ActionScript | 571 lines | 366 code | 118 blank | 87 comment | 45 complexity | 41ea4a26f2e02ddcbbe9214c9baae6fa MD5 | raw file
- package {
- import charts.series.Element;
- import charts.Factory;
- import charts.ObjectCollection;
- import elements.menu.Menu;
- import charts.series.has_tooltip;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- // for image upload:
- import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
- import flash.net.URLVariables;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.net.URLLoader;
- import flash.net.URLRequest;
- import flash.display.StageAlign;
- import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
- import string.Utils;
- import global.Global;
- import com.serialization.json.JSON;
- import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
- import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
- import flash.ui.ContextMenuItem;
- import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
- import flash.events.ContextMenuEvent;
- import flash.system.System;
- import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
- // export the chart as an image
- import com.adobe.images.PNGEncoder;
- import com.adobe.images.JPGEncoder;
- import mx.utils.Base64Encoder;
- // import com.dynamicflash.util.Base64;
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.utils.ByteArray;
- import flash.net.URLRequestHeader;
- import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
- import flash.net.URLLoaderDataFormat;
- import elements.axis.XAxis;
- import elements.axis.XAxisLabels;
- import elements.axis.YAxisBase;
- import elements.axis.YAxisLeft;
- import elements.axis.YAxisRight;
- import elements.axis.RadarAxis;
- import elements.Background;
- import elements.labels.XLegend;
- import elements.labels.Title;
- import elements.labels.Keys;
- import elements.labels.YLegendBase;
- import elements.labels.YLegendLeft;
- import elements.labels.YLegendRight;
- import mx.core.UIComponent;
- public class Chart extends UIComponent {
- public var VERSION:String = "2 Jörmungandr (2)";
- private var title:Title = null;
- //private var x_labels:XAxisLabels;
- private var x_axis:XAxis;
- private var radar_axis:RadarAxis;
- private var x_legend:XLegend;
- private var y_axis:YAxisBase;
- private var y_axis_right:YAxisBase;
- private var y_legend:YLegendBase;
- private var y_legend_2:YLegendBase;
- private var keys:Keys;
- private var obs:ObjectCollection;
- public var tool_tip_wrapper:String;
- private var sc:ScreenCoords;
- private var tooltip:Tooltip;
- private var background:Background;
- private var ok:Boolean;
- private var URL:String; // ugh, vile. The IOError doesn't report the URL
- private var menu:Menu;
- private var _chartData:String;
- private var _width:Number;
- private var _height:Number;
- private var _loadingString:String = "Loading...";
- public function Chart() {
- super();
- this._width=700;
- this._height=500;
- this.build_right_click_menu();
- this.ok = false;
- this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStage);
- }
- public function getVersion():String {return VERSION;}
- private function addedToStage(event:Event):void{
- this.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedToStage);
- var l:Loading = new Loading(this._loadingString,this._width,this._height);
- this.addChild( l );
- this.set_the_stage();
- if(this._chartData){
- this.parse_json(this._chartData );
- }
- }
- override public function set width(value:Number):void {
- this._width=value;
- }
- override public function set height(value:Number):void {
- this._height=value;
- }
- public function set loadingString(value:String):void {
- this._loadingString=value;
- }
- override public function get width():Number {
- return this._width;
- }
- override public function get height():Number {
- return this._height;
- }
- public function set chartData(value:String):void {
- this._chartData=value;
- this.parse_json(this._chartData );
- }
- public function load():void {
- this.parse_json(this._chartData );
- }
- public function get_x_legend() : XLegend {
- return this.x_legend;
- }
- private function set_the_stage():void {
- this.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
- this.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
- this.stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, this.resizeHandler);
- this.stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, this.mouseOut);
- this.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, this.mouseMove );
- this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, this.mouseOut);
- }
- private function mouseMove( event:Event ):void {
- switch( this.tooltip.get_tip_style() ) {
- case Tooltip.CLOSEST:
- this.mouse_move_closest( event );
- break;
- case Tooltip.PROXIMITY:
- this.mouse_move_proximity( event as MouseEvent );
- break;
- case Tooltip.NORMAL:
- this.mouse_move_follow( event as MouseEvent );
- break;
- }
- }
- private function mouse_move_follow( event:MouseEvent ):void {
- // tr.ace( event.currentTarget );
- // tr.ace( event.target );
- if ( event.target is has_tooltip )
- this.tooltip.draw( event.target as has_tooltip,this._width );
- else
- this.tooltip.hide();
- }
- private function mouse_move_proximity( event:MouseEvent ):void {
- //tr.ace( event.currentTarget );
- //tr.ace( event.target );
- var elements:Array = this.obs.mouse_move_proximity( this.mouseX, this.mouseY );
- this.tooltip.closest( elements,this._width );
- }
- private function mouse_move_closest( event:Event ):void {
- var elements:Array = this.obs.closest_2( this.mouseX, this.mouseY );
- this.tooltip.closest( elements,this._width );
- }
- private function activateHandler(event:Event):void {
- tr.ace("activateHandler: " + event);
- }
- private function resizeHandler(event:Event):void {
- // FlashConnect.trace("resizeHandler: " + event);
- this.resize();
- }
- //
- // pie charts are simpler to resize, they don't
- // have all the extras (X,Y axis, legends etc..)
- //
- private function resize_pie(): ScreenCoordsBase {
- // should this be here?
- this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, this.mouseMove);
- this.background.resize(this._width,this._height);
- this.title.resize(this._width,this._height);
- // this object is used in the mouseMove method
- this.sc = new ScreenCoords(
- this.title.get_height(), 0, this._width, this._height,
- null, null, null, 0, 0, false );
- this.obs.resize( sc );
- return sc;
- }
- //
- //
- private function resize_radar(): ScreenCoordsBase {
- this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, this.mouseMove);
- this.background.resize(this._width,this._height);
- this.title.resize(this._width,this._height);
- this.keys.resize( 0, this.title.get_height() ,this._width,this._height);
- var top:Number = this.title.get_height() + this.keys.get_height();
- // this object is used in the mouseMove method
- var sc:ScreenCoordsRadar = new ScreenCoordsRadar(top, 0, this._width, this._height);
- sc.set_range( this.radar_axis.get_range() );
- // 0-4 = 5 spokes
- sc.set_angles( this.obs.get_max_x()-this.obs.get_min_x()+1 );
- // resize the axis first because they may
- // change the radius (to fit the labels on screen)
- this.radar_axis.resize( sc );
- this.obs.resize( sc );
- return sc;
- }
- private function resize():void {
- //
- // the chart is async, so we may get this
- // event before the chart has loaded, or has
- // partly loaded
- //
- if ( !this.ok )
- return; // <-- something is wrong
- var sc:ScreenCoordsBase;
- if ( this.radar_axis != null )
- sc = this.resize_radar();
- else if ( this.obs.has_pie() )
- sc = this.resize_pie();
- else
- sc = this.resize_chart();
- if( this.menu )
- this.menu.resize(this._width,this._height);
- sc = null;
- }
- private function resize_chart(): ScreenCoordsBase {
- //
- // we want to show the tooltip closest to
- // items near the mouse, so hook into the
- // mouse move event:
- //
- this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, this.mouseMove);
- // FlashConnect.trace("stageWidth: " + stage.stageWidth + " stageHeight: " + stage.stageHeight);
- this.background.resize(this._width,this._height);
- this.title.resize(this._width,this._height);
- var left:Number = this.y_legend.get_width() /*+ this.y_labels.get_width()*/ + this.y_axis.get_width();
- this.keys.resize( left, this.title.get_height() ,this._width,this._height);
- var top:Number = this.title.get_height() + this.keys.get_height();
- var bottom:Number = this._height;
- bottom -= (this.x_legend.get_height() + this.x_axis.get_height());
- var right:Number = this._width;
- right -= this.y_legend_2.get_width();
- //right -= this.y_labels_right.get_width();
- right -= this.y_axis_right.get_width();
- // this object is used in the mouseMove method
- this.sc = new ScreenCoords(
- top, left, right, bottom,
- this.y_axis.get_range(),
- this.y_axis_right.get_range(),
- this.x_axis.get_range(),
- this.x_axis.first_label_width(),
- this.x_axis.last_label_width(),
- false );
- this.sc.set_bar_groups(this.obs.groups);
- this.x_axis.resize( sc,
- // can we remove this:
- this._height-(this.x_legend.get_height()+this.x_axis.labels.get_height()) // <-- up from the bottom
- );
- this.y_axis.resize( this.y_legend.get_width(), sc );
- this.y_axis_right.resize( 0, sc );
- this.x_legend.resize( sc, this._width,this._height );
- this.y_legend.resize(this._width,this._height);
- this.y_legend_2.resize(this._width,this._height);
- this.obs.resize( sc );
- return sc;
- }
- private function mouseOut(event:Event):void {
- if( this.tooltip != null )
- this.tooltip.hide();
- if( this.obs != null )
- this.obs.mouse_out();
- }
- //
- // we have data! parse it and make the chart
- //
- private function parse_json( json_string:String ):void {
- // tr.ace(json_string);
- var ok:Boolean = false;
- try {
- var json:Object = JSON.deserialize( json_string );
- ok = true;
- }
- catch (e:Error) {
- // remove the 'loading data...' msg:
- this.removeChildAt(0);
- this.addChild( new JsonErrorMsg( json_string as String, e ) );
- }
- //
- // don't catch these errors:
- //
- if( ok )
- {
- // remove 'loading data...' msg:
- this.removeChildAt(0);
- this.build_chart( json );
- // force this to be garbage collected
- json = null;
- }
- json_string = '';
- }
- private function build_chart( json:Object ):void {
- tr.ace('----');
- tr.ace(JSON.serialize(json));
- tr.ace('----');
- if ( this.obs != null )
- this.die();
- // init singletons:
- NumberFormat.getInstance( json );
- NumberFormat.getInstanceY2( json );
- this.tooltip = new Tooltip( json.tooltip )
- var g:Global = Global.getInstance();
- g.set_tooltip_string( this.tooltip.tip_text );
- //
- // these are common to both X Y charts and PIE charts:
- this.background = new Background( json );
- this.title = new Title( json.title );
- //
- this.addChild( this.background );
- //
- if ( JsonInspector.is_radar( json ) ) {
- this.obs = Factory.MakeChart( json );
- this.radar_axis = new RadarAxis( json.radar_axis );
- this.keys = new Keys( this.obs );
- this.addChild( this.radar_axis );
- this.addChild( this.keys );
- }
- else if ( !JsonInspector.has_pie_chart( json ) )
- {
- this.build_chart_background( json );
- }
- else
- {
- // this is a PIE chart
- this.obs = Factory.MakeChart( json );
- // PIE charts default to FOLLOW tooltips
- this.tooltip.set_tip_style( Tooltip.NORMAL );
- }
- // these are added in the Flash Z Axis order
- this.addChild( this.title );
- for each( var set:Sprite in this.obs.sets )
- this.addChild( set );
- this.addChild( this.tooltip );
- if (json['menu'] != null) {
- this.menu = new Menu('99', json['menu']);
- this.addChild(this.menu);
- }
- this.ok = true;
- this.resize();
- }
- //
- // PIE charts don't have this.
- // build grid, axis, legends and key
- //
- private function build_chart_background( json:Object ):void {
- //
- // This reads all the 'elements' of the chart
- // e.g. bars and lines, then creates them as sprites
- //
- this.obs = Factory.MakeChart( json );
- //
- this.x_legend = new XLegend( json.x_legend );
- this.y_legend = new YLegendLeft( json );
- this.y_legend_2 = new YLegendRight( json );
- this.x_axis = new XAxis( json, this.obs.get_min_x(), this.obs.get_max_x() );
- this.y_axis = new YAxisLeft();
- this.y_axis_right = new YAxisRight();
- // access all our globals through this:
- var g:Global = Global.getInstance();
- // this is needed by all the elements tooltip
- g.x_labels = this.x_axis.labels;
- g.x_legend = this.x_legend;
- // can pick up X Axis labels for the
- // tooltips
- this.obs.tooltip_replace_labels( this.x_axis.labels );
- //
- //
- //
- this.keys = new Keys( this.obs );
- this.addChild( this.x_legend );
- this.addChild( this.y_legend );
- this.addChild( this.y_legend_2 );
- this.addChild( this.y_axis );
- this.addChild( this.y_axis_right );
- this.addChild( this.x_axis );
- this.addChild( this.keys );
- // now these children have access to the stage,
- // tell them to init
- this.y_axis.init(json,this._height);
- this.y_axis_right.init(json,this._height);
- }
- /**
- * Remove all our referenced objects
- */
- private function die():void {
- this.obs.die();
- this.obs = null;
- if ( this.tooltip != null ) this.tooltip.die();
- if ( this.x_legend != null ) this.x_legend.die();
- if ( this.y_legend != null ) this.y_legend.die();
- if ( this.y_legend_2 != null ) this.y_legend_2.die();
- if ( this.y_axis != null ) this.y_axis.die();
- if ( this.y_axis_right != null ) this.y_axis_right.die();
- if ( this.x_axis != null ) this.x_axis.die();
- if ( this.keys != null ) this.keys.die();
- if ( this.title != null ) this.title.die();
- if ( this.radar_axis != null ) this.radar_axis.die();
- if ( this.background != null ) this.background.die();
- this.tooltip = null;
- this.x_legend = null;
- this.y_legend = null;
- this.y_legend_2 = null;
- this.y_axis = null;
- this.y_axis_right = null;
- this.x_axis = null;
- this.keys = null;
- this.title = null;
- this.radar_axis = null;
- this.background = null;
- while ( this.numChildren > 0 )
- this.removeChildAt(0);
- if ( this.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE))
- this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, this.mouseMove);
- // do not force a garbage collection, it is not supported:
- // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/192373/force-garbage-collection-in-as3
- }
- private function onContextMenuHandler(event:ContextMenuEvent):void
- {
- }
- private function build_right_click_menu(): void {
- var cm:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
- cm.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_SELECT, onContextMenuHandler);
- cm.hideBuiltInItems();
- var fs:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Charts by Open Flash Chart [Version "+VERSION+"]" );
- fs.addEventListener(
- ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT,
- function doSomething(e:ContextMenuEvent):void {
- var url:String = "http://teethgrinder.co.uk/open-flash-chart-2/";
- var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
- flash.net.navigateToURL(request, '_blank');
- });
- cm.customItems.push( fs );
- var dl:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Save Image Locally");
- //dl.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, this.saveImage);
- cm.customItems.push( dl );
- this.contextMenu = cm;
- }
- public function format_y_axis_label( val:Number ): String {
- // if( this._y_format != undefined )
- // {
- // var tmp:String = _root._y_format.replace('#val#',_root.format(val));
- // tmp = tmp.replace('#val:time#',_root.formatTime(val));
- // tmp = tmp.replace('#val:none#',String(val));
- // tmp = tmp.replace('#val:number#', NumberUtils.formatNumber (Number(val)));
- // return tmp;
- // }
- // else
- return NumberUtils.format(val,2,true,true,false);
- }
- }
- }