JavaScript | 435 lines | 317 code | 56 blank | 62 comment | 36 complexity | 5e6b14bb548d0e580e9b1decc692f338 MD5 | raw file
- $.extend($.matrix.M4x4.prototype, Matrix, {
- /**
- * Multiply a 4x4 by a compatible matrix or a vector
- * @param Matrix | Vector
- * @return M4x4 | V4
- */
- x: function(matrix) {
- // Ensure the right-sized matrix
- if (matrix.rows < 4) {
- matrix = matrix.toM4x4();
- }
- var a = this.elements,
- b = matrix.elements,
- isVector = typeof(matrix.rows) === 'undefined',
- rows = !isVector ? matrix.rows : matrix.length, //b rows
- cols = this.cols;
- // b must be a similar matrix or a vector
- if (rows !== this.rows) {
- return false;
- }
- var elements = new Array(b.length),
- bcols = b.length / rows,
- row = 0,
- col,
- i,
- sum;
- // loop all rows in b
- do {
- col = 0;
- // loop all cols in b
- do {
- i = 0;
- sum = 0;
- // loop all columns in a;
- do {
- sum += a[(row * cols) + i] * b[(i * bcols) + col];
- i++;
- } while (i < cols)
- // assign the sum to the correct row/column
- elements[(row * bcols) + col] = sum;
- col++;
- } while(col < bcols)
- row++;
- } while (row < rows)
- // return a matrix or a vector
- if (isVector) {
- return new $.matrix['V' + b.length](elements);
- } else {
- return new $.matrix['M' + rows + 'x' + rows](elements);
- }
- tmp[0][0] = (
- a[0] * b[0] + a[4] * b[1] + a[8] * b[2] + a[12] * b[3],
- a[1] * b[0] + a[5] * b[1] + a[9] * b[2] + a[13] * b[3],
- a[2] * b[0] + a[6] * b[1] + a[10] * b[2] + a[14] * b[3],
- a[3] * b[0] + a[7] * b[1] + a[11] * b[2] + a[15] * b[3],
- a[0] * b[4] + a[4] * b[5] + a[8] * b[6] + a[12] * b[7],
- a[1] * b[4] + a[5] * b[5] + a[9] * b[6] + a[13] * b[7],
- a[2] * b[4] + a[6] * b[5] + a[10] * b[6] + a[14] * b[7],
- a[3] * b[4] + a[7] * b[5] + a[11] * b[6] + a[15] * b[7],
- a[0] * b[8] + a[4] * b[9] + a[8] * b[10] + a[12] * b[11],
- a[1] * b[8] + a[5] * b[9] + a[9] * b[10] + a[13] * b[11],
- a[2] * b[8] + a[6] * b[9] + a[10] * b[10] + a[14] * b[11],
- a[3] * b[8] + a[7] * b[9] + a[11] * b[10] + a[15] * b[11],
- a[0] * b[12] + a[4] * b[13] + a[8] * b[14] + a[12] * b[15],
- a[1] * b[12] + a[5] * b[13] + a[9] * b[14] + a[13] * b[15],
- a[2] * b[12] + a[6] * b[13] + a[10] * b[14] + a[14] * b[15],
- a[3] * b[12] + a[7] * b[13] + a[11] * b[14] + a[15] * b[15]);
- }
- });
- //---------------------------------------------------
- function testOrig() {
- // capture the original element
- var $elem = $('#fake div'),
- height = $elem.outerHeight(),
- width = $elem.outerWidth();
- //console.log(height, width);
- // Create a matrix
- var matrix = $.matrix.rotateX(20).x($.matrix.rotateY(20));
- // Calculate the corners
- var calc = new $.matrix.calc(matrix, height, width),
- size = calc.offset(),
- patch = (size.height / 9) * (size.width / 9), // divide it 8 times, for now
- frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
- // subdivide the object
- divideOrig($elem, calc, patch, frag);
- $elem.css({
- visibility: 'hidden',
- position: 'relative'
- }).append(frag.cloneNode(true));
- };
- /**
- * @param Collection $elem
- * @param Object sides
- */
- function divideOrig($elem, calc, patch, frag) {
- var area = calc.area(),
- //r = calc.nonAffinity(), // likely isn't needed
- c = calc.corners();
- // if ((area * 4) * (0.25 + r * 5) > patch) {
- if (area >= patch) {
- // create a new calc object for each new$patch
- var calc1 = new $.matrix.calc(calc.matrix, calc.outerHeight, calc.outerWidth),
- calc2 = new $.matrix.calc(calc.matrix, calc.outerHeight, calc.outerWidth),
- calc3 = new $.matrix.calc(calc.matrix, calc.outerHeight, calc.outerWidth),
- calc4 = new $.matrix.calc(calc.matrix, calc.outerHeight, calc.outerWidth);
- // calculate the mid coordinates
- var m = {
- tltr: {
- x: (c.tl.x + c.tr.x) / 2,
- y: (c.tl.y + c.tr.y) / 2,
- z: (c.tl.z + c.tr.z) / 2
- },
- trbr: {
- x: (c.tr.x + c.br.x) / 2,
- y: (c.tr.y + c.br.y) / 2,
- z: (c.tr.z + c.br.z) / 2
- },
- blbr: {
- x: (c.bl.x + c.br.x) / 2,
- y: (c.bl.y + c.br.y) / 2,
- z: (c.bl.z + c.br.z) / 2
- },
- tlbl: {
- x: (c.tl.x + c.bl.x) / 2,
- y: (c.tl.y + c.bl.y) / 2,
- z: (c.tl.z + c.bl.z) / 2
- },
- tlbr: {
- x: (c.tl.x + c.br.x) / 2,
- y: (c.tl.y + c.br.y) / 2,
- z: (c.tl.z + c.br.z) / 2
- }
- };
- // doctor the calcs
- calc1.c = {
- tl: c.tl,
- tr: m.tltr,
- br: m.tlbr,
- bl: m.tlbl
- };
- calc2.c = {
- tl: m.tltr,
- tr: c.tr,
- br: m.trbr,
- bl: m.tlbr
- };
- calc3.c = {
- tl: m.tlbr,
- tr: m.trbr,
- br: c.br,
- bl: m.blbr
- };
- calc4.c = {
- tl: m.tlbl,
- tr: m.tlbr,
- br: m.blbr,
- bl: c.bl
- };
- // subdivide
- divideOrig($elem, calc1, patch, frag);
- divideOrig($elem, calc2, patch, frag);
- divideOrig($elem, calc3, patch, frag);
- divideOrig($elem, calc4, patch, frag);
- } else {
- counter++;
- renderPatch($elem, calc, patch, frag);
- }
- }
- function renderPatch($elem, calc, patch, frag) {
- var $clone = $elem.clone(),
- c = calc.corners(), // transformed corners
- im = calc.matrix.inverse(), //inverted matrix
- corners =['tl', 'tr', 'br', 'bl'];
- var m = {}, // a matrix for each corner
- ic = {}, // the inverted corners (pre-transform)
- i, len = corners.length, // temp variable
- v, // temp vector
- corner, prev, next; // the corner we're dealing with
- var area = {},
- la, lan, lap,
- pa = 0; // temp previous area
- //Loop all 4 corners
- for (i = 0; i < len, corner = corners[i]; i++) {
- prev = i - 1 < 0 ? corners[len - 1]: corners[i - 1];
- next = i + 1 >= len ? corners[0]: corners[i + 1];
- // find the biggest corner (area of a triangle)
- area[corner] = Math.abs(
- (c[next].x * c[corner].y - c[corner].x * c[next].y) +
- (c[prev].x * c[next].y - c[next].x * c[prev].y) +
- (c[corner].x * c[prev].y - c[prev].x * c[corner].y)
- )/2;
- if (area[corner] > pa){
- la = corner;
- lap = prev;
- lan = next;
- }
- pa = area[corner];
- // Invert Each Matrix to find the original corners
- // TODO: Why not save it from before?
- v = im.x(new $.matrix.V3(c[corner].x, c[corner].y, c[corner].z));
- ic[corner] = {
- x: Math.ceil(v.e(1)),
- y: Math.ceil(v.e(2))
- }
- }
- // Solve the largest corner to find it's a, b, c, d and tx, ty
- var ab, cd, mt = {};
- if (ic[la].x == 0 && ic[lap].x !== 0) {
- m[la+'m'] = $M([
- [ic[lap].x, ic[lap].y, 0],
- [ic[la].x, ic[la].y, 0],
- [ic[lan].x, ic[lan].y, 0]
- ]);
- m[la+'x'] = $V([c[lap].x, c[la].x, c[lan].x]);
- m[la+'y'] = $V([c[lap].y, c[la].y, c[lan].y]);
- } else if (ic[la].x == 0 && ic[lan].x !== 0) {
- m[la+'m'] = $M([
- [ic[lan].x, ic[lan].y, 0],
- [ic[la].x, ic[la].y, 0],
- [ic[lap].x, ic[lap].y, 0]
- ]);
- m[la+'x'] = $V([c[lan].x, c[la].x, c[lap].x]);
- m[la+'y'] = $V([c[lan].y, c[la].y, c[lap].y]);
- } else {
- m[la+'m'] = $M([
- [ic[la].x, ic[la].y, 0],
- [ic[lap].x, ic[lap].y, 0],
- [ic[lan].x, ic[lan].y, 0]
- ]);
- m[la+'x'] = $V([c[la].x, c[lap].x, c[lan].x]);
- m[la+'y'] = $V([c[la].y, c[lap].y, c[lan].y]);
- }
- // Find the solution using row echelon reduction
- ab = rowEchelon(m[la+'m'].augment(m[la+'x']));
- cd = rowEchelon(m[la+'m'].augment(m[la+'y']));
- mt[la] = {
- a: parseFloat(parseFloat(ab.e(1, 4)).toFixed(8)),
- b: parseFloat(parseFloat(ab.e(2, 4)).toFixed(8)),
- c: parseFloat(parseFloat(cd.e(1, 4)).toFixed(8)),
- d: parseFloat(parseFloat(cd.e(2, 4)).toFixed(8)),
- tx: parseFloat(parseFloat(ab.e(3, 4)).toFixed(8)),
- ty: parseFloat(parseFloat(cd.e(3, 4)).toFixed(8))
- }
- // transform the corner
- if (mt[la].a == 0) {
- console.log(counter, la, ic[la].x, ic[lan].x,ic[lap].x);
- }
- //console.log([mt[la].a, mt[la].c, mt[la].b, mt[la].d, mt[la].tx, mt[la].ty]);
- $clone.transform({matrix: [mt[la].a, mt[la].c, mt[la].b, mt[la].d, mt[la].tx, mt[la].ty]});
- $clone.css({
- position: 'absolute',
- top: 0,
- left: 0,
- overflow: 'hidden',
- height: $elem.height() + 'px',
- width: $elem.width() + 'px',
- visibility: 'visible',
- clip: 'rect(' + ic.tl.y*1.05 + 'px, ' + ic.br.x*1.05 + 'px, ' + ic.br.y*1.05 + 'px, ' + ic.tl.x*1.05 + 'px)'
- }).addClass('patch');
- frag.appendChild($clone[0]);
- }
- function rowEchelon(matrix) {
- var temp = matrix.dup().elements,
- rows = matrix.elements.length,
- cols = matrix.elements[0].length;
- // Do Gauss-Jordan algorithm.
- for (var yp = 0; yp < rows; ++yp) {
- // Look up pivot value.
- var pivot = temp[yp][yp];
- while (pivot == 0) {
- // If pivot is zero, find non-zero pivot below.
- for (var ys = yp + 1; ys < rows; ++ys) {
- if (temp[ys][yp] != 0) {
- // Swap rows.
- var tmpRow = temp[ys];
- temp[ys] = temp[yp];
- temp[yp] = tmpRow;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (ys == rows) {
- // No suitable pivot found. Abort.
- return $M(temp); //new Matrix(cols, rows, temp);
- }
- else {
- pivot = temp[yp][yp];
- }
- };
- // Normalize this row.
- var scale = 1 / pivot;
- for (var x = yp; x < cols; ++x) {
- temp[yp][x] *= scale;
- }
- // Subtract this row from all other rows (scaled).
- for (var y = 0; y < rows; ++y) {
- if (y == yp) continue;
- var factor = temp[y][yp];
- temp[y][yp] = 0;
- for (var x = yp + 1; x < cols; ++x) {
- temp[y][x] -= factor * temp[yp][x];
- }
- }
- }
- return $M(temp);
- //return new Matrix(cols, rows, temp);
- }
- //Left-over crud
- {
- var d12 = [c.tr.x - c.tl.x, c.tr.y - c.tl.y];
- var d24 = [c.br.x - c.tr.x, c.br.y - c.tr.y];
- var d43 = [c.bl.x - c.br.x, c.bl.y - c.br.y];
- var d31 = [c.tl.x - c.bl.x, c.tl.y - c.bl.y];
- //console.log(d12, d24, d43, d31);
- // Find the corner that encloses the most area
- var a1 = Math.abs(d12[0] * d31[1] - d12[1] * d31[0]);
- var a2 = Math.abs(d24[0] * d12[1] - d24[1] * d12[0]);
- var a4 = Math.abs(d43[0] * d24[1] - d43[1] * d24[0]);
- var a3 = Math.abs(d31[0] * d43[1] - d31[1] * d43[0]);
- var amax = Math.max(a1, a2, a3, a4);
- //console.log(d12, d31);
- // Align the transform along this corner.
- switch (amax) {
- case a1:
- //console.log('a1:', [d12[0], d12[1], -d31[0], -d31[1], c.tl.x, c.tl.y]);
- //$clone.transform({matrix: [d12[0], d12[1], -d31[0], -d31[1], c.tl.x, c.tl.y]});
- break;
- case a2:
- //console.log('a2:', [d12[0], d12[1], d24[0], d24[1], c.tr.x, c.tr.y]);
- //$clone.transform({matrix: [d12[0], d12[1], d24[0], d24[1], c.tr.x, c.tr.y]});
- break;
- case a4:
- // console.log('a4:', [-d43[0], -d43[1], d24[0], d24[1], c.br.x, c.br.y]);
- //$clone.transform({matrix: [-d43[0], -d43[1], d24[0], d24[1], c.br.x, c.br.y]});
- break;
- case a3:
- // console.log('a3:', [-d43[0], -d43[1], -d31[0], -d31[1], c.bl.x, c.bl.y]);
- //$clone.transform({matrix: [-d43[0], -d43[1], -d31[0], -d31[1], c.bl.x, c.bl.y]});
- break;
- }
- var tl = im.x(new $.matrix.V3(c.tl.x, c.tl.y, c.tl.z));
- var tr = im.x(new $.matrix.V3(c.tr.x, c.tr.y, c.tr.z));
- var br = im.x(new $.matrix.V3(c.br.x, c.br.y, c.br.z));
- var bl = im.x(new $.matrix.V3(c.bl.x, c.bl.y, c.bl.z));
- console.log('tl:', parseFloat(parseFloat(tl.e(1)).toFixed(4)), c.tl.x, ' - ', parseFloat(parseFloat(tl.e(2)).toFixed(4)), c.tl.y);
- console.log('tr:', parseFloat(parseFloat(tr.e(1)).toFixed(4)), c.tr.x, ' - ', parseFloat(parseFloat(tr.e(2)).toFixed(4)), c.tr.y);
- console.log('br:', parseFloat(parseFloat(br.e(1)).toFixed(4)), c.br.x, ' - ', parseFloat(parseFloat(br.e(2)).toFixed(4)), c.br.y);
- console.log('bl:', parseFloat(parseFloat(bl.e(1)).toFixed(4)), c.bl.x, ' - ', parseFloat(parseFloat(bl.e(2)).toFixed(4)), c.bl.y);
- console.log((13-17/5/3)/(2-4/5/3));
- console.log(13/2 - (17/5/3/4/5/3));
- var A = (c.tr.x-c.tl.x/parseInt(tl.e(2))/parseInt(tr.e(2)))/(parseInt(tr.e(1))-parseInt(tl.e(1))/parseInt(tl.e(2))/parseInt(tr.e(2))),
- B = (c.tl.x - A * parseInt(tl.e(1)) / parseInt(tl.e(2))),
- C = (c.tr.x-c.tl.x/parseInt(tl.e(2))/parseInt(tr.e(2)))/(parseInt(tr.e(1))-parseInt(tl.e(1))/parseInt(tl.e(2))/parseInt(tr.e(2))),
- D = (c.tl.x - C * parseInt(tl.e(1)) / parseInt(tl.e(2)));
- console.log('A:', A);
- console.log('B:', B);
- console.log('C:', C);
- console.log('D:', D);
- if (A) {
- var M = new $.matrix.M2x2(A, B, C, D);
- console.log(M.x(new $.matrix.V2(tl.e(1), tl.e(2))).elements);
- }
- //console.log('C' + parseInt(tl.e(1)) + ' + D' + parseInt(tl.e(2)) + ' = ' + c.tl.y);
- //console.log('A' + parseInt(tr.e(1)) + ' + B' + parseInt(tr.e(2)) + ' = ' + c.tr.x);
- //console.log('C' + parseInt(tr.e(1)) + ' + D' + parseInt(tr.e(2)) + ' = ' + c.tr.y);
- //console.log('A' + parseInt(bl.e(1)) + ' + B' + parseInt(bl.e(2)) + ' = ' + c.bl.x);
- //console.log('C' + parseInt(bl.e(1)) + ' + D' + parseInt(bl.e(2)) + ' = ' + c.bl.y);
- console.log('-----------------------');
- $clone.css({
- position: 'absolute',
- top: 0,
- left: 0,
- overflow: 'hidden',
- height: $elem.height() + 'px',
- width: $elem.width() + 'px',
- visibility: 'visible',
- clip: 'rect(' + Math.floor(tl.e(2)) + 'px, ' + Math.ceil(br.e(1)) + 'px, ' + Math.ceil(br.e(2)) + 'px, ' + Math.floor(tl.e(1)) + 'px)'
- }).addClass('patch');
- frag.appendChild($clone[0]);
- }