https://github.com/dpritsos/WEGA · Python · 222 lines · 111 code · 17 blank · 94 comment · 5 complexity · 9fef9705495fcaf3c99f59e539953a20 MD5 · raw file
- import functools
- import textwrap
- import warnings
- class MatplotlibDeprecationWarning(UserWarning):
- """
- A class for issuing deprecation warnings for Matplotlib users.
- In light of the fact that Python builtin DeprecationWarnings are ignored
- by default as of Python 2.7 (see link below), this class was put in to
- allow for the signaling of deprecation, but via UserWarnings which are not
- ignored by default.
- https://docs.python.org/dev/whatsnew/2.7.html#the-future-for-python-2-x
- """
- pass
- mplDeprecation = MatplotlibDeprecationWarning
- def _generate_deprecation_message(since, message='', name='',
- alternative='', pending=False,
- obj_type='attribute',
- addendum=''):
- if not message:
- if pending:
- message = (
- 'The %(name)s %(obj_type)s will be deprecated in a '
- 'future version.')
- else:
- message = (
- 'The %(name)s %(obj_type)s was deprecated in version '
- '%(since)s.')
- altmessage = ''
- if alternative:
- altmessage = ' Use %s instead.' % alternative
- message = ((message % {
- 'func': name,
- 'name': name,
- 'alternative': alternative,
- 'obj_type': obj_type,
- 'since': since}) +
- altmessage)
- if addendum:
- message += addendum
- return message
- def warn_deprecated(
- since, message='', name='', alternative='', pending=False,
- obj_type='attribute', addendum=''):
- """
- Used to display deprecation warning in a standard way.
- Parameters
- ----------
- since : str
- The release at which this API became deprecated.
- message : str, optional
- Override the default deprecation message. The format
- specifier `%(name)s` may be used for the name of the function,
- and `%(alternative)s` may be used in the deprecation message
- to insert the name of an alternative to the deprecated
- function. `%(obj_type)s` may be used to insert a friendly name
- for the type of object being deprecated.
- name : str, optional
- The name of the deprecated object.
- alternative : str, optional
- An alternative function that the user may use in place of the
- deprecated function. The deprecation warning will tell the user
- about this alternative if provided.
- pending : bool, optional
- If True, uses a PendingDeprecationWarning instead of a
- DeprecationWarning.
- obj_type : str, optional
- The object type being deprecated.
- addendum : str, optional
- Additional text appended directly to the final message.
- Examples
- --------
- Basic example::
- # To warn of the deprecation of "matplotlib.name_of_module"
- warn_deprecated('1.4.0', name='matplotlib.name_of_module',
- obj_type='module')
- """
- message = _generate_deprecation_message(
- since, message, name, alternative, pending, obj_type)
- warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1)
- def deprecated(since, message='', name='', alternative='', pending=False,
- obj_type=None, addendum=''):
- """
- Decorator to mark a function or a class as deprecated.
- Parameters
- ----------
- since : str
- The release at which this API became deprecated. This is
- required.
- message : str, optional
- Override the default deprecation message. The format
- specifier `%(name)s` may be used for the name of the object,
- and `%(alternative)s` may be used in the deprecation message
- to insert the name of an alternative to the deprecated
- object. `%(obj_type)s` may be used to insert a friendly name
- for the type of object being deprecated.
- name : str, optional
- The name of the deprecated object; if not provided the name
- is automatically determined from the passed in object,
- though this is useful in the case of renamed functions, where
- the new function is just assigned to the name of the
- deprecated function. For example::
- def new_function():
- ...
- oldFunction = new_function
- alternative : str, optional
- An alternative object that the user may use in place of the
- deprecated object. The deprecation warning will tell the user
- about this alternative if provided.
- pending : bool, optional
- If True, uses a PendingDeprecationWarning instead of a
- DeprecationWarning.
- addendum : str, optional
- Additional text appended directly to the final message.
- Examples
- --------
- Basic example::
- @deprecated('1.4.0')
- def the_function_to_deprecate():
- pass
- """
- def deprecate(obj, message=message, name=name, alternative=alternative,
- pending=pending, addendum=addendum):
- if not name:
- name = obj.__name__
- if isinstance(obj, type):
- obj_type = "class"
- old_doc = obj.__doc__
- func = obj.__init__
- def finalize(wrapper, new_doc):
- try:
- obj.__doc__ = new_doc
- except (AttributeError, TypeError):
- # cls.__doc__ is not writeable on Py2.
- # TypeError occurs on PyPy
- pass
- obj.__init__ = wrapper
- return obj
- else:
- obj_type = "function"
- if isinstance(obj, classmethod):
- func = obj.__func__
- old_doc = func.__doc__
- def finalize(wrapper, new_doc):
- wrapper = functools.wraps(func)(wrapper)
- wrapper.__doc__ = new_doc
- return classmethod(wrapper)
- else:
- func = obj
- old_doc = func.__doc__
- def finalize(wrapper, new_doc):
- wrapper = functools.wraps(func)(wrapper)
- wrapper.__doc__ = new_doc
- return wrapper
- message = _generate_deprecation_message(
- since, message, name, alternative, pending,
- obj_type, addendum)
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=2)
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- old_doc = textwrap.dedent(old_doc or '').strip('\n')
- message = message.strip()
- new_doc = (('\n.. deprecated:: %(since)s'
- '\n %(message)s\n\n' %
- {'since': since, 'message': message}) + old_doc)
- if not old_doc:
- # This is to prevent a spurious 'unexected unindent' warning from
- # docutils when the original docstring was blank.
- new_doc += r'\ '
- return finalize(wrapper, new_doc)
- return deprecate