Python | 347 lines | 300 code | 40 blank | 7 comment | 40 complexity | 0c580a89c2ba77dcd994b59686748c70 MD5 | raw file
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import os
- import unittest
- from trac.db.api import _parse_db_str, with_transaction
- from trac.test import EnvironmentStub, Mock
- class Connection(object):
- committed = False
- rolledback = False
- def commit(self):
- self.committed = True
- def rollback(self):
- self.rolledback = True
- class Error(Exception):
- pass
- class WithTransactionTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_successful_transaction(self):
- db = Connection()
- env = Mock(get_db_cnx=lambda: db)
- @with_transaction(env)
- def do_transaction(db):
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- self.assertTrue(db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- def test_failed_transaction(self):
- db = Connection()
- env = Mock(get_db_cnx=lambda: db)
- try:
- @with_transaction(env)
- def do_transaction(db):
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- raise Error()
- self.fail()
- except Error:
- pass
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and db.rolledback)
- def test_implicit_nesting_success(self):
- env = Mock(get_db_cnx=lambda: Connection())
- dbs = [None, None]
- @with_transaction(env)
- def level0(db):
- dbs[0] = db
- @with_transaction(env)
- def level1(db):
- dbs[1] = db
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0] is not None)
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0] is dbs[1])
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0].committed and not dbs[0].rolledback)
- def test_implicit_nesting_failure(self):
- env = Mock(get_db_cnx=lambda: Connection())
- dbs = [None, None]
- try:
- @with_transaction(env)
- def level0(db):
- dbs[0] = db
- try:
- @with_transaction(env)
- def level1(db):
- dbs[1] = db
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- raise Error()
- self.fail()
- except Error:
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- raise
- self.fail()
- except Error:
- pass
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0] is not None)
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0] is dbs[1])
- self.assertTrue(not dbs[0].committed and dbs[0].rolledback)
- def test_explicit_success(self):
- db = Connection()
- env = Mock(get_db_cnx=lambda: None)
- @with_transaction(env, db)
- def do_transaction(idb):
- self.assertTrue(idb is db)
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- def test_explicit_failure(self):
- db = Connection()
- env = Mock(get_db_cnx=lambda: None)
- try:
- @with_transaction(env, db)
- def do_transaction(idb):
- self.assertTrue(idb is db)
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- raise Error()
- self.fail()
- except Error:
- pass
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- def test_implicit_in_explicit_success(self):
- db = Connection()
- env = Mock(get_db_cnx=lambda: Connection())
- dbs = [None, None]
- @with_transaction(env, db)
- def level0(db):
- dbs[0] = db
- @with_transaction(env)
- def level1(db):
- dbs[1] = db
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0] is not None)
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0] is dbs[1])
- self.assertTrue(not dbs[0].committed and not dbs[0].rolledback)
- def test_implicit_in_explicit_failure(self):
- db = Connection()
- env = Mock(get_db_cnx=lambda: Connection())
- dbs = [None, None]
- try:
- @with_transaction(env, db)
- def level0(db):
- dbs[0] = db
- @with_transaction(env)
- def level1(db):
- dbs[1] = db
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- raise Error()
- self.fail()
- self.fail()
- except Error:
- pass
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0] is not None)
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0] is dbs[1])
- self.assertTrue(not dbs[0].committed and not dbs[0].rolledback)
- def test_explicit_in_implicit_success(self):
- db = Connection()
- env = Mock(get_db_cnx=lambda: Connection())
- dbs = [None, None]
- @with_transaction(env)
- def level0(db):
- dbs[0] = db
- @with_transaction(env, db)
- def level1(db):
- dbs[1] = db
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0] is not None)
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0] is dbs[1])
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0].committed and not dbs[0].rolledback)
- def test_explicit_in_implicit_failure(self):
- db = Connection()
- env = Mock(get_db_cnx=lambda: Connection())
- dbs = [None, None]
- try:
- @with_transaction(env)
- def level0(db):
- dbs[0] = db
- @with_transaction(env, db)
- def level1(db):
- dbs[1] = db
- self.assertTrue(not db.committed and not db.rolledback)
- raise Error()
- self.fail()
- self.fail()
- except Error:
- pass
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0] is not None)
- self.assertTrue(dbs[0] is dbs[1])
- self.assertTrue(not dbs[0].committed and dbs[0].rolledback)
- def test_invalid_nesting(self):
- env = Mock(get_db_cnx=lambda: Connection())
- try:
- @with_transaction(env)
- def level0(db):
- @with_transaction(env, Connection())
- def level1(db):
- raise Error()
- raise Error()
- raise Error()
- except AssertionError:
- pass
- class ParseConnectionStringTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_sqlite_relative(self):
- # Default syntax for specifying DB path relative to the environment
- # directory
- self.assertEqual(('sqlite', {'path': 'db/trac.db'}),
- _parse_db_str('sqlite:db/trac.db'))
- def test_sqlite_absolute(self):
- # Standard syntax
- self.assertEqual(('sqlite', {'path': '/var/db/trac.db'}),
- _parse_db_str('sqlite:///var/db/trac.db'))
- # Legacy syntax
- self.assertEqual(('sqlite', {'path': '/var/db/trac.db'}),
- _parse_db_str('sqlite:/var/db/trac.db'))
- def test_sqlite_with_timeout_param(self):
- # In-memory database
- self.assertEqual(('sqlite', {'path': 'db/trac.db',
- 'params': {'timeout': '10000'}}),
- _parse_db_str('sqlite:db/trac.db?timeout=10000'))
- def test_sqlite_windows_path(self):
- # In-memory database
- os_name = os.name
- try:
- os.name = 'nt'
- self.assertEqual(('sqlite', {'path': 'C:/project/db/trac.db'}),
- _parse_db_str('sqlite:C|/project/db/trac.db'))
- finally:
- os.name = os_name
- def test_postgres_simple(self):
- self.assertEqual(('postgres', {'host': 'localhost', 'path': '/trac'}),
- _parse_db_str('postgres://localhost/trac'))
- def test_postgres_with_port(self):
- self.assertEqual(('postgres', {'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9431,
- 'path': '/trac'}),
- _parse_db_str('postgres://localhost:9431/trac'))
- def test_postgres_with_creds(self):
- self.assertEqual(('postgres', {'user': 'john', 'password': 'letmein',
- 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 9431,
- 'path': '/trac'}),
- _parse_db_str('postgres://john:letmein@localhost:9431/trac'))
- def test_postgres_with_quoted_password(self):
- self.assertEqual(('postgres', {'user': 'john', 'password': ':@/',
- 'host': 'localhost', 'path': '/trac'}),
- _parse_db_str('postgres://john:%3a%40%2f@localhost/trac'))
- def test_mysql_simple(self):
- self.assertEqual(('mysql', {'host': 'localhost', 'path': '/trac'}),
- _parse_db_str('mysql://localhost/trac'))
- def test_mysql_with_creds(self):
- self.assertEqual(('mysql', {'user': 'john', 'password': 'letmein',
- 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 3306,
- 'path': '/trac'}),
- _parse_db_str('mysql://john:letmein@localhost:3306/trac'))
- class StringsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.env = EnvironmentStub()
- def test_insert_unicode(self):
- db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
- cursor = db.cursor()
- cursor.execute('INSERT INTO system (name,value) VALUES (%s,%s)',
- ('test-unicode', u'ünicöde'))
- db.commit()
- cursor = db.cursor()
- cursor.execute("SELECT value FROM system WHERE name='test-unicode'")
- self.assertEqual([(u'ünicöde',)], cursor.fetchall())
- def test_insert_empty(self):
- from trac.util.text import empty
- db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
- cursor = db.cursor()
- cursor.execute('INSERT INTO system (name,value) VALUES (%s,%s)',
- ('test-empty', empty))
- db.commit()
- cursor = db.cursor()
- cursor.execute("SELECT value FROM system WHERE name='test-empty'")
- self.assertEqual([(u'',)], cursor.fetchall())
- def test_insert_markup(self):
- from genshi.core import Markup
- db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
- cursor = db.cursor()
- cursor.execute('INSERT INTO system (name,value) VALUES (%s,%s)',
- ('test-markup', Markup(u'<em>märkup</em>')))
- db.commit()
- cursor = db.cursor()
- cursor.execute("SELECT value FROM system WHERE name='test-markup'")
- self.assertEqual([(u'<em>märkup</em>',)], cursor.fetchall())
- class ConnectionTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.env = EnvironmentStub()
- self.db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
- def tearDown(self):
- self.env.reset_db()
- def test_get_last_id(self):
- c = self.db.cursor()
- q = "INSERT INTO report (author) VALUES ('anonymous')"
- c.execute(q)
- # Row ID correct before...
- id1 = self.db.get_last_id(c, 'report')
- self.assertNotEqual(0, id1)
- self.db.commit()
- c.execute(q)
- self.db.commit()
- # ... and after commit()
- id2 = self.db.get_last_id(c, 'report')
- self.assertEqual(id1 + 1, id2)
- def test_update_sequence(self):
- cursor = self.db.cursor()
- cursor.execute("""
- INSERT INTO report (id, author) VALUES (42, 'anonymous')
- """)
- self.db.commit()
- self.db.update_sequence(cursor, 'report', 'id')
- self.db.commit()
- cursor.execute("INSERT INTO report (author) VALUES ('next-id')")
- self.db.commit()
- cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM report WHERE author='next-id'")
- self.assertEqual(43, cursor.fetchall()[0][0])
- def suite():
- suite = unittest.TestSuite()
- suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(ParseConnectionStringTestCase, 'test'))
- suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(StringsTestCase, 'test'))
- suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(ConnectionTestCase, 'test'))
- suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(WithTransactionTest, 'test'))
- return suite
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main(defaultTest='suite')