https://github.com/logiceditor-com/codebase · Lua · 194 lines · 136 code · 16 blank · 42 comment · 0 complexity · c968bfd2d382e26a9bb0355de096c131 MD5 · raw file
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- apigen/util.lua: apigen utility functions
- -- This file is a part of pk-tools library
- -- Copyright (c) Alexander Gladysh <ag@logiceditor.com>
- -- Copyright (c) Dmitry Potapov <dp@logiceditor.com>
- -- See file `COPYRIGHT` for the license
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local log, dbg, spam, log_error
- = import 'pk-core/log.lua' { 'make_loggers' } (
- "apigen/util", "AUT"
- )
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local arguments,
- optional_arguments,
- method_arguments
- = import 'lua-nucleo/args.lua'
- {
- 'arguments',
- 'optional_arguments',
- 'method_arguments',
- 'eat_true'
- }
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- TODO: WTF?! Shouldn't it be described in schema/client_api/types.lua?
- local create_io_formats
- do
- -- Context must contain following generators:
- -- string(min, max)
- -- identifier(min, max)
- -- url()
- -- db_id()
- -- number()
- -- integer()
- -- nonnegative_integer()
- -- text()
- -- uuid()
- -- ilist()
- -- node()
- -- list_node()
- -- int_enum(name)
- -- string_enum(name)
- -- optional()
- -- root()
- --
- create_io_formats = function(context)
- arguments("table", context)
- return
- {
- DB_ID = context.db_id();
- IP = context.string(1, 15);
- TEXT = context.text();
- TIMEOFDAY = context.integer(); -- TODO: Not integer, integer(11)!
- WEEKDAYS = context.integer(); -- TODO: Not integer, integer(11)!
- FILE = context.file();
- OPTIONAL_FILE = context.optional(context.file());
- OPTIONAL_DB_ID = context.optional(context.db_id());
- OPTIONAL_INTEGER = context.optional(context.integer());
- OPTIONAL_NUMBER = context.optional(context.number());
- OPTIONAL_IP = context.optional(context.string(1, 15));
- OPTIONAL_STRING256 = context.optional(context.string(1, 256)); -- Not recommended to use.
- OPTIONAL_STRING128 = context.optional(context.string(1, 128)); -- Not recommended to use.
- OPTIONAL_STRING64 = context.optional(context.string(1, 64)); -- Not recommended to use.
- OPTIONAL_IDENTIFIER16 = context.optional(context.identifier(1, 16)); -- Not recommended to use.
- OPTIONAL_TEXT = context.optional(context.text());
- OPTIONAL_TIMEOFDAY = context.optional(context.integer()); -- TODO: Not integer, integer(11)!
- OPTIONAL_WEEKDAYS = context.optional(context.integer()); -- TODO: Not integer, integer(11)!
- ACCOUNT_ID = context.db_id();
- ABSOLUTE_URL = context.url();
- OPTIONAL_ABSOLUTE_URL = context.optional(context.url());
- API_VERSION = context.identifier(1, 256);
- BLOB = context.text(); -- Not recommended to use.
- CLIENT_API_QUERY_PARAM = context.text();
- CLIENT_API_QUERY_URL = context.string_enum("CLIENT_API_QUERY_URLS");
- DELTA_TIME = context.integer(); -- TODO: Not integer, delta_time!
- DESCRIPTION = context.text();
- EXTRA_INFO = context.text();
- FULLNAME = context.string(1, 256);
- GARDEN_ARTICUL_ID = context.db_id();
- GARDEN_ID = context.db_id();
- GARDEN_SLOT_ID = context.db_id();
- GARDEN_SLOT_TYPE_ID = context.db_id(); -- TODO: Enum?
- INTEGER = context.integer();
- NUMBER = context.number();
- LIST = context.ilist();
- LIST_NODE = context.root(context.list_node());
- MONEY_GAME = context.nonnegative_integer();
- MONEY_REAL = context.nonnegative_integer();
- NICKNAME = context.string(1, 256);
- NODE = context.node();
- OPTIONAL_ACCOUNT_ID = context.optional(context.db_id());
- OPTIONAL_LIST = context.optional(context.ilist());
- OPTIONAL_NODE = context.optional(context.node());
- OPTIONAL_PLANT_GROUP_ID = context.optional(context.db_id()); -- TODO: delete?
- OPTIONAL_SESSION_ID = context.optional(context.uuid());
- PLANT_ARTICUL_ID = context.db_id();
- PLANT_CARE_ACTION_ID = context.db_id();
- PLANT_GROUP_ID = context.db_id(); -- TODO: delete?
- PLANT_GROWTH_STAGE_NUMBER = context.integer(); -- TODO: delete?
- PLANT_HEALTH = context.number();
- PLANT_ID = context.db_id();
- PRICE_GAME = context.nonnegative_integer();
- PRICE_REAL = context.nonnegative_integer();
- PUBLIC_PARTNER_API_TOKEN = context.text();
- RELATIVE_URL = context.url();
- RESOURCE_SIZE = context.nonnegative_integer();
- RESOURCE_ID = context.db_id();
- ROOT_LIST = context.root(context.ilist());
- ROOT_NODE = context.root(context.node());
- SESSION_ID = context.uuid();
- SESSION_TTL = context.integer();
- STAT_EVENT_ID = context.db_id();
- STRING256 = context.string(1, 256); -- Not recommended to use.
- STRING128 = context.string(1, 128); -- Not recommended to use.
- STRING64 = context.string(1, 64); -- Not recommended to use.
- IDENTIFIER16 = context.identifier(1, 16); -- Not recommended to use.
- TIMESTAMP = context.integer();
- TITLE = context.string(1, 256);
- MODIFIER_ARTICUL_ID = context.db_id();
- GARDEN_POINTS = context.integer();
- BOOLEAN = context.boolean();
- ACTION_ID = context.integer(); -- TODO: Not integer, enumeration!
- PLANT_LEVEL = context.nonnegative_integer(); -- TODO: value has limit
- GARDEN_LEVEL = context.nonnegative_integer(); -- TODO: value has limit
- MODIFIER_INCOME = context.integer(); -- TODO: float with limits
- MODIFIER_RESISTANCE = context.integer(); -- TODO: float with limits
- POSITIVE_INTEGER = context.nonnegative_integer();
- MODIFIER_GIFT_ID = context.db_id();
- REDEEM_CODE = context.integer(); -- TODO: probably fixed size
- EXCHANGE_RATE = context.nonnegative_integer();
- MONEY_PARTNER = context.nonnegative_integer();
- MODIFIER_PERMIRIAD_VALUE = context.integer();
- MODIFIER_LINEAR_VALUE = context.integer();
- GIFT_TYPE_ID = context.db_id();
- GIFT_ID = context.db_id();
- PARAMETER_NAME = context.string(1, 256);
- FOTOSTRANA_ACCOUNT_ID = context.identifier(1, 256);
- FOTOSTRANA_SESSION_ID = context.identifier(1, 256);
- IPHONE_ACCOUNT_ID = context.identifier(1, 256);
- IPHONE_SESSION_ID = context.identifier(1, 256);
- TEST_ACCOUNT_ID = context.identifier(1, 256);
- TEST_SESSION_ID = context.identifier(1, 256);
- MOIMIR_VID = context.identifier(1, 256);
- MOIMIR_AUTHENTIFICATION_KEY = context.identifier(1, 256);
- VKONTAKTE_USER_ID = context.identifier(1, 256);
- VKONTAKTE_AUTH_KEY = context.identifier(1, 256);
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PAY_SYSTEM_ID = context.string(1, 64);
- PAY_SYSTEM_SUBID = context.optional(context.string(1, 64));
- APPLICATION_ID = context.string(1, 64);
- BILLING_ACCOUNT_ID = context.string(1, 256);
- PAYMENT_ID = context.string(1, 64);
- OPTIONAL_PAYMENT_ID = context.optional(context.string(1, 64));
- OPTIONAL_PAY_SYSTEM_ID = context.optional(context.string(1, 64));
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- COUNTRY_CODE = context.string(2, 2);
- OPTIONAL_COUNTRY_CODE = context.optional(context.string(2, 2));
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- POSTCARD_GROUP_ID = context.db_id();
- COMMON_TEXT_ID = context.db_id();
- POSTCARD_ID = context.db_id();
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- }
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return
- {
- create_io_formats = create_io_formats;
- }