def addunit(self, unit, new=True):
- unit.namespace = self.namespace
- super(LISAfile, self).addunit(unit)
- if new:
- self.body.append(unit.xmlelement)
- def __str__(self):
- """Converts to a string containing the file's XML"""
- return etree.tostring(self.document, pretty_print=True,
- xml_declaration=True, encoding='utf-8')
- def parse(self, xml):
- """Populates this object from the given xml string"""
- if not hasattr(self, 'filename'):
- self.filename = getattr(xml, 'name', '')
- if hasattr(xml, "read"):
- xml.seek(0)
- posrc = xml.read()
- xml = posrc
- if etree.LXML_VERSION >= (2, 1, 0):
- #Since version 2.1.0 we can pass the strip_cdata parameter to
- #indicate that we don't want cdata to be converted to raw XML
- parser = etree.XMLParser(strip_cdata=False)
- else:
- parser = etree.XMLParser()
- self.document = etree.fromstring(xml, parser).getroottree()
- self._encoding = self.document.docinfo.encoding
- self.initbody()
- assert self.document.getroot().tag == self.namespaced(self.rootNode)
- for entry in self.document.getroot().iterdescendants(self.namespaced(self.UnitClass.rootNode)):
- term = self.UnitClass.createfromxmlElement(entry)
- self.addunit(term, new=False)