Python | 491 lines | 441 code | 4 blank | 46 comment | 1 complexity | 55cf4b947b9a11dba82da29f213e2273 MD5 | raw file
- # Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
- # See LICENSE for details.
- #
- # Author: Clark C. Evans
- #
- from __future__ import nested_scopes
- from __future__ import generators
- from twisted.flow import flow
- from twisted.flow.threads import Threaded, QueryIterator
- from twisted.trial import unittest
- from twisted.python import failure
- from twisted.internet import defer, reactor, protocol, interfaces
- from time import sleep
- class slowlist:
- """ this is a generator based list
- def slowlist(list):
- list = list[:]
- while list:
- yield list.pop(0)
- It is primarly used to simulate generators by using
- a list (for testing purposes) without being wrapped
- as a flow.List, which has all kinds of shortcuts we
- don't want for testing.
- """
- def __init__(self, list):
- self.list = list[:]
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- if self.list:
- return self.list.pop(0)
- raise StopIteration
- _onetwothree = ['one','two',flow.Cooperate(),'three']
- class producer:
- """ iterator version of the following generator...
- def producer():
- lst = flow.wrap(slowlist([1,2,3]))
- nam = flow.wrap(slowlist(_onetwothree))
- while True:
- yield lst
- yield nam
- yield (lst.next(),nam.next())
- """
- def __iter__(self):
- self.lst = flow.wrap(slowlist([1,2,3]))
- self.nam = flow.wrap(slowlist(_onetwothree))
- self.next = self.yield_lst
- return self
- def yield_lst(self):
- self.next = self.yield_nam
- return self.lst
- def yield_nam(self):
- self.next = self.yield_results
- return self.nam
- def yield_results(self):
- self.next = self.yield_lst
- return (self.lst.next(), self.nam.next())
- class consumer:
- """ iterator version of the following generator...
- def consumer():
- title = flow.wrap(['Title'])
- prod = flow.wrap(producer())
- yield title
- yield title.next()
- yield prod
- for data in prod:
- yield data
- yield prod
- """
- def __iter__(self):
- self.title = flow.wrap(['Title'])
- self.lst = flow.wrap(producer())
- self.next = self.yield_title
- return self
- def yield_title(self):
- self.next = self.yield_title_result
- return self.title
- def yield_title_result(self):
- self.next = self.yield_lst
- return self.title.next()
- def yield_lst(self):
- self.next = self.yield_result
- return self.lst
- def yield_result(self):
- self.next = self.yield_lst
- return self.lst.next()
- class badgen:
- """ a bad generator...
- def badgen():
- yield 'x'
- err = 3/ 0
- """
- def __iter__(self):
- self.next = self.yield_x
- return self
- def yield_x(self):
- self.next = self.yield_done
- return 'x'
- def yield_done(self):
- err = 3 / 0
- raise StopIteration
- class buildlist:
- """ building a list
- def buildlist(src):
- out = []
- yield src
- for itm in src:
- out.append(itm)
- yield src
- yield out
- """
- def __init__(self, src):
- self.src = src
- def __iter__(self):
- self.out = []
- self.next = self.yield_src
- return self
- def yield_src(self):
- self.next = self.yield_append
- return self.src
- def yield_append(self):
- try:
- self.out.append(self.src.next())
- except StopIteration:
- self.next = self.yield_finish
- return self.out
- return self.src
- def yield_finish(self):
- raise StopIteration
- class testconcur:
- """ interweving two concurrent stages
- def testconcur(*stages):
- both = flow.Concurrent(*stages)
- yield both
- for stage in both:
- yield (stage.name, stage.result)
- yield both
- """
- def __init__(self, *stages):
- self.both = flow.Concurrent(*stages)
- def __iter__(self):
- self.next = self.yield_both
- return self
- def yield_both(self):
- self.next = self.yield_result
- return self.both
- def yield_result(self):
- self.next = self.yield_both
- stage = self.both.next()
- return (stage.name, stage.next())
- class echoServer:
- """ a simple echo protocol, server side
- def echoServer(conn):
- yield conn
- for data in conn:
- yield data
- yield conn
- """
- def __init__(self, conn):
- self.conn = conn
- def __iter__(self):
- self.next = self.yield_conn
- return self
- def yield_conn(self):
- self.next = self.yield_data
- return self.conn
- def yield_data(self):
- self.next = self.yield_conn
- return self.conn.next()
- class echoClient:
- """ a simple echo client tester
- def echoClient(conn):
- yield "testing"
- yield conn
- # signal that we are done
- conn.d.callback(conn.next())
- """
- def __init__(self, conn):
- self.conn = conn
- def __iter__(self):
- self.next = self.yield_testing
- return self
- def yield_testing(self):
- self.next = self.yield_conn
- return "testing"
- def yield_conn(self):
- self.next = self.yield_stop
- return self.conn
- def yield_stop(self):
- # signal that we are done
- self.conn.factory.d.callback(self.conn.next())
- raise StopIteration()
- class CountIterator:
- def __init__(self, count):
- self.count = count
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self): # this is run in a separate thread
- sleep(.1)
- val = self.count
- if not(val):
- raise StopIteration
- self.count -= 1
- return val
- class FlowTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def testNotReady(self):
- x = flow.wrap([1,2,3])
- self.assertRaises(flow.NotReadyError,x.next)
- def testBasic(self):
- lhs = ['string']
- rhs = list(flow.Block('string'))
- self.assertEqual(lhs,rhs)
- def testBasicList(self):
- lhs = [1,2,3]
- rhs = list(flow.Block([1,2,flow.Cooperate(),3]))
- self.assertEqual(lhs,rhs)
- def testBasicIterator(self):
- lhs = ['one','two','three']
- rhs = list(flow.Block(slowlist(_onetwothree)))
- self.assertEqual(lhs,rhs)
- def testCallable(self):
- lhs = ['one','two','three']
- rhs = list(flow.Block(slowlist(_onetwothree)))
- self.assertEqual(lhs,rhs)
- def testProducer(self):
- lhs = [(1,'one'),(2,'two'),(3,'three')]
- rhs = list(flow.Block(producer()))
- self.assertEqual(lhs,rhs)
- def testConsumer(self):
- lhs = ['Title',(1,'one'),(2,'two'),(3,'three')]
- rhs = list(flow.Block(consumer))
- self.assertEqual(lhs,rhs)
- def testFailure(self):
- self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, list, flow.Block(badgen()))
- self.assertEqual(['x',ZeroDivisionError],
- list(flow.Block(badgen(),ZeroDivisionError)))
- self.assertEqual(['x',ZeroDivisionError],
- list(flow.Block(flow.wrap(badgen()),
- ZeroDivisionError)))
- def testZip(self):
- lhs = [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,None)]
- mrg = flow.Zip([1,2,flow.Cooperate(),3],['a','b'])
- rhs = list(flow.Block(mrg))
- self.assertEqual(lhs,rhs)
- def testMerge(self):
- lhs = ['one', 1, 'two', 2, 3, 'three']
- mrg = flow.Merge(slowlist(_onetwothree),slowlist([1,2,3]))
- rhs = list(flow.Block(mrg))
- self.assertEqual(lhs,rhs)
- def testFilter(self):
- def odd(val):
- if val % 2:
- return True
- lhs = [ 1, 3 ]
- mrg = flow.Filter(odd,slowlist([1,2,flow.Cooperate(),3]))
- rhs = list(flow.Block(mrg))
- self.assertEqual(lhs,rhs)
- def testLineBreak(self):
- lhs = [ "Hello World", "Happy Days Are Here" ]
- rhs = ["Hello ","World\nHappy", flow.Cooperate(),
- " Days"," Are Here\n"]
- mrg = flow.LineBreak(slowlist(rhs), delimiter='\n')
- rhs = list(flow.Block(mrg))
- self.assertEqual(lhs,rhs)
- def testDeferred(self):
- lhs = ['Title', (1,'one'),(2,'two'),(3,'three')]
- d = flow.Deferred(consumer())
- d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, lhs)
- return d
- def testBuildList(self):
- src = flow.wrap([1,2,3])
- out = flow.Block(buildlist(src)).next()
- self.assertEquals(out,[1,2,3])
- def testDeferredFailure(self):
- d = flow.Deferred(badgen())
- return self.assertFailure(d, ZeroDivisionError)
- def testDeferredTrap(self):
- d = flow.Deferred(badgen(), ZeroDivisionError)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, ['x', ZeroDivisionError])
- return d
- def testZipFailure(self):
- lhs = [(1,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'c')]
- mrg = flow.Zip([1,2,flow.Cooperate(),3],badgen())
- d = flow.Deferred(mrg)
- return self.assertFailure(d, ZeroDivisionError)
- def testDeferredWrapper(self):
- a = defer.Deferred()
- reactor.callLater(0, lambda: a.callback("test"))
- b = flow.Merge(a, slowlist([1,2,flow.Cooperate(),3]))
- d = flow.Deferred(b)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, [1, 2, 'test', 3])
- return d
- def testDeferredWrapperImmediate(self):
- from twisted.internet import defer
- a = defer.Deferred()
- a.callback("test")
- self.assertEquals(["test"], list(flow.Block(a)))
- def testDeferredWrapperFail(self):
- d = defer.Deferred()
- f = lambda: d.errback(flow.Failure(IOError()))
- reactor.callLater(0, f)
- return self.assertFailure(d, IOError)
- def testCallback(self):
- cb = flow.Callback()
- d = flow.Deferred(buildlist(cb))
- for x in range(9):
- cb.result(x)
- cb.finish()
- d.addCallback(self.assertEqual, [range(9)])
- return d
- def testCallbackFailure(self):
- cb = flow.Callback()
- d = flow.Deferred(buildlist(cb))
- for x in range(3):
- cb.result(x)
- cb.errback(flow.Failure(IOError()))
- return self.assertFailure(d, IOError)
- def testConcurrentCallback(self):
- ca = flow.Callback()
- ca.name = 'a'
- cb = flow.Callback()
- cb.name = 'b'
- d = flow.Deferred(testconcur(ca,cb))
- ca.result(1)
- cb.result(2)
- ca.result(3)
- ca.result(4)
- ca.finish()
- cb.result(5)
- cb.finish()
- d.addCallback(self.assertEquals,
- [('a',1),('b',2),('a',3),('a',4),('b',5)])
- return d
- def testProtocolLocalhost(self):
- # this fails if parallel tests are run on the same box
- server = protocol.ServerFactory()
- server.protocol = flow.Protocol
- server.protocol.controller = echoServer
- port = reactor.listenTCP(0, server)
- client = protocol.ClientFactory()
- client.protocol = flow.makeProtocol(echoClient)
- client.d = defer.Deferred()
- reactor.connectTCP("", port.getHost().port, client)
- client.d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, 'testing')
- client.d.addBoth(lambda x :
- client.protocol.transport.loseConnection())
- client.d.addBoth(lambda x :
- defer.maybeDeferred(port.stopListening))
- return client.d
- #testProtocolLocalhost.skip = "XXX freezes, fixme"
- def testProtocol(self):
- from twisted.protocols import loopback
- server = flow.Protocol()
- server.controller = echoServer
- client = flow.makeProtocol(echoClient)()
- client.factory = protocol.ClientFactory()
- client.factory.d = defer.Deferred()
- d2 = loopback.loopbackAsync(server, client)
- client.factory.d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, 'testing')
- return defer.gatherResults([client.factory.d, d2])
- class ThreadedFlowTest(unittest.TestCase):
- if interfaces.IReactorThreads(reactor, None) is None:
- skip = ("No thread support in reactor, "
- "cannot test threaded flow constructs.")
- def testThreaded(self):
- expect = [5,4,3,2,1]
- d = flow.Deferred(Threaded(CountIterator(5)))
- d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, expect)
- return d
- def testThreadedError(self):
- # is this the expected behaviour?
- def iterator():
- yield 1
- raise ValueError
- d = flow.Deferred(Threaded(iterator()))
- return self.assertFailure(d, ValueError)
- def testThreadedSleep(self):
- expect = [5,4,3,2,1]
- d = flow.Deferred(Threaded(CountIterator(5)))
- sleep(.5)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, expect)
- return d
- def testQueryIterator(self):
- try:
- from pyPgSQL import PgSQL
- dbpool = PgSQL
- c = dbpool.connect()
- r = c.cursor()
- r.execute("SELECT 'x'")
- r.fetchone()
- except:
- # PostgreSQL is not installed or bad permissions
- return
- expect = [['one'],['two'],['three']]
- sql = """
- (SELECT 'one')
- (SELECT 'two')
- (SELECT 'three')
- """
- d = flow.Deferred(Threaded(QueryIterator(dbpool, sql)))
- d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, expect)
- return d
- def testThreadedImmediate(self):
- """
- The goal of this test is to test the callback mechanism with
- regard to threads, namely to assure that results can be
- accumulated before they are needed; and that left-over results
- are immediately made available on the next round (even though
- the producing thread has shut down). This is a very tough thing
- to test due to the timing issues. So it may fail on some
- platforms, I'm not sure.
- """
- expect = [5,4,3,2,1]
- result = []
- f = Threaded(CountIterator(5))
- d = defer.Deferred()
- def process():
- coop = f._yield()
- if f.results:
- result.extend(f.results)
- del f.results[:len(result)]
- reactor.callLater(0, process)
- return
- if coop:
- sleep(.3)
- reactor.callLater(0, coop.callLater, process)
- return
- if f.stop:
- reactor.callLater(0, d.callback, result)
- reactor.callLater(0, process)
- d.addCallback(self.assertEquals, expect)
- return d