C | 883 lines | 742 code | 70 blank | 71 comment | 171 complexity | bd2a8e301cc69c902b51ded2be46ef6a MD5 | raw file
- /* file: scope.c G. Moody 31 July 1991
- Last revised: 10 June 2005
- Scope window functions for WAVE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WAVE: Waveform analyzer, viewer, and editor
- Copyright (C) 1991-2005 George B. Moody
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
- PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- You may contact the author by e-mail (george@mit.edu) or postal mail
- (MIT Room E25-505A, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA). For updates to this software,
- please visit PhysioNet (http://www.physionet.org/).
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- */
- #include "wave.h"
- #include "xvwave.h"
- #include <wfdb/ecgmap.h>
- #include <X11/Xos.h>
- #include <xview/canvas.h>
- #include <xview/cms.h>
- #include <xview/cursor.h>
- #include <xview/defaults.h>
- #include <xview/notice.h>
- #include <xview/notify.h>
- #define SQRTMAXSPEED (30)
- static int scope_use_overlays, use_color, grey;
- static void scan(), create_scope_panel(), set_dt();
- static void scope_proc(Panel_item item, Event *event);
- void save_scope_params(a, b, c)
- int a, b, c;
- {
- scope_use_overlays = a;
- use_color = b;
- grey = c;
- }
- static void scope_repaint(canvas, paint_window, repaint_area)
- Canvas canvas;
- Xv_Window paint_window;
- Rectlist *repaint_area;
- {
- ;
- }
- static unsigned int scope_height, scope_width;
- static XPoint *sbuf;
- static int v0n, v0f, v0v, xt, yt;
- static long scope_dt;
- static Display *scope_display;
- static XID scope_xid;
- static GC clear_plane[4], plot_sig;
- static void scope_resize(canvas, w, h)
- Canvas canvas;
- int w, h;
- {
- int i;
- xt = mmx(2);
- if (w > scope_width) {
- XPoint *sbt;
- if (sbuf == NULL &&
- (sbt = (XPoint *)malloc(w * sizeof(XPoint))) == NULL) {
- #ifdef NOTICE
- Xv_notice notice = xv_create((Frame)frame, NOTICE,
- #else
- (void)notice_prompt((Frame)frame, (Event *)NULL,
- #endif
- "Error in allocating memory for scope\n", 0,
- NOTICE_BUTTON_YES, "Continue", 0);
- #ifdef NOTICE
- xv_destroy_safe(notice);
- #endif
- return;
- }
- else if (sbuf != NULL &&
- (sbt = (XPoint *)realloc(sbuf, w * sizeof(XPoint))) == NULL) {
- #ifdef NOTICE
- Xv_notice notice = xv_create((Frame)frame, NOTICE,
- #else
- (void)notice_prompt((Frame)frame, (Event *)NULL,
- #endif
- "Error in allocating memory for scope\n", 0,
- NOTICE_BUTTON_YES, "Continue", 0);
- #ifdef NOTICE
- xv_destroy_safe(notice);
- #endif
- return;
- }
- sbuf = sbt;
- }
- if (w != scope_width-1) {
- if (scope_width == 0)
- scope_dt = strtim("0.5");
- scope_width = w-1;
- if (tscale <= 1.0) /* resolution limited by display */
- for (i = 0; i <= scope_width; i++)
- sbuf[i].x = i;
- else { /* resolution limited by input data */
- for (i = 0; i <= scope_width; i++)
- sbuf[i].x = i*tscale;
- }
- }
- if (h != scope_height) {
- scope_height = h;
- yt = scope_height - mmy(2);
- v0n = scope_height/3;
- v0f = scope_height/2;
- v0v = 2*scope_height/3;
- }
- if (scope_xid) {
- if (scope_use_overlays) {
- static XPoint tbuf[2];
- tbuf[0].y = 0; tbuf[1].y = scope_height-1;
- for (i = 0; i <scope_width; i++) {
- tbuf[0].x = tbuf[1].x = i;
- XDrawLines(scope_display, scope_xid, plot_sig, tbuf, 2,
- CoordModeOrigin);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- XFillRectangle(scope_display, scope_xid, clear_plane[i],
- 0, 0, scope_width, scope_height);
- }
- }
- /* Handle events in the scope window. */
- void scope_window_event_proc(window, event, arg)
- Xv_Window window;
- Event *event;
- Notify_arg arg;
- {
- int e, x, y;
- static int handling_event;
- e = (int)event_id(event);
- x = (int)event_x(event);
- y = (int)event_y(event);
- if (handling_event) return;
- handling_event = 1;
- if (event_action(event) == ACTION_HELP)
- xv_help_show(window, "wave:scope_canvas", event);
- else switch (e) {
- case KEY_RIGHT(10): /* left-arrow: simulate left mouse button */
- case MS_LEFT:
- if (event_is_down(event)) {
- if (event_ctrl_is_down(event))
- scope_proc(XV_NULL, (Event *) '['); /* scan backward */
- else
- scope_proc(XV_NULL, (Event *) '<'); /* single step back */
- }
- break;
- case KEY_RIGHT(8): /* up-arrow: simulate middle mouse button */
- case KEY_RIGHT(11): /* <5> on numeric keypad: simulate middle
- mouse button */
- case MS_MIDDLE:
- if (event_is_down(event)) {
- if (event_ctrl_is_down(event))
- set_dt(x);
- else
- scope_proc(XV_NULL, (Event *) '*'); /* interrupt scan */
- }
- break;
- case KEY_RIGHT(12): /* right-arrow: simulate right mouse button */
- case MS_RIGHT:
- if (event_is_down(event)) {
- if (event_ctrl_is_down(event))
- scope_proc(XV_NULL, (Event *) ']'); /* scan forward */
- else
- scope_proc(XV_NULL, (Event *) '>'); /* single step */
- }
- break;
- }
- handling_event = 0;
- }
- static Colormap colormap;
- static XColor color[16];
- static unsigned long pixel_table[16];
- static Canvas canvas;
- static Frame scope_frame;
- static Panel scope_panel;
- #ifndef USE_OLC_PLUS
- extern Server_image cursor_image;
- #endif
- void create_scope_popup(overlay_flag, use_color, grey)
- int overlay_flag, use_color, grey;
- {
- char *bgcname, *fgcname;
- int i, ncolors;
- static unsigned long mask[4];
- static XGCValues gcvalues;
- Icon icon;
- Xv_Cursor scope_c;
- Xv_singlecolor scope_c_bg, scope_c_fg;
- Xv_Window window;
- icon = xv_create(frame, ICON,
- ICON_IMAGE, icon_image,
- ICON_LABEL, "Scope",
- NULL);
- scope_frame = xv_create(frame, FRAME,
- XV_LABEL, "Scope",
- XV_WIDTH, mmx(25)+4,
- XV_HEIGHT, mmy(150),
- FRAME_ICON, icon,
- NULL);
- create_scope_panel();
- window_fit_height(scope_panel);
- canvas = xv_create(scope_frame, CANVAS,
- CANVAS_REPAINT_PROC, scope_repaint,
- CANVAS_RESIZE_PROC, scope_resize,
- CANVAS_WIDTH, mmx(25),
- CANVAS_HEIGHT, mmy(100),
- WIN_X, 0,
- WIN_BELOW, scope_panel,
- WIN_DYNAMIC_VISUAL, overlay_flag,
- 0);
- scope_resize(canvas, (int)xv_get(canvas, CANVAS_WIDTH),
- (int)xv_get(canvas, CANVAS_HEIGHT));
- window_fit(canvas);
- window_fit(scope_frame);
- scope_display = (Display *)xv_get(canvas, XV_DISPLAY);
- window = (Xv_Window)xv_get(canvas, CANVAS_NTH_PAINT_WINDOW, 0);
- scope_xid = (Window)xv_get(window, XV_XID);
- mask[0] = mask[1] = mask[2] = mask[3] = ~0;
- /* Get the appropriate foreground and background colors. */
- if (use_color && !grey) {
- bgcname = defaults_get_string("wave.scope.color.background",
- "Wave.Scope.Color.background",
- "white");
- fgcname = defaults_get_string("wave.scope.color.foreground",
- "Wave.Scope.Color.Foreground",
- "blue");
- }
- else if (grey) {
- bgcname = defaults_get_string("wave.scope.grey.background",
- "Wave.Scope.Grey.background",
- "white");
- fgcname = defaults_get_string("wave.scope.grey.foreground",
- "Wave.Scope.Grey.Foreground",
- "black");
- }
- else {
- bgcname = defaults_get_string("wave.scope.mono.background",
- "Wave.Scope.Mono.background",
- "white");
- if (strcmp(bgcname, "black") && strcmp(bgcname, "Black"))
- fgcname = "black";
- else
- fgcname = "white";
- }
- /* Allocate a colormap for the scope display area. */
- colormap = DefaultColormap(scope_display, DefaultScreen(scope_display));
- /* Determine how to "fade" the display (i.e., how to make the oldest data
- disappear into the background). There are two techniques:
- A. If 16 read/write color cells in 4 plane groups are available, we
- number them 0 to 15. Color 0 is pure background, and color 15 is
- pure foreground. The remainder are blends of foreground and
- background, and the amount of foreground in the mix is determined
- by the number of non-zero bits in the color number. Before writing
- new data, one of the four planes is cleared (the choice of which
- plane is made by circulating through the 4 in a fixed order). New
- data are always written in color 15. Thus new data are 100%
- foreground, data one cycle old are 75%, data two cycles old are 50%,
- data three cycles old are 25%, and all older data are erased (i.e.,
- set to the background color).
- B. Otherwise, before writing new data, we set one of every four pixels
- in the window to the background color using one of four bitmasks
- (each of which includes one-fourth of the pixels, with no overlap
- between the bitmasks). Thus 100% of all the pixels in new data are
- in the foreground color, data one cycle old are 75% visible (on
- average), data two cycles old are 50% visible, data three cycles old
- are 25% visible, and all older data are erased.
- It might be even better to combine these techniques if both can be
- used on a given display, to give 16 levels of fading; this would also
- require 16 GCs, however, which might pose a problem for the server.
- */
- if (overlay_flag) {
- /* Try to get read/write color cells if possible. */
- if (!XAllocColorCells(scope_display, colormap, 0, mask, 4,
- pixel_table, 1))
- overlay_flag = 0; /* impossible -- use plan B */
- else { /* execute plan A */
- /* Color 0: background */
- XParseColor(scope_display, colormap, bgcname, &color[0]);
- /* Color 15: foreground */
- XParseColor(scope_display, colormap, fgcname, &color[15]);
- /* Color numbers with one non-zero bit: 1, 2, 4, 8 */
- color[1].red = color[2].red = color[4].red = color[8].red =
- (color[15].red + 3*color[0].red ) / 4;
- color[1].green = color[2].green = color[4].green = color[8].green =
- (color[15].green + 3*color[0].green) / 4;
- color[1].blue = color[2].blue = color[4].blue = color[8].blue =
- (color[15].blue + 3*color[0].blue ) / 4;
- /* Color numbers with two non-zero bits: 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12 */
- color[3].red = color[5].red = color[6].red = color[9].red =
- color[10].red = color[12].red =
- (color[15].red + color[0].red ) / 2;
- color[3].green = color[5].green = color[6].green = color[9].green =
- color[10].green = color[12].green =
- (color[15].green + color[0].green) / 2;
- color[3].blue = color[5].blue = color[6].blue = color[9].blue =
- color[10].blue = color[12].blue =
- (color[15].blue + color[0].blue ) / 2;
- /* Color numbers with three non-zero bits: 7, 11, 13, 14 */
- color[7].red = color[11].red = color[13].red =
- color[14].red = (3*color[15].red + color[0].red )/4;
- color[7].green = color[11].green = color[13].green =
- color[14].green = (3*color[15].green + color[0].green)/4;
- color[7].blue = color[11].blue = color[13].blue =
- color[14].blue = (3*color[15].blue + color[0].blue )/4;
- for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- color[i].pixel = pixel_table[0];
- if (i & 1) color[i].pixel |= mask[0];
- if (i & 2) color[i].pixel |= mask[1];
- if (i & 4) color[i].pixel |= mask[2];
- if (i & 8) color[i].pixel |= mask[3];
- color[i].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
- pixel_table[i] = color[i].pixel;
- }
- ncolors = 16;
- XStoreColors(scope_display, colormap, color, ncolors);
- /* Create plan A graphics contexts. */
- gcvalues.foreground = pixel_table[15];
- gcvalues.background = pixel_table[0];
- plot_sig = XCreateGC(scope_display, scope_xid,
- GCForeground | GCBackground,
- &gcvalues);
- gcvalues.foreground = gcvalues.background;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- gcvalues.plane_mask = mask[i];
- clear_plane[i] = XCreateGC(scope_display, scope_xid,
- GCBackground | GCForeground |
- GCPlaneMask,
- &gcvalues);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!overlay_flag) { /* execute plan B */
- int j;
- unsigned int stipple_height, stipple_width;
- GC set_stipple, clear_stipple;
- Pixmap stipple;
- XParseColor(scope_display, colormap, bgcname, &color[0]);
- XParseColor(scope_display, colormap, fgcname, &color[1]);
- (void)XAllocColor(scope_display, colormap, &color[0]);
- (void)XAllocColor(scope_display, colormap, &color[1]);
- pixel_table[0] = color[0].pixel;
- pixel_table[1] = color[1].pixel;
- ncolors = 2;
- /* Create plan B graphics contexts. */
- XQueryBestStipple(scope_display, scope_xid,
- scope_width, scope_height,
- &stipple_width, &stipple_height);
- stipple = XCreatePixmap(scope_display, scope_xid,
- stipple_width, stipple_height, 1);
- gcvalues.foreground = gcvalues.background =
- BlackPixel(scope_display, DefaultScreen(scope_display));
- clear_stipple = XCreateGC(scope_display, stipple,
- GCForeground, &gcvalues);
- gcvalues.foreground =
- WhitePixel(scope_display, DefaultScreen(scope_display));
- set_stipple = XCreateGC(scope_display, stipple,
- GCForeground | GCBackground, &gcvalues);
- for (j = 0; j < stipple_height-1; j += 2)
- for (i = 0; i < stipple_width-1; i += 2) {
- XDrawPoint(scope_display, stipple, set_stipple, i, j);
- XDrawPoint(scope_display, stipple, clear_stipple, i+1, j);
- XDrawPoint(scope_display, stipple, clear_stipple, i+1, j+1);
- XDrawPoint(scope_display, stipple, clear_stipple, i, j+1);
- }
- gcvalues.stipple = stipple;
- gcvalues.fill_style = FillStippled;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- gcvalues.ts_x_origin = (i & 1);
- gcvalues.ts_y_origin = (i == 1 || i == 2);
- clear_plane[i] = XCreateGC(scope_display, scope_xid,
- GCForeground | GCStipple | GCFillStyle |
- GCTileStipXOrigin | GCTileStipYOrigin,
- &gcvalues);
- }
- gcvalues.foreground = pixel_table[1];
- gcvalues.background = pixel_table[0];
- plot_sig = XCreateGC(scope_display, scope_xid,
- GCForeground | GCBackground,
- &gcvalues);
- gcvalues.foreground = gcvalues.background;
- }
- /* Create and install a cursor for the scope window. Record the cursor
- colors in terms of the XView color model (8 bits for each of red, green,
- blue, rather than 16 as in the X model). */
- scope_c_fg.red = color[ncolors - 1].red >> 8;
- scope_c_fg.green = color[ncolors - 1].green >> 8;
- scope_c_fg.blue = color[ncolors - 1].blue >> 8;
- scope_c_bg.red = color[0].red >> 8;
- scope_c_bg.green = color[0].green >> 8;
- scope_c_bg.blue = color[0].blue >> 8;
- scope_c = (Xv_Cursor)xv_create(scope_frame, CURSOR,
- #ifndef USE_OLC_PLUS
- /* See xvwave.c for details on the alternative cursors. */
- CURSOR_IMAGE, cursor_image,
- #else
- #endif
- NULL);
- xv_set(window, WIN_CURSOR, scope_c, NULL);
- /* Register the event handler for the scope window. */
- xv_set(window, WIN_EVENT_PROC, scope_window_event_proc,
- NULL);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- XFillRectangle(scope_display, scope_xid, clear_plane[i],
- 0, 0, scope_width, scope_height);
- scope_resize(canvas, (int)xv_get(canvas, CANVAS_WIDTH),
- (int)xv_get(canvas, CANVAS_HEIGHT));
- }
- static int show_this_frame()
- {
- static char plane = 3, first_frame = 1;
- int i, i0, tt, tt0 = 0, v0;
- long t;
- if (first_frame && scope_use_overlays) {
- first_frame = 0;
- scope_resize(canvas, (int)xv_get(canvas, CANVAS_WIDTH),
- (int)xv_get(canvas, CANVAS_HEIGHT));
- }
- if (scope_annp == NULL) return(0);
- if ((t = scope_annp->this.time - scope_dt) < 0L) {
- tt0 = (int)(-t);
- t = 0L;
- }
- if (isigsettime(t) < 0 || getvec(scope_v) < 0) return (0);
- switch (map2(scope_annp->this.anntyp)) {
- case NORMAL:
- case LEARN:
- v0 = scope_v[signal_choice] * vscale[signal_choice] - v0n;
- break;
- case FUSION:
- v0 = scope_v[signal_choice] * vscale[signal_choice] - v0f;
- break;
- case PVC:
- v0 = scope_v[signal_choice] * vscale[signal_choice] - v0v;
- break;
- }
- if (tscale >= 1.0) { /* resolution limited by input data */
- for (i = i0 = tt0; i < scope_width; i++) {
- if (getvec(scope_v) <= 0) break;
- sbuf[i].y = scope_v[signal_choice] * vscale[signal_choice] - v0;
- }
- i--;
- }
- else { /* resolution limited by display */
- int vmax, vmin, vv, x;
- (void)getvec(scope_v);
- vmax = vmin = scope_v[signal_choice];
- i = i0 = tt0*tscale;
- if (i < scope_width)
- sbuf[i].y = scope_v[signal_choice] * vscale[signal_choice] - v0;
- for (tt = tt0 + 1; i < scope_width && getvec(scope_v) > 0; tt++) {
- if (scope_v[signal_choice] > vmax) vmax = scope_v[signal_choice];
- else if (scope_v[signal_choice]<vmin) vmin=scope_v[signal_choice];
- if ((x = tt*tscale) > i) {
- i = x;
- if (vmax - vv > vv - vmin)
- vv = vmin = vmax;
- else
- vv = vmax = vmin;
- sbuf[i].y = vv * vscale[signal_choice] - v0;
- }
- }
- }
- XFillRectangle(scope_display, scope_xid, clear_plane[plane],
- 0, 0, scope_width, scope_height);
- if (++plane > 3) {
- char *tp;
- plane = 0;
- tp = wtimstr(t);
- XDrawString(scope_display,scope_xid,plot_sig,xt,yt,tp,strlen(tp));
- }
- if (i > i0)
- XDrawLines(scope_display, scope_xid, plot_sig,
- sbuf + i0, i - i0, CoordModeOrigin);
- return (1);
- }
- static void refresh_time()
- {
- char *tp;
- int i, ytt;
- long t;
- ytt = scope_height - mmy(5);
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- XFillRectangle(scope_display, scope_xid, clear_plane[i],
- 0, ytt, scope_width, scope_height);
- if (scope_annp) {
- t = scope_annp->this.time - scope_width/2;
- tp = wtimstr(t);
- XDrawString(scope_display,scope_xid,plot_sig,xt,yt,tp,strlen(tp));
- }
- }
- static int show_next_frame()
- {
- if (scope_annp == NULL) {
- scan(0);
- return (0);
- }
- while (scope_annp->this.time < begin_analysis_time) {
- if (scope_annp->next == NULL)
- break;
- scope_annp = scope_annp->next;
- }
- do {
- if (((scope_annp = scope_annp->next) == NULL) ||
- (scope_annp->this.anntyp == INDEX_MARK) ||
- (end_analysis_time > 0L &&
- scope_annp->this.time > end_analysis_time)) {
- if (scope_annp == NULL) scope_annp = ap_end;
- else if (scope_annp->this.anntyp == INDEX_MARK &&
- scope_annp->next != NULL)
- scope_annp = scope_annp->next;
- else scope_annp = scope_annp->previous;
- scan(0);
- return (0);
- }
- } while (!isqrs(scope_annp->this.anntyp) ||
- (ann_mode == 1 && scope_annp->this.chan != signal_choice));
- return (show_this_frame());
- }
- static int show_prev_frame()
- {
- if (scope_annp == NULL) {
- scan(0);
- return (0);
- }
- while (end_analysis_time > 0L &&
- scope_annp->this.time > end_analysis_time) {
- if (scope_annp->previous == NULL)
- break;
- scope_annp = scope_annp->previous;
- }
- do {
- if (((scope_annp = scope_annp->previous) == NULL) ||
- (scope_annp->this.anntyp == INDEX_MARK) ||
- (scope_annp->this.time < begin_analysis_time)) {
- if (scope_annp == NULL) scope_annp = ap_start;
- else if (scope_annp->this.anntyp == INDEX_MARK &&
- scope_annp->previous != NULL)
- scope_annp = scope_annp->previous;
- else scope_annp = scope_annp->next;
- scan(0);
- return (0);
- }
- } while (!isqrs(scope_annp->this.anntyp) ||
- (ann_mode == 1 && scope_annp->this.chan != signal_choice));
- return (show_this_frame());
- }
- static int speed = MAXSPEED;
- static Notify_value show_next_n_frames()
- {
- int i;
- for (i = speed/10 + 1; i > 0 ; i--)
- if (show_next_frame() == 0) break;
- refresh_time();
- return (NOTIFY_DONE);
- }
- static Notify_value show_prev_n_frames()
- {
- int i;
- for (i = speed/10 + 1; i > 0 ; i--)
- if (show_prev_frame() == 0) break;
- refresh_time();
- return (NOTIFY_DONE);
- }
- static struct itimerval sc_timer;
- static void scan(speed)
- int speed;
- {
- if (speed > 0) {
- if (speed > MAXSPEED) speed = MAXSPEED;
- sc_timer.it_value.tv_usec = sc_timer.it_interval.tv_usec =
- 1000000L/speed;
- notify_set_itimer_func(scope_frame, show_next_n_frames, ITIMER_REAL,
- &sc_timer, NULL);
- scan_active = 1;
- }
- else if (speed == 0) {
- notify_set_itimer_func(scope_frame, NOTIFY_FUNC_NULL, ITIMER_REAL,
- scan_active = 0;
- }
- else {
- if (speed < -MAXSPEED) speed = -MAXSPEED;
- sc_timer.it_value.tv_usec = sc_timer.it_interval.tv_usec =
- -1000000L/speed;
- notify_set_itimer_func(scope_frame, show_prev_n_frames, ITIMER_REAL,
- &sc_timer, NULL);
- scan_active = -1;
- }
- }
- static void scope_proc(Panel_item item, Event *event)
- {
- int client_data;
- long t0;
- if (item) client_data = (int)xv_get(item, PANEL_CLIENT_DATA);
- else client_data = (int)event;
- if (ap_start == NULL) {
- #ifdef NOTICE
- Xv_notice notice = xv_create((Frame)frame, NOTICE,
- #else
- (void)notice_prompt((Frame)frame, (Event *)NULL,
- #endif
- "Scope functions cannot be used while the",
- "annotation list is empty.", 0,
- NOTICE_BUTTON_YES, "Continue", 0);
- #ifdef NOTICE
- xv_destroy_safe(notice);
- #endif
- return;
- }
- if (attached &&
- (begin_analysis_time <= attached->this.time &&
- (attached->this.time <= end_analysis_time || end_analysis_time<0L))) {
- scope_annp = attached;
- attached = NULL;
- }
- else if (scope_annp == NULL) {
- (void)locate_annotation(display_start_time, -128);
- scope_annp = annp;
- }
- switch (client_data) {
- case '[': /* scan backwards */
- box(0, 0, 0);
- scan(-speed);
- break;
- case '<': /* single-step backwards */
- show_prev_frame();
- refresh_time();
- if (display_start_time < scope_annp->this.time &&
- scope_annp->this.time < display_start_time + nsamp)
- box((int)((scope_annp->this.time - display_start_time)*tscale),
- (ann_mode==1 && (unsigned)scope_annp->this.chan < nsig) ?
- (int)(base[(unsigned)scope_annp->this.chan] + mmy(2)) : abase,
- 1);
- else
- box(0, 0, 0);
- break;
- case '*': /* interrupt scan */
- scan(0);
- refresh_time();
- if ((t0 = scope_annp->this.time - nsamp/2) < 0L) t0 = 0L;
- find_display_list(t0);
- set_start_time(wtimstr(t0));
- set_end_time(wtimstr(t0 + nsamp));
- if (item)
- disp_proc(item, (Event *)NULL);
- else
- disp_proc(XV_NULL, event);
- box((int)((scope_annp->this.time - display_start_time)*tscale),
- (ann_mode==1 && (unsigned)scope_annp->this.chan < nsig) ?
- (int)(base[(unsigned)scope_annp->this.chan] + mmy(2)) : abase,
- 1);
- break;
- case '>': /* single-step forwards */
- show_next_frame();
- refresh_time();
- if (display_start_time < scope_annp->this.time &&
- scope_annp->this.time < display_start_time + nsamp)
- box((int)((scope_annp->this.time - display_start_time)*tscale),
- (ann_mode==1 && (unsigned)scope_annp->this.chan < nsig) ?
- (int)(base[(unsigned)scope_annp->this.chan] + mmy(2)) : abase,
- 1);
- else
- box(0, 0, 0);
- break;
- case ']': /* scan forwards */
- default:
- box(0, 0, 0);
- scan(speed);
- break;
- }
- }
- static void adjust_speed(item, value)
- Panel_item item;
- int value;
- {
- speed = value*value;
- if (scan_active) scan(scan_active*speed);
- }
- static char *lmstimstr(t)
- long t;
- {
- char *p, *p0;
- if (t == 0L)
- return ("0");
- else if (t > 0L)
- p = mstimstr(t);
- else
- p = p0 = mstimstr(-t);
- while (*p == ' ' || *p == '0' || *p == ':')
- p++;
- if (*p == '.') p--;
- if (t < 0L && p > p0)
- *(--p) = '-';
- return (p);
- }
- Panel_item dt_item;
- static void adjust_dt(item, value)
- Panel_item item;
- int value;
- {
- char *dt_string = (char *) xv_get(item, PANEL_VALUE);
- while (*dt_string == ' ' || *dt_string == '\t')
- dt_string++;
- if (*dt_string != '-')
- scope_dt = strtim(dt_string);
- else
- scope_dt = -strtim(dt_string+1);
- xv_set(item, PANEL_VALUE, lmstimstr(scope_dt));
- }
- static void set_dt(x)
- int x;
- {
- scope_dt = x;
- scope_dt /= tscale;
- xv_set(dt_item, PANEL_VALUE, lmstimstr(scope_dt));
- }
- static void create_scope_panel()
- {
- scope_panel = xv_create(scope_frame, PANEL,
- XV_X, 0,
- XV_HELP_DATA, "wave:scope_panel",
- 0);
- xv_create(scope_panel, PANEL_SLIDER,
- XV_HELP_DATA, "wave:scope_panel.speed",
- PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, adjust_speed,
- NULL);
- dt_item = xv_create(scope_panel, PANEL_TEXT,
- XV_HELP_DATA, "wave:scope_panel.dt",
- PANEL_VALUE, "0.500",
- PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, adjust_dt,
- NULL);
- xv_create(scope_panel, PANEL_BUTTON,
- XV_HELP_DATA, "wave:scope_panel.<<",
- PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, scope_proc,
- PANEL_CLIENT_DATA, (caddr_t) '[',
- NULL);
- xv_create(scope_panel, PANEL_BUTTON,
- XV_HELP_DATA, "wave:scope_panel.<",
- PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, scope_proc,
- PANEL_CLIENT_DATA, (caddr_t) '<',
- NULL);
- xv_create(scope_panel, PANEL_BUTTON,
- XV_HELP_DATA, "wave:scope_panel.pause",
- PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, scope_proc,
- PANEL_CLIENT_DATA, (caddr_t) '*',
- NULL);
- xv_create(scope_panel, PANEL_BUTTON,
- XV_HELP_DATA, "wave:scope_panel.>",
- PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, scope_proc,
- PANEL_CLIENT_DATA, (caddr_t) '>',
- NULL);
- xv_create(scope_panel, PANEL_BUTTON,
- XV_HELP_DATA, "wave:scope_panel.>>",
- PANEL_NOTIFY_PROC, scope_proc,
- PANEL_CLIENT_DATA, (caddr_t) ']',
- NULL);
- }
- static int scope_popup_active = -1;
- void show_scope_window()
- {
- if (scope_popup_active < 0)
- create_scope_popup(scope_use_overlays, use_color, grey);
- wmgr_top(scope_frame);
- xv_set(scope_frame, WIN_MAP, TRUE, 0);
- scope_popup_active = 1;
- }