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PHP | 47 lines | 25 code | 0 blank | 22 comment | 0 complexity | 399e72635334c4ff35168ab13f04a915 MD5 | raw file
  1. <?php
  2. /*-------------------------------------------------------+
  3. | PHP-Fusion Content Management System
  4. | Copyright (C) 2002 - 2008 Nick Jones
  5. |
  6. +--------------------------------------------------------+
  7. | Infusion: register_quest
  8. | Author: Mirivlad (
  9. +--------------------------------------------------------+
  10. | This program is released as free software under the
  11. | Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
  12. | modify it under the terms of this license which you
  13. | can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
  14. | at Removal of this
  15. | copyright header is strictly prohibited without
  16. | written permission from the original author(s).
  17. +--------------------------------------------------------+
  18. |Created by Mirivlad -
  19. |
  20. |mailto:
  21. |xmpp://
  22. |xmpp://
  23. +--------------------------------------------------------*/
  24. $locale['rq_title'] = "Register Quest";
  25. $locale['rq_desc'] = "This plugin realised antibot question. Also needing modified register.php (include in archive with this infusion)";
  26. $locale['rq_admin1'] = "Register Quest";
  27. $locale['rq_title_table'] = "Managed Question in Registration.";
  28. $locale['rq_numb'] = "Numb.";
  29. $locale['rq_quest'] ="Question";
  30. $locale['rq_answer'] = "Answer";
  31. $locale['rq_hash'] = "Hash";
  32. $locale['rq_opt'] = "Option";
  33. $locale['rq_edit'] = "Edit";
  34. $locale['rq_delete'] = "Delete";
  35. $locale['rq_form_add'] = "Add question";
  36. $locale['rq_form_quest'] = "Question";
  37. $locale['rq_form_answer'] = "Answer";
  38. $locale['rq_form_save'] = "Save";
  39. $locale['rq_add_ok'] = "Answer added";
  40. $locale['rq_edit_ok'] = "Answer saved";
  41. $locale['rq_del_ok'] = "Answer deleted";
  42. $locale['rq_form_edit'] = "Edit answer";
  43. $locale['rq_form_upd'] = "Update";
  44. $locale['rq_404_ok'] = "Ellement not found";
  45. $locale['rq_err_register'] = "Not correct answer";
  46. $locale['rq_please'] = "Control question";
  47. ?>