Python | 321 lines | 212 code | 44 blank | 65 comment | 9 complexity | 4caf85802dc9b1a435f04639b47d8afd MD5 | raw file
- # metaclass.py
- from pyke.unique import unique
- '''
- this metaclass is intended to be used by deriving from tracked_object as base class
- pros:
- - probably works with IronPython or Jython
- - easier to understand
- cons:
- - __setattr__ defined by classes poses problems
- '''
- class metaclass_option1(type): # this _must_ be derived from 'type'!
- _ignore_setattr = False
- def __init__(self, name, bases, dict):
- # This gets called when new derived classes are created.
- #
- # We don't need to define an __init__ method here, but I was just
- # curious about how this thing works...
- print "metaclass: name", name, ", bases", bases, \
- ", dict keys", tuple(sorted(dict.keys()))
- super(metaclass_option1, self).__init__(name, bases, dict)
- def __call__(self, *args, **kws):
- # This gets called when new instances are created (using the class as
- # a function).
- obj = super(metaclass_option1, self).__call__(*args, **kws)
- del obj._ignore_setattr
- print "add instance", obj, "to", self.knowledge_base
- return obj
- '''
- this metaclass requires the __metaclass__ = metaclass_option2 attribute of
- classes to be used with the object knowledge base of pyke
- pros:
- - solves the problem of classes defining their own __setattr__ method
- - does not require any multiple inheritance
- cons:
- - hard to understand
- - possibly does not work with IronPython or Jython
- '''
- class metaclass_option2(type): # this _must_ be derived from 'type'!
- def __new__(mcl, name, bases, clsdict):
- print "metaclass_option2.__new__: class dict before __new__: name", name, ", bases", bases, \
- ", dict keys", tuple(clsdict.keys()), ", dict values", tuple(clsdict.values())
- def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
- # This gets called when any attribute is changed. We would need to
- # figure out how to ignore attribute setting by the __init__
- # function...
- #
- # Also the check to see if the attribute has actually changed by doing
- # a '!=' check could theoretically lead to problems. For example this
- # would fail to change the attribute to another value that wasn't
- # identical to the first, but '==' to it: for example, 4 and 4.0.
- if self.__instance__.get(self, False) :
- if getattr(self, attr) != value:
- print "metaclass.__new__: notify knowledge base", \
- "of attribute change: (%s, %s, %s)" % (self, attr, value)
- if self.__cls__setattr__ != None:
- self.__cls__setattr__(attr, value)
- else:
- super(self.__class__, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
- else:
- # does not work to call super.__setattr__
- #super(self.__class__, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
- #
- self.__dict__[attr] = value
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- return self.__dict__[name]
- cls__setattr__ = None
- if clsdict.get('__setattr__', None) != None:
- cls__setattr__ = clsdict['__setattr__']
- clsdict['__setattr__'] = __setattr__
- clsdict['__getattr__'] = __getattr__
- clsdict['__cls__setattr__'] = cls__setattr__
- clsdict['__instance__'] = {}
- print "metaclass_option2.__new__: class dict after __new__: name", name, ", bases", bases, \
- ", dict keys", tuple(sorted(clsdict.keys())), ", dict values", tuple(clsdict.values())
- return super(metaclass_option2, mcl).__new__(mcl, name, bases, clsdict)
- '''
- def __init__(cls, name, bases, clsdict):
- # This gets called when new derived classes are created.
- #
- # We don't need to define an __init__ method here, but I was just
- # curious about how this thing works...
- super(metaclass_option2, cls).__init__(name, bases, clsdict)
- print "class dict after __init__: name", name, ", bases", bases, \
- ", dict keys", tuple(sorted(clsdict.keys()))
- # does not work to create __instance class member here
- #clsdict['__instance__'] = {}
- '''
- def __call__(cls, *args, **kws):
- # This gets called when new instances are created (using the class as
- # a function).
- obj = super(metaclass_option2, cls).__call__(*args, **kws)
- obj.__instance__[obj] = True
- print "add instance of class", cls.__name__, "to knowledge base"
- return obj
- class tracked_object(object):
- r'''
- All classes to be tracked by an object base would be derived from this
- one:
- >>> class foo(tracked_object):
- ... def __init__(self, arg):
- ... super(foo, self).__init__()
- ... print "foo.__init__:", arg
- ... self.x = arg # should be ignored
- ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- metaclass: name foo , bases (<class 'experimental.metaclass.tracked_object'>,) ,
- dict keys ('__init__', '__module__')
- And we can keep deriving classes:
- >>> class bar(foo):
- ... def __init__(self, arg1, arg2):
- ... super(bar, self).__init__(arg1)
- ... print "bar.__init__:", arg1, arg2
- ... self.y = arg2 # should be ignored
- ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
- metaclass: name bar , bases (<class 'experimental.metaclass.foo'>,) ,
- dict keys ('__init__', '__module__')
- We can't do the next step directly in the class definition because the
- knowledge_engine.engine hasn't been created yet and so the object
- bases don't exist at that point in time.
- So this simulates adding the knowledge_base to the class later, after
- the knowledge_engine.engine and object bases have been created.
- >>> foo.knowledge_base = 'foo base'
- >>> bar.knowledge_base = 'bar base'
- And now we create some instances (shouldn't see any attribute change
- notifications here!):
- >>> f = foo(44) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS
- tracked_object.__setattr__ called on object
- <experimental.metaclass.foo object at 0x...>
- with property _ignore_setattr and value True
- tracked_object.__setattr__ called on object
- <experimental.metaclass.foo object at 0x...>
- with property knowledgebase and value None
- foo.__init__: 44
- tracked_object.__setattr__ called on object
- <experimental.metaclass.foo object at 0x...>
- with property x and value 44
- add instance <experimental.metaclass.foo object at 0x...> to foo base
- >>> b = bar(55, 66) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS
- tracked_object.__setattr__ called on object
- <experimental.metaclass.bar object at 0x...>
- with property _ignore_setattr and value True
- tracked_object.__setattr__ called on object
- <experimental.metaclass.bar object at 0x...>
- with property knowledgebase and value None
- foo.__init__: 55
- tracked_object.__setattr__ called on object
- <experimental.metaclass.bar object at 0x...>
- with property x and value 55
- bar.__init__: 55 66
- tracked_object.__setattr__ called on object
- <experimental.metaclass.bar object at 0x...>
- with property y and value 66
- add instance <experimental.metaclass.bar object at 0x...> to bar base
- And modify some attributes:
- >>> f.x = 'y' # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS
- tracked_object.__setattr__ called on object
- <experimental.metaclass.foo object at 0x...>
- with property x and value y
- tracked_object.__setattr__: notify foo base of attribute change:
- (<experimental.metaclass.foo object at 0x...>, x, y)
- >>> b.y = 'z' # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS
- tracked_object.__setattr__ called on object
- <experimental.metaclass.bar object at 0x...>
- with property y and value z
- tracked_object.__setattr__: notify bar base of attribute change:
- (<experimental.metaclass.bar object at 0x...>, y, z)
- >>> b.y = 'z' # should be ignored
- tracked_object.__setattr__ called on object
- <experimental.metaclass.bar object at 0x...>
- with property y and value z
- >>> b.z = "wasn't set" # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE +ELLIPSIS
- tracked_object.__setattr__ called on object
- <experimental.metaclass.bar object at 0x...>
- with property z and value wasn't set
- tracked_object.__setattr__: notify bar base of attribute change:
- (<experimental.metaclass.bar object at 0x...>, z, wasn't set)
- '''
- __metaclass__ = metaclass_option1
- _not_bound = unique('_not_bound') # a value that should != any other value!
- def __init__(self):
- self._ignore_setattr = True
- self.knowledgebase = None
- def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
- # This gets called when any attribute is changed. We would need to
- # figure out how to ignore attribute setting by the __init__
- # function...
- #
- # Also the check to see if the attribute has actually changed by doing
- # a '!=' check could theoretically lead to problems. For example this
- # would fail to change the attribute to another value that wasn't
- # identical to the first, but '==' to it: for example, 4 and 4.0.
- print "tracked_object.__setattr__ called on object %s with property %s and value %s" % (self, attr, value)
- if getattr(self, attr, self._not_bound) != value:
- super(tracked_object, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
- if not hasattr(self, '_ignore_setattr'):
- print "tracked_object.__setattr__: notify", self.knowledge_base, \
- "of attribute change: (%s, %s, %s)" % (self, attr, value)
- ''' tracked_object and foo_tracked use metaclass_option1
- '''
- class foo_tracked(tracked_object):
- def __init__(self, arg):
- super(foo_tracked, self).__init__()
- self.prop = arg
- ''' the following classes use metaclass_option2
- '''
- class foo_base(object):
- def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
- print "foo_base.__setattr__ called on object %s with property %s and value %s" % (self, attr, value)
- class foo_attribute_base(foo_base):
- __metaclass__ = metaclass_option2
- def __init__(self, arg):
- super(foo_attribute_base, self).__init__()
- self.prop = arg
- class foo_attribute(object):
- __metaclass__ = metaclass_option2
- def __init__(self, arg):
- super(foo_attribute, self).__init__()
- self.prop = arg
- def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
- print "foo_attribute.__setattr__ called on object %s with property %s and value %s" % (self, attr, value)
- class foo(object):
- __metaclass__ = metaclass_option2
- def __init__(self, arg):
- super(foo, self).__init__()
- self.prop = arg
- #self.knowledge_base = "foo"
- def foo_method(self):
- print "foo_method called"
- def test_foo_option2():
- f1 = foo(1) # should add instance to knowledge base
- f1.prop = 2 # should notify knowledge base of property change
- f2 = foo("egon") # should add instance to knowledge base
- f2.prop = "ralf" # should notify knowledge base of property change
- f3 = foo_attribute(3)
- f3.prop = 4
- f4 = foo_attribute("karin")
- f4.prop = "sabine"
- f5 = foo_attribute_base(5)
- f5.prop = 6
- f6 = foo_attribute_base("sebastian")
- f6.prop = "philipp"
- def test_foo_option1():
- import sys
- import doctest
- sys.exit(doctest.testmod(optionflags = doctest.ELLIPSIS
- [0])
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- #test_foo_option1()
- test_foo_option2()