ActionScript | 102 lines | 63 code | 23 blank | 16 comment | 1 complexity | 354add4541a9b6dfee4140f15c4291d4 MD5 | raw file
- package charts.series.bars {
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import charts.series.bars.Base;
- public class ECandle extends Base {
- protected var high:Number;
- protected var low:Number;
- public function ECandle( index:Number, props:Properties, group:Number ) {
- super(index, props, group);
- //super(index, {'top':props.get('top')}, props.get_colour('colour'), props.get('tip'), props.get('alpha'), group);
- //super(index, style, style.colour, style.tip, style.alpha, group);
- }
- //
- // a candle chart has many values used to display each point
- //
- protected override function parse_value( props:Properties ):void {
- // set top (open) and bottom (close)
- super.parse_value( props );
- this.high = props.get('high');
- this.low = props.get('low');
- }
- protected override function replace_magic_values( t:String ): String {
- t = super.replace_magic_values( t );
- t = t.replace('#high#', NumberUtils.formatNumber( this.high ));
- t = t.replace('#open#', NumberUtils.formatNumber( this.top ));
- t = t.replace('#close#', NumberUtils.formatNumber( this.bottom ));
- t = t.replace('#low#', NumberUtils.formatNumber( this.low ));
- return t;
- }
- public override function resize( sc:ScreenCoordsBase ):void {
- var s:ScreenCoords = sc as ScreenCoords;
- var tmp:Object = s.get_bar_coords( this.index, this.group );
- //
- var bar_high:Number = sc.get_y_from_val(this.high, this.right_axis);
- var bar_top:Number = sc.get_y_from_val(this.top, this.right_axis);
- var bar_bottom:Number = sc.get_y_from_val(this.bottom, this.right_axis);
- var bar_low:Number = sc.get_y_from_val(this.low, this.right_axis);
- var top:Number;
- var height:Number;
- var upside_down:Boolean = false;
- if( bar_bottom < bar_top ) {
- upside_down = true;
- }
- height = Math.abs( bar_bottom - bar_top );
- //
- // move the Sprite to the correct screen location:
- //
- this.y = bar_high;
- this.x = tmp.x;
- //
- // tell the tooltip where to show its self
- //
- this.tip_pos = new flash.geom.Point( this.x + (tmp.width / 2), this.y );
- var mid:Number = tmp.width / 2;
- this.graphics.clear();
- // top line
- this.graphics.beginFill( this.colour, 1.0 );
- this.graphics.moveTo( mid-1, 0 );
- this.graphics.lineTo( mid+1, 0 );
- this.graphics.lineTo( mid+1, bar_top-bar_high );
- this.graphics.lineTo( mid-1, bar_top-bar_high );
- this.graphics.endFill();
- // box
- this.graphics.beginFill( this.colour, 1.0 );
- this.graphics.moveTo( 0, bar_top-bar_high );
- this.graphics.lineTo( tmp.width, bar_top-bar_high );
- this.graphics.lineTo( tmp.width, bar_bottom-bar_high );
- this.graphics.lineTo( 0, bar_bottom-bar_high );
- this.graphics.endFill();
- // top line
- this.graphics.beginFill( this.colour, 1.0 );
- this.graphics.moveTo( mid-1, bar_bottom-bar_high );
- this.graphics.lineTo( mid+1, bar_bottom-bar_high );
- this.graphics.lineTo( mid+1, bar_low-bar_high );
- this.graphics.lineTo( mid-1, bar_low-bar_high );
- this.graphics.endFill();
- }
- }
- }