https://github.com/u-voelkel/fuppes · C++ · 405 lines · 302 code · 87 blank · 16 comment · 54 complexity · 4b5eb2abb3fdc0eb52474d5a3aacd162 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- * This file is part of fuppes
- *
- * (c) 2013 Ulrich Völkel <u-voelkel@users.sourceforge.net>
- *
- * For the full copyright and license information, please view the COPYING
- * file that was distributed with this source code.
- */
- #include "ContentDatabase.h"
- #include "../Database/ObjectManager.h"
- #include "../Database/TableManager.h"
- #include "../Database/QueryBuilder.h"
- #include "../Log/Log.h"
- object_id_t ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::m_objectId = 0;
- uint32_t ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::m_systemUpdateId = 0;
- object_id_t ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::getObjectId() // static
- {
- return ++ContentDatabase::m_objectId;
- }
- uint32_t ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::getSystemUpdateId() // static
- {
- return ContentDatabase::m_systemUpdateId;
- }
- ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase(Configuration& configuration, CFileDetails& fileDetails, Plugin::Manager& pluginManager, VirtualContainer::Manager& virtualContainerMgr) :
- m_configuration(configuration),
- m_fileDetails(fileDetails),
- m_virtualContainerMgr(virtualContainerMgr),
- m_scanDirectoryThread(*this),
- m_updateThread(*this, configuration, fileDetails, pluginManager, virtualContainerMgr),
- m_removeMissingThread(*this)
- {
- m_fam = NULL;
- m_status = Idle;
- }
- ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::~ContentDatabase()
- {
- m_updateThread.stop();
- m_scanDirectoryThread.stop();
- m_removeMissingThread.stop();
- m_updateThread.close();
- m_scanDirectoryThread.close();
- m_removeMissingThread.close();
- if (NULL != m_fam) {
- m_fam->stop();
- m_fam->close();
- delete m_fam;
- }
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::init()
- {
- if (m_configuration.isReadonly()) {
- return;
- }
- Database::ObjectManager objMgr;
- objMgr.getMaxObjectId(ContentDatabase::m_objectId);
- // setup file alteration monitoring
- m_fam = Fam::Monitor::createMonitor(*this, false);
- Database::QueryResult result;
- objMgr.getAllContainerPaths(result);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
- m_fam->addWatch(result.getRow(i)->getColumnString("PATH"), true);
- }
- m_fam->start();
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::insertDirectory(const std::string path, const std::string name, const object_id_t parentId, Database::ObjectManager& objMgr)
- {
- Database::Item dir;
- objMgr.findOneByFilename(path, "", dir, false);
- if (0 != dir.id) {
- return;
- }
- dir.objectId = ContentDatabase::getObjectId();
- dir.parentId = parentId;
- dir.path = path;
- dir.title = ToUTF8(name, m_configuration.getLocalCharset());
- dir.modified = fuppes::DateTime::now().toInt();
- dir.updated = 0;
- objMgr.persist(dir);
- m_fam->addWatch(path);
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::insertFile(const std::string path, const std::string name, const object_id_t parentId, Database::ObjectManager& objMgr)
- {
- Database::Item file;
- objMgr.findOneByFilename(path, name, file, false);
- if (0 != file.id) {
- return;
- }
- std::string filename = path + name;
- file.type = m_fileDetails.GetObjectType(filename);
- if (OBJECT_TYPE_UNKNOWN == file.type) {
- return;
- }
- file.visible = !m_fileDetails.isAlbumArtFile(filename);
- file.objectId = ContentDatabase::getObjectId();
- file.parentId = parentId;
- file.title = fuppes::FormatHelper::fileNameToTitle(name, m_configuration.getLocalCharset());
- file.path = path;
- file.filename = name;
- file.extension = ExtractFileExt(name);
- file.size = fuppes::File::getSize(filename);
- file.modified = fuppes::File::lastModified(filename);
- if (0 == file.modified) {
- file.modified = fuppes::DateTime::now().toInt();
- }
- file.updated = 0;
- objMgr.persist(file);
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::onScanDirectoryThreadFinished(const bool stopped)
- {
- if (!stopped) {
- m_updateThread.stop();
- m_updateThread.close();
- m_status = UpdateMetadata;
- m_updateThread.start();
- }
- else {
- m_status = Stopped;
- }
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::onUpdateThreadFinished(const bool stopped)
- {
- m_status = stopped ? Stopped : Idle;
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::onRemoveMissingThreadFinished(const bool stopped)
- {
- if(!stopped) {
- m_scanDirectoryThread.stop();
- m_scanDirectoryThread.close();
- m_status = ScanDirectories;
- m_scanDirectoryThread.start(m_fam);
- }
- else {
- m_status = Stopped;
- }
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::rebuild()
- {
- logExt("contentdb") << "rebuild database";
- Database::TableManager tblMgr;
- tblMgr.empty();
- m_virtualContainerMgr.setConnection(Database::Connection::getDefaultConnection());
- m_virtualContainerMgr.rebuildContainerLayouts(false);
- update();
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::update()
- {
- logExt("contentdb") << "update database";
- m_scanDirectoryThread.stop();
- m_updateThread.stop();
- m_scanDirectoryThread.close();
- m_updateThread.close();
- // insert shared directories
- Database::ObjectManager objMgr;
- Database::Item dir;
- SharedObjects_t sharedObjects = m_configuration.getSharedObjects();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < sharedObjects.size(); i++) {
- if (SharedObject::directory != sharedObjects.at(i).type) {
- continue;
- }
- dir.clear();
- objMgr.findOneByFilename(sharedObjects.at(i).path, "", dir, false);
- if (0 != dir.id) {
- continue;
- }
- std::string title;
- ExtractFolderFromPath(sharedObjects.at(i).path, &title);
- dir.objectId = ContentDatabase::getObjectId();
- dir.parentId = 0;
- dir.path = sharedObjects.at(i).path;
- dir.title = ToUTF8(title, m_configuration.getLocalCharset());
- dir.modified = fuppes::DateTime::now().toInt();
- dir.updated = 0;
- objMgr.persist(dir);
- m_fam->addWatch(dir.path);
- logDbg("contentdb") << "inserted directory" << dir.path;
- }
- m_status = RemoveMissing;
- m_removeMissingThread.stop();
- m_removeMissingThread.close();
- m_removeMissingThread.start();
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::onDirectoryCreateEvent(const std::string path, const std::string name)
- {
- Database::ObjectManager objMgr;
- Database::Item parent;
- objMgr.findOneByFilename(path, "", parent, false);
- if (0 == parent.id) {
- return;
- }
- // if the parent is already marked as modified we can ignore this event
- if (parent.updated < parent.modified) {
- return;
- }
- insertDirectory(path + name + "/", name, parent.objectId, objMgr);
- if (!m_scanDirectoryThread.running()) {
- m_scanDirectoryThread.close();
- m_scanDirectoryThread.start();
- }
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::onDirectoryDeleteEvent(const std::string path)
- {
- m_scanDirectoryThread.stop();
- m_updateThread.stop();
- Database::ObjectManager objMgr;
- Database::Item dir;
- objMgr.findOneByFilename(path, "", dir, false);
- if (0 == dir.id) {
- return;
- }
- m_fam->removeWatch(dir.path);
- objMgr.remove(dir);
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::onDirectoryMoveEvent(const std::string oldpath, const std::string oldname, const std::string path, const std::string name)
- {
- Database::ObjectManager objMgr;
- Database::Item dir;
- objMgr.findOneByFilename(oldpath + oldname + "/", "", dir, false);
- if (0 == dir.id) {
- return;
- }
- // moved
- Database::Item parent;
- if (0 != oldpath.compare(path)) {
- objMgr.findOneByFilename(path, "", parent, false);
- if (0 == parent.id) {
- return;
- }
- dir.parentId = parent.objectId;
- }
- // renamed
- if (0 != oldname.compare(name)) {
- dir.title = ToUTF8(name, m_configuration.getLocalCharset());
- }
- dir.path = path + name + "/";
- objMgr.persist(dir);
- m_fam->removeWatch(oldpath + oldname + "/");
- m_fam->addWatch(dir.path);
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::onFileCreateEvent(const std::string path, const std::string name)
- {
- Database::ObjectManager objMgr;
- Database::Item dir;
- objMgr.findOneByFilename(path, "", dir, false);
- if (0 == dir.id) {
- return;
- }
- insertFile(path, name, dir.objectId, objMgr);
- if (!m_updateThread.running()) {
- m_updateThread.close();
- m_updateThread.start();
- }
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::onFileDeleteEvent(const std::string path, const std::string name)
- {
- Database::ObjectManager objMgr;
- Database::Item file;
- objMgr.findOneByFilename(path, name, file, false);
- if (0 == file.id) {
- return;
- }
- objMgr.remove(file);
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::onFileMoveEvent(const std::string oldpath, const std::string oldname, const std::string path, const std::string name)
- {
- Database::ObjectManager objMgr;
- Database::Item file;
- objMgr.findOneByFilename(oldpath, oldname, file, false);
- if (0 == file.id) {
- return;
- }
- // moved
- Database::Item parent;
- if (0 != oldpath.compare(path)) {
- objMgr.findOneByFilename(path, "", parent, false);
- if (0 == parent.id) {
- return;
- }
- file.parentId = parent.objectId;
- }
- // renamed
- if (0 != oldname.compare(name)) {
- file.filename = name;
- file.extension = ExtractFileExt(name);
- // check if the old title was created from the filename
- std::string oldtitle;
- ExtractFolderFromPath(oldpath, &oldtitle);
- oldtitle = ToUTF8(oldtitle, m_configuration.getLocalCharset());
- if (0 == file.title.compare(oldtitle)) {
- std::string title;
- ExtractFolderFromPath(path, &title);
- file.title = ToUTF8(title, m_configuration.getLocalCharset());
- }
- }
- file.path = path;
- objMgr.persist(file);
- }
- void ContentDatabase::ContentDatabase::onFileModifiedEvent(const std::string path, const std::string name)
- {
- Database::ObjectManager objMgr;
- Database::Item file;
- objMgr.findOneByFilename(path, name, file, false);
- if (0 == file.id) {
- return;
- }
- time_t lastModified = fuppes::File::lastModified(path + name);
- if (lastModified <= file.modified) {
- return;
- }
- file.size = fuppes::File::getSize(path + name);
- file.modified = lastModified;
- objMgr.persist(file);
- if (!m_updateThread.running()) {
- m_updateThread.close();
- m_updateThread.start();
- }
- }