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- <p class="Title1">IronPython Windows Forms Tutorial</p>
- <p class="style1">From Empty Window to MapPoint Client</p>
- <p class="Title2"><small><small><small>Contributor: Martin Schray</small></small>
- </small><br>
- </p>
- <hr>
- <p class="CopyrightText">Information in this document is subject to
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- people, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with
- any real company, organization, product, person or event is intended or
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- responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under
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- introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
- any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
- otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission
- of Microsoft Corporation.</p>
- <p class="CopyrightText"> </p>
- <p class="CopyrightText">Microsoft may have patents, patent
- applications, trademarked, copyrights, or other intellectual property
- rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly
- provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the
- furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these
- patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.</p>
- <p class="CopyrightText">
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- <p class="CopyrightText">© Microsoft Corporation. All rights
- reserved.</p>
- <p class="CopyrightText"> </p>
- <p class="CopyrightText">Microsoft, MS-DOS, MS, Windows, Windows NT,
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- <p class="CopyrightText"> </p>
- <p class="CopyrightText">Other product and company names herein may be
- the trademarks of their respective owners.</p>
- <hr>
- <p class="CopyrightText">
- </p>
- <p class="CopyrightText">This source code is subject to terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0. A
- copy of the license can be found in the License.html file at the root of this distribution. If
- you cannot locate the Apache License, Version 2.0, please send an email to
- ironpy@microsoft.com. By using this source code in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound
- by the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.</p>
- <p class="CopyrightText"> </p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="contentsheading"> Prerequisites</p>
- <p class="body"> The prerequisites to successfully run this application
- are:</p>
- <ul>
- <li class="normal">IronPython 2.6 distribution
- <ul>
- <li>If you are new to IronPython, please go over the tutorial
- that comes with this distribution</li>
- <li>Download from
- <a href="http://ironpython.codeplex.com/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=12482">here</a></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="ContentsHeading">Contents</p>
- <p class="Toc1">Tutorial 1: <a href="#T1">Building Windows Forms
- applications</a></p>
- <p class="Toc2">Exercise 1: <a href="#T1.1">Building Interesting
- Windows Forms Applications</a></p>
- <p class="Toc3">Task 1: <a href="#T1.1.1">Create an Empty Windows
- Forms Application</a></p>
- <p class="Toc3">Task 2: <a href="#T1.1.2">Add Controls to a Windows
- Forms Application</a></p>
- <p class="Toc3">Task 3: <a href="#T1.1.3">Add Controls that Work
- Together</a></p>
- <p class="Toc3">Task 4: <a href="#T1.1.4">Add Non-visible Components
- to the Form</a></p>
- <p class="Toc3">Task 5: <a href="#T1.1.5">Use Layout Panels to
- Automatically Layout Controls</a></p>
- <p class="Toc3">Task 6: <a href="#T1.1.5">Add a Web Browser to the Form</a></p>
- <p class="Toc3">Task 7: <a href="#T1.1.7">Displaying a Map Picture
- with Data from MapPoint</a></p>
- <p class="Toc3">Task 8: <a href="#T1.3.2">Add Route-finding to the Map
- Application</a></p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- </div>
- <h1><a name="T1">Tutorial 1: Building Windows Forms Applications</a></h1>
- <p class="Body">In this tutorial we interactively build a Windows
- Form. We will look at eight Windows Forms Applications that
- progress from a Windows Form window with just a title to an application
- that uses the MapPoint web service. We will discuss the Windows
- Forms code so that you understand within each task what the IronPython
- code is doing. However, though the applications are relatively
- small, there's enough code that you won't want to type it into the
- IronPython console. Each task will simply direct you to run the
- application from a Windows cmd.exe window, as you would launch any
- Python script.</p>
- <p class="Body">Estimated time to complete this tutorial: <b>40 minutes</b></p>
- <p class="Body">The objective of this tutorial is to familiarize you
- with more Windows Forms features using IronPython.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <p class="Body"><a href="#T1.1">Building Interesting Windows Forms
- Applications</a></p>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <h2><a name="T1.1">Exercise 1: Building Interesting Windows Forms
- Applications</a></h2>
- <p class="Body">The goal of this exercise is to provide some simple
- examples of IronPython Windows Forms applications. The first few
- tasks will be quite simple and lack any real sophistication, but
- provide the building blocks for building more complete UI as you
- progress through the tasks. Some of the tasks build on the code
- from previous tasks, but each task provides full source code and is
- meant to run as a complete example. </p>
- <p class="Body">The tasks that use MapPoint Web Services require the
- MapPointWebServicesProject.dll. Task 7 contains an extra step
- that tells you how to build this DLL.</p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <h3><a name="T1.1.1">Task 1: Create an Empty Windows Forms Application
- (FormV1.py)</a></h3>
- <p class="Body">Task 1 creates an empty Windows form and sets the
- window title of the form. The first three lines of code are the
- required imports. We need to add a reference to
- System.Windows.Forms, and then we can import all the names from it into
- our module.</p>
- <p class="Body">The class FormV1 inherits from
- System.Windows.Forms.Form, so that it has all the default behaviors of
- a form. The __init__ method is used to set the forms window
- title. Finally, we invoke Application.Run to launch our form into
- action. </p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted">import clr<br>
- clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms")<br>
- from System.Windows.Forms import *<br>
- <br>
- class FormV1(Form):<br>
- def __init__(self):<br>
- self.Text = 'Hello World'<br>
- <br>
- Application.Run(FormV1())</p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="Step">1. Now let's try the Windows Form application by
- launching the IronPython script from a cmd.exe window:</p>
- <p class="TypedExample">ipyw.exe winforms\formV1.py</p>
- <p class="Step">Note, we're using the ipyw.exe executable instead of
- the ipy.exe. Ipyw.exe launches the Windows Forms application and
- returns control to the cmd.exe it was launched from since the Windows
- Form application executes independently.</p>
- <p class="Step">You should see the following window pop up on your
- screen:</p>
- <p class="Step"> </p>
- <p class="Step">
- <img src="winforms/FormV1.jpg" border="0" height="300" width="300"></p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <h3>Task 2: <a name="T1.1.2">Add Controls to A Windows Forms
- Application (formV2.py)</a></h3>
- <p class="Body">Task 2 creates a Windows form, sets the window title of
- the form, adds our first control (a Button), and hooks up the Click of
- the button to display a MessageBox when the Button is clicked. We
- show the new lines of code highlighted below. As in the previous
- task, the first three lines of code are the required imports. We
- need to add a reference to System.Windows.Forms, and then we can import
- from it to bring all the names from that module into ours.</p>
- <p class="Body">The class FormV2 inherits from
- System.Windows.Forms.Form, so that it has all the default behaviors of
- a form. The __init__ method is used set up instances of our
- form. First we set the Form's title (self.Text).</p>
- <p class="Body">Now for the new code. We create a Button with the
- text 'Message', and we set its location. Third we hook the
- Button's Click event so that when the button is clicked the
- OnMsgButtonClick method is called. Then we add the Button to the
- form's list of controls.</p>
- <p class="Body">Next we define OnMsgButtonClick, which takes two
- arguments. OnMsgButtonClick simply calls MessageBox.Show to show
- a classic message box pop up.</p>
- <p class="Body">Lastly, we invoke Application.Run to launch our form
- into action.</p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="Code-Background">import clr<br>
- clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms")<br>
- from System.Windows.Forms import *<br>
- <br>
- class FormV2(Form):<br>
- def __init__(self):</p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted">
- self.Text = 'Hello World'<br>
- msgButton = Button(Text='Message', Left =20, Top=20)<br>
- msgButton.Click += self.OnMsgButtonClick<br>
- self.Controls.Add(msgButton)<br>
- <br>
- def OnMsgButtonClick(self,
- *args):<br>
- MessageBox.Show("Hello World")<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Background">Application.Run(FormV2())</p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="Step">1. Now let's try the Windows Form application by
- launching the IronPython script from a cmd.exe window:</p>
- <p class="TypedExample">ipyw.exe winforms\formV2.py</p>
- <p class="Step"><br>
- </p>
- <p class="Step">You should see the following window pop up on your
- screen:</p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="Body">
- <img src="winforms/FormV2.jpg" border="0" height="300" width="300"></p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="Body">When you click the Button, you will see the following
- window:</p>
- <p class="Body">
- <img src="winforms/FormV2-1.jpg" border="0" height="107" width="104"></p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <h3>Task 3: <a name="T1.1.3">Add Controls that Work Together
- (formV3.py)</a></h3>
- <p class="Body">Task 3 creates a Windows form, sets the window title of
- the form, adds a Label, Textbox, and a Button. We hook up the
- Click of the button to display a MessageBox when the Button is clicked,
- but in this task we use the text from the Textbox. As in the
- previous tasks, the first three lines of code are the required
- imports. We need to add a reference to System.Windows.Forms, and
- then we can import from it to bring all the names from that module into
- ours.</p>
- <p class="Body">The class FormV3 inherits from
- System.Windows.Forms.Form so that it has all the default behaviors of a
- form. The __init__ method is used to set up instances of our
- form. First we set the Form's title (self.Text).</p>
- <p class="Body">Now for the new code (highlighted below). We
- create a Label and add it to the form's controls. Then we create
- a TextBox, and set its location before adding it to the form's
- controls. A reference (self.txtMessage) to the TextBox is kept so
- that in OnMsgButtonClick we can get the Text from the TextBox.</p>
- <p class="Body">As before, we create a Button with the text
- 'Message'. We make it visible and set its location (which is
- slightly lower down in the form in this task). We hook the
- Button's Click event up so that when the button is clicked the
- OnMsgButtonClick method is called. Then we add the Button to the
- form's list of controls. </p>
- <p class="Body">Next we define OnMsgButtonClick, which takes two
- arguments. OnMsgButtonClick simply calls MessageBox.Show to
- display the text in the TextBox in a classic message box pop up.</p>
- <p class="Body">Lastly, we invoke Application.Run to launch our form. </p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="Code-Background">import clr<br>
- clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms")<br>
- from System.Windows.Forms import *<br>
- <br>
- class FormV3(Form):<br>
- def __init__(self):<br>
- self.Text = 'Hello World'</p>
- <p class="Code-Background"> </p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted">
- # Create Label<br>
- self.Controls.Add(Label(Text='Enter Message:'))</p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted"> </p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted">
- # Create TextBox<br>
- self.txtMessage = TextBox(Left=100)<br>
- self.Controls.Add(self.txtMessage)</p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted"> </p>
- <p class="Code-Background">
- # Create Button<br>
- msgButton = Button(Text='Message', Left =20, Top=25)<br>
- msgButton.Click += self.OnMsgButtonClick<br>
- self.Controls.Add(msgButton)<br>
- <br>
- def OnMsgButtonClick(self,
- *args):</p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted">
- MessageBox.Show(self.txtMessage.Text,"Message")<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Background">Application.Run(FormV3())</p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="Step">1. Now let's try the Windows Form application by
- launching the IronPython script from a cmd.exe window:</p>
- <p class="TypedExample">ipyw.exe winforms\formV3.py</p>
- <p class="Step"><br>
- </p>
- <p class="Step">You should see the following window pop up on your
- screen:</p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <h3><img src="winforms/FormV3.jpg" border="0" height="300" width="300"></h3>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <h3>Task 4: <a name="T1.1.4">Add Non-visible Components to the
- Form (formV4.py)</a></h3>
- <p class="Body">Task 4 has the same basic UI that task 3 had which was
- a form with a Label, TextBox, and a Button. The difference is
- that we begin to use non-visible components in task 4. Components
- allow us to add objects that don't necessarily have a visual
- representation. For example, a Timer is a component that doesn't
- appear visibly on the form. In task 4 we will use a NotifyIcon to
- allow our application to appear in the system tray and ContextMenuStrip
- to give NotifyIcon a right-click menu. Our first few lines of
- code now have a few additions since we need to access and import the
- System.Drawing namespace. We need the System.Drawing namespace to
- access the Icon class. The Icon class is used to associate an
- icon file with our NotifyIcon.</p>
- <p class="Body">The good news is that the code to set the form's title,
- as well as create the Label, TextBox, and Button are the same as Task
- 3. Now let's get to the new code. Before we can add the
- Components to our form we must create the components container to hold
- them. Next we will create the ContextMenuStrip as well as the
- ContextMenuItem and add them (the ContextMenuStrip holds
- ContextMenuItems). Next we setup the ContextMenuItem's click
- event to call the OnExitClick method, which will close our
- application. Having setup the ContextMenuStrip and it's
- ContextMenuItem, we turn our attention to the NotifyIcon. We
- setup the NotifyIcon and associate the ContextMenuStrip with the
- NotifyIcon. The OnMsgButtonClick method displays the text in the
- TextBox just as in task 3. Next we define our OnExitClick method
- which closes the form to exit the application. This is followed by
- the definition of OnNotifyIconExit used to remove the notify icon after the
- application is closed. Lastly, we invoke Application.Run to launch our
- form into action. </p>
- <blockquote>
- <p class="Code-Background">import clr<br>
- clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms")<br>
- from System.Windows.Forms import *<br>
- clr.AddReference("System.Drawing")<br>
- from System.Drawing import *<br>
- import System<br>
- from System import *<br>
- <br>
- class FormV4(Form):<br>
- def __init__(self):<br>
- self.Text = 'Hello World'<br>
- <br>
- #
- Create Label<br>
- self.Controls.Add(Label(Text='Enter Message:'))<br>
- <br>
- #
- Create TextBox<br>
- self.txtMessage = TextBox(Left=100)<br>
- self.Controls.Add(self.txtMessage)<br>
- <br>
- #
- Create Button<br>
- msgButton = Button(Text='Message', Left =20, Top=25)<br>
- msgButton.Click += self.OnMsgButtonClick<br>
- self.Controls.Add(msgButton)<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted"> <br>
- #
- Create Component Container <br>
- self._components = System.ComponentModel.Container()<br>
- <br>
- # <br>
- #
- Add component - ContextMenu<br>
- #<br>
- self._contextMenuStrip1 = ContextMenuStrip(self._components)<br>
- self._exitToolStripMenuItem = ToolStripMenuItem(Text='Exit')<br>
- self._contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(self._exitToolStripMenuItem)<br>
- self._exitToolStripMenuItem.Click += self.OnExitClick<br>
- <br>
- #<br>
- #
- add Component - NotifyIcon<br>
- #<br>
- self._notifyIcon1 =
- NotifyIcon(self._components,Visible=True,Text='Test')<br>
- self._notifyIcon1.Icon = Icon("Winforms\\app.ico")<br>
- self._notifyIcon1.ContextMenuStrip = self._contextMenuStrip1<br>
- self.Closed += self.OnNotifyIconExit<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Background"> <br>
- def OnMsgButtonClick(self, *args):<br>
- MessageBox.Show(self.txtMessage.Text,"Message")<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted"> <br>
- def OnExitClick(self, *args):<br>
- self.Close()<br><br>
- def OnNotifyIconExit(self, *args):<br>
- self._notifyIcon1.Dispose()<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Background"> <br>
- Application.Run(FormV4())<br>
- </p>
- </blockquote>
- <p class="Step">1. Now let's try the Windows Form application by
- launching the IronPython script from a cmd.exe window:</p>
- <p class="TypedExample">ipyw.exe winforms\formV4.py</p>
- <p class="Step"><br>
- </p>
- <p class="Step">You should see the following window pop up on your
- screen:</p>
- <p class="Step"> </p>
- <p class="Body"><img src="WinForms/FormV4.jpg" border="0"></p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="Step">Additionally you should see the following icon in your
- system tray. If you place your mouse over the icon the text
- 'test' will appear. If you right click on the icon the context
- menu will appear. Selecting 'Exit' will cause the application to
- close.</p>
- <span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">
- <img src="WinForms/FormV4-1.JPG" border="0" height="45" width="60">
- <img src="WinForms/FormV4-2.JPG" border="0" height="48" width="111"></span>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <h3>Task 5: <a name="T1.1.5">Use Layout Panels to Automatically
- Layout Controls (formV5.py)</a></h3>
- <p class="Body">Task 5 has the same basic UI that task 4 had which was
- a form with a Label, TextBox, and Button. Task 5 also includes
- the NotifyIcon, ContextMenuStrip, and ContextMenuItem components.
- The big change in task 5 is that we begin to use layout panels to make
- it easier to layout controls. For example, in task 4 we had to go
- through the effort of setting the location of the Label, TextBox, and
- Button. Typically it takes some trial and error to make sure the
- controls are placed correctly. Instead, we use a FlowLayoutPanel
- to automatically place the controls. As the name implies the
- controls are flowed as space allows.</p>
- <p class="Body">The best way to illustrate this is an example.
- Notice that in the image on the left below that there is not enough
- room to display all the controls horizontally, so they are stacked to
- fit vertically. In the image on the right below there is enough
- space to horizontally place all the controls so the FlowLayout Panel
- does so. So the FlowLayoutPanel can actually reposition controls
- as the form resizes. </p>
- <p class="Body">Other than the order in which the controls are created,
- the only different lines of code from the previous task are creating
- the FlowLayoutPanel and adding the controls to it. Also, we add
- the FlowLayoutPanel to the Form's controls.</p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="Body"><img src="WinForms/FormV5-1.jpg" border="0">
- <img src="WinForms/FormV5-2.jpg" border="0" height="300" width="315"></p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="Code-Background">import clr<br>
- clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms")<br>
- clr.AddReference("System.Drawing")<br>
- from System.Windows.Forms import *<br>
- from System.Drawing import *<br>
- import System<br>
- from System import *<br>
- <br>
- class FormV5(Form):<br>
- def __init__(self):<br>
- self.Text = 'Hello World'</p>
- <p class="Code-Background"> </p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted">
- self.txtMessage = TextBox()<br>
- msgButton = Button(Text='Message')<br>
- msgButton.Click += self.OnmsgButtonClick<br>
- <br>
- # <br>
- #
- Create FlowPanelLayout and add controls<br>
- #<br>
- <br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel1 = FlowLayoutPanel(Dock = DockStyle.Fill)<br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(Label(Text='Enter Message:'))<br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(self.txtMessage)<br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(msgButton)<br>
- self.Controls.Add(self._flowLayoutPanel1)<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Background">
- self._components = System.ComponentModel.Container()<br>
- <br>
- # <br>
- #
- Add component - ContextMenu<br>
- #<br>
- self._contextMenuStrip1 = ContextMenuStrip(self._components)<br>
- self._exitToolStripMenuItem = ToolStripMenuItem(Text='Exit')<br>
- self._exitToolStripMenuItem.Click += self.OnExitClick<br>
- self._contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(self._exitToolStripMenuItem)<br>
- <br>
- #<br>
- #
- add Component - NotifyIcon<br>
- #<br>
- self._notifyIcon1 =
- NotifyIcon(self._components,Visible=True,Text='Test')<br>
- self._notifyIcon1.Icon = Icon("Winforms\\app.ico")<br>
- self._notifyIcon1.ContextMenuStrip = self._contextMenuStrip1<br>
- self.Closed += self.OnNotifyIconExit<br>
- <br>
- def OnmsgButtonClick(self,
- *args):<br>
- MessageBox.Show(self.txtMessage.Text,"Message")<br>
- <br>
- def OnExitClick(self, *args):<br>
- self.Close()<br><br>
- def OnNotifyIconExit(self, *args):<br>
- self._notifyIcon1.Dispose()<br></p>
- <p class="Code-Background">
- <br>
- Application.Run(FormV5())<br>
- <br>
- </p>
- <p class="Step">1. Now let's try the Windows Form application by
- launching the IronPython script from a cmd.exe window:</p>
- <p class="TypedExample">ipyw.exe winforms\formV5.py</p>
- <p class="Step"> </p>
- <h3>Task 6: <a name="T1.1.6">Add a Web Browser to the Form
- (formV6.py)</a></h3>
- <p class="Step">Task 6 takes our basic form with a Label, TextBox, and
- a Button, but now we add a WebBrowser control to make a very simple web
- browser. Continuing on the theme from task 5, we want to build an
- application with a sophisticated UI with little work to position
- controls.</p>
- <p class="Step">We will introduce a TabelLayoutPanel that will allow
- the area of the application containing the Label, TextBox, and Button
- to stay roughly the same size while allowing the web browser to fill up
- any remaining space in the form. The TableLayoutPanel allows the
- form to be broken up into rows and columns. The __init__ method
- starts with the creation all of the controls -- first the
- TableLayoutPanel and FlowLayout Panel, followed by the WebBrowser,
- Label, TextBox, and Button. We set the TextBox's size to allow
- for a lengthier URL to be entered.</p>
- <p class="Step">We introduce the StatusStrip at the bottom of the form
- where status information can be displayed. Within the StatusStrip
- a StatusStripLabel is created so that text information can be
- displayed. The StatusStripLabel will be used to display the URL
- of the site being displayed in the web browser.</p>
- <p class="Step">Next the form's AcceptButton is set so that if the user
- hits enter, the button will be clicked.</p>
- <p class="Step">We set the rows and columns for the TableLayoutPanel
- and add controls to it. We add the appropriate controls to the
- FlowLayoutPanel.</p>
- <p class="Step">The OnMsgButtonClick method will be called in response
- to a button click. This method causes the URL supplied in the
- TextBox to be loaded. It displays the value in the TextBox that
- is in the StatusStripLabel, and the method clears the TextBox.</p>
- <p class="Code-Background">import clr<br>
- clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms")<br>
- clr.AddReference("System.Drawing")<br>
- from System.Windows.Forms import *<br>
- from System.Drawing import *<br>
- import System<br>
- from System import *<br>
- <br>
- class FormV6(Form):<br>
- def __init__(self):</p>
- <p class="Code-Background"> </p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted">
- # setup TableLayoutPanel and FlowLayoutPanel<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1 = TableLayoutPanel(ColumnCount = 1,RowCount =
- 2, Dock = DockStyle.Fill)<br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel1 = FlowLayoutPanel(Dock = DockStyle.Fill)<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted">
- self._webBrowser = WebBrowser(Dock = DockStyle.Fill)<br>
- self._label1 = Label(Text ='Enter Message')<br>
- self._txtMessage = TextBox(TabIndex = 0,Size = Size(200,20))<br>
- self._button1 = Button(Text ='Message')<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted">
- # Setup ToolStrip and ToolStripLabel<br>
- self._StatusStrip1 = StatusStrip()<br>
- self._ToolStripStatusLabel1 = ToolStripStatusLabel()<br>
- self._StatusStrip1.Items.Add(self._ToolStripStatusLabel1)<br>
- self.Controls.Add(self._StatusStrip1)<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted">
- self.AcceptButton = self._button1 # when the enter key is
- pressed self._button1 will be clicked<br>
- self._button1.Click += self.OnmsgButtonClick<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted">
- # Set TableLayoutPanel column and row styles and add FlowLayoutPanel
- and Web Browser</p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted">
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles.Add(ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent,
- 100.0))<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles.Add(RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 80.0))<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles.Add(RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100.0))<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(self._flowLayoutPanel1, 0, 0)<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(self._webBrowser, 0, 1)<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Highlighted">
- # add controls that will be contained in FlowLayoutPanel<br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(self._label1)<br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(self._txtMessage)<br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(self._button1)<br>
- <br>
- self.Controls.Add(self._tableLayoutPanel1)<br>
- <br>
- def OnmsgButtonClick(self,
- *args):<br>
- self._webBrowser.Navigate(self._txtMessage.Text)<br>
- self._ToolStripStatusLabel1.Text = self._txtMessage.Text<br>
- self._txtMessage.Text = ""<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Background">
- <br>
- Application.Run(FormV6())</p>
- <p class="Body"><br>
- </p>
- <p class="Step">1. Now let's try the Windows Form application by
- launching the IronPython script from a cmd.exe window:</p>
- <p class="TypedExample">ipyw.exe winforms\formV6.py</p>
- <p class="Step"><br>
- </p>
- <p class="Step">You should see the following window pop up on your
- screen. If you type in a valid URL and hit enter, the web browser
- control displays the selected web page.</p>
- <p class="Step"> </p>
- <p class="Body"><img src="WinForms/FormV6-1.jpg" border="0">
- <img src="WinForms/FormV6.jpg" border="0"></p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <h3>Task 7: <a name="T1.1.7">Displaying a Map Picture with Data
- from MapPoint (formV7.py)</a></h3>
- <p class="Step">Task 7 takes our basic form with a Label, TextBox, and
- a Button, but now we add a PictureBox control. We will leverage
- the approach from Task 6 and use a TableLayoutPanel and FlowLayoutPanel
- to make laying out our form easy. We will use the PictureBox to
- display a map. The user will enter a landmark or address in the
- TextBox, and we will use MapPoint Web Services to render a map of that
- location. We will be using a C# assembly named
- MapPointWebServiceProject.dll to provide access to MapPoint Web
- Services. </p>
- <blockquote>
- <p class="Step">MapPointWebServiceProject.dll has already been built for you,
- but you are more than welcome to rebuild it. To build this DLL,
- open a command prompt and run "%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\MSBuild
- /p:configuration=Release MapPointWebServiceProject.sln" from the winformsmappoint\winforms\
- directory.
- Next simply copy winformsmappoint\winforms\bin\release\mappointwebservicesproject.dll to the winformsmappoint\ directory.</p>
- </blockquote>
- <p class="Step">This task and the next contact Microsoft MapPoint servers
- remotely. Information sent to the MapPoint servers include a username and
- password along with your IP address and the text entered into the TextBox in the
- sample interface. No information is sent remotely until the user clicks on
- the "Get map" button or presses the enter key at which point the aforementioned
- data will be sent via SOAP over HTTP, which is not encrypted in any way.</p>
- <p class="Step"><strong>We will be using a MapPoint UserID of 5200 and password
- of "ned68Fe". You can find info on applying for your own MapPoint Web Service
- account here <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/mappoint/en-us/default.aspx">
- http://www.microsoft.com/mappoint/en-us/default.aspx</a></strong>.</p>
- <p class="Step">The first few lines of are the same as most of the
- previous examples. We add a reference to the
- MapPointWebServiceProject.dll so that we can use it inside our program
- and add the appropriate imports so we can use the classes in
- MapPointWebServiceProject as well as the underlying classes the
- MapPoint Web Services expose (such as Location and Route). </p>
- <p class="Step">Next we create the TabelLayoutPanel and FlowLayoutPanel
- as well as creating the required controls such as Label, TextBox and
- Button. We setup the row and column characteristics for the
- TableLayoutPanel and add the controls to it. Then we add the
- controls to the FlowLayoutPanel.</p>
- <p class="Step">All of the event handling is done in
- OnMsgButtonClick. When the button is pressed we create the
- MapPointWebServiceHelper by calling
- MapPointWebServiceHelper.GetInstance and pass it our UserID and password. Please note that when writing your own scripts <span
- style="font-weight: bold;">you should never hard code usernames or
- passwords</span>. We attempt to find a location using the
- MapPointWebServiceHelper.FindLocation method. If we are
- successful we call the MapPointWebServiceHelper.GetMap method and
- display the map. If the location can't be found we display a
- message stating we couldn't find the location. Finally we call
- application run to initiate the application.</p>
- <p class="Code-Background">import clr<br>
- clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms")<br>
- clr.AddReference("System.Drawing")<br>
- from System.Windows.Forms import *<br>
- from System.Drawing import *<br>
- import System<br>
- from System import *<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Background">clr.AddReferenceToFile("MapPointWebServiceProject.dll")<br>
- from MapPointWebServiceProject import *<br>
- from MapPointWebServiceProject.net.mappoint.staging import *<br>
- <br>
- <br>
- class FormV7(Form):<br>
- def __init__(self):<br>
- #
- Create TableLayoutPanel and FlowLayoutPanel <br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1 = TableLayoutPanel(ColumnCount = 1,Dock =
- DockStyle.Fill,RowCount = 2)<br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel1 = FlowLayoutPanel(Dock = DockStyle.Fill)<br>
- <br>
- #
- Create Controls<br>
- self._pictureBox1 = PictureBox(Dock = DockStyle.Fill)<br>
- self._label1 = Label(Text ='Enter location:',AutoSize=True)<br>
- self._txtLocation = TextBox()<br>
- self._button1 = Button(Text ='Get map',AutoSize=True)<br>
- <br>
- #
- Setup TableLayoutPanel rows and columns and add controls<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles.Add(ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent,
- 100.0))<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles.Add(RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 45.0))<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles.Add(RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100.0))<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(self._flowLayoutPanel1, 0, 0)<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(self._pictureBox1, 0, 1)<br>
- <br>
- #
- Add controls to FlowLayoutPanel<br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(self._label1)<br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(self._txtLocation)<br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(self._button1)<br>
- <br>
- self.AcceptButton = self._button1<br>
- self._button1.Click += self.OnMsgButtonClick<br>
- self.Controls.Add(self._tableLayoutPanel1)<br>
- <br>
- def OnMsgButtonClick(self, *args):<br>
- try:</p>
- <p class="Code-Background">
- mapHelper = MapPointWebServiceHelper.GetInstance("5200", "ned68Fe")<br>
- <br>
- loc
- = mapHelper.FindLocation(self._txtLocation.Text)<br>
- if
- loc:<br>
- self._pictureBox1.Image = mapHelper.GetMap(loc,
- self._pictureBox1.Width, \</p>
- <p class="Code-Background">
- self._pictureBox1.Height, 4.0)<br>
- else:<br>
- MessageBox.Show("Address or location is not valid","Invalid Location")<br>
- except Exception, e:<br>
- MessageBox.Show(e.Message,"MapPoint Exception")<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Background">Application.Run(FormV7())<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Step">1. Now let's try the Windows Form application by
- launching the IronPython script from a cmd.exe window:</p>
- <p class="TypedExample">ipyw.exe winforms\formV7.py</p>
- <p class="Step">You should see the following window pop up on your
- screen. If you type well known landmarks (Sears Tower, Navy Pier)
- or a valid address, then a map will be rendered. If you expand or
- contract the form and hit the Get Map button, the map will update to
- fit within the allocated space.</p>
- <p class="Step"> </p>
- <p class="Body"><img src="WinForms/FormV7-1.jpg" border="0">
- <img src="WinForms/FormV7-2.jpg" border="0"> </p>
- <p class="Body"> </p>
- <p class="Body"> <img src="WinForms/FormV7-3.jpg" border="0"></p>
- <h3>Task 8: <a name="T1.1.8">Add Route-finding to the Map
- Application (formV8.py)</a></h3>
- <p class="Step">Task 8 takes our task 7 and expands it by allowing us
- to specify start and end locations, and then generate a route
- map. We will leverage previous tasks and use a TableLayoutPanel
- and FlowLayoutPanel to make laying out our form easy. We will use
- the PictureBox to display a map. </p>
- <p class="Step">NOTE: See Task 7 to build and set up the
- MapPointWebServiceProject.dll for this task. If you performed
- task 7, you're fine to proceed.</p>
- <p class="Step">Like task 7, this task contacts Microsoft MapPoint servers
- remotely. Information sent to the MapPoint servers include a username and
- password along with your IP address and the text entered into the TextBoxes in
- the sample interface. No information is sent remotely until the user
- clicks on the "Get map" button or presses the enter key at which point the
- aforementioned data will be sent via SOAP over HTTP, which is not encrypted in
- any way.</p>
- <p class="Step">The first few lines of Task 8 are the same as most of
- the previous examples. We add a reference to the
- MapPointWebServiceProject.dll so that we can use it inside our
- program. Then we add the appropriate Python import statements so
- we can use the classes in MapPointWebServiceProject.dll and classes the
- MapPoint Web Services exposes (such as Location and Route). </p>
- <p class="Step">Next we create the TabelLayoutPanel and two
- FlowLayoutPanel's. The first FlowLayoutPanel is for the control
- related to specifying the starting location. The second
- FlowLayoutPanel is for the Label, TextBox, and Button used to specify
- the ending location. We setup the row and column characteristics
- for the TableLayoutPanel and add the controls to it. Then we add
- the appropriate controls to our two FlowLayoutPanels.</p>
- <p class="Step">All of the event handling is done within
- OnMsgButtonClick. When the button is pressed we create the
- MapPointWebServiceHelper by calling
- MapPointWebServiceHelper.GetInstance and pass it our UserID and
- password. We will be using a MapPoint UserID of 5200 and password
- of "ned68Fe". Please note that when writing your own scripts <span
- style="font-weight: bold;">you should never hard code usernames or
- passwords</span>. You can find out how to apply for your own MapPoint Web Service
- account here <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/mappoint/en-us/default.aspx">
- http://www.microsoft.com/mappoint/en-us/default.aspx</a>.
- We attempt to find our starting location using the
- MapPointWebServiceHelper.FindLocation method. Next we attempt to
- find our ending location by calling the
- MapPointWebServiceHelper.FindLocation method again. If a location
- can't be found, the helper class throws an exception, which we handle
- by displaying a message. If both locations are found, then we
- will call MapPointWebServiceHelper.GetRouteMap to get our route
- map. If we are successful, we will display a route map, and if
- not, an error message is displayed.</p>
- <p class="Step">Finally, we call application run to initiate the
- application.</p>
- <p class="Step"> </p>
- <p class="Code-Background">import clr<br>
- clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms")<br>
- clr.AddReference("System.Drawing")<br>
- from System.Windows.Forms import *<br>
- from System.Drawing import *<br>
- import System<br>
- from System import *<br>
- </p>
- <p class="Code-Background">clr.AddReferenceToFile("MapPointWebServiceProject.dll")<br>
- from MapPointWebServiceProject import *<br>
- from MapPointWebServiceProject.net.mappoint.staging import *<br>
- <br>
- <br>
- class FormV8(Form):<br>
- def __init__(self):<br>
- #
- Create TableLayoutPanel and FlowLayoutPanel <br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1 = TableLayoutPanel(ColumnCount = 1,Dock =
- DockStyle.Fill,RowCount = 3)<br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel1 = FlowLayoutPanel(Dock = DockStyle.Fill)<br>
- self._flowLayoutPanel2 = FlowLayoutPanel(Dock = DockStyle.Fill)<br>
- <br>
- <br>
- #
- controls for FlowLayout Start<br>
- self._label1 = Label(Text ='Enter start location:',AutoSize=True)<br>
- self._txtFromLocation = TextBox()<br>
- <br>
- #
- controls for FlowLayout End<br>
- self._label2 = Label(Text ='Enter end location:',AutoSize=True)<br>
- self._txtToLocation = TextBox()<br>
- self._button1 = Button(Text ='Get map',AutoSize=True)<br>
- <br>
- <br>
- #
- this will hold our route map<br>
- self._pictureBox1 = PictureBox(Dock = DockStyle.Fill)<br>
- <br>
- #
- Setup TableLayoutPanel rows and columns and add controls<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnStyles.Add(ColumnStyle(SizeType.Percent,
- 100.0))<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles.Add(RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 40.0))<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles.Add(RowStyle(SizeType.Absolute, 60.0))<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.RowStyles.Add(RowStyle(SizeType.Percent, 100.0))<br>
- self._tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(self._flowLayout