Ruby | 330 lines | 274 code | 56 blank | 0 comment | 4 complexity | 57681646cec2572294441d4aec43a26a MD5 | raw file
- require 'helper'
- class TestRelations < Test::Unit::TestCase
- context "A company relation" do
- setup do
- @r = Company.scoped
- end
- should "behave as expected with one-level hash params" do
- results = @r.where(:name => 'Initech')
- assert_equal 1, results.size
- assert_equal results.first, Company.find_by_name('Initech')
- end
- should "behave as expected with nested hash params" do
- results = @r.where(
- :developers => {
- :name => 'Peter Gibbons',
- :notes => {
- :note => 'A straight shooter with upper management written all over him.'
- }
- }
- )
- assert_raises ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid do
- results.all
- end
- results = results.joins(:developers => :notes)
- assert_equal 1, results.size
- assert_equal results.first, Company.find_by_name('Initech')
- end
- should "allow selection of join type in association joins" do
- assert_match /INNER JOIN/, @r.joins(:developers.inner).to_sql
- assert_match /LEFT OUTER JOIN/, @r.joins(:developers.outer).to_sql
- end
- should "only join once even if two join types are used" do
- assert_equal 1, @r.joins(:developers.inner, :developers.outer).to_sql.scan("JOIN").size
- end
- should "allow SQL functions via Symbol#func" do
- assert_equal @r.where(:name.in => ['Initech', 'Mission Data']), @r.joins(:developers).group('companies.id').having(:developers => {:count.func(:id).gt => 2}).all
- end
- should "allow SQL functions via Symbol#[]" do
- assert_equal @r.where(:name.in => ['Initech', 'Mission Data']), @r.joins(:developers).group('companies.id').having(:developers => {:count[:id].gt => 2}).all
- end
- should "allow SQL functions in select clause" do
- assert_equal [3,2,3], @r.joins(:developers).group('companies.id').select(:count[Developer.arel_table[:id]].as(:developers_count)).map {|c| c.developers_count}
- end
- should "allow operators on MetaWhere::Function objects" do
- assert_equal @r.where(:name.in => ['Initech', 'Mission Data']), @r.joins(:developers).group('companies.id').having(:developers => [:count[:id] > 2]).all
- end
- should "join multiple parameters to an SQL function with commas" do
- assert_match /concat\("companies"."id","companies"."name"\) LIKE '%blah%'/, @r.where(:concat[:id,:name].matches => '%blah%').to_sql
- end
- should "create new records with values from equality predicates" do
- assert_equal "New Company",
- @r.where(:name => 'New Company').new.name
- assert_equal "New Company",
- @r.where(:name.eq => 'New Company').new.name
- assert_equal "New Company",
- @r.where(:name.eq % 'New Company').new.name
- end
- should "create new records with values from equality predicates using last supplied predicate" do
- assert_equal "Newer Company",
- @r.where(:name => 'New Company').where(:name => 'Newer Company').new.name
- assert_equal "Newer Company",
- @r.where(:name.eq => 'New Company').where(:name.eq => 'Newer Company').new.name
- assert_equal "Newer Company",
- @r.where(:name.eq % 'New Company').where(:name.eq % 'Newer Company').new.name
- end
- should "behave as expected with SQL interpolation" do
- results = @r.where('name like ?', '%tech')
- assert_equal 1, results.size
- assert_equal results.first, Company.find_by_name('Initech')
- end
- should "behave as expected with mixed hash and SQL interpolation" do
- results = @r.where('name like ?', '%tech').where(:created_at => 100.years.ago..Time.now)
- assert_equal 1, results.size
- assert_equal results.first, Company.find_by_name('Initech')
- end
- should "behave as expected with empty arrays" do
- none = @r.where("3 = 1").all
- assert_equal none, @r.where(:name => []).all
- assert_equal none, @r.where(:name.in => []).all
- end
- should "allow multiple condition params in a single where" do
- results = @r.where(['name like ?', '%tech'], :created_at => 100.years.ago..Time.now)
- assert_equal 1, results.size
- assert_equal results.first, Company.find_by_name('Initech')
- end
- should "allow predicate method selection on hash keys" do
- assert_equal @r.where(:name.eq => 'Initech').all, @r.where(:name => 'Initech').all
- assert_equal @r.where(:name.matches => 'Mission%').all, @r.where('name LIKE ?', 'Mission%').all
- end
- should "allow operators to select predicate methods" do
- assert_equal @r.where(:name ^ 'Initech').all, @r.where('name != ?', 'Initech').all
- assert_equal @r.where(:id + [1,3]).all, @r.where('id IN (?)', [1,3]).all
- assert_equal @r.where(:name =~ 'Advanced%').all, @r.where('name LIKE ?', 'Advanced%').all
- end
- should "use % 'substitution' for hash key predicate methods" do
- assert_equal @r.where(:name.like % 'Advanced%').all, @r.where('name LIKE ?', 'Advanced%').all
- end
- should "allow | and & for compound predicates" do
- assert_equal @r.where(:name.like % 'Advanced%' | :name.like % 'Init%').all,
- @r.where('name LIKE ? OR name LIKE ?', 'Advanced%', 'Init%').all
- assert_equal @r.where(:name.like % 'Mission%' & :name.like % '%Data').all,
- @r.where('name LIKE ? AND name LIKE ?', 'Mission%', '%Data').all
- end
- should "allow nested conditions hashes to have array values" do
- assert_equal @r.joins(:data_types).where(:data_types => {:dec => 2..5}).all,
- @r.joins(:data_types).where(:data_types => [:dec >= 2, :dec <= 5]).all
- end
- should "allow nested conditions hashes to have MetaWhere::Condition values" do
- assert_equal @r.joins(:data_types).where(:data_types => {:dec.gt => 2}).all,
- @r.joins(:data_types).where(:data_types => :dec > 2).all
- end
- should "allow nested conditions hashes to have MetaWhere::And values" do
- assert_equal @r.joins(:data_types).where(:data_types => {:dec => 2..5}).all,
- @r.joins(:data_types).where(:data_types => ((:dec >= 2) & (:dec <= 5))).all
- end
- should "allow nested conditions hashes to have MetaWhere::Or values" do
- assert_equal @r.joins(:data_types).where(:data_types => [:dec.gteq % 2 | :bln.eq % true]).all,
- @r.joins(:data_types).where(:data_types => ((:dec >= 2) | (:bln >> true))).all
- end
- should "allow combinations of options that no sane developer would ever try to use" do
- assert_equal @r.find_all_by_name('Initech'),
- @r.joins(:data_types, :developers => [:projects, :notes]).
- where(
- {
- :data_types => [:dec > 3, {:bln.eq => true}]
- } &
- {
- :developers => {
- :name.like => 'Peter Gibbons'
- }
- } &
- {
- :developers => {
- :projects => {
- :estimated_hours.gteq => 1000
- },
- :notes => [:note.matches % '%straight shooter%']
- }
- }
- ).uniq
- end
- should "allow ordering by attributes in ascending order" do
- last_created = @r.all.sort {|a, b| a.created_at <=> b.created_at}.last
- assert_equal last_created, @r.order(:created_at.asc).last
- end
- should "allow ordering by attributes in descending order" do
- last_created = @r.all.sort {|a, b| a.created_at <=> b.created_at}.last
- assert_equal last_created, @r.order(:created_at.desc).first
- end
- should "allow ordering by attributes on nested associations" do
- highest_paying = Developer.order(:salary.desc).first.company
- assert_equal highest_paying, @r.joins(:developers).order(:developers => :salary.desc).first
- end
- context "with eager-loaded developers" do
- setup do
- @r = @r.includes(:developers).where(:developers => {:name => 'Ernie Miller'})
- end
- should "return the expected result" do
- assert_equal Company.where(:name => 'Mission Data'), @r.all
- end
- should "generate debug SQL with the joins in place" do
- assert_match /LEFT OUTER JOIN "developers"/, @r.debug_sql
- end
- end
- end
- context "A relation from an STI class" do
- setup do
- @r = TimeAndMaterialsProject.scoped
- end
- should "return results from the designated class only" do
- assert_equal 2, @r.size
- assert @r.all? {|r| r.is_a?(TimeAndMaterialsProject)}
- end
- should "inherit the default scope of the parent class" do
- assert_match /IS NOT NULL/, @r.to_sql
- end
- should "allow use of scopes in the parent class" do
- assert_equal 1, @r.hours_lte_100.size
- assert_equal 'MetaSearch Development', @r.hours_lte_100.first.name
- end
- end
- context "A merged relation with a different base class" do
- setup do
- @r = Developer.where(:salary.gteq % 70000) & Company.where(:name.matches % 'Initech')
- end
- should "keep the table of the second relation intact in the query" do
- assert_match /#{Company.quoted_table_name}."name"/, @r.to_sql
- end
- should "return expected results" do
- assert_equal ['Peter Gibbons', 'Michael Bolton'], @r.all.map(&:name)
- end
- end
- context "A merged relation with a different base class and a MetaWhere::JoinType in joins" do
- setup do
- @r = Developer.where(:salary.gteq % 70000) & Company.where(:name.matches % 'Initech').joins(:data_types.outer)
- end
- should "merge the JoinType under the association for the merged relation" do
- assert_match /LEFT OUTER JOIN #{DataType.quoted_table_name} ON #{DataType.quoted_table_name}."company_id" = #{Company.quoted_table_name}."id"/,
- @r.to_sql
- end
- end
- context "A merged relation with with a different base class and an alternate association" do
- setup do
- @r = Company.scoped.merge(Developer.where(:salary.gt => 70000), :slackers)
- end
- should "use the proper association" do
- assert_match Company.joins(:slackers).where(:slackers => {:salary.gt => 70000}).to_sql,
- @r.to_sql
- end
- should "return expected results" do
- assert_equal ['Initech', 'Advanced Optical Solutions'], @r.all.map(&:name)
- end
- end
- context "A Person relation" do
- setup do
- @r = Person.scoped
- end
- context "with self-referencing joins" do
- setup do
- @r = @r.where(:children => {:children => {:name => 'Jacob'}}).joins(:children => :children)
- end
- should "join the table multiple times with aliases" do
- assert_equal 2, @r.to_sql.scan('INNER JOIN').size
- assert_match /INNER JOIN "people" "children_people"/, @r.to_sql
- assert_match /INNER JOIN "people" "children_people_2"/, @r.to_sql
- end
- should "place the condition on the correct join" do
- assert_match /"children_people_2"."name" = 'Jacob'/, @r.to_sql
- end
- should "return the expected result" do
- assert_equal Person.where(:name => 'Abraham'), @r.all
- end
- end
- context "with self-referencing joins on parent and children" do
- setup do
- @r = @r.where(:children => {:children => {:parent => {:parent => {:name => 'Abraham'}}}}).
- joins(:children => {:children => {:parent => :parent}})
- end
- should "join the table multiple times with aliases" do
- assert_equal 4, @r.to_sql.scan('INNER JOIN').size
- assert_match /INNER JOIN "people" "children_people"/, @r.to_sql
- assert_match /INNER JOIN "people" "children_people_2"/, @r.to_sql
- assert_match /INNER JOIN "people" "parents_people"/, @r.to_sql
- assert_match /INNER JOIN "people" "parents_people_2"/, @r.to_sql
- end
- should "place the condition on the correct join" do
- assert_match /"parents_people_2"."name" = 'Abraham'/, @r.to_sql
- end
- should "return the expected result" do
- assert_equal Person.where(:name => 'Abraham'), @r.all
- end
- end
- end
- context "A Developer relation" do
- setup do
- @r = Developer.scoped
- end
- should "allow a hash with another relation as a value" do
- query = @r.where(:company_id => Company.where(:name.matches => '%i%'))
- assert_match /IN \(1, 2, 3\)/, query.to_sql
- assert_same_elements Developer.all, query.all
- end
- should "merge multiple conditions on the same column and predicate with ORs" do
- assert_match /"developers"."name" = 'blah' OR "developers"."name" = 'blah2'/,
- @r.where(:name => 'blah').where(:name => 'blah2').to_sql
- assert_match /"developers"."name" LIKE '%blah%' OR "developers"."name" LIKE '%blah2%'/,
- @r.where(:name.matches => '%blah%').where(:name.matches => '%blah2%').to_sql
- end
- should "erge multiple conditions on the same column but different predicate with ANDs" do
- assert_match /"developers"."name" = 'blah' AND "developers"."name" LIKE '%blah2%'/,
- @r.where(:name => 'blah').where(:name.matches => '%blah2%').to_sql
- end
- end
- end