Ruby | 412 lines | 376 code | 21 blank | 15 comment | 35 complexity | 5429fea70a634ef9350062c6c8d3eaa0 MD5 | raw file
- # ****************************************************************************
- #
- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
- #
- # This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A
- # copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
- # you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to
- # ironruby@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
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- # You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
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- #
- # ****************************************************************************
- require '../../util/simple_test.rb'
- # make class_variable_set and class_variable_get callable
- describe "Dynamic class variable methods" do
- skip "(BUG: private visibility is not working) class variable methods have correct visibility" do
- should_raise(NoMethodError, "private method `class_variable_get' called for Object:Class") do
- Object.class_variable_get :@@foo
- end
- should_raise(NoMethodError, "private method `class_variable_set' called for Object:Class") do
- Object.class_variable_set :@@foo, 'foo'
- end
- should_raise(NoMethodError, "private method `class_variable_get' called for Enumerable:Module") do
- Enumerable.class_variable_get :@@foo
- end
- should_raise(NoMethodError, "private method `class_variable_set' called for Enumerable:Module") do
- Enumerable.class_variable_set :@@foo, 'foo'
- end
- Object.class_variables.should == []
- Object.class_variable_defined?(:@@foo).should == false
- Enumerable.class_variables.should == []
- Enumerable.class_variable_defined?(:@@foo).should == false
- end
- it "class variable methods shouldn't exist on objects" do
- should_raise(NoMethodError) { Object.new.class_variable_get :@@foo }
- should_raise(NoMethodError) { Object.new.class_variable_set :@@foo, 'foo' }
- should_raise(NoMethodError) { Object.new.class_variables }
- should_raise(NoMethodError) { Object.new.class_variable_defined? :@@foo }
- end
- it "Module#class_variable_set, Module#class_variable_get" do
- # make the method visible
- class Module
- def class_var_get x
- class_variable_get x
- end
- def class_var_set x, v
- class_variable_set x, v
- end
- end
- class Bob
- def bar; @@foo = 200; end
- end
- should_raise(NameError, 'uninitialized class variable @@foo in Bob') { Bob.class_var_get(:@@foo) }
- Bob.class_variables.should == []
- Bob.class_var_set(:@@foo, 123).should == 123
- Bob.class_var_get('@@foo').should == 123
- Bob.class_variables.should == ['@@foo']
- Bob.class_variable_defined?(:@@foo).should == true
- Bob.class_var_set('@@foo', '654').should == '654'
- Bob.class_var_get(:@@foo).should == '654'
- end
- it "bad class variable names cause a name error" do
- should_raise(NameError) { Object.class_variable_defined?(:@iv) }
- should_raise(NameError) { Object.class_variable_defined?("@iv") }
- should_raise(NameError) { Object.class_variable_defined?(:iv) }
- should_raise(NameError) { Object.class_variable_defined?("iv") }
- should_raise(NameError) { Object.class_variable_defined?("@@iv@x") }
- should_raise(NameError) { Object.class_var_get(:@iv) }
- should_raise(NameError) { Object.class_var_get("@iv") }
- should_raise(NameError) { Object.class_var_get(:iv) }
- should_raise(NameError) { Object.class_var_get("iv") }
- should_raise(NameError) { Object.class_var_get("@@iv@x") }
- should_raise(NameError) { Object.class_var_set(:@iv, 10) }
- should_raise(NameError) { Object.class_var_set('CV', 10) }
- should_raise(NameError) { Object.class_var_set(:lv, 10) }
- end
- end
- describe "Class variables used inside a type" do
- it "basic usages inside the class" do
- class My_variables
- @@sv = 10
- def check_sv; @@sv; end
- def My_variables.check_sv; @@sv; end
- def My_variables.check_sv2; @@sv2; end
- end
- My_variables::check_sv.should == 10
- My_variables.check_sv.should == 10
- should_raise(NameError, 'uninitialized class variable @@sv2 in My_variables') { My_variables.check_sv2 }
- My_variables.class_variable_defined?(:@@sv).should == true
- My_variables.class_variable_defined?(:@@sv2).should == false
- x = My_variables.new
- should_raise(NoMethodError) { My_variables.sv }
- should_raise(NoMethodError) { My_variables::sv }
- x.check_sv.should == 10
- x.class.class_variables.should == ["@@sv"]
- x.class.class_var_get(:@@sv).should == 10
- end
- it "class variables are different from instance variables" do
- class My_variables2
- @@v = 555
- @v = 789
- def initialize
- @@v = 123
- @v = 456
- end
- def self.check_sv; @@v; end
- def self.check_iv; @v; end
- def check_sv; @@v; end
- def check_iv; @v; end
- end
- My_variables2.check_sv.should == 555
- My_variables2.check_iv.should == 789
- x = My_variables2.new
- x.check_sv.should == 123
- x.check_iv.should == 456
- x.class.check_sv.should == 123
- x.class.check_iv.should == 789
- My_variables2.class_variables.should == [ '@@v' ]
- end
- end
- describe "class variables are stored on the module/class where they are first set" do
- it "class variables show all variables in the base & mixins" do
- module Test1Module1
- def m1_a= x; @@a = x; end
- def m1_a; @@a; end
- end
- module Test1Module2
- def m2_b= x; @@b = x; end
- def m2_b; @@b; end
- end
- class Test1Class1
- include Test1Module1
- def c1_c= x; @@c = x; end
- def c1_c; @@c; end
- end
- class Test1Class2 < Test1Class1
- include Test1Module2
- def c2_d= x; @@d = x; end
- def c2_vars; [@@a, @@b, @@c, @@d]; end
- end
- Test1Class2.class_variables.should == []
- x = Test1Class2.new
- x.m1_a = 123
- x.m2_b = 456
- x.c1_c = 789
- x.c2_d = 555
- Test1Class2.class_variables.should == ["@@d", "@@b", "@@c", "@@a"]
- Test1Class1.class_variables.should == ["@@c", "@@a"]
- Test1Module1.class_variables.should == ["@@a"]
- Test1Module2.class_variables.should == ["@@b"]
- x.c2_vars.should == [123, 456, 789, 555]
- [x.m1_a, x.m2_b, x.c1_c].should == [123, 456, 789]
- end
- it "class variables stay where they are first set" do
- module Test2Module1
- def m1_a= x; @@a = x; end
- end
- module Test2Module2
- def m2_b= x; @@b = x; end
- end
- class Test2Class1
- include Test2Module1
- def c1_c= x; @@c = x; end
- end
- class Test2Class2 < Test2Class1
- include Test2Module2
- def c2_a= x; @@a = x; end
- def c2_b= x; @@b = x; end
- def c2_c= x; @@c = x; end
- def c2_d= x; @@d = x; end
- def c2_vars; [@@a, @@b, @@c, @@d]; end
- end
- Test2Class2.class_variables.should == []
- x = Test2Class2.new
- x.c2_a = 12.1
- x.c2_b = 34.3
- x.c2_c = 56.5
- x.c2_d = 78.8
- Test2Class2.class_variables.sort.should == ["@@a", "@@b", "@@c", "@@d"]
- x.c2_vars.should == [12.1, 34.3, 56.5, 78.8]
- Test2Class1.class_variables.should == []
- Test2Module1.class_variables.should == []
- Test2Module2.class_variables.should == []
- # now set the variables on the base class & included modules
- x.c1_c = 'testC1'
- Test2Class2.class_variables.sort.should == ["@@a", "@@b", "@@c", "@@d"]
- Test2Class1.class_variables.should == ['@@c']
- Test2Module1.class_variables.should == []
- Test2Module2.class_variables.should == []
- x.m1_a = 'testM1'
- Test2Class1.class_variables.should == ['@@c', '@@a']
- Test2Module1.class_variables.should == ['@@a']
- Test2Module2.class_variables.should == []
- x.m2_b = 'testM2'
- Test2Class1.class_variables.should == ['@@c', '@@a']
- Test2Module1.class_variables.should == ['@@a']
- Test2Module2.class_variables.should == ['@@b']
- x.c2_vars.should == [12.1, 34.3, 56.5, 78.8]
- Test2Module1.class_var_get('@@a').should == 'testM1'
- Test2Module2.class_var_get('@@b').should == 'testM2'
- Test2Class1.class_var_get('@@a').should == 'testM1'
- Test2Class1.class_var_get('@@c').should == 'testC1'
- end
- it "variables set on mixins or the super class can't be set only to the derived class" do
- module Test3Module1
- def m1_a= x; @@a = x; end
- def m1_a; @@a; end
- end
- module Test3Module2
- def m2_b= x; @@b = x; end
- def m2_b; @@b; end
- end
- class Test3Class1
- include Test3Module1
- def c1_c= x; @@c = x; end
- def c1_c; @@c; end
- end
- class Test3Class2 < Test3Class1
- include Test3Module2
- def c2_a= x; @@a = x; end
- def c2_b= x; @@b = x; end
- def c2_c= x; @@c = x; end
- def c2_d= x; @@d = x; end
- def c2_vars; [@@a, @@b, @@c, @@d]; end
- def c2_vars_a_b; [@@a, @@b]; end
- end
- Test3Class2.class_variables.should == []
- x = Test3Class2.new
- x.m1_a = 123
- x.m2_b = 456
- x.c2_vars_a_b.should == [123, 456]
- x.c1_c = 789
- x.c2_a = 'aaa'
- x.c2_vars_a_b.should == ['aaa', 456]
- x.c2_b = 'bbb'
- x.c2_c = 'ccc'
- x.c2_d = 'ddd'
- Test3Class2.class_variables.sort.should == ["@@a", "@@b", "@@c", "@@d"]
- Test3Class1.class_variables.should == ["@@c", "@@a"]
- Test3Module1.class_variables.should == ["@@a"]
- Test3Module2.class_variables.should == ["@@b"]
- x.c2_vars.should == ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd']
- [x.m1_a, x.m2_b, x.c1_c].should == ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']
- end
- it 'class variables with same name' do
- module Test4Module1
- def m1_a= x; @@a = x; end
- def m1_a; @@a; end
- end
- module Test4Module2
- def m2_a= x; @@a = x; end
- def m2_a; @@a; end
- end
- class Test4Class1
- include Test4Module1
- def c1_a= x; @@a = x; end
- def c1_a; @@a; end
- end
- class Test4Class2 < Test4Class1
- include Test4Module2
- def c2_a= x; @@a = x; end
- def c2_a; @@a; end
- end
- x = Test4Class2.new
- x.c1_a = 456
- should_raise(NameError) { x.m1_a }
- should_raise(NameError) { x.m2_a }
- x.c1_a.should == 456
- x.c2_a.should == 456
- x.m1_a = 123
- x.m1_a.should == 123
- should_raise(NameError) { x.m2_a }
- x.c1_a.should == 456
- x.c2_a.should == 456
- x.c2_a = 789
- x.m1_a.should == 123
- should_raise(NameError) { x.m2_a }
- x.c1_a.should == 789
- x.c2_a.should == 789
- x.m2_a = 210
- x.m1_a.should == 123
- x.m2_a.should == 210
- x.c1_a.should == 789
- x.c2_a.should == 210
- Test4Class2.class_var_get("@@a").should == 210
- Test4Class1.class_var_get("@@a").should == 789
- Test4Module2.class_var_get("@@a").should == 210
- Test4Module1.class_var_get("@@a").should == 123
- end
- end
- describe "class variables are lexically bound to the surrounding class/module" do
- it "class variables in nested modules get the correct scope" do
- module Foo
- @@bob = 123
- def self.foo
- @@bob
- end
- module Bar
- module Baz
- def self.baz
- @@bob = 555
- end
- end
- @@bob = 456
- def self.bar
- @@bob
- end
- end
- class Bob
- @@bob = 789
- def self.bob
- @@bob
- end
- end
- module Zoo
- def self.zoo
- @@bob
- end
- end
- end
- Foo.foo.should == 123
- Foo::Bar.bar.should == 456
- Foo::Bob.bob.should == 789
- Foo::Bar::Baz.baz.should == 555
- should_raise(NameError, "uninitialized class variable @@bob in Foo::Zoo") { Foo::Zoo.zoo }
- end
- it "blocks don't interfere with scoping" do
- class Module
- def call_test_block
- yield
- end
- end
- module Foo
- call_test_block do
- @@abc = 'test1'
- end
- def self.get_abc; @@abc; end
- call_test_block do
- module Bar
- def self.get_def; @@def; end
- @@def = 'test2'
- end
- end
- end
- Foo.get_abc.should == 'test1'
- Foo::Bar::get_def.should == 'test2'
- end
- it "module level get/set methods set variables on Object (this test needs to be last)" do
- # test module level get/set methods
- def set_class_var x; @@osv = x; end
- def get_class_var; @@osv; end
- class Using_module_get_set_functions
- def check_sv; get_class_var; end
- def set_sv x; set_class_var x; end
- end
- x = Using_module_get_set_functions.new
- should_raise(NameError) { x.check_sv }
- x.set_sv(777).should == 777
- x.check_sv.should == 777
- x.class.class_variables.should == ['@@osv']
- Object.class_variables.should == ['@@osv']
- Object.class_var_get(:@@osv).should == 777
- x.class.class_var_get('@@osv').should == 777
- Array.class_var_get('@@osv').should == 777
- Comparable.class_variables.should == []
- end
- end
- finished