ActionScript | 413 lines | 290 code | 48 blank | 75 comment | 83 complexity | d9a7294ede974db38c0e9d86c921b74a MD5 | raw file
- /*
- Copyright (c) 2009 by contributors:
- * James Hight (http://labs.zavoo.com/)
- * Richard R. Masters
- * Google Inc. (Brad Neuberg -- http://codinginparadise.org)
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- */
- package org.svgweb.nodes
- {
- import org.svgweb.SVGViewerWeb;
- import org.svgweb.core.SVGNode;
- import org.svgweb.utils.SVGColors;
- import org.svgweb.utils.SVGUnits;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
- import flash.text.TextFormat;
- import flash.text.TextLineMetrics;
- import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
- /** SVG Text element node **/
- public class SVGTextNode extends SVGNode
- {
- /**
- * Hold text path node if text follows a path
- **/
- private var _textPath:SVGNode = null;
- /**
- * TextField to render nodes text
- **/
- private var _textField:TextField;
- private var _svgFont:SVGFontNode;
- private var _text:String = '';
- protected var newGlyphs:Array = null;
- protected var newViewBoxSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
- protected var lastGlyph:SVGNode;
- public function SVGTextNode(svgRoot:SVGSVGNode, xml:XML, original:SVGNode = null):void {
- super(svgRoot, xml, original);
- }
- protected override function onAddedToStage(event:Event):void {
- super.onAddedToStage(event);
- svgRoot.registerFontListener(this);
- }
- protected override function onRemovedFromStage(event:Event):void {
- svgRoot.unregisterFontListener(this);
- super.onRemovedFromStage(event);
- }
- override public function onRegisterFont(fontFamily:String):void {
- if (fontFamily == this.getStyleOrAttr('font-family')) {
- invalidateDisplay();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Need to recreate child glyphs when redrawing text
- **/
- override public function invalidateDisplay():void {
- super.invalidateDisplay();
- // Need to recreate child glyphs when redrawing text
- this._parsedChildren = false;
- }
- override public function hasText():Boolean {
- return true;
- }
- override public function setText(newValue:String):void {
- //this.dbg('setText, newValue='+newValue);
- this._xml.setChildren(newValue);
- this._text = newValue;
- }
- /**
- * Get any child text (not text inside child nodes)
- * If this node has any text create a TextField at this._textField
- * Call SVGNode.parse()
- **/
- override protected function parseChildren():void {
- var i:uint;
- var textWidth:Number;
- var glyphChar:String;
- super.parseChildren();
- //Check for SVGFont
- var fontFamily:String = this.getStyleOrAttr('font-family');
- this._svgFont = this.svgRoot.getFont(fontFamily);
- var glyph:SVGGlyphNode;
- if (this._svgFont != null) {
- if (this._textField) {
- this._textField.parent.removeChild(this._textField);
- this._textField = null;
- }
- var fontSize:String = this.getStyleOrAttr('font-size');
- var fontSizeNum:Number = SVGUnits.cleanNumber(fontSize);
- var glyphXOffsets:Array = new Array();
- var xString:String = super.getAttribute('x', '0');
- xString = xString.replace(/,/sg," "); //Replace commas with spaces
- glyphXOffsets = xString.split(/\s+/);
- var glyphYOffsets:Array = new Array();
- var yString:String = super.getAttribute('y', '0');
- yString = yString.replace(/,/sg," "); //Replace commas with spaces
- glyphYOffsets = yString.split(/\s+/);
- var startGlyphX:Number = 0;
- var startGlyphY:Number = 0;
- // Handle text-anchor attribute
- var textAnchor:String = this.getStyleOrAttr('text-anchor');
- var currentNode:SVGNode = this;
- while (textAnchor == 'inherit') {
- if (currentNode.svgParent != null) {
- currentNode = currentNode.svgParent;
- textAnchor = currentNode.getStyleOrAttr('text-anchor');
- }
- else {
- textAnchor = null;
- }
- }
- switch (textAnchor) {
- case 'middle':
- textWidth=0;
- for (i = 0; i < this._text.length; i++) {
- glyphChar = this._text.charAt(i);
- glyph = this._svgFont.getGlyph(glyphChar);
- textWidth += SVGUnits.cleanNumber(glyph.getAttribute('horiz-adv-x'));
- }
- startGlyphX = -textWidth / 2;
- break;
- case 'end':
- textWidth=0;
- for (i = 0; i < this._text.length; i++) {
- glyphChar = this._text.charAt(i);
- glyph = this._svgFont.getGlyph(glyphChar);
- textWidth += SVGUnits.cleanNumber(glyph.getAttribute('horiz-adv-x'));
- }
- startGlyphX = -textWidth;
- break;
- default: //'start'
- startGlyphX=0;
- break;
- }
- var glyphX:Number = startGlyphX;
- var glyphY:Number = startGlyphY;
- newGlyphs = new Array();
- //Add a glyph for each character in the text
- for (i = 0; i < this._text.length; i++) {
- glyphChar = this._text.charAt(i);
- glyph = this._svgFont.getGlyph(glyphChar);
- var glyphClone:SVGNode = glyph.clone();
- if (this.getStyleOrAttr('fill')) {
- glyphClone.setAttribute('fill', this.getStyleOrAttr('fill'));
- }
- glyphClone.setAttribute('transform',
- 'scale(' + (fontSizeNum / 2048) + ') scale(1,-1)');
- // If there is an offset for each character, then apply the offset,
- // adjusting for the transform above.
- if (glyphXOffsets.length >= 2 && glyphXOffsets.length > i) {
- glyphX = (startGlyphX + glyphXOffsets[i]) * (2048/fontSizeNum);
- }
- if (glyphYOffsets.length >= 2 && glyphYOffsets.length > i) {
- glyphY = (startGlyphY + glyphYOffsets[i]) * (-2048/fontSizeNum);
- }
- glyphClone.setAttribute('x', String(glyphX));
- glyphClone.setAttribute('y', String(glyphY));
- // If there is not an offset for each character, then use
- // the standard horizontal adjustment.
- if (glyphXOffsets.length < 2 || glyphXOffsets.length <= i) {
- glyphX = glyphX + SVGUnits.cleanNumber(glyph.getAttribute('horiz-adv-x'));
- }
- glyphClone.topSprite.visible=false;
- newGlyphs.push(glyphClone);
- addSVGChild(glyphClone);
- lastGlyph=glyphClone;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (this._textField == null) {
- //If this is not an SVGFont, use a TextField
- this._textField = new TextField();
- }
- }
- }
- public function onDrawGlyph(glyph:SVGNode):void {
- // when they are ready, unhide the new characters,
- // and remove the old
- if (glyph == lastGlyph && newGlyphs != null) {
- for (var i:uint=0; i < this.svgChildren.length; i++) {
- if (this.svgChildren[i] is SVGGlyphNode
- && newGlyphs.indexOf(this.svgChildren[i]) == -1) {
- removeSVGChild(this.svgChildren[i]);
- i--;
- }
- else {
- this.svgChildren[i].topSprite.visible=true;
- }
- }
- newGlyphs = null;
- }
- }
- override public function getAttribute(name:String, defaultValue:* = null,
- inherit:Boolean = true,
- applyAnimations:Boolean = true,
- useStyle:Boolean = false):* {
- if (name == 'stroke-width' && this._textField == null) {
- // Relevant to SVG Fonts only
- var fontSize:String = this.getStyleOrAttr('font-size');
- var fontSizeNum:Number = SVGUnits.cleanNumber(fontSize);
- var strokeWidthStr:String = super.getAttribute(name, defaultValue, inherit, true, true);
- var strokeWidth:Number = SVGUnits.cleanNumber(strokeWidthStr);
- strokeWidth = strokeWidth * (1024 / fontSizeNum);
- return String(strokeWidth);
- } else if ( (name == "x" || name == "y") ) {
- var xString:String = super.getAttribute(name, defaultValue, inherit, applyAnimations, false);
- if (xString != null) {
- xString = xString.replace(/,/sg," "); //Replace commas with spaces
- if (xString.split(/\s+/).length >= 2) {
- // For SVG Fonts, if there is more than one value, then apply them to
- // individual glyphs, not the text node
- if (this._textField == null) {
- return "0";
- }
- else {
- // Issue 405: We do not currently support glyph placement
- // for native fonts. Just use the first value.
- return xString.split(/\s+/)[0];
- }
- }
- else {
- return xString;
- }
- }
- else {
- return xString;
- }
- }
- else {
- return super.getAttribute(name, defaultValue, inherit, applyAnimations, useStyle);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Call SVGNode.setAttributes()
- * If this node contains text load text format (font, font-size, color, etc...)
- * Render text to a bitmap and add bitmap to node
- **/
- override protected function setAttributes():void {
- super.setAttributes();
- if (this._textField != null) {
- var fontFamily:String = this.getStyleOrAttr('font-family');
- var fontSize:String = this.getStyleOrAttr('font-size');
- var fill:String = this.getStyleOrAttr('fill');
- if (fill == 'currentColor') {
- fill = this.getStyleOrAttr('color');
- }
- var fontWeight:String = this.getStyleOrAttr('font-weight');
- var textAnchor:String = this.getStyleOrAttr('text-anchor');
- var textFormat:TextFormat = this._textField.getTextFormat();
- if (fontFamily != null) {
- fontFamily = fontFamily.replace("'", '');
- textFormat.font = fontFamily;
- }
- if (fontSize != null) {
- //Handle floating point font size
- var fontSizeNum:Number = SVGUnits.cleanNumber(fontSize);
- //Font size can be in user units, pixels (px), or points (pt); if no
- //measurement type given defaults to user units
- if (SVGUnits.getType(fontSize) == SVGUnits.PT) {
- fontSizeNum = SVGUnits.pointsToPixels(fontSizeNum);
- }
- var fontScale:Number = Math.floor(fontSizeNum);
- textFormat.size = fontScale;
- fontScale = fontSizeNum / fontScale;
- _textField.scaleX = fontScale;
- _textField.scaleY = fontScale;
- }
- if (fill != null) {
- textFormat.color = SVGColors.getColor(fill);
- }
- // only bold/no bold supported for now (SVG has many levels of bold)
- var currentNode:SVGNode = this;
- while (fontWeight == 'inherit') {
- if (currentNode.svgParent != null) {
- currentNode = currentNode.svgParent;
- fontWeight = currentNode.getStyleOrAttr('font-weight');
- }
- else {
- fontWeight = null;
- }
- }
- if (fontWeight != null && fontWeight != 'normal') {
- textFormat.bold = true;
- }
- this._textField.text = this._xml.text().toString();
- this._textField.setTextFormat(textFormat);
- var textLineMetrics:TextLineMetrics = this._textField.getLineMetrics(0);
- currentNode = this;
- while (textAnchor == 'inherit') {
- if (currentNode.svgParent != null) {
- currentNode = currentNode.svgParent;
- textAnchor = currentNode.getStyleOrAttr('text-anchor');
- }
- else {
- textAnchor = null;
- }
- }
- // Handle text-anchor attribute
- switch (textAnchor) {
- case 'middle':
- this._textField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER;
- this._textField.x = Math.floor( - (this._textField.width - textLineMetrics.width)/2
- - textLineMetrics.width / 2 );
- break;
- case 'end':
- this._textField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.RIGHT;
- // Technically, the entire difference between text field width and
- // the actual text width should be shifted in the following equation,
- // assuming the text was actually right justified properly,
- // but half seems to replicate native behavior more closely.
- this._textField.x = - Math.floor( (this._textField.width - textLineMetrics.width)/2)
- - textLineMetrics.width;
- break;
- default: //'start'
- this._textField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
- this._textField.x = - Math.floor(this._textField.width - textLineMetrics.width)/2;
- //If autosize actually left justified properly, it seems the following would be correct:
- //this._textField.x = 0;
- break;
- }
- this.setVisibility(this.getStyleOrAttr('visibility'));
- // SVG Text elements position y attribute as baseline of text,
- // not the top
- this._textField.y = 0 - textLineMetrics.ascent - 1;
- }
- }
- override protected function setVisibility(visible:String,
- recursive:Boolean = false):void {
- // Surprisingly, this.alpha does not work as expected on
- // text system fonts; a work around is needed. See
- // http://oddhammer.com/tutorials/alpha_dynamic_text/
- // for details. Basically you have to embed the text into
- // a filter which turns it into a bitmap, and then apply the
- // alpha!
- if (visible == 'hidden') {
- var filter:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(0x000000, .1, 16, 16,
- 0, 3, false, false);
- this.drawSprite.filters = new Array(filter);
- this.drawSprite.alpha = 0;
- }
- else {
- this.drawSprite.filters = new Array();
- super.setVisibility(visible);
- }
- }
- override protected function draw():void {
- super.draw();
- if (this._textField != null) {
- drawSprite.addChild(this._textField);
- }
- }
- }
- }