https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server · Erlang · 78 lines · 45 code · 12 blank · 21 comment · 0 complexity · 44ee6a720a8c6f69d78bac9cf44cf764 MD5 · raw file
- %% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- %% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- %% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- %%
- %% Copyright (c) 2007-2022 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- %%
- -module(rabbit_direct_reply_to).
- %% API
- -export([
- %% Original amq.rabbitmq.reply-to target channel encoding
- compute_key_and_suffix_v1/1,
- decode_reply_to_v1/1,
- %% v2 amq.rabbitmq.reply-to target channel encoding
- compute_key_and_suffix_v2/1,
- decode_reply_to_v2/2
- ]).
- %%
- %% API
- %%
- -type decoded_pid_and_key() :: {ok, pid(), binary()} | {error, any()}.
- -spec compute_key_and_suffix_v1(pid()) -> {binary(), binary()}.
- %% This original pid encoding function produces values that exceed routing key length limit
- %% on nodes with long (say, 130+ characters) node names.
- compute_key_and_suffix_v1(Pid) ->
- Key = base64:encode(rabbit_guid:gen()),
- PidEnc = base64:encode(term_to_binary(Pid)),
- Suffix = <<PidEnc/binary, ".", Key/binary>>,
- {Key, Suffix}.
- -spec decode_reply_to_v1(binary()) -> decoded_pid_and_key() | {error, any()}.
- decode_reply_to_v1(Bin) ->
- case string:lexemes(Bin, ".") of
- [PidEnc, Key] -> Pid = binary_to_term(base64:decode(PidEnc)),
- {ok, Pid, unicode:characters_to_binary(Key)};
- _ -> {error, unrecognized_format}
- end.
- -spec compute_key_and_suffix_v2(pid()) -> {binary(), binary()}.
- %% This pid encoding function produces values that are of mostly fixed size
- %% regardless of the node name length.
- compute_key_and_suffix_v2(Pid) ->
- Key = base64:encode(rabbit_guid:gen()),
- PidParts0 = #{node := Node} = pid_recomposition:decompose(Pid),
- %% Note: we hash the entire node name. This is sufficient for our needs of shortening node name
- %% in the TTB-encoded pid, and helps avoid doing the node name split for every single cluster member
- %% in rabbit_nodes:all_running_with_hashes/0.
- %%
- %% We also use a synthetic node prefix because the hash alone will be sufficient to
- NodeHash = erlang:phash2(Node),
- PidParts = maps:update(node, rabbit_nodes_common:make("reply", integer_to_list(NodeHash)), PidParts0),
- RecomposedEncoded = base64:encode(pid_recomposition:to_binary(PidParts)),
- Suffix = <<RecomposedEncoded/binary, ".", Key/binary>>,
- {Key, Suffix}.
- -spec decode_reply_to_v2(binary(), #{non_neg_integer() => node()}) -> decoded_pid_and_key() | {error, any()}.
- decode_reply_to_v2(Bin, CandidateNodes) ->
- case string:lexemes(Bin, ".") of
- [PidEnc, Key] ->
- RawPidBin = base64:decode(PidEnc),
- PidParts0 = #{node := ShortenedNodename} = pid_recomposition:from_binary(RawPidBin),
- {_, NodeHash} = rabbit_nodes_common:parts(ShortenedNodename),
- case maps:get(list_to_integer(NodeHash), CandidateNodes, undefined) of
- undefined -> error;
- Candidate ->
- PidParts = maps:update(node, Candidate, PidParts0),
- {ok, pid_recomposition:recompose(PidParts), unicode:characters_to_binary(Key)}
- end;
- _ -> {error, unrecognized_format}
- end.