Python | 259 lines | 233 code | 15 blank | 11 comment | 33 complexity | ca9cfe5c285f6f347d796cb747acbd73 MD5 | raw file
- ## This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- ## License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- ## file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
- ##
- ## Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- ##
- import unittest
- import stomp
- import sys
- import threading
- import os
- class BaseTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def create_connection_obj(self, version='1.0', vhost='/', heartbeats=(0, 0)):
- if version == '1.0':
- conn = stomp.StompConnection10(host_and_ports=[('localhost', int(os.environ["STOMP_PORT"]))])
- self.ack_id_source_header = 'message-id'
- self.ack_id_header = 'message-id'
- elif version == '1.1':
- conn = stomp.StompConnection11(host_and_ports=[('localhost', int(os.environ["STOMP_PORT"]))],
- vhost=vhost,
- heartbeats=heartbeats)
- self.ack_id_source_header = 'message-id'
- self.ack_id_header = 'message-id'
- elif version == '1.2':
- conn = stomp.StompConnection12(host_and_ports=[('localhost', int(os.environ["STOMP_PORT"]))],
- vhost=vhost,
- heartbeats=heartbeats)
- self.ack_id_source_header = 'ack'
- self.ack_id_header = 'id'
- else:
- conn = stomp.StompConnection12(host_and_ports=[('localhost', int(os.environ["STOMP_PORT"]))],
- vhost=vhost,
- heartbeats=heartbeats)
- conn.version = version
- return conn
- def create_connection(self, user='guest', passcode='guest', wait=True, **kwargs):
- conn = self.create_connection_obj(**kwargs)
- conn.start()
- conn.connect(user, passcode, wait=wait)
- return conn
- def subscribe_dest(self, conn, destination, sub_id, **kwargs):
- if type(conn) is stomp.StompConnection10:
- # 'id' is optional in STOMP 1.0.
- if sub_id != None:
- kwargs['id'] = sub_id
- conn.subscribe(destination, **kwargs)
- else:
- # 'id' is required in STOMP 1.1+.
- if sub_id == None:
- sub_id = 'ctag'
- conn.subscribe(destination, sub_id, **kwargs)
- def unsubscribe_dest(self, conn, destination, sub_id, **kwargs):
- if type(conn) is stomp.StompConnection10:
- # 'id' is optional in STOMP 1.0.
- if sub_id != None:
- conn.unsubscribe(id=sub_id, **kwargs)
- else:
- conn.unsubscribe(destination=destination, **kwargs)
- else:
- # 'id' is required in STOMP 1.1+.
- if sub_id == None:
- sub_id = 'ctag'
- conn.unsubscribe(sub_id, **kwargs)
- def ack_message(self, conn, msg_id, sub_id, **kwargs):
- if type(conn) is stomp.StompConnection10:
- conn.ack(msg_id, **kwargs)
- elif type(conn) is stomp.StompConnection11:
- if sub_id == None:
- sub_id = 'ctag'
- conn.ack(msg_id, sub_id, **kwargs)
- elif type(conn) is stomp.StompConnection12:
- conn.ack(msg_id, **kwargs)
- def nack_message(self, conn, msg_id, sub_id, **kwargs):
- if type(conn) is stomp.StompConnection10:
- # Normally unsupported by STOMP 1.0.
- conn.send_frame("NACK", {"message-id": msg_id})
- elif type(conn) is stomp.StompConnection11:
- if sub_id == None:
- sub_id = 'ctag'
- conn.nack(msg_id, sub_id, **kwargs)
- elif type(conn) is stomp.StompConnection12:
- conn.nack(msg_id, **kwargs)
- def create_subscriber_connection(self, dest):
- conn = self.create_connection()
- listener = WaitableListener()
- conn.set_listener('', listener)
- self.subscribe_dest(conn, dest, None, receipt="sub.receipt")
- listener.wait()
- self.assertEquals(1, len(listener.receipts))
- listener.reset()
- return conn, listener
- def setUp(self):
- # Note: useful for debugging
- # import stomp.listener
- self.conn = self.create_connection()
- self.listener = WaitableListener()
- self.conn.set_listener('waitable', self.listener)
- # Note: useful for debugging
- # self.printing_listener = stomp.listener.PrintingListener()
- # self.conn.set_listener('printing', self.printing_listener)
- def tearDown(self):
- if self.conn.is_connected():
- self.conn.disconnect()
- self.conn.stop()
- def simple_test_send_rec(self, dest, headers={}):
- self.listener.reset()
- self.subscribe_dest(self.conn, dest, None)
- self.conn.send(dest, "foo", headers=headers)
- self.assertTrue(self.listener.wait(), "Timeout, no message received")
- # assert no errors
- if len(self.listener.errors) > 0:
- self.fail(self.listener.errors[0]['message'])
- # check header content
- msg = self.listener.messages[0]
- self.assertEquals("foo", msg['message'])
- self.assertEquals(dest, msg['headers']['destination'])
- return msg['headers']
- def assertListener(self, errMsg, numMsgs=0, numErrs=0, numRcts=0, timeout=10):
- if numMsgs + numErrs + numRcts > 0:
- self._assertTrue(self.listener.wait(timeout), errMsg + " (#awaiting)")
- else:
- self._assertFalse(self.listener.wait(timeout), errMsg + " (#awaiting)")
- self._assertEquals(numMsgs, len(self.listener.messages), errMsg + " (#messages)")
- self._assertEquals(numErrs, len(self.listener.errors), errMsg + " (#errors)")
- self._assertEquals(numRcts, len(self.listener.receipts), errMsg + " (#receipts)")
- def _assertTrue(self, bool, msg):
- if not bool:
- self.listener.print_state(msg, True)
- self.assertTrue(bool, msg)
- def _assertFalse(self, bool, msg):
- if bool:
- self.listener.print_state(msg, True)
- self.assertFalse(bool, msg)
- def _assertEquals(self, expected, actual, msg):
- if expected != actual:
- self.listener.print_state(msg, True)
- self.assertEquals(expected, actual, msg)
- def assertListenerAfter(self, verb, errMsg="", numMsgs=0, numErrs=0, numRcts=0, timeout=5):
- num = numMsgs + numErrs + numRcts
- self.listener.reset(num if num>0 else 1)
- verb()
- self.assertListener(errMsg=errMsg, numMsgs=numMsgs, numErrs=numErrs, numRcts=numRcts, timeout=timeout)
- class WaitableListener(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.debug = False
- if self.debug:
- print('(listener) init')
- self.messages = []
- self.errors = []
- self.receipts = []
- self.latch = Latch(1)
- self.msg_no = 0
- def _next_msg_no(self):
- self.msg_no += 1
- return self.msg_no
- def _append(self, array, msg, hdrs):
- mno = self._next_msg_no()
- array.append({'message' : msg, 'headers' : hdrs, 'msg_no' : mno})
- self.latch.countdown()
- def on_receipt(self, headers, message):
- if self.debug:
- print('(on_receipt) message: {}, headers: {}'.format(message, headers))
- self._append(self.receipts, message, headers)
- def on_error(self, headers, message):
- if self.debug:
- print('(on_error) message: {}, headers: {}'.format(message, headers))
- self._append(self.errors, message, headers)
- def on_message(self, headers, message):
- if self.debug:
- print('(on_message) message: {}, headers: {}'.format(message, headers))
- self._append(self.messages, message, headers)
- def reset(self, count=1):
- if self.debug:
- self.print_state('(reset listener--old state)')
- self.messages = []
- self.errors = []
- self.receipts = []
- self.latch = Latch(count)
- self.msg_no = 0
- if self.debug:
- self.print_state('(reset listener--new state)')
- def wait(self, timeout=10):
- return self.latch.wait(timeout)
- def print_state(self, hdr="", full=False):
- print(hdr)
- print('#messages: {}'.format(len(self.messages)))
- print('#errors: {}', len(self.errors))
- print('#receipts: {}'.format(len(self.receipts)))
- print('Remaining count: {}'.format(self.latch.get_count()))
- if full:
- if len(self.messages) != 0: print('Messages: {}'.format(self.messages))
- if len(self.errors) != 0: print('Messages: {}'.format(self.errors))
- if len(self.receipts) != 0: print('Messages: {}'.format(self.receipts))
- class Latch(object):
- def __init__(self, count=1):
- self.cond = threading.Condition()
- self.cond.acquire()
- self.count = count
- self.cond.release()
- def countdown(self):
- self.cond.acquire()
- if self.count > 0:
- self.count -= 1
- if self.count == 0:
- self.cond.notify_all()
- self.cond.release()
- def wait(self, timeout=None):
- try:
- self.cond.acquire()
- if self.count == 0:
- return True
- else:
- self.cond.wait(timeout)
- return self.count == 0
- finally:
- self.cond.release()
- def get_count(self):
- try:
- self.cond.acquire()
- return self.count
- finally:
- self.cond.release()