Ruby | 499 lines | 387 code | 79 blank | 33 comment | 36 complexity | 441cb285981205d808efb766d5c5017b MD5 | raw file
- # ****************************************************************************
- #
- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
- #
- # This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A
- # copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
- # you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to
- # ironruby@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- # by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
- #
- # You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
- #
- #
- # ****************************************************************************
- SILVERLIGHT = false unless defined? SILVERLIGHT
- require "stringio"
- module Tutorial
- class Summary
- attr :title
- attr :description
- def initialize(title, desc)
- @title = title
- @description = desc
- end
- def body
- @description
- end
- def to_s
- @title
- end
- end
- class Task
- attr :description
- attr :run_unless
- attr :setup
- attr :code
- attr :title
- attr :source_files # Files used by the task. The user might want to browse these files
- attr :test_hook
- def initialize title, description, run_unless, setup, code, source_files, test_hook, &success_evaluator
- @title = title
- @description = description
- @run_unless = run_unless
- @setup = setup
- @code = code
- @source_files = source_files
- @test_hook = test_hook
- @success_evaluator = success_evaluator
- end
- def should_run?(bind)
- if not @run_unless
- return true
- end
- begin
- return (not @run_unless.call(bind))
- rescue
- return true
- end
- end
- def success?(interaction, show_errors=false)
- begin
- if @success_evaluator
- return (@success_evaluator.call(interaction) ? true : false)
- else
- old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil
- begin
- return eval(code_string, interaction.bind) == interaction.result
- ensure
- $VERBOSE = old_verbose
- end
- end
- rescue => e
- warn %{success_evaluator raised error: #{e}} if show_errors
- return false
- end
- end
- def code_string
- c = code
- c = c.to_ary.join("\n") if c.respond_to? :to_ary
- c
- end
- end
- class Chapter
- attr :name, true # TODO - true is needed only to workaround data-binding bug
- attr :introduction, true
- attr :summary, true
- attr :tasks, true
- attr :next_item, true
- def initialize name, introduction = nil, summary = nil, tasks = [], next_item = nil
- @name = name
- @introduction = introduction
- @summary = summary
- @tasks = tasks
- @next_item = next_item
- end
- def to_s
- @name
- end
- end
- class Section
- attr :name, true # TODO - true is needed only to workaround data-binding bug
- attr :introduction, true
- attr :chapters, true
- def initialize name, introduction = nil, chapters = []
- @name = name
- @introduction = introduction
- @chapters = chapters
- end
- def to_s
- @name
- end
- def first_chapter
- @chapters.first rescue nil
- end
- end
- class Tutorial
- attr :name
- attr :file
- attr :introduction, true
- attr :legal_notice, true
- attr :summary, true
- attr :sections, true
- def initialize name, file, introduction = nil, notice = nil, summary = nil, sections = []
- @name = name
- @file = file
- @introduction = introduction
- @legal_notice = notice
- @summary = summary
- @sections = sections
- end
- def to_s
- @name
- end
- def first_chapter
- first_section.first_chapter rescue nil
- end
- def first_section
- @sections.first rescue nil
- end
- end
- @@tutorials = {} unless class_variable_defined? :@@tutorials
- def self.add_tutorial(tutorial)
- # Chain the chapters to the next section or chapter
- prev_chapter = nil
- tutorial.sections.each do |section|
- if prev_chapter
- prev_chapter.next_item = section
- prev_chapter = nil
- end
- section.chapters.each do |chapter|
- if prev_chapter
- prev_chapter.next_item = chapter
- end
- prev_chapter = chapter
- end
- end
- @@tutorials[tutorial.file] = tutorial
- end
- def self.all
- all_files = [
- 'Tutorials/ironruby_tutorial.rb',
- 'Tutorials/tryruby_tutorial.rb',
- 'Tutorials/hosting_tutorial.rb']
- all_files.each {|f| get_tutorial f }
- else
- Dir[File.expand_path("Tutorials/*_tutorial.rb", File.dirname(__FILE__))].each do |t|
- self.get_tutorial t unless File.directory?(t)
- end
- abort("List of files need to be updated for Silverlight") unless @@tutorials.size == all_files.size or not ENV['DLR_ROOT']
- end
- @@tutorials
- end
- def self.get_tutorial path = nil
- if not path
- all
- return @@tutorials.values.first
- end
- # TODO - On Silverlight, currently __FILE__ does not include the folders, and File.expand_path does not
- # work either. As a workaround, we drop all folder names
- path_key = File.basename(path)
- else
- path = File.expand_path path, File.dirname(__FILE__)
- path_key = path
- end
- if not @@tutorials.has_key? path_key
- require path
- raise "#{path} does not contains a tutorial definition" if not @@tutorials.has_key? path_key
- end
- return @@tutorials[path_key]
- end
- class ReplContext
- attr :scope
- attr :bind
- def initialize
- @partial_input = ""
- @scope = Object.new
- class << @scope
- def include(*a)
- self.class.instance_eval { include(*a) }
- end
- def to_s
- "main (tutorial)"
- end
- end
- @bind = @scope.instance_eval { binding }
- # Allow the tutorial DSL to use i.bind.foo in the success-evaluator blocks
- def @bind.method_missing name, *args
- if args.empty?
- eval name.to_s, self
- else
- m = eval "method #{name.inspect}", self
- m.call *args
- end
- end
- end
- def interact input
- # Redirect stdout. Note that this affects the entire process. If the program calls "puts"
- # for some reason on another thread, the user may not expect to see the output. But it is
- # hard to distinguish between printing that the user initiated, and printing that the program
- # itself is doing.
- output = StringIO.new
- old_stdout, $stdout = $stdout, output
- old_verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil
- result = nil
- error = nil
- full_input = @partial_input + input.to_s
- Thread.current[:evaluating_tutorial_input] = true
- begin
- result = eval(full_input, @bind) # TODO - to_s should not be needed here
- rescue Exception => error
- raise error if error.kind_of? SystemExit
- ensure
- $stdout = old_stdout
- Thread.current[:evaluating_tutorial_input] = nil
- $VERBOSE = old_verbose
- end
- if error.kind_of? SyntaxError and error.message =~ /unexpected (\$end|end of file)/
- @partial_input += input
- @partial_input += "\n" unless input[input.size-1] == "\n" # TODO - input[-1] seems to cause IndexError
- InteractionResult.new(@bind, "", "", nil, nil, true)
- else
- @partial_input = ""
- InteractionResult.new(@bind, full_input, output.string, result, error)
- end
- end
- def reset_input
- @partial_input = ""
- end
- end
- class InteractionResult
- attr :bind
- # This should be used very sparingly. Since it checks directly what the user typed, it can have too many
- # false positives and negatives.
- # TODO - Remove this when there is good mocking/stubbing support
- attr :input
- attr :output
- attr :result
- attr :error
- def initialize(bind, input, output, result, error = nil, partial_input = false)
- @bind = bind
- @input = input
- @output = output
- @result = result
- @error = error
- @partial_input = partial_input
- raise "result should be nil if an exception was raised" if result and error
- end
- def to_s
- %{InteractionResult output=#{@output}, result=#{@error ? "(error)" : @result.inspect}, error=#{@error ? @error : "(none)"}}
- end
- def result
- raise "Interaction resulted in an exception" if error or @partial_input
- @result
- end
- def error
- raise "Partial input received" if @partial_input
- @error
- end
- def partial_input?
- @partial_input
- end
- end
- # Simple stub class for mocking.
- # TODO - move to a real mocking framework
- class Stub
- def initialize() @calls = [] end
- def respond_to?(name) true end
- def method_missing name, *args
- @calls << name
- Stub.new
- end
- def called?(name) @calls.include? name end
- end
- def self.stub() Stub.new end
- # Utility method to verify that a handler was added to an event
- # Since there is no easily visible side-effect to adding a handler, we monkey-patch the event
- # with a method that will set a flag attribute in a given module
- def self.snoop_add_handler tutorial_module, event_name, obj
- flag_name = event_name + "_flag"
- klass = class << tutorial_module
- self
- end
- klass.module_eval do
- attr_accessor(flag_name.to_sym)
- end
- tutorial_module.instance_variable_set(("@" + flag_name).to_sym, false)
- before_tutorial_name = "before_tutorial_" + event_name
- klass = class << obj
- self
- end
- if not klass.method_defined?(before_tutorial_name.to_sym)
- klass.instance_eval { alias_method(before_tutorial_name.to_sym, event_name.to_sym) }
- klass.class_eval %{
- def #{event_name} *a, &b
- if block_given?
- #{before_tutorial_name} *a, &b
- #{tutorial_module}.#{flag_name} = true
- else
- #{before_tutorial_name} *a
- end
- end
- }
- end
- end
- end
- class Object
- def tutorial name
- raise "Only one tutorial can be under creation at a time" if Thread.current[:tutorial]
- caller[0] =~ /\A(.*):[0-9]+/
- tutorial_file = $1
- tutorial_file = File.basename(tutorial_file) if SILVERLIGHT # __FILE__ may not be the full required path
- t = Tutorial::Tutorial.new name, tutorial_file
- Thread.current[:tutorial] = t
- yield
- Tutorial.add_tutorial t
- Thread.current[:tutorial] = nil
- end
- def introduction intro
- if Thread.current[:chapter]
- Thread.current[:chapter].introduction = intro
- elsif Thread.current[:section]
- Thread.current[:section].introduction = intro
- elsif Thread.current[:tutorial]
- Thread.current[:tutorial].introduction = intro
- else
- raise "introduction should only be used within a tutorial definition"
- end
- end
- def legal notice
- raise "legal should only be used within a tutorial definition" unless Thread.current[:tutorial]
- Thread.current[:tutorial].legal_notice = notice
- end
- def summary s
- s = if s.kind_of?(String)
- Tutorial::Summary.new nil, s
- else
- opts = {:title => "Section complete!"}.merge(s)
- Tutorial::Summary.new opts[:title], opts[:body]
- end
- if Thread.current[:chapter]
- Thread.current[:chapter].summary = s
- elsif Thread.current[:tutorial]
- Thread.current[:tutorial].summary = s
- else
- raise "summary should only be used within a tutorial or chapter definition"
- end
- end
- def section name
- raise "Only one section can be under creation at a time" if Thread.current[:section]
- section = Tutorial::Section.new name
- Thread.current[:section] = section
- Thread.current[:platform_match] = nil
- yield
- if Thread.current[:platform_match] == nil or Thread.current[:platform_match]
- Thread.current[:tutorial].sections << section
- end
- Thread.current[:section] = nil
- end
- def silverlight(enabled = true)
- if not Thread.current[:section]
- raise "platform should only be used within a section definition"
- end
- Thread.current[:"platform_match#{Thread.current[:chapter] ? "_chapter" : nil}"] = (SILVERLIGHT == enabled)
- end
- def chapter name
- raise "Only one chapter can be under creation at a time" if Thread.current[:chapter]
- chapter = Tutorial::Chapter.new name
- Thread.current[:chapter] = chapter
- Thread.current[:platform_match_chapter] = nil
- yield
- if Thread.current[:platform_match_chapter] == nil or Thread.current[:platform_match_chapter]
- Thread.current[:section].chapters << chapter
- end
- Thread.current[:chapter] = nil
- end
- def task(options, &success_evaluator)
- options = {}.merge(options)
- if options.has_key?(:silverlight) and (options[:silverlight] != SILVERLIGHT)
- return
- end
- Thread.current[:chapter].tasks << Tutorial::Task.new(
- options[:title],
- options[:body],
- options[:run_unless],
- options[:setup],
- options[:code],
- options[:source_files],
- options[:test_hook],
- &success_evaluator)
- end
- end
- class String
- def strip_margin
- /( *)\w/ =~ self
- match = $1
- gsub(/^#{match}/, "")
- end
- end