https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-toke · Erlang · 100 lines · 67 code · 18 blank · 15 comment · 2 complexity · 12bcbcbebaa10a799bdebdb01b67333f MD5 · raw file
- %% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- %% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
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- %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
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- %% limitations under the License.
- %%
- %% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
- %%
- %% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is GoPivotal, Inc.
- %% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- %%
- -module(rabbit_msg_store_toke_index).
- -behaviour(rabbit_msg_store_index).
- -include_lib("rabbit_common/include/rabbit_msg_store.hrl").
- -rabbit_boot_step({rabbit_toke,
- [{description, "Tokyo Cabinet for rabbit_msg_store"},
- {mfa, {application, set_env,
- [rabbit, msg_store_index_module, ?MODULE]}},
- {enables, recovery}]}).
- -export([new/1, recover/1,
- lookup/2, insert/2, update/2, update_fields/3, delete/2,
- delete_object/2, clean_up_temporary_reference_count_entries_without_file/1, terminate/1]).
- -define(FILENAME, "msg_store_toke.tch").
- new(Dir) ->
- {Toke, Path} = init(Dir),
- ok = toke_drv:open(Toke, Path, [read, write, create, truncate, no_lock]),
- Toke.
- recover(Dir) ->
- {Toke, Path} = init(Dir),
- case toke_drv:open(Toke, Path, [read, write, no_lock]) of
- ok -> {ok, Toke};
- Err -> {error, Err}
- end.
- init(Dir) ->
- {ok, Toke} = toke_drv:start_link(),
- ok = toke_drv:new(Toke),
- ok = toke_drv:set_cache(Toke, 1000000),
- ok = toke_drv:set_df_unit(Toke, 0),
- ok = toke_drv:tune(Toke, 40000000, -1, 15, [large]),
- {Toke, filename:join(Dir, ?FILENAME)}.
- lookup(Key, Toke) -> %% Key is MsgId which is binary already
- case toke_drv:get(Toke, Key) of
- not_found -> not_found;
- Entry -> #msg_location {} = binary_to_term(Entry)
- end.
- insert(Obj = #msg_location { msg_id = MsgId }, Toke) ->
- ok = toke_drv:insert_async(Toke, MsgId, term_to_binary(Obj)).
- update(Obj, Toke) ->
- insert(Obj, Toke).
- update_fun({Position, NewValue}, ObjAcc) ->
- setelement(Position, ObjAcc, NewValue).
- update_fields(Key, Updates, Toke) ->
- Fun = fun (ObjBin) ->
- Obj = #msg_location {} = binary_to_term(ObjBin),
- term_to_binary(
- case is_list(Updates) of
- true -> lists:foldl(fun update_fun/2, Obj, Updates);
- false -> update_fun(Updates, Obj)
- end)
- end,
- ok = toke_drv:update_atomically(Toke, Key, Fun).
- delete(Key, Toke) ->
- ok = toke_drv:delete(Toke, Key).
- delete_object(Obj = #msg_location { msg_id = MsgId }, Toke) ->
- ok = toke_drv:delete_if_value_eq(Toke, MsgId, term_to_binary(Obj)).
- clean_up_temporary_reference_count_entries_without_file(Toke) ->
- DeleteMe = toke_drv:fold(
- fun (Key, Obj, Acc) ->
- case (binary_to_term(Obj))#msg_location.file of
- undefined -> [Key | Acc];
- _ -> Acc
- end
- end, [], Toke),
- [ok = toke_drv:delete(Toke, Key) || Key <- DeleteMe],
- ok.
- terminate(Toke) ->
- ok = toke_drv:close(Toke),
- ok = toke_drv:stop(Toke).