Python | 317 lines | 262 code | 20 blank | 35 comment | 30 complexity | 6522b87582030814fd46905e3612b6dc MD5 | raw file
- import datetime
- import logging
- import re
- from django.conf import settings
- from django.core.mail import send_mail
- from django.db.models import Q, signals
- from django.template.loader import render_to_string
- from django.utils.translation import ugettext
- from rapidsms.apps.base import AppBase
- from rapidsms.contrib.scheduler.models import EventSchedule
- from rapidsms.messages.outgoing import OutgoingMessage
- from rapidsms.models import Contact
- from afrims.apps.broadcast.models import Broadcast
- from afrims.apps.groups import models as groups
- from afrims.apps.reminders import models as reminders
- # In RapidSMS, message translation is done in OutgoingMessage, so no need
- # to attempt the real translation here. Use _ so that ./manage.py makemessages
- # finds our text.
- _ = lambda s: s
- def scheduler_callback(router):
- """
- Basic rapidsms.contrib.scheduler.models.EventSchedule callback
- function that runs RemindersApp.cronjob()
- """
- app = router.get_app("afrims.apps.reminders")
- app.cronjob()
- def daily_email_callback(router, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Send out daily email report of confirmed/unconfirmed appointments.
- """
- days = kwargs.get('days', 7)
- try:
- days = int(days)
- except ValueError:
- logging.debug('ValueError for specified days in daily_email_callback. Value used was %s. Using default value:7' % days)
- days = 7
- today = datetime.date.today()
- appt_date = today + datetime.timedelta(days=days)
- confirmed_patients = reminders.Patient.objects.confirmed_for_date(appt_date)
- unconfirmed_patients = reminders.Patient.objects.unconfirmed_for_date(appt_date)
- context = {
- 'appt_date': appt_date,
- 'confirmed_patients': confirmed_patients,
- 'unconfirmed_patients': unconfirmed_patients,
- }
- patients_exist = confirmed_patients or unconfirmed_patients
- if patients_exist:
- subject_template = u'Confirmation Report For Appointments on {appt_date}'
- subject = subject_template.format(**context)
- body = render_to_string('reminders/emails/daily_report_message.html', context)
- group_name = settings.DEFAULT_DAILY_REPORT_GROUP_NAME
- group, created = groups.Group.objects.get_or_create(name=group_name)
- if not created:
- emails = [c.email for c in group.contacts.all() if c.email]
- if emails:
- send_mail(subject, body, None, emails, fail_silently=True)
- class RemindersApp(AppBase):
- """ RapidSMS app to send appointment reminders """
- # for production, we'll probably want something like:
- # cron_schedule = {'minutes': ['0'], 'hours': ['10']}
- # for testing and debugging, run every minute:
- cron_schedule = {'minutes': '*'}
- cron_name = 'reminders-cron-job'
- cron_callback = 'afrims.apps.reminders.app.scheduler_callback'
- pin_regex = re.compile(r'^\d{4,6}$')
- conf_keyword = '1'
- future_appt_msg = _('You have an upcoming appointment in '
- '{days} days, on {date}. Please reply with '
- '{confirm_response} to confirm.')
- near_appt_msg = _('You have an appointment {day}, {date}. '
- 'Please reply with {confirm_response} to confirm.')
- not_registered = _('Sorry, your mobile number is not registered.')
- no_reminders = _('Sorry, I could not find any reminders awaiting '
- 'confirmation.')
- incorrect_pin = _('That is not your PIN code. Please reply with the '
- 'correct PIN code.')
- pin_required = _('Please confirm appointments by sending your PIN code.')
- thank_you = _('Thank you for confirming your upcoming appointment.')
- def start(self):
- """ setup event schedule to run cron job """
- try:
- schedule = EventSchedule.objects.get(description=self.name)
- except EventSchedule.DoesNotExist:
- schedule = EventSchedule.objects.create(description=self.name,
- callback=self.cron_callback,
- **self.cron_schedule)
- schedule.callback = self.cron_callback
- for key, val in self.cron_schedule.iteritems():
- if hasattr(schedule, key):
- setattr(schedule, key, val)
- schedule.save()
- # Daily email schedule
- name = 'reminders-daily-email'
- info = {
- 'callback': 'afrims.apps.reminders.app.daily_email_callback',
- 'hours': [12],
- 'minutes': [0],
- 'callback_kwargs': {'days': 7},
- }
- schedule, created = EventSchedule.objects.get_or_create(description=name,
- defaults=info
- )
- # if not created:
- # for key, val in info.iteritems():
- # if hasattr(schedule, key):
- # setattr(schedule, key, val)
- # schedule.save()
- group_name = settings.DEFAULT_DAILY_REPORT_GROUP_NAME
- group, _ = groups.Group.objects.get_or_create(name=group_name)
- group, _ = groups.Group.objects.get_or_create(name=group_name)
- self.info('started')
- @classmethod
- def _notification_msg(cls, appt_date, confirm_response=None):
- """
- Formats an appointment reminder message for the given notification,
- appointment date, and confirm response (usually the confirm keyword or
- 'your PIN').
- """
- num_days = (appt_date - datetime.date.today()).days
- if confirm_response is None:
- confirm_response = cls.conf_keyword
- month_for_translate = appt_date.strftime('%B')
- month_for_translate = ugettext(month_for_translate)
- msg_data = {
- 'days': num_days,
- 'date': '%s %s' % (appt_date.strftime('%d'), month_for_translate),
- 'confirm_response': confirm_response,
- }
- if num_days == 0:
- msg_data['day'] = ugettext('today')
- message = ugettext(cls.near_appt_msg)
- elif num_days == 1:
- msg_data['day'] = ugettext('tomorrow')
- message = ugettext(cls.near_appt_msg)
- else:
- message = ugettext(cls.future_appt_msg)
- return message.format(**msg_data)
- def handle(self, msg):
- """
- Handles messages that start with a '1' (to ease responding in
- alternate character sets).
- Updates the SentNotification status to 'confirmed' for the given user
- and replies with a thank you message.
- """
- msg_parts = msg.text.split()
- if not msg_parts:
- return False
- response = msg_parts[0]
- if response != self.conf_keyword and not self.pin_regex.match(response):
- return False
- contact = msg.connection.contact
- if not contact:
- msg.respond(self.not_registered)
- return True
- if contact.pin and response == self.conf_keyword:
- msg.respond(self.pin_required)
- return True
- if contact.pin and response != contact.pin:
- msg.respond(self.incorrect_pin)
- return True
- notifs = reminders.SentNotification.objects.filter(recipient=contact,
- status='sent')
- if not notifs.exists():
- msg.respond(self.no_reminders)
- return True
- now = datetime.datetime.now()
- sent_notification = notifs.order_by('-date_sent')[0]
- sent_notification.status = 'confirmed'
- sent_notification.date_confirmed = now
- sent_notification.save()
- contact = msg.connection.contact
- patient = reminders.Patient.objects.get(contact=contact)
- study_id = patient.subject_number
- msg_text = u'Appointment on %s confirmed.' % sent_notification.appt_date
- full_msg = u'From {number} ({study_id}): {body}'.format(
- number=msg.connection.identity, body=msg_text,
- study_id=study_id,
- )
- broadcast = Broadcast.objects.create(
- date_created=now, date=now,
- schedule_frequency='one-time', body=full_msg
- )
- group, _ = groups.Group.objects.get_or_create(name=group_name)
- broadcast.groups.add(group)
- msg.respond(self.thank_you)
- def queue_outgoing_notifications(self):
- """ generate queued appointment reminders """
- # TODO: make sure this task is atomic
- today = datetime.date.today()
- for notification in reminders.Notification.objects.all():
- self.info('Scheduling notifications for %s' % notification)
- days_delta = datetime.timedelta(days=notification.num_days)
- appt_date = today + days_delta
- patients = reminders.Patient.objects.filter(next_visit=appt_date,
- contact__isnull=False,)
- already_sent = Q(contact__sent_notifications__appt_date=appt_date) &\
- Q(contact__sent_notifications__notification=notification)
- confirmed = Q(contact__sent_notifications__appt_date=appt_date) &\
- Q(contact__sent_notifications__status__in=['confirmed', 'manual'])
- # .exclude() generates erroneous results - use filter(~...) instead
- patients = patients.filter(~already_sent)
- if notification.recipients == 'confirmed':
- patients = patients.filter(confirmed)
- elif notification.recipients == 'unconfirmed':
- # unconfirmed should include those to whom we haven't sent
- # any reminders yet, so just exclude the confirmed ones
- patients = patients.filter(~confirmed)
- self.info('Queuing reminders for %s patients.' % patients.count())
- for patient in patients:
- # _() is not an alias for gettext, since normally translation
- # is done in the OutgoingMessage class. In the code below, we
- # force translation by calling ugettext directly, since the
- # message gets queued in the database before being passed to
- # OutgoingMessage.
- self.debug('Creating notification for %s' % patient)
- if patient.contact.pin:
- confirm_response = ugettext('your PIN')
- else:
- confirm_response = self.conf_keyword
- message = self._notification_msg(appt_date, confirm_response)
- time_of_day = patient.reminder_time or notification.time_of_day
- date_to_send = datetime.datetime.combine(today, time_of_day)
- notification.sent_notifications.create(
- recipient=patient.contact,
- appt_date=appt_date,
- date_queued=datetime.datetime.now(),
- date_to_send=date_to_send,
- message=message)
- def send_notifications(self):
- """ send queued for delivery messages """
- notifications = reminders.SentNotification.objects.filter(
- status='queued',
- date_to_send__lt=datetime.datetime.now())
- count = notifications.count()
- if count > 0:
- self.info('found {0} notification(s) to send'.format(count))
- for notification in notifications:
- connection = notification.recipient.default_connection
- if not connection:
- self.debug('no connection found for recipient {0}, unable '
- 'to send'.format(notification.recipient))
- continue
- msg = OutgoingMessage(connection=connection,
- template=notification.message)
- success = True
- try:
- msg.send()
- except Exception, e:
- self.exception(e)
- success = False
- if success and (msg.sent or msg.sent is None):
- self.debug('notification sent successfully')
- notification.status = 'sent'
- notification.date_sent = datetime.datetime.now()
- else:
- self.debug('notification failed to send')
- notification.status = 'error'
- notification.save()
- def cronjob(self):
- self.debug('{0} running'.format(self.cron_name))
- # grab all reminders ready to go out and queue their messages
- self.queue_outgoing_notifications()
- # send queued notifications
- self.send_notifications()
- def queue_message_to_contact(contact, text):
- """Just queue a single message to a contact"""
- now = datetime.datetime.now()
- broadcast = Broadcast(schedule_frequency='one-time',
- date=now,
- body=text)
- broadcast.save()
- broadcast.messages.create(recipient=contact)
- def new_contact_created(sender, **kwargs):
- """When a new contact is created, send a welcome message"""
- created = kwargs['created']
- if created:
- contact = kwargs['instance']
- connection = contact.default_connection
- if not connection:
- logging.debug('no connection found for recipient {0}, unable '
- 'to send'.format(contact))
- return
- text = _("You have been registered for TrialConnect.")
- try:
- queue_message_to_contact(contact, text)
- logging.debug("Sending wecome message '%s' to '%s'." % (text, contact))
- except Exception, e:
- logging.exception(e)
- signals.post_save.connect(new_contact_created, sender=Contact,
- dispatch_uid='just once per new contact created')