ActionScript | 1714 lines | 680 code | 215 blank | 819 comment | 59 complexity | 648dd09571ee0be48f600f72b125b61a MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-2.1
- package com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts
- {
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.AxisOrientation;
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.CategoryAxis;
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.DefaultAxisRenderer;
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.DefaultGridLinesRenderer;
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.IAxis;
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.ICartesianAxisRenderer;
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.IGridLinesRenderer;
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.IStackingAxis;
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.NumericAxis;
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.TimeAxis;
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.series.CartesianSeries;
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.series.ISeries;
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.series.IStackedSeries;
- import com.yahoo.astra.fl.utils.UIComponentUtil;
- import fl.core.InvalidationType;
- import fl.core.UIComponent;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.text.TextFormat;
- import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
- //--------------------------------------
- // Styles
- //--------------------------------------
- /**
- * An object containing style values to be passed to the vertical axis
- * renderer. The available styles are listed with the class that is used as the
- * axis renderer.
- *
- * @example
- * <listing version="3.0">
- * {
- * showTicks: true,
- * tickWeight: 1,
- * tickColor: 0x999999,
- * showMinorTicks: true,
- * minorTickWeight: 1,
- * minorTickColor: 0xcccccc
- * }
- * </listing>
- *
- * <p><strong>Note:</strong> Previously, all styles for the axis renderers
- * were listed as individual styles on the chart, but since it is possible
- * to use a renderer class that has completely different styles than the
- * default renderer, we need to deprecate the previous method to allow
- * maximum flexibility when new or custom renderers are added.</p>
- *
- * <p>The old styles still exist, and legacy code will continue to work
- * for the time being. However, it is recommended that you begin porting
- * code to the new system as soon as possible.</p>
- *
- * <p>For the vertical axis, you should use the following method to set
- * styles at runtime:</p>
- *
- * @example
- * <listing version="3.0">
- * chart.setVerticalAxisStyle("showTicks", false);
- * </listing>
- *
- * @see setVerticalAxisStyle()
- * @see com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.DefaultAxisRenderer
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisStyles", type="Object")]
- /**
- * The class used to instantiate the visual representation of the vertical
- * axis.
- *
- * @default DefaultAxisRenderer
- * @see com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.DefaultAxisRenderer
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisRenderer", type="Class")]
- /**
- * An object containing style values to be passed to the horizontal axis
- * renderer. The available styles are listed with the class that is used as the
- * axis renderer.
- *
- * @example
- * <listing version="3.0">
- * {
- * showTicks: true,
- * tickWeight: 1,
- * tickColor: 0x999999,
- * showMinorTicks: true,
- * minorTickWeight: 1,
- * minorTickColor: 0xcccccc
- * }
- * </listing>
- *
- * <p><strong>Note:</strong> Previously, all styles for the grid lines
- * renderer were listed as individual styles on the chart, but since it is
- * possible to use a renderer class that has completely different styles
- * than the default renderer, we need to deprecate the previous
- * method to allow maximum flexibility when new or custom renderers are
- * added.</p>
- *
- * <p>The old styles still exist, and legacy code will continue to work
- * for the time being. However, it is recommended that you begin porting
- * code to the new system as soon as possible.</p>
- *
- * <p>For the horizontal axis, you should use the following method to set
- * styles at runtime:</p>
- *
- * @example
- * <listing version="3.0">
- * chart.setHorizontalAxisStyle("showTicks", false);
- * </listing>
- *
- * @see setHorizontalAxisStyle()
- * @see com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.DefaultAxisRenderer
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisStyles", type="Object")]
- /**
- * The class used to instantiate the visual representation of the horizontal
- * axis.
- *
- * @default DefaultAxisRenderer
- * @see com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.DefaultAxisRenderer
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisRenderer", type="Class")]
- /**
- * An object containing style values to be passed to the vertical axis grid
- * lines renderer. The available styles are listed with the class that is used as the
- * grid lines renderer.
- *
- * @example
- * <listing version="3.0">
- * {
- * showLines: true,
- * lineWeight: 1,
- * lineColor: 0x999999,
- * showMinorLines: false
- * }
- * </listing>
- *
- * <p><strong>Note:</strong> Previously, all styles for the grid lines were listed as individual
- * styles on the chart, but since it is possible to use a renderer class
- * that has completely different styles, we need to deprecate the previous
- * method to allow maximum flexibility when new or custom renderers are
- * added.</p>
- *
- * <p>The old styles still exist, and legacy code will continue to work
- * for the time being. However, it is recommended that you begin porting
- * code to the new system as soon as possible.</p>
- *
- * <p>For the vertical axis grid lines, you should use the following method to set
- * styles at runtime:</p>
- *
- * @example
- * <listing version="3.0">
- * chart.setVerticalAxisGridLinesStyle("lineColor", 0x999999);
- * </listing>
- *
- * @see setVerticalAxisGridLinesStyle()
- * @see com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.DefaultGridLinesRenderer
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisGridLinesStyles", type="Object")]
- /**
- * The class used to instantiate the vertical axis grid lines.
- *
- * @default DefaultGridLinesRenderer
- * @see com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.DefaultGridLinesRenderer
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisGridLinesRenderer", type="Class")]
- /**
- * An object containing style values to be passed to the horizontal axis grid
- * lines renderer. The available styles are listed with the class that is used as the
- * grid lines renderer.
- *
- * @example
- * <listing version="3.0">
- * {
- * showLines: true,
- * lineWeight: 1,
- * lineColor: 0x999999,
- * showMinorLines: false
- * }
- * </listing>
- *
- * <p><strong>Note:</strong> Previously, all styles for the grid lines were listed as individual
- * styles on the chart, but since it is possible to use a renderer class
- * that has completely different styles, we need to deprecate the previous
- * method to allow maximum flexibility when new or custom renderers are
- * added.</p>
- *
- * <p>The old styles still exist, and legacy code will continue to work
- * for the time being. However, it is recommended that you begin porting
- * code to the new system as soon as possible.</p>
- *
- * <p>For the horizontal axis grid lines, you should use the following method to set
- * styles at runtime:</p>
- *
- * @example
- * <listing version="3.0">
- * chart.setHorizontalAxisGridLinesStyle("lineColor", 0x999999);
- * </listing>
- *
- * @see setHorizontalAxisGridLinesStyle()
- * @see com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.DefaultGridLinesRenderer
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisGridLinesStyles", type="Object")]
- /**
- * The class used to instantiate the horizontal axis grid lines.
- *
- * @default DefaultGridLinesRenderer
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisGridLinesRenderer", type="Class")]
- //-- DEPRECATED Vertical Axis styles
- /**
- * If false, the vertical axis is not drawn. Titles, labels, ticks, and grid
- * lines may still be drawn, however, so you must specifically hide each
- * item if nothing should be drawn.
- *
- * @default true
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showVerticalAxis", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The line weight, in pixels, for the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default 1
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisWeight", type="int")]
- /**
- * The line color for the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default #888a85
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisColor", type="uint")]
- //-- Labels - Vertical Axis
- /**
- * If true, labels will be displayed on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default true
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showVerticalAxisLabels", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The distance, in pixels, between a label and the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default 2
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisLabelDistance", type="Number")]
- /**
- * Defines the TextFormat used by labels on the vertical axis. If null,
- * the <code>textFormat</code> style will be used.
- *
- * @default null
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisTextFormat", type="TextFormat")]
- /**
- * If true, labels that overlap previously drawn labels on the axis will be
- * hidden. The first and last labels on the axis will always be drawn.
- *
- * @default true
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisHideOverlappingLabels", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The angle, in degrees, of the labels on the vertical axis. May be a value
- * between <code>-90</code> and <code>90</code>. The font must be embedded
- * in the SWF and the <code>embedFonts</code> style on the chart must be set
- * to <code>true</code> before labels may be rotated. If these conditions
- * aren't met, the labels will not be rotated.
- *
- * @default 0
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisLabelRotation", type="Number")]
- //-- Grid - Vertical Axis
- /**
- * An Array of <code>uint</code> color values that is used to draw
- * alternating fills between the vertical axis' grid lines.
- *
- * @default []
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisGridFillColors", type="Array")]
- /**
- * An Array of alpha values (in the range of 0 to 1) that is used to draw
- * alternating fills between the vertical axis' grid lines.
- *
- * @default []
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisGridFillAlphas", type="Array")]
- //-- DEPRECATED Grid Lines styles - Vertical Axis
- /**
- * If true, grid lines will be displayed on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default false
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showVerticalAxisGridLines", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The line weight, in pixels, for the grid lines on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default 1
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisGridLineWeight", type="int")]
- /**
- * The line color for the grid lines on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default #babdb6
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisGridLineColor", type="uint")]
- //-- Minor Grid Lines - Vertical Axis
- /**
- * If true, minor grid lines will be displayed on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default false
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showVerticalAxisMinorGridLines", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The line weight, in pixels, for the minor grid lines on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default 1
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisMinorGridLineWeight", type="int")]
- /**
- * The line color for the minor grid lines on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default #eeeeec
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisMinorGridLineColor", type="uint")]
- //-- Ticks - Vertical Axis
- /**
- * If true, ticks will be displayed on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default true
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showVerticalAxisTicks", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The line weight, in pixels, for the ticks on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default 1
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisTickWeight", type="int")]
- /**
- * The line color for the ticks on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default #888a85
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisTickColor", type="uint")]
- /**
- * The length, in pixels, of the ticks on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default 4
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisTickLength", type="Number")]
- /**
- * The position of the ticks on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default "cross"
- * @see com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.TickPosition
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisTickPosition", type="String")]
- //-- Minor ticks - Vertical Axis
- /**
- * If true, ticks will be displayed on the vertical axis at minor positions.
- *
- * @default true
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showVerticalAxisMinorTicks", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The line weight, in pixels, for the minor ticks on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default 1
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisMinorTickWeight", type="int")]
- /**
- * The line color for the minor ticks on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default #888a85
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisMinorTickColor", type="uint")]
- /**
- * The length of the minor ticks on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default 3
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisMinorTickLength", type="Number")]
- /**
- * The position of the minor ticks on the vertical axis.
- *
- * @default "outside"
- * @see com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.TickPosition
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisMinorTickPosition", type="String")]
- //-- Title - Vertical Axis
- /**
- * If true, the vertical axis title will be displayed.
- *
- * @default 2
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showVerticalAxisTitle", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The TextFormat object to use to render the vertical axis title label.
- *
- * @default TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x000000, false, false, false, '', '', TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="verticalAxisTitleTextFormat", type="TextFormat")]
- //-- DEPRECATED Horizontal Axis styles
- /**
- * If false, the horizontal axis is not drawn. Titles, labels, ticks, and grid
- * lines may still be drawn, however, so you must specifically hide each
- * item if nothing should be drawn.
- *
- * @default true
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showHorizontalAxis", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The line weight, in pixels, for the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default 1
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisWeight", type="int")]
- /**
- * The line color for the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default #888a85
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisColor", type="uint")]
- //-- Labels - Horizontal Axis
- /**
- * If true, labels will be displayed on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default true
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showHorizontalAxisLabels", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The distance, in pixels, between a label and the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default 2
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisLabelDistance", type="Number")]
- /**
- * Defines the TextFormat used by labels on the horizontal axis. If null,
- * the <code>textFormat</code> style will be used.
- *
- * @default null
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisTextFormat", type="TextFormat")]
- /**
- * If true, labels that overlap previously drawn labels on the axis will be
- * hidden. The first and last labels on the axis will always be drawn.
- *
- * @default true
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisHideOverlappingLabels", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The angle, in degrees, of the labels on the horizontal axis. May be a value
- * between <code>-90</code> and <code>90</code>. The font must be embedded
- * in the SWF and the <code>embedFonts</code> style on the chart must be set
- * to <code>true</code> before labels may be rotated. If these conditions
- * aren't met, the labels will not be rotated.
- *
- * @default 0
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisLabelRotation", type="Number")]
- //-- Grid - Horizontal Axis
- /**
- * An Array of <code>uint</code> color values that is used to draw
- * alternating fills between the horizontal axis' grid lines.
- *
- * @default []
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisGridFillColors", type="Array")]
- /**
- * An Array of alpha values (in the range of 0 to 1) that is used to draw
- * alternating fills between the horizontal axis' grid lines.
- *
- * @default []
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisGridFillAlphas", type="Array")]
- //-- DEPRECATED Grid Lines - Horizontal Axis
- /**
- * If true, grid lines will be displayed on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default false
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showHorizontalAxisGridLines", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The line weight, in pixels, for the grid lines on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default 1
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisGridLineWeight", type="int")]
- /**
- * The line color for the grid lines on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default #babdb6
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisGridLineColor", type="uint")]
- //-- Minor Grid Lines - Horizontal Axis
- /**
- * If true, minor grid lines will be displayed on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default false
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showHorizontalAxisMinorGridLines", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The line weight, in pixels, for the minor grid lines on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default 1
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisMinorGridLineWeight", type="int")]
- /**
- * The line color for the minor grid lines on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default #eeeeec
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisMinorGridLineColor", type="uint")]
- //-- Ticks - Horizontal Axis
- /**
- * If true, ticks will be displayed on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default true
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showHorizontalAxisTicks", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The line weight, in pixels, for the ticks on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default 1
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisTickWeight", type="int")]
- /**
- * The line color for the ticks on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default #888a85
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisTickColor", type="uint")]
- /**
- * The length, in pixels, of the ticks on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default 4
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisTickLength", type="Number")]
- /**
- * The position of the ticks on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default "cross"
- * @see com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.TickPosition
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisTickPosition", type="String")]
- //-- Minor ticks - Horizontal Axis
- /**
- * If true, ticks will be displayed on the horizontal axis at minor positions.
- *
- * @default true
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showHorizontalAxisMinorTicks", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The line weight, in pixels, for the minor ticks on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default 1
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisMinorTickWeight", type="int")]
- /**
- * The line color for the minor ticks on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default #888a85
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisMinorTickColor", type="uint")]
- /**
- * The length of the minor ticks on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default 3
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisMinorTickLength", type="Number")]
- /**
- * The position of the minor ticks on the horizontal axis.
- *
- * @default "outside"
- * @see com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.TickPosition
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisMinorTickPosition", type="String")]
- //-- Title - Horizontal Axis
- /**
- * If true, the horizontal axis title will be displayed.
- *
- * @default 2
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="showHorizontalAxisTitle", type="Boolean")]
- /**
- * The TextFormat object to use to render the horizontal axis title label.
- *
- * @default TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x000000, false, false, false, '', '', TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0)
- * @deprecated
- */
- [Style(name="horizontalAxisTitleTextFormat", type="TextFormat")]
- /**
- * A chart based on the cartesian coordinate system (x, y).
- *
- * @author Josh Tynjala
- */
- public class CartesianChart extends Chart implements IChart, ICategoryChart
- {
- //--------------------------------------
- // Class Variables
- //--------------------------------------
- /**
- * @private
- * Exists simply to reference dependencies that aren't used
- * anywhere else by this component.
- */
- private static const DEPENDENCIES:Array = [TimeAxis];
- /**
- * @private
- */
- private static var defaultStyles:Object =
- {
- horizontalAxisStyles: {},
- horizontalAxisGridLinesStyles: {},
- horizontalAxisRenderer: DefaultAxisRenderer,
- horizontalAxisGridLinesRenderer: DefaultGridLinesRenderer,
- verticalAxisStyles: {},
- verticalAxisGridLinesStyles: {},
- verticalAxisRenderer: DefaultAxisRenderer,
- verticalAxisGridLinesRenderer: DefaultGridLinesRenderer,
- //(to be removed in a future version)
- //axis
- showHorizontalAxis: true,
- horizontalAxisWeight: 1,
- horizontalAxisColor: 0x888a85,
- //title
- showHorizontalAxisTitle: true,
- horizontalAxisTitleTextFormat: new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x000000, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0),
- //labels
- showHorizontalAxisLabels: true,
- horizontalAxisTextFormat: null,
- horizontalAxisLabelDistance: 2,
- horizontalAxisHideOverlappingLabels: true,
- horizontalAxisLabelRotation: 0,
- //grid lines
- horizontalAxisGridLineWeight: 1,
- horizontalAxisGridLineColor: 0xbabdb6,
- showHorizontalAxisGridLines: false,
- horizontalAxisMinorGridLineWeight: 1,
- horizontalAxisMinorGridLineColor: 0xeeeeec,
- showHorizontalAxisMinorGridLines: false,
- horizontalAxisGridFillColors: [],
- horizontalAxisGridFillAlphas: [],
- //ticks
- showHorizontalAxisTicks: false,
- horizontalAxisTickWeight: 1,
- horizontalAxisTickColor: 0x888a85,
- horizontalAxisTickLength: 4,
- horizontalAxisTickPosition: "cross",
- showHorizontalAxisMinorTicks: false,
- horizontalAxisMinorTickWeight: 1,
- horizontalAxisMinorTickColor: 0x888a85,
- horizontalAxisMinorTickLength: 3,
- horizontalAxisMinorTickPosition: "outside",
- //axis
- showVerticalAxis: true,
- verticalAxisWeight: 1,
- verticalAxisColor: 0x888a85,
- //title
- showVerticalAxisTitle: true,
- verticalAxisTitleTextFormat: new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x000000, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0),
- //labels
- showVerticalAxisLabels: true,
- verticalAxisTextFormat: null,
- verticalAxisLabelDistance: 2,
- verticalAxisHideOverlappingLabels: true,
- verticalAxisLabelRotation: 0,
- //grid lines
- showVerticalAxisGridLines: true,
- verticalAxisGridLineWeight: 1,
- verticalAxisGridLineColor: 0xbabdb6,
- verticalAxisMinorGridLineWeight: 1,
- verticalAxisMinorGridLineColor: 0xeeeeec,
- showVerticalAxisMinorGridLines: false,
- verticalAxisGridFillColors: [],
- verticalAxisGridFillAlphas: [],
- //ticks
- showVerticalAxisTicks: true,
- verticalAxisTickWeight: 1,
- verticalAxisTickColor: 0x888a85,
- verticalAxisTickLength: 4,
- verticalAxisTickPosition: "cross",
- showVerticalAxisMinorTicks: true,
- verticalAxisMinorTickWeight: 1,
- verticalAxisMinorTickColor: 0x888a85,
- verticalAxisMinorTickLength: 3,
- verticalAxisMinorTickPosition: "outside"
- };
- /**
- * @private
- * The chart styles that correspond to styles on the horizontal axis.
- */
- private static const HORIZONTAL_AXIS_STYLES:Object =
- {
- showAxis: "showHorizontalAxis",
- axisWeight: "horizontalAxisWeight",
- axisColor: "horizontalAxisColor",
- textFormat: "textFormat",
- embedFonts: "embedFonts",
- hideOverlappingLabels: "horizontalAxisHideOverlappingLabels",
- labelRotation: "horizontalAxisLabelRotation",
- labelDistance: "horizontalAxisLabelDistance",
- showLabels: "showHorizontalAxisLabels",
- showTitle: "showHorizontalAxisTitle",
- titleTextFormat: "horizontalAxisTitleTextFormat",
- tickWeight: "horizontalAxisTickWeight",
- tickColor: "horizontalAxisTickColor",
- tickLength: "horizontalAxisTickLength",
- tickPosition: "horizontalAxisTickPosition",
- showTicks: "showHorizontalAxisTicks",
- minorTickWeight: "horizontalAxisMinorTickWeight",
- minorTickColor: "horizontalAxisMinorTickColor",
- minorTickLength: "horizontalAxisMinorTickLength",
- minorTickPosition: "horizontalAxisMinorTickPosition",
- showMinorTicks: "showHorizontalAxisMinorTicks"
- };
- /**
- * @private
- * The chart styles that correspond to styles on the horizontal axis
- * grid lines.
- */
- private static const HORIZONTAL_GRID_LINES_STYLES:Object =
- {
- lineWeight: "horizontalAxisGridLineWeight",
- lineColor: "horizontalAxisGridLineColor",
- showLines: "showHorizontalAxisGridLines",
- minorLineWeight: "horizontalAxisMinorGridLineWeight",
- minorLineColor: "horizontalAxisMinorGridLineColor",
- showMinorLines: "showHorizontalAxisMinorGridLines",
- fillColors: "horizontalAxisGridFillColors",
- fillAlphas: "horizontalAxisGridFillAlphas"
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * The chart styles that correspond to styles on the vertical axis.
- */
- private static const VERTICAL_AXIS_STYLES:Object =
- {
- showAxis: "showVerticalAxis",
- axisWeight: "verticalAxisWeight",
- axisColor: "verticalAxisColor",
- textFormat: "textFormat",
- embedFonts: "embedFonts",
- hideOverlappingLabels: "verticalAxisHideOverlappingLabels",
- labelRotation: "verticalAxisLabelRotation",
- labelDistance: "verticalAxisLabelDistance",
- showLabels: "showVerticalAxisLabels",
- showTitle: "showVerticalAxisTitle",
- titleTextFormat: "verticalAxisTitleTextFormat",
- tickWeight: "verticalAxisTickWeight",
- tickColor: "verticalAxisTickColor",
- tickLength: "verticalAxisTickLength",
- tickPosition: "verticalAxisTickPosition",
- showTicks: "showVerticalAxisTicks",
- minorTickWeight: "verticalAxisMinorTickWeight",
- minorTickColor: "verticalAxisMinorTickColor",
- minorTickLength: "verticalAxisMinorTickLength",
- minorTickPosition: "verticalAxisMinorTickPosition",
- showMinorTicks: "showVerticalAxisMinorTicks"
- };
- /**
- * @private
- * The chart styles that correspond to styles on the vertical axis
- * grid lines.
- */
- private static const VERTICAL_GRID_LINES_STYLES:Object =
- {
- lineWeight: "verticalAxisGridLineWeight",
- lineColor: "verticalAxisGridLineColor",
- showLines: "showVerticalAxisGridLines",
- minorLineWeight: "verticalAxisMinorGridLineWeight",
- minorLineColor: "verticalAxisMinorGridLineColor",
- showMinorLines: "showVerticalAxisMinorGridLines",
- fillColors: "verticalAxisGridFillColors",
- fillAlphas: "verticalAxisGridFillAlphas"
- }
- //--------------------------------------
- // Class Methods
- //--------------------------------------
- /**
- * @copy fl.core.UIComponent#getStyleDefinition()
- */
- public static function getStyleDefinition():Object
- {
- return mergeStyles(defaultStyles, Chart.getStyleDefinition());
- }
- //--------------------------------------
- // Constructor
- //--------------------------------------
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- public function CartesianChart()
- {
- super();
- }
- //--------------------------------------
- // Properties
- //--------------------------------------
- /**
- * @private
- * Storage for the contentBounds property.
- */
- protected var _contentBounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
- /**
- * The rectangular bounds where the cartesian chart's data is drawn.
- */
- public function get contentBounds():Rectangle
- {
- return this._contentBounds;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- protected var horizontalGridLines:IGridLinesRenderer;
- /**
- * @private
- */
- protected var verticalGridLines:IGridLinesRenderer;
- /**
- * @private
- */
- protected var verticalMinorGridLines:Sprite;
- /**
- * @private
- * The visual representation of the horizontal axis.
- */
- protected var horizontalAxisRenderer:ICartesianAxisRenderer;
- /**
- * @private
- * Storage for the horizontalAxis property.
- */
- private var _horizontalAxis:IAxis;
- /**
- * The axis representing the horizontal range.
- */
- public function get horizontalAxis():IAxis
- {
- return this._horizontalAxis;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set horizontalAxis(axis:IAxis):void
- {
- if(this._horizontalAxis != axis)
- {
- this._horizontalAxis = axis;
- this._horizontalAxis.chart = this;
- this.invalidate("axes");
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * The visual representation of the horizontal axis.
- */
- protected var verticalAxisRenderer:ICartesianAxisRenderer;
- /**
- * @private
- * Storage for the verticalAxis property.
- */
- private var _verticalAxis:IAxis;
- /**
- * The axis representing the vertical range.
- */
- public function get verticalAxis():IAxis
- {
- return this._verticalAxis;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set verticalAxis(axis:IAxis):void
- {
- if(this._verticalAxis != axis)
- {
- this._verticalAxis = axis;
- this._verticalAxis.chart = this;
- this.invalidate("axes");
- }
- }
- //-- Data
- /**
- * @private
- * Storage for the horizontalField property.
- */
- private var _horizontalField:String = "category";
- [Inspectable(defaultValue="category",verbose=1)]
- /**
- * If the items displayed on the chart are complex objects, the horizontalField string
- * defines the property to access when determining the x value.
- */
- public function get horizontalField():String
- {
- return this._horizontalField;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set horizontalField(value:String):void
- {
- if(this._horizontalField != value)
- {
- this._horizontalField = value;
- this.invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA);
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Storage for the verticalField property.
- */
- private var _verticalField:String = "value";
- [Inspectable(defaultValue="value",verbose=1)]
- /**
- * If the items displayed on the chart are complex objects, the verticalField string
- * defines the property to access when determining the y value.
- */
- public function get verticalField():String
- {
- return this._verticalField;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set verticalField(value:String):void
- {
- if(this._verticalField != value)
- {
- this._verticalField = value;
- this.invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA);
- }
- }
- //-- Titles
- /**
- * @private
- * Storage for the horizontalAxisTitle property.
- */
- private var _horizontalAxisTitle:String = "";
- [Inspectable(defaultValue="")]
- /**
- * The title text displayed on the horizontal axis.
- */
- public function get horizontalAxisTitle():String
- {
- return this._horizontalAxisTitle;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set horizontalAxisTitle(value:String):void
- {
- if(this._horizontalAxisTitle != value)
- {
- this._horizontalAxisTitle = value;
- this.invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA);
- this.invalidate("axes");
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Storage for the verticalAxisTitle property.
- */
- private var _verticalAxisTitle:String = "";
- [Inspectable(defaultValue="")]
- /**
- * The title text displayed on the horizontal axis.
- */
- public function get verticalAxisTitle():String
- {
- return this._verticalAxisTitle;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set verticalAxisTitle(value:String):void
- {
- if(this._verticalAxisTitle != value)
- {
- this._verticalAxisTitle = value;
- this.invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA);
- this.invalidate("axes");
- }
- }
- //-- Category names
- /**
- * @private
- * Storage for the categoryNames property.
- */
- private var _explicitCategoryNames:Array;
- [Inspectable]
- /**
- * The names of the categories displayed on the category axis. If the
- * chart does not have a category axis, this value will be ignored.
- */
- public function get categoryNames():Array
- {
- if(this._explicitCategoryNames && this._explicitCategoryNames.length > 0)
- {
- return this._explicitCategoryNames;
- }
- else if(this.horizontalAxis is CategoryAxis)
- {
- return CategoryAxis(this.horizontalAxis).categoryNames;
- }
- else if(this.verticalAxis is CategoryAxis)
- {
- return CategoryAxis(this.verticalAxis).categoryNames;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set categoryNames(value:Array):void
- {
- if(this._explicitCategoryNames != value)
- {
- this._explicitCategoryNames = value;
- this.invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA);
- this.invalidate("axes");
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Storage for the overflowEnabled property.
- */
- private var _overflowEnabled:Boolean = false;
- [Inspectable(defaultValue=false,verbose=1)]
- /**
- * If false, which is the default, the axes will be resized to fit within the defined
- * bounds of the plot area. However, if set to true, the axes themselves will grow to
- * fit the plot area bounds and the labels and other items that normally cause the
- * resize will be drawn outside.
- */
- public function get overflowEnabled():Boolean
- {
- return this._overflowEnabled;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set overflowEnabled(value:Boolean):void
- {
- if(this._overflowEnabled != value)
- {
- this._overflowEnabled = value;
- this.invalidate("axes");
- }
- }
- //--------------------------------------
- // Public Methods
- //--------------------------------------
- /**
- * @inheritDoc
- */
- public function itemToPosition(series:ISeries, itemIndex:int):Point
- {
- var horizontalValue:Object = this.itemToAxisValue(series, itemIndex, this.horizontalAxis);
- var xPosition:Number = this.horizontalAxis.valueToLocal(horizontalValue);
- var verticalValue:Object = this.itemToAxisValue(series, itemIndex, this.verticalAxis);
- var yPosition:Number = this.verticalAxis.valueToLocal(verticalValue);
- return new Point(xPosition, yPosition);
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function itemToAxisValue(series:ISeries, itemIndex:int, axis:IAxis, stack:Boolean = true):Object
- {
- if(!stack || !ChartUtil.isStackingAllowed(axis, series))
- {
- var item:Object = series.dataProvider[itemIndex];
- var valueField:String = this.axisAndSeriesToField(axis, series);
- return item[valueField];
- }
- var type:Class = UIComponentUtil.getClassDefinition(series);
- var stackAxis:IStackingAxis = IStackingAxis(axis);
- var stackValue:Object;
- var allSeriesOfType:Array = ChartUtil.findSeriesOfType(series, this);
- var seriesIndex:int = allSeriesOfType.indexOf(series);
- var values:Array = [];
- for(var i:int = 0; i <= seriesIndex; i++)
- {
- var stackedSeries:IStackedSeries = IStackedSeries(allSeriesOfType[i]);
- item = stackedSeries.dataProvider[itemIndex];
- valueField = this.axisAndSeriesToField(stackAxis, stackedSeries);
- values.unshift(item[valueField]);
- }
- if(values.length > 0)
- {
- stackValue = stackAxis.stack.apply(stackAxis, values);
- }
- return stackValue;
- }
- /**
- * Sets a style on the horizontal axis.
- */
- public function setHorizontalAxisStyle(name:String, value:Object):void
- {
- this.setComplexStyle("horizontalAxisStyles", name, value);
- }
- /**
- * Sets a style on the vertical axis.
- */
- public function setVerticalAxisStyle(name:String, value:Object):void
- {
- this.setComplexStyle("verticalAxisStyles", name, value);
- }
- /**
- * Sets a style on the horizontal axis grid lines.
- */
- public function setHorizontalAxisGridLinesStyle(name:String, value:Object):void
- {
- this.setComplexStyle("horizontalAxisGridLinesStyles", name, value);
- }
- /**
- * Sets a style on the vertical axis grid lines.
- */
- public function setVerticalAxisGridLinesStyle(name:String, value:Object):void
- {
- this.setComplexStyle("verticalAxisGridLinesStyles", name, value);
- }
- //--------------------------------------
- // Protected Methods
- //--------------------------------------
- /**
- * @private
- */
- override protected function draw():void
- {
- var dataInvalid:Boolean = this.isInvalid(InvalidationType.DATA);
- var stylesInvalid:Boolean = this.isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES);
- var sizeInvalid:Boolean = this.isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE);
- var axesInvalid:Boolean = this.isInvalid("axes")
- super.draw();
- if(stylesInvalid)
- {
- this.updateRenderers();
- }
- if(sizeInvalid || dataInvalid || stylesInvalid || axesInvalid)
- {
- this.drawAxes();
- //the series display objects are dependant on the axes, so all series redraws must
- //happen after the axes have redrawn
- this.drawSeries();
- }
- this.updateLegend();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Make sure no numeric points exist. Convert to objects compatible with the axes.
- */
- override protected function refreshSeries():void
- {
- super.refreshSeries();
- var numericAxis:IAxis = this.horizontalAxis;
- var otherAxis:IAxis = this.verticalAxis;
- if(this.verticalAxis is NumericAxis)
- {
- numericAxis = this.verticalAxis;
- otherAxis = this.horizontalAxis;
- }
- var seriesCount:int = this.series.length;
- for(var i:int = 0; i < seriesCount; i++)
- {
- var currentSeries:ISeries = this.series[i] as ISeries;
- var numericField:String = this.axisAndSeriesToField(numericAxis, currentSeries);
- var otherField:String = this.axisAndSeriesToField(otherAxis, currentSeries);
- var seriesLength:int = currentSeries.length;
- for(var j:int = 0; j < seriesLength; j++)
- {
- var item:Object = currentSeries.dataProvider[j];
- if(item is Number || !isNaN(Number(item)))
- {
- //if we only have a number, then it is safe to convert
- //to a default type for a category chart.
- //if it's not a number, then the user is expected to update
- //the x and y fields so that the plot area knows how to handle it.
- var point:Object = {};
- point[numericField] = item;
- //we assume it's a category axis
- if(this._explicitCategoryNames && this._explicitCategoryNames.length > 0)
- {
- point[otherField] = this.categoryNames[j];
- }
- else point[otherField] = j;
- currentSeries.dataProvider[j] = point;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Creates the default axes. Without user intervention, the x-axis is a category
- * axis and the y-axis is a numeric axis.
- */
- override protected function configUI():void
- {
- super.configUI();
- //by default, the x axis is for categories. other types of charts will need
- //to override this if they need a numeric or other type of axis
- if(!this.horizontalAxis)
- {
- var categoryAxis:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
- this.horizontalAxis = categoryAxis;
- }
- if(!this.horizontalAxisRenderer)
- {
- var RendererClass:Class = this.getStyleValue("horizontalAxisRenderer") as Class;
- this.horizontalAxisRenderer = new RendererClass(AxisOrientation.HORIZONTAL);
- this.addChild(DisplayObject(this.horizontalAxisRenderer));
- this.horizontalAxis.renderer = this.horizontalAxisRenderer;
- }
- if(!this.verticalAxis)
- {
- var numericAxis:NumericAxis = new NumericAxis();
- numericAxis.stackingEnabled = true;
- this.verticalAxis = numericAxis;
- }
- if(!this.verticalAxisRenderer)
- {
- RendererClass = this.getStyleValue("verticalAxisRenderer") as Class;
- this.verticalAxisRenderer = new RendererClass(AxisOrientation.VERTICAL);
- this.addChild(DisplayObject(this.verticalAxisRenderer));
- this.verticalAxis.renderer = this.verticalAxisRenderer;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Determines the text that will appear on the data tip.
- */
- override protected function defaultDataTipFunction(item:Object, index:int, series:ISeries):String
- {
- var text:String = super.defaultDataTipFunction(item, index, series);
- if(text.length > 0)
- {
- text += "\n";
- }
- var categoryAxis:CategoryAxis = this.verticalAxis as CategoryAxis;
- var otherAxis:IAxis = this.horizontalAxis;
- if(!categoryAxis)
- {
- categoryAxis = this.horizontalAxis as CategoryAxis;
- otherAxis = this.verticalAxis;
- }
- //if we have a category axis, the category is always displayed first
- if(categoryAxis)
- {
- var categoryValue:Object = this.itemToAxisValue(series, index, categoryAxis, false);
- text += categoryAxis.valueToLabel(categoryValue) + "\n";
- var otherValue:Object = this.itemToAxisValue(series, index, otherAxis, false);
- text += otherAxis.valueToLabel(otherValue) + "\n";
- }
- //otherwise, display the horizontal axis value first
- else
- {
- var horizontalValue:Object = this.itemToAxisValue(series, index, this.horizontalAxis, false);
- text += horizontalAxis.valueToLabel(horizontalValue) + "\n";
- var verticalValue:Object = this.itemToAxisValue(series, index, this.verticalAxis, false);
- text += verticalAxis.valueToLabel(verticalValue) + "\n";
- }
- return text;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Positions and updates the series objects.
- */
- protected function drawSeries():void
- {
- var contentPadding:Number = this.getStyleValue("contentPadding") as Number;
- var seriesWidth:Number = this._contentBounds.width;
- var seriesHeight:Number = this._contentBounds.height;
- var contentScrollRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, seriesWidth, seriesHeight);
- this.content.x = contentPadding + this._contentBounds.x;
- this.content.y = contentPadding + this._contentBounds.y;
- this.content.scrollRect = contentScrollRect;
- var seriesCount:int = this.series.length;
- for(var i:int = 0; i < seriesCount; i++)
- {
- var series:UIComponent = this.series[i] as UIComponent;
- series.width = seriesWidth;
- series.height = seriesHeight;
- series.drawNow();
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Removes the old axis renderers and create new instances.
- */
- protected function updateRenderers():void
- {
- //create axis renderers
- if(this.horizontalAxisRenderer)
- {
- this.removeChild(DisplayObject(this.horizontalAxisRenderer));
- this.horizontalAxisRenderer = null;
- }
- var RendererClass:Class = this.getStyleValue("horizontalAxisRenderer") as Class;
- this.horizontalAxisRenderer = new RendererClass(AxisOrientation.HORIZONTAL);
- this.addChild(DisplayObject(this.horizontalAxisRenderer));
- this.copyStylesToChild(UIComponent(this.horizontalAxisRenderer), CartesianChart.HORIZONTAL_AXIS_STYLES);
- this.copyStyleObjectToChild(UIComponent(this.horizontalAxisRenderer), this.getStyleValue("horizontalAxisStyles"));
- var horizontalAxisTextFormat:TextFormat = this.getStyleValue("horizontalAxisTextFormat") as TextFormat;
- if(horizontalAxisTextFormat)
- {
- UIComponent(this.horizontalAxisRenderer).setStyle("textFormat", horizontalAxisTextFormat);
- }
- if(this.verticalAxisRenderer)
- {
- this.removeChild(DisplayObject(this.verticalAxisRenderer));
- this.verticalAxisRenderer = null;
- }
- RendererClass = this.getStyleValue("verticalAxisRenderer") as Class;
- this.verticalAxisRenderer = new RendererClass(AxisOrientation.VERTICAL);
- this.addChild(DisplayObject(this.verticalAxisRenderer));
- this.copyStylesToChild(UIComponent(verticalAxisRenderer), CartesianChart.VERTICAL_AXIS_STYLES);
- this.copyStyleObjectToChild(UIComponent(this.verticalAxisRenderer), this.getStyleValue("verticalAxisStyles"));
- var verticalAxisTextFormat:TextFormat = this.getStyleValue("verticalAxisTextFormat") as TextFormat;
- if(verticalAxisTextFormat)
- {
- UIComponent(this.verticalAxisRenderer).setStyle("textFormat", verticalAxisTextFormat);
- }
- //create grid lines renderers
- if(this.horizontalGridLines)
- {
- this.removeChild(DisplayObject(this.horizontalGridLines));
- }
- RendererClass = this.getStyleValue("horizontalAxisGridLinesRenderer") as Class;
- this.horizontalGridLines = new RendererClass();
- this.horizontalGridLines.axisRenderer = this.horizontalAxisRenderer;
- this.addChild(DisplayObject(this.horizontalGridLines));
- this.copyStylesToChild(UIComponent(this.horizontalGridLines), CartesianChart.HORIZONTAL_GRID_LINES_STYLES);
- this.copyStyleObjectToChild(UIComponent(this.horizontalGridLines), this.getStyleValue("horizontalAxisGridLinesStyles"));
- if(this.verticalGridLines)
- {
- this.removeChild(DisplayObject(this.verticalGridLines));
- }
- RendererClass = this.getStyleValue("verticalAxisGridLinesRenderer") as Class;
- this.verticalGridLines = new RendererClass();
- this.verticalGridLines.axisRenderer = this.verticalAxisRenderer;
- this.addChild(DisplayObject(this.verticalGridLines));
- this.copyStylesToChild(UIComponent(this.verticalGridLines), CartesianChart.VERTICAL_GRID_LINES_STYLES);
- this.copyStyleObjectToChild(UIComponent(this.verticalGridLines), this.getStyleValue("verticalAxisGridLinesStyles"));
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Positions and sizes the axes based on their edge metrics.
- */
- protected function drawAxes():void
- {
- var contentPadding:Number = this.getStyleValue("contentPadding") as Number;
- var axisWidth:Number = this.width - (2 * contentPadding);
- var axisHeight:Number = this.height - (2 * contentPadding);
- this.horizontalAxis.renderer = this.horizontalAxisRenderer;
- if(horizontalAxis is CategoryAxis && this._explicitCategoryNames && this._explicitCategoryNames.length > 0)
- {
- CategoryAxis(this.horizontalAxis).categoryNames = this._explicitCategoryNames;
- }
- var horizontalAxisRenderer:UIComponent = UIComponent(this.horizontalAxisRenderer);
- horizontalAxisRenderer.move(contentPadding, contentPadding);
- horizontalAxisRenderer.setSize(axisWidth, axisHeight);
- this.setChildIndex(horizontalAxisRenderer, this.numChildren - 1);
- this.verticalAxis.renderer = this.verticalAxisRenderer;
- if(verticalAxis is CategoryAxis && this._explicitCategoryNames && this._explicitCategoryNames.length > 0)
- {
- CategoryAxis(this.verticalAxis).categoryNames = this._explicitCategoryNames;
- }
- var verticalAxisRenderer:UIComponent = UIComponent(this.verticalAxisRenderer);
- verticalAxisRenderer.move(contentPadding, contentPadding);
- verticalAxisRenderer.setSize(axisWidth, axisHeight);
- this.setChildIndex(verticalAxisRenderer, this.numChildren - 1);
- //TODO: This should probably be done differently...
- this.horizontalAxisRenderer.title = this.horizontalAxis.title;
- this.verticalAxisRenderer.title = this.verticalAxis.title;
- this.updateAxisScalesAndBounds();
- horizontalAxisRenderer.drawNow();
- verticalAxisRenderer.drawNow();
- this.drawGridLines();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Determines the axis scales, and positions the axes based on their
- * <code>contentBounds</code> properties.
- */
- protected function updateAxisScalesAndBounds():void
- {
- //reset the ticks and minor ticks (start with a clean axis)
- this.horizontalAxisRenderer.ticks = [];
- this.horizontalAxisRenderer.minorTicks = [];
- this.verticalAxisRenderer.ticks = [];
- this.verticalAxisRenderer.minorTicks = [];
- /*
- we need to run this a few times because the axis positions and
- sizes are slowly corrected until they properly align themselves.
- NOTE: If this seems to be failing, increase the loop count.
- more iterations == more accuracy
- worst case scenario: use a while loop and check to see if
- calculateContentBounds() has made changes to the sizes or
- positions of the renderers. if not, then break. if there have
- been corrections, keep going. I suggest that you stop the loop
- at 10 iterations because that's most likely an infinite loop.
- you're probably only running into rounding errors at that point,
- so there's little reason to continue anyway.
- */
- this.calculateContentBounds();
- var count:int = 0;
- do
- {
- var hOldContentBounds:Rectangle = this.horizontalAxisRenderer.contentBounds.clone();
- var vOldContentBounds:Rectangle = this.verticalAxisRenderer.contentBounds.clone();
- this._horizontalAxis.updateScale(this.series);
- this._verticalAxis.updateScale(this.series);
- this.calculateContentBounds();
- count++;
- }
- //if count == 10, we're close enough
- while(count < 10 &&
- (!hOldContentBounds.equals(this.horizontalAxisRenderer.contentBounds) ||
- !vOldContentBounds.equals(this.verticalAxisRenderer.contentBounds)))
- }
- /**
- * @private
- * Combine the content bounds to determine the series positioning.
- */
- protected function calculateContentBounds():void
- {
- this.horizontalAxisRenderer.updateBounds();
- this.verticalAxisRenderer.updateBounds();
- var contentPadding:Number = this.getStyleValue("contentPadding") as Number;
- var axisWidth:Number = this.width - (2 * contentPadding);
- var axisHeight:Number = this.height - (2 * contentPadding);
- var horizontalAxisRenderer:UIComponent = this.horizontalAxisRenderer as UIComponent;
- var verticalAxisRenderer:UIComponent = this.verticalAxisRenderer as UIComponent;
- var horizontalBounds:Rectangle = this.horizontalAxisRenderer.contentBounds;
- var verticalBounds:Rectangle = this.verticalAxisRenderer.contentBounds;
- this._contentBounds = new Rectangle();
- this._contentBounds.x = Math.max(horizontalBounds.x, verticalBounds.x);
- this._contentBounds.y = Math.max(horizontalBounds.y, verticalBounds.y);
- this._contentBounds.width = Math.min(horizontalBounds.width, verticalBounds.width);
- this._contentBounds.height = Math.min(horizontalBounds.height, verticalBounds.height);
- var hRight:Number = horizontalAxisRenderer.width - horizontalBounds.width - horizontalBounds.x;
- var hBottom:Number = horizontalAxisRenderer.height - horizontalBounds.height - horizontalBounds.y;
- var vRight:Number = verticalAxisRenderer.width - verticalBounds.width - verticalBounds.x;
- var vBottom:Number = verticalAxisRenderer.height - verticalBounds.height - verticalBounds.y;
- var contentBottom:Number = Math.max(hBottom, vBottom);
- var contentRight:Number = Math.max(hRight, vRight);
- horizontalAxisRenderer.x = contentPadding + this._contentBounds.