C | 538 lines | 394 code | 52 blank | 92 comment | 177 complexity | 00fb0e1cfc470f7a0e58f6fd4090f14a MD5 | raw file
- /* file: sig.c G. Moody 27 April 1990
- Last revised: 2 March 2010
- Signal display functions for WAVE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- WAVE: Waveform analyzer, viewer, and editor
- Copyright (C) 1990-2010 George B. Moody
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
- PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
- Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- You may contact the author by e-mail (george@mit.edu) or postal mail
- (MIT Room E25-505A, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA). For updates to this software,
- please visit PhysioNet (http://www.physionet.org/).
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- */
- #include "wave.h"
- #include "xvwave.h"
- static void show_signal_names(), show_signal_baselines();
- /* Show_display_list() plots the display list pointed to by its argument. */
- static struct display_list *lp_current;
- static int highlighted = -1;
- int in_siglist(i)
- int i;
- {
- int nsl;
- for (nsl = 0; nsl < siglistlen; nsl++)
- if (siglist[nsl] == i) return (1);
- return (0);
- }
- static void drawtrace(b, n, ybase, gc, mode)
- XPoint *b;
- int mode, n, ybase;
- GC gc;
- {
- int j, xn, xp;
- XPoint *p, *q;
- if (ybase == -9999) return;
- for (j = 0, p = q = b; j <= n; j++) {
- if (j == n || q->y == WFDB_INVALID_SAMPLE) {
- if (p < q) {
- while (p < q && p->y == WFDB_INVALID_SAMPLE)
- p++;
- xp = p->x;
- xn = p - b;
- if (nsamp <= canvas_width) xn *= tscale;
- p->x = xn;
- p->y += ybase;
- XDrawLines(display, osb, gc, p, q-p, CoordModePrevious);
- if (mode)
- XDrawLines(display, xid, gc, p, q-p, CoordModePrevious);
- p->x = xp;
- p->y -= ybase;
- }
- p = ++q;
- }
- else
- ++q;
- }
- }
- static void show_display_list(lp)
- struct display_list *lp;
- {
- int i, j, k, xn, xp, in_siglist();
- XPoint *p, *q;
- lp_current = lp;
- if (!lp) return;
- if (sig_mode == 0)
- for (i = 0; i < nsig; i++) {
- if (lp->vlist[i])
- drawtrace(lp->vlist[i], lp->ndpts, base[i], draw_sig, 0);
- }
- else if (sig_mode == 1)
- for (i = 0; i < siglistlen; i++) {
- if (0 <= siglist[i] && siglist[i] < nsig && lp->vlist[siglist[i]])
- drawtrace(lp->vlist[siglist[i]], lp->ndpts,base[i],draw_sig,0);
- }
- else { /* sig_mode == 2 (show valid signals only) */
- int j, nvsig;
- for (i = nvsig = 0; i < nsig; i++)
- if (lp->vlist[i] && vvalid[i]) nvsig++;
- for (i = j = 0; i < nsig; i++) {
- if (lp->vlist[i] && vvalid[i]) {
- base[i] = canvas_height*(2*(j++)+1.)/(2.*nvsig);
- drawtrace(lp->vlist[i], lp->ndpts, base[i], draw_sig, 0);
- }
- else
- base[i] = -9999;
- }
- }
- highlighted = -1;
- }
- void sig_highlight(i)
- int i;
- {
- extern void repaint();
- if (!lp_current) return;
- if (0 <= highlighted && highlighted < lp_current->nsig) {
- if (sig_mode != 1) {
- drawtrace(lp_current->vlist[highlighted], lp_current->ndpts,
- base[highlighted], unhighlight_sig, 1);
- drawtrace(lp_current->vlist[highlighted], lp_current->ndpts,
- base[highlighted], draw_sig, 1);
- }
- else {
- int j;
- for (j = 0; j < siglistlen; j++) {
- if (siglist[j] == highlighted) {
- drawtrace(lp_current->vlist[highlighted],
- lp_current->ndpts, base[j], unhighlight_sig, 1);
- drawtrace(lp_current->vlist[highlighted],
- lp_current->ndpts, base[j], draw_sig, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- highlighted = i;
- if (0 <= highlighted && highlighted < lp_current->nsig) {
- if (sig_mode != 1) {
- drawtrace(lp_current->vlist[highlighted], lp_current->ndpts,
- base[highlighted], clear_sig, 1);
- drawtrace(lp_current->vlist[highlighted], lp_current->ndpts,
- base[highlighted], highlight_sig, 1);
- }
- else {
- int j;
- for (j = 0; j < siglistlen; j++) {
- if (siglist[j] == highlighted) {
- drawtrace(lp_current->vlist[highlighted],
- lp_current->ndpts, base[j], clear_sig, 1);
- drawtrace(lp_current->vlist[highlighted],
- lp_current->ndpts, base[j], highlight_sig, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Do_disp() executes a display request. The display will show nsamp samples
- of nsig signals, starting at display_start_time. */
- void do_disp()
- {
- char *tp;
- int c, i, x0, x1, y0;
- struct display_list *lp;
- /* This might take a while ... */
- xv_set(frame, FRAME_BUSY, TRUE, NULL);
- /* Show the grid if requested. */
- show_grid();
- /* Make sure that the requested time is reasonable. */
- if (display_start_time < 0) display_start_time = 0;
- /* Update the panel items that indicate the start and end times. */
- tp = wtimstr(display_start_time);
- set_start_time(tp);
- while (*tp == ' ') tp++;
- y0 = canvas_height - mmy(2);
- x0 = mmx(2);
- XDrawString(display, osb, time_mode == 1 ? draw_ann : draw_sig,
- x0, y0, tp, strlen(tp));
- tp = wtimstr(display_start_time + nsamp);
- set_end_time(tp);
- while (*tp == ' ') tp++;
- x1 = canvas_width - XTextWidth(font, tp, strlen(tp)) - mmx(2);
- XDrawString(display, osb, time_mode == 1 ? draw_ann : draw_sig,
- x1, y0, tp, strlen(tp));
- /* Show the annotations, if available. */
- show_annotations(display_start_time, nsamp);
- /* Get a display list for the requested screen, and show it. */
- lp = find_display_list(display_start_time);
- show_display_list(lp);
- /* If requested, show the signal names. */
- if (show_signame) show_signal_names();
- /* If requested, show the signal baselines. */
- if (show_baseline) show_signal_baselines(lp);
- xv_set(frame, FRAME_BUSY, FALSE, NULL);
- XClearWindow(display, xid);
- }
- static int nlists;
- static int vlist_size;
- /* Get_display_list() obtains storage for display lists from the heap (via
- malloc) or by recycling a display list in the cache. Since the screen duration
- (nsamp) does not change frequently, get_display_list() calculates the pixel
- abscissas when a new display list is obtained from the heap, and recalculates
- them only when nsamp has been changed. */
- static struct display_list *get_display_list()
- {
- int i, maxx, x;
- static int max_nlists = MAX_DISPLAY_LISTS;
- struct display_list *lp = NULL, *lpl;
- if (nlists < max_nlists &&
- (lp = (struct display_list *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct display_list))))
- nlists++;
- if (lp == NULL)
- switch (nlists) {
- case 0: return (NULL);
- case 1: lp = first_list; break;
- default: lpl = first_list; lp = lpl->next;
- while (lp->next) {
- lpl = lp;
- lp = lp->next;
- }
- lpl->next = NULL;
- break;
- }
- if (lp->nsig < nsig) {
- lp->sb = realloc(lp->sb, nsig * sizeof(int));
- lp->vlist = realloc(lp->vlist, nsig * sizeof(XPoint *));
- for (i = lp->nsig; i < nsig; i++) {
- lp->sb[i] = 0;
- lp->vlist[i] = NULL;
- }
- lp->nsig = nsig;
- }
- if (canvas_width > vlist_size) vlist_size = canvas_width;
- for (i = 0; i < nsig; i++) {
- if (lp->vlist[i] == NULL) {
- if ((lp->vlist[i] =
- (XPoint *)calloc(vlist_size, sizeof(XPoint)))==NULL) {
- while (--i >= 0)
- free(lp->vlist[i]);
- free(lp);
- max_nlists = --nlists;
- return (get_display_list());
- }
- }
- /* If there are more samples to be shown than addressable x-pixels
- in the window, the abscissas are simply the integers from 0 to
- the canvas width (and some compression will be needed). If the
- largest abscissa is correct, all of the others must also be correct,
- and they need not be reset. */
- if (nsamp > canvas_width) {
- x = maxx = canvas_width - 1;
- if (lp->vlist[i][x].x != x) {
- int xx;
- lp->vlist[i][0].x = 0; /* absolute first abscissa */
- for (xx = 1; xx <= x; xx++)
- lp->vlist[i][xx].x = 1; /* relative to previous */
- }
- }
- /* Otherwise, no compression is needed, and the abscissas must be
- distributed across the window (at intervals > 1 pixel). Again,
- if the largest abscissa is correct, all of the others must also
- be correct, and no computation is needed. */
- else {
- x = maxx = nsamp - 1;
- if (lp->vlist[i][vlist_size-1].x != (int)(x*tscale)) {
- int xp, xpp;
- lp->vlist[i][0].x = xp = 0; /* absolute first abscissa */
- for (x = 1; x < vlist_size; x++) {
- xpp = xp;
- xp = x*tscale;
- lp->vlist[i][x].x = xp - xpp; /* relative to prev */
- }
- }
- }
- }
- lp->next = first_list;
- lp->npoints = nsamp;
- lp->xmax = maxx;
- return (first_list = lp);
- }
- /* Find_display_list() obtains a display list beginning at the sample number
- specified by its argument. If such a list (with the correct duration) is
- found in the cache, it can be returned immediately. Otherwise, the function
- reads the requested segment and determines the pixel ordinates of the
- vertices of the polylines for each signal. */
- struct display_list *find_display_list(fdl_time)
- long fdl_time;
- {
- int c, i, j, x, x0, y, ymax, ymin;
- struct display_list *lp;
- XPoint *tp;
- if (fdl_time < 0L) fdl_time = -fdl_time;
- /* If the requested display list is in the cache, return it at once. */
- for (lp = first_list; lp; lp = lp->next)
- if (lp->start == fdl_time && lp->npoints == nsamp) return (lp);
- /* Give up if a display list can't be allocated, or if we can't skip
- to the requested segment, or if we can't read at least one sample. */
- if ((lp = get_display_list()) == NULL ||
- (fdl_time != strtim("i") && isigsettime(fdl_time) < 0) ||
- getvec(v0) < 0)
- return (NULL);
- /* Record the starting time. */
- lp->start = fdl_time;
- /* Set the starting point for each signal. */
- for (c = 0; c < nsig; c++) {
- vmin[c] = vmax[c] = v0[c];
- vvalid[c] = 0;
- if (v0[c] == WFDB_INVALID_SAMPLE)
- lp->vlist[c][0].y = -1 << 15;
- else
- lp->vlist[c][0].y = v0[c]*vscale[c];
- }
- /* If there are more than canvas_width samples to be shown, compress the
- data. */
- if (nsamp > canvas_width) {
- for (i = 1, x0 = 0; i < nsamp && getvec(v) > 0; i++) {
- for (c = 0, vvalid[c] = 0; c < nsig; c++) {
- if (v[c] != WFDB_INVALID_SAMPLE) {
- if (v[c] > vmax[c]) vmax[c] = v[c];
- if (v[c] < vmin[c]) vmin[c] = v[c];
- vvalid[c] = 1;
- }
- }
- if ((x = i*tscale) > x0) {
- x0 = x;
- for (c = 0; c < nsig; c++) {
- if (vvalid[c]) {
- if (vmax[c] - v0[c] > v0[c] - vmin[c])
- v0[c] = vmin[c] = vmax[c];
- else
- v0[c] = vmax[c] = vmin[c];
- lp->vlist[c][x0].y = v0[c]*vscale[c];
- }
- else
- lp->vlist[c][x0].y = -1 << 15;
- }
- }
- }
- i = x0+1;
- }
- /* If there are canvas_width or fewer samples to be shown, no compression
- is necessary. */
- else
- for (i = 1; i < nsamp && getvec(v) > 0; i++)
- for (c = 0; c < nsig; c++) {
- if (v[c] == WFDB_INVALID_SAMPLE)
- lp->vlist[c][i].y = -1 << 15;
- else
- lp->vlist[c][i].y = v[c]*vscale[c];
- }
- /* Record the number of displayed points. This may be less than
- expected at the end of the record. */
- lp->ndpts = i;
- /* Set the y-offset so that the signal will be vertically centered about
- the nominal baseline if the midrange is near the mean. The y-offset
- is actually a weighted sum of the midrange and the mean, which favors
- the mean if the two values differ significantly. */
- for (c = 0; c < nsig; c++) {
- int dy; /* the y-offset */
- int n; /* the number of valid ordinates */
- int ymid; /* the midpoint of the ordinate range */
- long ymean; /* the mean of the ordinates */
- double w; /* weight assigned to ymean in y-offset calculation */
- tp = lp->vlist[c];
- /* Find the first valid sample in the trace, if any. */
- for (j = 0; j < i && tp[j].y == WFDB_INVALID_SAMPLE; j++)
- ;
- ymean = ymax = ymin = (j < i) ? tp[j].y : 0;
- for (n = 1; j < i; j++) {
- if ((y = tp[j].y) != WFDB_INVALID_SAMPLE) {
- if (y > ymax) ymax = y;
- else if (y < ymin) ymin = y;
- ymean += y;
- n++;
- }
- }
- ymean /= n;
- ymid = (ymax + ymin)/2;
- /* Since ymin <= ymid <= ymax, the next lines imply 0 <= w <= 1 */
- if (ymid > ymean) /* in this case, ymax must be > ymean */
- w = (ymid - ymean)/(ymax - ymean);
- else if (ymid < ymean) /* in this case, ymin must be < ymean */
- w = (ymean - ymid)/(ymean - ymin);
- else w = 1.0;
- dy = -(ymid + ((double)ymean-ymid)*w);
- for (j = i-1; j >= 0; j--) {
- if (tp[j].y == WFDB_INVALID_SAMPLE) continue;
- /* The bounds-checking below shouldn't be necessary (the X server
- should clip at the canvas boundaries), but Sun's X11/NeWS
- server will crash (and may bring the system down with it) if
- run on a system with the GX accelerator and if passed
- sufficiently out-of-bounds ordinates (maybe abscissas, too --
- this hasn't been tested). This bug is present in both the
- original X11/NeWS server and the GFX revision. It appears that
- the bug can be avoided if the maximum distance from the window
- edge to the out-of-bounds ordinate is less than about 2000
- pixels (although this may be dependent on the window height).
- This bug has not been observed with other X servers. */
- if ((tp[j].y += dy) < -canvas_height) tp[j].y = -canvas_height;
- else if (tp[j].y > canvas_height) tp[j].y = canvas_height;
- /* Convert all except the first ordinate in each set of contiguous
- valid samples to relative ordinates. */
- if (j < i-1 && tp[j+1].y != WFDB_INVALID_SAMPLE)
- tp[j+1].y -= tp[j].y;
- }
- if (dc_coupled[c]) lp->sb[c] = sigbase[c]*vscale[c] + dy;
- }
- return (lp);
- }
- /* Clear_cache() marks all of the display lists in the cache as invalid. This
- function should be executed whenever the gain (vscale) or record is changed,
- or whenever the canvas width has been increased. */
- void clear_cache()
- {
- int i;
- struct display_list *lp;
- if (canvas_width > vlist_size) {
- for (lp = first_list; lp; lp = lp->next) {
- for (i = 0; i < lp->nsig && lp->vlist[i] != NULL; i++) {
- free(lp->vlist[i]);
- lp->vlist[i] = NULL;
- }
- }
- vlist_size = 0;
- }
- else {
- for (lp = first_list; lp; lp = lp->next) {
- lp->start = -1;
- lp->npoints = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- static void show_signal_names()
- {
- int i, xoff, yoff;
- xoff = mmx(5);
- yoff = (nsig > 1) ? (base[1] - base[0])/3 : canvas_height/3;
- if (sig_mode == 0)
- for (i = 0; i < nsig; i++)
- XDrawString(display, osb, draw_sig, xoff, base[i] - yoff,
- signame[i], strlen(signame[i]));
- else if (sig_mode == 1) {
- for (i = 0; i < siglistlen; i++)
- if (0 <= siglist[i] && siglist[i] < nsig)
- XDrawString(display, osb, draw_sig, xoff, base[i] - yoff,
- signame[siglist[i]], strlen(signame[siglist[i]]));
- }
- else { /* sig_mode == 2 (show valid signals only) */
- int j, nvsig;
- for (i = nvsig = 0; i < nsig; i++)
- if (vvalid[i]) nvsig++;
- for (i = j = 0; i < nsig; i++) {
- if (vvalid[i]) {
- base[i] = canvas_height*(2*(j++)+1.)/(2.*nvsig);
- XDrawString(display, osb, draw_sig, xoff, base[i] - yoff,
- signame[i], strlen(signame[i]));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static void show_signal_baselines(lp)
- struct display_list *lp;
- {
- int i, l, xoff, yoff;
- yoff = mmy(2);
- for (i = 0; i < nsig; i++) {
- if (base[i] == -9999) continue;
- if (dc_coupled[i] && 0 <= lp->sb[i] && lp->sb[i] < canvas_height) {
- XDrawLine(display, osb, draw_ann,
- 0, lp->sb[i]+base[i], canvas_width, lp->sb[i]+base[i]);
- if (blabel[i]) {
- l = strlen(blabel[i]);
- xoff = canvas_width - XTextWidth(font, blabel[i], l) - mmx(2);
- XDrawString(display, osb, draw_sig,
- xoff, lp->sb[i]+base[i] - yoff, blabel[i], l);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Return window y-coordinate corresponding to the level of displayed trace
- i at abscissa x. */
- int sigy(i, x)
- int i, x;
- {
- int ix, j = -1, xx, yy;
- if (sig_mode != 1) j = i;
- else if (0 <= i && i < siglistlen) j = siglist[i];
- if (j < 0 || j >= nsig || lp_current->vlist[j] == NULL) return (-1);
- if (nsamp > canvas_width) ix = x;
- else ix = (int)x/tscale;
- if (ix >= lp_current->ndpts) ix = lp_current->ndpts - 1;
- for (xx = yy = 0; xx < ix; xx++)
- yy += lp_current->vlist[j][xx].y;
- return (yy + base[i]);
- }