JavaScript | 402 lines | 287 code | 49 blank | 66 comment | 23 complexity | 0067eff6e390a620cd1ee57955d67d64 MD5 | raw file
- /* This is a reset for the
- */
- $.blockUI.defaults.fadeIn = 0;
- $.blockUI.defaults.message = '<div style="padding: 15px;"><img src="res/system/pentaho-cdf-dd/resources/mobile/img/spinner.gif" />';
- $.blockUI.defaults.css.left = '50%';
- $.blockUI.defaults.css.top = '50%';
- $.blockUI.defaults.css.marginLeft = '-210px';
- $.blockUI.defaults.css.marginTop = '-220px';
- $.blockUI.defaults.css.width = '420px';
- $.blockUI.defaults.css.height = '440px';
- $.blockUI.defaults.css.opacity = '.8';
- $.blockUI.defaults.css['-webkit-border-radius'] = '10px';
- $.blockUI.defaults.css['-moz-border-radius'] = '10px';
- Dashboards.blockUIwithDrag = function() {
- if (typeof Dashboards.i18nSupport !== "undefined" && Dashboards.i18nSupport != null) {
- // If i18n support is enabled process the message accordingly
- $.blockUI.defaults.message = '<div style="padding: 15px;"><img src="' + webAppPath + '/content/pentaho-cdf/resources/style/images/busy.gif" /><h3>' + Dashboards.i18nSupport.prop('processing.message') + '</h3></div>';
- }
- $.blockUI();
- var handle = $('<div id="blockUIDragHandle"> <a href="javascript:$.unblockUI()" title="Click to unblock">X</a></div>')
- $("div.blockUI.blockMsg").prepend(handle);
- $("div.blockUI.blockMsg").draggable({
- handle: "#blockUIDragHandle"
- });
- };
- function CDFMobile() {
- var myself = this;
- // expose our local jquery with jquerymobile to the outside world
- var _dashboard = {};
- var _carousels = [];
- var _title = $("#title"),
- _navSelector = $('#navSelector'),
- _scriptHolder = $("#scriptHolder"),
- _staging = $("#placeholder"),
- _content = $('#cmdContent'),
- _dashboard = $("#dashboard"),
- _toolbar = $("#toolbar"),
- _filters = $("#filtersPanel"),
- _filtersContent = $("#filtersContent"),
- _innerFilters = $("#innerFilters"),
- _filterToolbar = $("#filtersActions");
- var _jqmTheme = 'a';
- this.redrawDashboard = function() {
- // _title.text(_dashboard.meta.title);
- _innerFilters.empty().append($("#filters"));
- _dashboard.empty().append(_staging.children(':not(script)'));
- updateNavigation();
- reloadCarousels();
- };
- function captureClick(callback) {
- return function(ev) {
- callback.call(myself);
- ev.stopPropagation();
- };
- }
- function handleClick(callback) {
- return function(ev) {
- callback.call(myself);
- };
- }
- this.loadDashboard = function(target) {
- var queryArgs = $.extend({},this.parameters,target);
- var queryStrings = [];
- for (key in queryArgs) if (queryArgs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- queryStrings.push( escape(key) + "=" + escape(queryArgs[key]));
- }
- var queryString = queryStrings.join("&")
- window.location = window.location.pathname + "?" + queryString;
- };
- this.redrawToolbar = function(buttons) {
- redrawNavBar(buttons, _toolbar);
- };
- this.redrawFiltersToolbar = function(buttons) {
- redrawNavBar(buttons, _filterToolbar);
- };
- this.resizeAll = function() {
- resizeCharts();
- for (var i = 0; i < _carousels.length; i++) {
- var car = _carousels[i];
- resizeCarousel(car.getHolder());
- car.fitToContainer();
- }
- }
- function resizeCharts() {
- var activePage = $.mobile.activePage;
- var headerFooterPadding = ( activePage != undefined ) ?
- activePage.find('[data-role=header]').height() +
- activePage.find('[data-role=footer]').height() : 0;
- var widthMult,
- heightMult;
- var charts = Dashboards.components.filter(function(comp) {
- return /^ccc/.test(comp.type);
- });
- $.each(charts,
- function(i, comp) {
- /* First thing first: don't even try to resize charts that haven't
- * been initialized!
- */
- if (!comp.chart) {
- return;
- }
- var $e = $("#" + comp.htmlObject + " svg"),
- e = $e[0],
- /* Next step is measuring the available space for our charts. We always
- * have the full window width available to us, but that's not the case
- * with the height, so we trim out the space we know must be reserved.
- */
- windowWidth = window.innerWidth,
- windowHeight = window.innerHeight,
- availableWidth = windowWidth - 20,
- availableHeight = windowHeight - headerFooterPadding - 150,
- /* In the name of sanity, we'd rather calculate everything relative
- * to the original sizes, rather than the last calculated size, so
- * we'll store/retrieve the original values in a data attribute.
- */
- originalHeight = $e.attr('data-originalHeight') || $e.parent().height(),
- originalWidth = $e.attr('data-originalWidth') || $e.parent().width();
- $e.attr('data-originalHeight', originalHeight);
- $e.attr('data-originalWidth', originalWidth);
- /* Next we calculate the ratios between original and available space.
- * To keep the original proportions, we have to multiply both axes
- * by the same ratio. If there's more available height than width,
- * we're in portrait mode, so we'll use the height ratio to make the
- * chart fit within the available space. If the width is bigger,
- * we're in landscape mode. Rather than having a tiny chart we'll use
- *the full width, and overflow vertically as needed -- effectively a
- * zoom mode.
- */
- var heightRatio = availableHeight / originalHeight,
- widthRatio = availableWidth / originalWidth,
- availableRatio = windowHeight > windowWidth ? heightRatio : widthRatio,
- targetWidth = originalWidth * availableRatio,
- targetHeight = originalHeight * availableRatio;
- /* Finally, set the width and height to our desired values for the chart
- * object, the component and the svg. We also need to give the svg a
- * viewBox, or the svg will think we just enlarged its canvas.
- */
- comp.chart.options.width = targetWidth;
- comp.chart.options.height = targetHeight;
- comp.chartDefinition.width = targetWidth;
- comp.chartDefinition.height = targetHeight;
- e.setAttribute('width', targetWidth);
- e.setAttribute('height', targetHeight);
- e.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 ' + originalWidth + ' ' + originalHeight);
- });
- };
- /* The navigation pull-down menu gets its data from the loaded
- * dashboard. We expect to find a mobileNav component with a
- * navList() method that provides a listing of the dashboards
- * you can navigate to from your present location. if such a
- * component isn't found, we assume that this is a dead-end
- * dashboard and hide the navigation pull-down instead.
- */
- function updateNavigation() {
- /* First we check for the existence of the mobileNav component.
- * We check for either the bare mobileNav name, or the the
- * CDE-style render_mobileNav name.
- * If it doesn't exist, we just hide the navigation pull-down.
- */
- var navComponent = window.mobileNav || window.render_mobileNav;
- if (!navComponent) {
- _navSelector.hide();
- return;
- }
- /*
- */
- var dashboardList = navComponent.navList();
- };
- /*
- */
- function navigationCallback(event) {
- };
- function redrawNavBar(buttons, loc) {
- if (buttons.length) {
- var toolbar = $("<ul></ul>"),
- buttonWidth = Math.round(10000 / buttons.length) / 100;
- for (b in buttons) if (buttons.hasOwnProperty(b)) {
- var bdata = buttons[b];
- var button = $("<li>").appendTo(toolbar);
- var link = $("<a></a>").appendTo(button);
- link.attr("data-icon", bdata.icon);
- if (bdata.location) {
- link.attr("href", bdata.location);
- link.click(handleClick(bdata.callback));
- } else if (bdata.rel) {
- link.attr("data-rel", bdata.rel);
- link.click(handleClick(bdata.callback));
- } else {
- link.click(captureClick(bdata.callback));
- }
- if (bdata.transition) {
- link.attr("data-transition", bdata.transition);
- }
- link.text(bdata.label);
- }
- $("<div data-role='navbar'></div>").append(toolbar).appendTo(loc.empty());
- }
- };
- function recalculateHeight(content, title, toolbar) {
- var padding = parseInt(content.parent().css('padding-top').match(/[0-9]+/)[0], 10) +
- parseInt(content.parent().css('padding-bottom').match(/[0-9]+/)[0], 10);
- var height = window.innerHeight - (padding + title.parent().outerHeight() + toolbar.outerHeight());
- content.height(height);
- };
- function showFilters() {
- };
- function reloadCarousels() {
- _carousels.length = 0;
- $('.cdfCarouselHolder').each(function(i, e) {
- _carousels.push(createCarousel(e));
- });
- };
- function resizeCarousel(element) {
- var $element = (element instanceof $ ? element: $(element)),
- contentWidth = _content.innerWidth();
- totalWidth = 0,
- count = 0;
- $(element).find("li.cdfCarouselItem").each(function(i, e) {
- count += 1;
- var $e = $(e);
- $e.width(contentWidth);
- totalWidth += $e.outerWidth(true);
- //contentHeight = $e.height() > contentHeight ? $e.height() : contentHeight;
- });
- $element.width(totalWidth);
- return count;
- };
- function createCarousel(element) {
- var $element = $(element);
- resizeCarousel($element.find('ul.cdfCarouself'));
- var scroller = new Scroller($element.find('.cdfCarousel'), {},
- $);
- scroller.fitToContainer();
- return scroller;
- }
- function refreshNav() {
- var $nav = $('select#navSelector');
- if ( typeof render_navigation != 'undefined') {
- $nav.empty();
- $nav.unbind('change');
- $nav.bind('change',
- function(e) {
- var keys = {};
- var args = $.each($('select#navSelector').val().split('&'),function(i,e) {
- var t = e.split('=');
- keys[t[0]] = t[1];
- });
- myself.loadDashboard.call(myself, keys);
- });
- $nav.append("<option data-placeholder='true'>Navigate</option>");
- $.each(render_navigation.navTargets,
- function(i, e) {
- $nav.append("<option value='" + e[1] + "'>" + e[0] + "</option>");
- });
- $nav.show();
- $nav.selectmenu('refresh');
- } else {
- $nav.hide();
- };
- };
- this.refresh = function() {
- Dashboards.log("Refreshing");
- /* If we're going for a reload, we want to
- * bypass the browser cache, so we need the
- * 'true' argument.
- */
- window.location.reload(true);
- };
- this.favorites = function() {
- Dashboards.log("Adding to favorites");
- };
- this.filters = function() {
- };
- this.settings = function() {
- Dashboards.log("Customizing settings");
- };
- this.filtersOk = function() {
- Dashboards.log("Accepting Filters");
- };
- this.filtersCancel = function() {
- Dashboards.log("Rejecting Filters");
- $.mobile.changePage(
- "#" + $.mobile.urlHistory.getPrev().url,
- {transition:'flip', reverse:true}
- );
- };
- this.refreshSelector = function(component) {
- $("#" + component.htmlObject + " select").attr('data-theme', _jqmTheme).selectmenu();
- }
- this.cdfLoaded = function() {
- Dashboards.log('cdf-m caught cdf loading');
- refreshNav();
- this.resizeAll();
- }
- }
- $(function() {
- var parameters = {};
- $.each(location.search.slice(1).split('&').map(function(e) {
- return e.split('=')
- }),
- function(i, e) {
- parameters[e[0]] = e[1]
- });
- window.cdfmobile = new CDFMobile();
- cdfmobile.parameters = parameters;
- cdfmobile.redrawToolbar([
- // {
- // label: "Favorites",
- // icon: "star",
- // callback: cdfmobile.favorites
- // },
- // {
- // label: "Settings",
- // icon: "gear",
- // callback: cdfmobile.settings
- // },
- {
- label: "Filters",
- icon: "search",
- location: "#filtersPanel",
- transition: "flip",
- callback: cdfmobile.filters
- },
- {
- label: "Refresh",
- icon: "refresh",
- callback: cdfmobile.refresh
- }
- ]);
- cdfmobile.redrawFiltersToolbar([
- // {
- // label: "Cancel",
- // icon: "delete",
- // callback: cdfmobile.filtersCancel,
- // },
- {
- // label: "Ok",
- label: "Done",
- icon: "check",
- location: "#dashboardView",
- transition: "flip",
- callback: cdfmobile.filtersOk,
- }
- ]);
- setTimeout(function() {
- cdfmobile.redrawDashboard();
- },
- 20);
- $(window).bind('cdfLoaded', function(){
- cdfmobile.cdfLoaded();
- });
- $(window).bind('resize', cdfmobile.resizeAll);
- });