https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server · Erlang · 71 lines · 47 code · 10 blank · 14 comment · 0 complexity · c1a8ff26b24fbd2b70d18a86bd55d136 MD5 · raw file
- %% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- %% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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- %%
- %% Copyright (c) 2007-2022 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- %%
- -module(pid_recomposition).
- %% API
- -export([
- to_binary/1,
- from_binary/1,
- decompose/1,
- recompose/1
- ]).
- -define(TTB_PREFIX, 131).
- -define(NEW_PID_EXT, 88).
- -define(PID_EXT, 103).
- -define(ATOM_UTF8_EXT, 118).
- -define(SMALL_ATOM_UTF8_EXT, 119).
- %%
- %% API
- %%
- -spec decompose(pid()) -> #{atom() => any()}.
- decompose(Pid) ->
- from_binary(term_to_binary(Pid, [{minor_version, 2}])).
- -spec from_binary(binary()) -> #{atom() => any()}.
- from_binary(Bin) ->
- PidData = case Bin of
- %% Erlang 23+
- <<?TTB_PREFIX, ?NEW_PID_EXT, Val0/binary>> -> Val0;
- %% Erlang 22
- <<?TTB_PREFIX, ?PID_EXT, Val1/binary>> -> Val1
- end,
- {Node, Rest2} = case PidData of
- <<?ATOM_UTF8_EXT, AtomLen:16/integer, Node0:AtomLen/binary, Rest1/binary>> ->
- {Node0, Rest1};
- <<?SMALL_ATOM_UTF8_EXT, AtomLen/integer, Node0:AtomLen/binary, Rest1/binary>> ->
- {Node0, Rest1}
- end,
- {ID, Serial, Creation} = case Rest2 of
- %% NEW_PID_EXT on Erlang 23+
- <<ID0:32/integer, Serial0:32/integer, Creation0:32/integer>> ->
- {ID0, Serial0, Creation0};
- %% PID_EXT on Erlang 22
- <<ID1:32/integer, Serial1:32/integer, Creation1:8/integer>> ->
- {ID1, Serial1, Creation1}
- end,
- #{
- node => binary_to_atom(Node, utf8),
- id => ID,
- serial => Serial,
- creation => Creation
- }.
- -spec to_binary(#{atom() => any()}) -> binary().
- to_binary(#{node := Node, id := ID, serial := Serial, creation := Creation}) ->
- BinNode = atom_to_binary(Node, utf8),
- NodeLen = byte_size(BinNode),
- <<?TTB_PREFIX:8/unsigned, ?NEW_PID_EXT:8/unsigned, ?ATOM_UTF8_EXT:8/unsigned, NodeLen:16/unsigned, BinNode/binary, ID:32, Serial:32, Creation:32>>.
- -spec recompose(#{atom() => any()}) -> pid().
- recompose(M) ->
- binary_to_term(to_binary(M)).