ActionScript | 795 lines | 684 code | 9 blank | 102 comment | 121 complexity | 88a32cff7f1339761afc37b6f8e48f8c MD5 | raw file
- /*
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Lu Aye Oo
- *
- * @author Lu Aye Oo
- *
- * http://code.google.com/p/flash-console/
- *
- *
- * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
- * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
- * arising from the use of this software.
- * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
- * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
- * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
- * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
- * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
- * in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
- * appreciated but is not required.
- * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
- * misrepresented as being the original software.
- * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
- *
- */
- package com.luaye.console {
- import com.luaye.console.view.MainPanel;
- import com.luaye.console.core.CommandLine;
- import com.luaye.console.core.Log;
- import com.luaye.console.core.Logs;
- import com.luaye.console.core.MemoryMonitor;
- import com.luaye.console.core.Remoting;
- import com.luaye.console.core.UserData;
- import com.luaye.console.utils.Utils;
- import com.luaye.console.view.ChannelsPanel;
- import com.luaye.console.view.FPSPanel;
- import com.luaye.console.view.PanelsManager;
- import com.luaye.console.view.RollerPanel;
- import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.net.LocalConnection;
- import flash.system.System;
- import flash.text.StyleSheet;
- import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
- import flash.utils.getTimer;
- /**
- * Console is the main class.
- * Please see com.luaye.console.C for documentation as it shares the same properties and methods structure.
- * @see http://code.google.com/p/flash-console/
- * @see com.luaye.console.C
- */
- public class Console extends Sprite {
- public static const VERSION:Number = 2.35;
- public static const VERSION_STAGE:String = "";
- //
- public static const NAME:String = "Console";
- public static const PANEL_MAIN:String = "mainPanel";
- public static const PANEL_CHANNELS:String = "channelsPanel";
- public static const PANEL_FPS:String = "fpsPanel";
- public static const PANEL_MEMORY:String = "memoryPanel";
- public static const PANEL_ROLLER:String = "rollerPanel";
- //
- public static const GLOBAL_CHANNEL:String = " * ";
- public static const CONSOLE_CHANNEL:String = "C";
- public static const FILTERED_CHANNEL:String = "~";
- public static const DEFAULT_CHANNEL:String = "-";
- //
- public static const LOG_LEVEL:uint = 1;
- public static const INFO_LEVEL:uint = 3;
- public static const DEBUG_LEVEL:uint = 5;
- public static const WARN_LEVEL:uint = 7;
- public static const ERROR_LEVEL:uint = 9;
- public static const FATAL_LEVEL:uint = 10;
- //
- public static const FPS_MAX_LAG_FRAMES:uint = 25;
- public static const MAPPING_SPLITTER:String = "|";
- //
- // You can change this if you don't want to use default channel
- // Other remotes with different remoting channel won't be able to connect your flash.
- // Start with _ to work in any domain + platform (air/swf - local / network)
- // Change BEFORE starting remote / remoting
- public static var RemotingConnectionName:String = "_Console";
- // You can change this if you want to use different Shared data. set to null to avoid using.
- // Change BEFORE starting console.
- public static var SharedObjectName:String = "com/luaye/Console/UserData";
- //
- public var style:ConsoleStyle;
- public var css:StyleSheet;
- public var panels:PanelsManager;
- public var cl:CommandLine;
- public var ud:UserData;
- private var _mm:MemoryMonitor;
- private var _remoter:Remoting;
- //
- public var quiet:Boolean;
- public var maxLines:int = 1000;
- public var prefixChannelNames:Boolean = true;
- public var alwaysOnTop:Boolean = true;
- public var moveTopAttempts:int = 50;
- public var maxRepeats:Number = 75;
- public var remoteDelay:int = 20;
- public var tracingPriority:int = 0;
- public var rulerHidesMouse:Boolean = true;
- //
- private var _isPaused:Boolean;
- private var _password:String;
- private var _passwordIndex:int;
- private var _tracing:Boolean = false;
- private var _filterText:String;
- private var _filterRegExp:RegExp;
- private var _keyBinds:Object = {};
- private var _mspf:Number;
- private var _previousTime:Number;
- private var _traceCall:Function = trace;
- private var _rollerCaptureKey:String;
- private var _commandLineAllowed:Boolean = true;
- private var _channels:Array = [GLOBAL_CHANNEL, DEFAULT_CHANNEL];
- private var _viewingChannels:Array = [GLOBAL_CHANNEL];
- private var _tracingChannels:Array = [];
- private var _isRepeating:Boolean;
- private var _priority:int;
- private var _repeated:int;
- private var _lines:Logs;
- private var _lineAdded:Boolean;
- /**
- * Console is the main class. However please use C for singleton Console adapter.
- * Using Console through C will also make sure you can remove console in a later date
- * by simply removing C.start() or C.startOnStage()
- *
- *
- * @see com.luaye.console.C
- * @see http://code.google.com/p/flash-console/
- */
- public function Console(pass:String = "", skin:ConsoleStyle = null) {
- name = NAME;
- if(pass == null) pass = "";
- tabChildren = false; // Tabbing is not supported
- _password = pass;
- //
- _lines = new Logs();
- ud = new UserData(SharedObjectName,"/");
- cl = new CommandLine(this);
- _remoter = new Remoting(this, remoteLogSend, pass);
- //
- // VIEW setup
- style = skin?skin:new ConsoleStyle();
- generateCSS();
- var mainPanel:MainPanel = new MainPanel(this, _lines, _channels, _viewingChannels);
- mainPanel.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, onMainPanelConnectRequest, false, 0, true);
- panels = new PanelsManager(this, mainPanel, _channels);
- //
- report("<b>Console v"+VERSION+(VERSION_STAGE?(" "+VERSION_STAGE):"")+", Happy coding!</b>", -2);
- addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, stageAddedHandle);
- if(_password) visible = false;
- }
- private function stageAddedHandle(e:Event=null):void{
- if(cl.base == null) cl.base = parent;
- removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, stageAddedHandle);
- addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, stageRemovedHandle);
- //
- addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onEnterFrame);
- stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onStageMouseLeave, false, 0, true);
- stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler, false, 0, true);
- }
- private function stageRemovedHandle(e:Event=null):void{
- if(cl.base == parent) cl.base = null;
- removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, stageRemovedHandle);
- addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, stageAddedHandle);
- //
- removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onEnterFrame);
- stage.removeEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, onStageMouseLeave);
- stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
- }
- private function onStageMouseLeave(e:Event):void{
- panels.tooltip(null);
- }
- private function keyDownHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void{
- var char:String = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode);
- if(!char) return;
- if(char == _password.substring(_passwordIndex,_passwordIndex+1)){
- _passwordIndex++;
- if(_passwordIndex >= _password.length){
- _passwordIndex = 0;
- if(visible && !panels.mainPanel.visible){
- panels.mainPanel.visible = true;
- }else visible = !visible;
- }
- }else{
- _passwordIndex = 0;
- var key:String = char.toLowerCase()+(e.ctrlKey?"1":"0")+(e.altKey?"1":"0")+(e.shiftKey?"1":"0");
- if(_keyBinds[key]){
- var bind:Array = _keyBinds[key];
- (bind[0] as Function).apply(this, bind[1]);
- }
- }
- }
- public function destroy():void{
- _remoter.close();
- removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onEnterFrame);
- removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, stageRemovedHandle);
- removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, stageAddedHandle);
- cl.destory();
- }
- private function generateCSS():void{
- css = new StyleSheet();
- with(style){
- css.setStyle("r",{textAlign:'right', display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("w",{color:hesh(highColor), fontFamily:menuFont, fontSize:menuFontSize, display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("s",{color:hesh(lowColor), fontFamily:menuFont, fontSize:menuFontSize-2, display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("hi",{color:hesh(menuHighlightColor), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("menu",{color:hesh(menuColor), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("chs",{color:hesh(channelsColor), fontSize:menuFontSize, leading:'2', display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("ch",{color:hesh(channelColor), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("tooltip",{color:hesh(tooltipColor),fontFamily:menuFont,fontSize:menuFontSize, textAlign:'center'});
- css.setStyle("p",{fontFamily:traceFont, fontSize:traceFontSize});
- css.setStyle("p0",{color:hesh(priority0), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("p1",{color:hesh(priority1), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("p2",{color:hesh(priority2), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("p3",{color:hesh(priority3), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("p4",{color:hesh(priority4), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("p5",{color:hesh(priority5), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("p6",{color:hesh(priority6), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("p7",{color:hesh(priority7), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("p8",{color:hesh(priority8), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("p9",{color:hesh(priority9), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("p10",{color:hesh(priority10), fontWeight:'bold', display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("p-1",{color:hesh(priorityC1), display:'inline'});
- css.setStyle("p-2",{color:hesh(priorityC2), display:'inline'});
- }
- }
- private function hesh(n:Number):String{return "#"+n.toString(16);}
- public function addGraph(n:String, obj:Object, prop:String, col:Number = -1, key:String = null, rect:Rectangle = null, inverse:Boolean = false):void{
- if(obj == null) {
- report("ERROR: Graph ["+n+"] received a null object to graph property ["+prop+"].", 10);
- return;
- }
- panels.addGraph(n,obj,prop,col,key,rect,inverse);
- }
- public function fixGraphRange(n:String, min:Number = NaN, max:Number = NaN):void{
- panels.fixGraphRange(n, min, max);
- }
- public function removeGraph(n:String, obj:Object = null, prop:String = null):void{
- panels.removeGraph(n, obj, prop);
- }
- //
- // WARNING: key binding hard references the function.
- // This should only be used for development purposes only.
- //
- public function bindKey(char:String, ctrl:Boolean, alt:Boolean, shift:Boolean, fun:Function ,args:Array = null):void{
- if(!char || char.length!=1){
- report("Binding key must be a single character. You gave ["+char+"]", 10);
- return;
- }
- bindByKey(getKey(char, ctrl, alt, shift), fun, args);
- if(!quiet){
- report((fun is Function?"Bined":"Unbined")+" key <b>"+ char.toUpperCase() +"</b>"+ (ctrl?"+ctrl":"")+(alt?"+alt":"")+(shift?"+shift":"")+".",-1);
- }
- }
- private function bindByKey(key:String, fun:Function ,args:Array = null):void{
- if(fun==null){
- delete _keyBinds[key];
- }else{
- _keyBinds[key] = [fun,args];
- }
- }
- private function getKey(char:String, ctrl:Boolean = false, alt:Boolean = false, shift:Boolean = false):String{
- return char.toLowerCase()+(ctrl?"1":"0")+(alt?"1":"0")+(shift?"1":"0");
- }
- //
- // Panel settings
- // basically passing through to panels manager to save lines
- //
- public function setPanelArea(panelname:String, rect:Rectangle):void{
- panels.setPanelArea(panelname, rect);
- }
- public function get channelsPanel():Boolean{
- return panels.channelsPanel;
- }
- public function set channelsPanel(b:Boolean):void{
- panels.channelsPanel = b;
- }
- //
- public function get displayRoller():Boolean{
- return panels.displayRoller;
- }
- public function set displayRoller(b:Boolean):void{
- panels.displayRoller = b;
- }
- public function setRollerCaptureKey(char:String, ctrl:Boolean = false, alt:Boolean = false, shift:Boolean = false):void{
- if(_rollerCaptureKey){
- bindByKey(_rollerCaptureKey, null);
- _rollerCaptureKey = null;
- }
- if(char && char.length==1){
- _rollerCaptureKey = getKey(char.toLowerCase(), ctrl, alt, shift);
- bindByKey(_rollerCaptureKey, onRollerCaptureKey);
- }
- }
- public function get rollerCaptureKey():String{
- return _rollerCaptureKey;
- }
- private function onRollerCaptureKey():void{
- if(displayRoller){
- report("Display Roller Capture:<br/>"+RollerPanel(panels.getPanel(PANEL_ROLLER)).capture(), -1);
- }
- }
- //
- public function get fpsMonitor():Boolean{
- return panels.fpsMonitor;
- }
- public function set fpsMonitor(b:Boolean):void{
- panels.fpsMonitor = b;
- }
- //
- public function get memoryMonitor():Boolean{
- return panels.memoryMonitor;
- }
- public function set memoryMonitor(b:Boolean):void{
- panels.memoryMonitor = b;
- }
- //
- public function watch(o:Object,n:String = null):String{
- var className:String = getQualifiedClassName(o);
- if(!n) n = className+"@"+getTimer();
- if(!_mm) _mm = new MemoryMonitor();
- var nn:String = _mm.watch(o,n);
- if(!quiet) report("Watching <b>"+className+"</b> as <p5>"+ nn +"</p5>.",-1);
- return nn;
- }
- public function unwatch(n:String):void{
- if(_mm) _mm.unwatch(n);
- }
- public function gc():void{
- if(remote){
- try{
- report("Sending garbage collection request to client",-1);
- _remoter.send("gc");
- }catch(e:Error){
- report(e,10);
- }
- }else{
- var ok:Boolean = MemoryMonitor.Gc();
- var str:String = "Manual garbage collection "+(ok?"successful.":"FAILED. You need debugger version of flash player.");
- report(str,(ok?-1:10));
- }
- }
- public function store(n:String, obj:Object, strong:Boolean = false):void{
- cl.store(n, obj, strong);
- }
- public function map(base:DisplayObjectContainer, maxstep:uint = 0):void{
- cl.map(base, maxstep);
- }
- public function inspect(obj:Object, detail:Boolean = true):void{
- cl.inspect(obj,detail);
- }
- public function get paused():Boolean{
- return _isPaused;
- }
- public function set paused(newV:Boolean):void{
- if(_isPaused == newV) return;
- if(newV) report("Paused", 10);
- else report("Resumed", -1);
- _isPaused = newV;
- panels.mainPanel.setPaused(newV);
- }
- //
- //
- //
- override public function get width():Number{
- return panels.mainPanel.width;
- }
- override public function set width(newW:Number):void{
- panels.mainPanel.width = newW;
- }
- override public function set height(newW:Number):void{
- panels.mainPanel.height = newW;
- }
- override public function get height():Number{
- return panels.mainPanel.height;
- }
- override public function get x():Number{
- return panels.mainPanel.x;
- }
- override public function set x(newW:Number):void{
- panels.mainPanel.x = newW;
- }
- override public function set y(newW:Number):void{
- panels.mainPanel.y = newW;
- }
- override public function get y():Number{
- return panels.mainPanel.y;
- }
- //
- //
- //
- private function _onEnterFrame(e:Event):void{
- var time:int = getTimer();
- _mspf = time-_previousTime;
- _previousTime = time;
- if(alwaysOnTop && parent && parent.getChildAt(parent.numChildren-1) != this && moveTopAttempts>0){
- moveTopAttempts--;
- parent.addChild(this);
- if(!quiet){
- report("Moved console on top (alwaysOnTop enabled), "+moveTopAttempts+" attempts left.",-1);
- }
- }
- if( _isRepeating ){
- _repeated++;
- if(_repeated > maxRepeats && maxRepeats >= 0){
- _isRepeating = false;
- }
- }
- if(!_isPaused && _mm!=null){
- var arr:Array = _mm.update();
- if(arr.length>0){
- report("<b>GARBAGE COLLECTED "+arr.length+" item(s): </b>"+arr.join(", "),-2);
- if(!_mm.haveItemsWatching) _mm = null;
- }
- }
- if(visible){
- panels.mainPanel.update(!_isPaused && _lineAdded);
- if(_lineAdded) {
- var chPanel:ChannelsPanel = panels.getPanel(PANEL_CHANNELS) as ChannelsPanel;
- if(chPanel) chPanel.update();
- _lineAdded = false;
- }
- }
- if(_remoter.remoting){
- _remoter.update(_mspf, stage?stage.frameRate:0);
- }
- }
- public function get fps():Number{
- return 1000/_mspf;
- }
- public function get mspf():Number{
- return _mspf;
- }
- public function get currentMemory():uint {
- return _remoter.isRemote?_remoter.remoteMem:System.totalMemory;
- }
- //
- //
- public function get remoting():Boolean{
- return _remoter.remoting;
- }
- public function set remoting(newV:Boolean):void{
- _remoter.remoting = newV;
- }
- public function get remote():Boolean{
- return _remoter.isRemote;
- }
- public function set remote(newV:Boolean):void{
- _remoter.isRemote = newV;
- panels.updateMenu();
- }
- public function set remotingPassword(str:String):void{
- _remoter.remotingPassword = str;
- }
- private function onMainPanelConnectRequest(e:Event) : void {
- _remoter.login(MainPanel(e.currentTarget).commandLineText);
- }
- //
- // this is sent from client for remote...
- // obj[0] = array of log lines (text, priority, channel, repeating, safeHTML)
- // obj[1] = array of 'milliseconds per frame' since previous logsend - for FPS display
- // obj[2] = client's current memory usage
- // obj[3] = client's command line scope - string
- private function remoteLogSend(obj:Array):void{
- if(!_remoter.isRemote || !obj) return;
- var lines:Array = obj[0];
- for each( var line:Object in lines){
- if(line){
- addLine(line.text,line.p,line.c,line.r,line.s);
- }
- }
- var remoteMSPFs:Array = obj[1];
- if(remoteMSPFs){
- var fpsp:FPSPanel = panels.getPanel(PANEL_FPS) as FPSPanel;
- if(fpsp){
- // the first value is stage.FrameRate
- var highest:Number = remoteMSPFs[0];
- fpsp.highest = highest;
- fpsp.averaging = highest;
- var len:int = remoteMSPFs.length;
- for(var i:int = 1; i<len;i++){
- var fps:Number = 1000/remoteMSPFs[i];
- if(fps > highest) fps = highest;
- fpsp.addCurrent(fps);
- }
- fpsp.updateKeyText();
- fpsp.drawGraph();
- }
- }
- _remoter.remoteMem = obj[2];
- if(obj[3]){
- // older clients don't send CL scope
- panels.mainPanel.updateCLScope(obj[3]);
- }
- }
- //
- //
- //
- public function get viewingChannels():Array{
- return _viewingChannels.concat();
- }
- public function set viewingChannels(a:Array):void{
- _viewingChannels.splice(0);
- if(a && a.length) {
- if(a.indexOf(GLOBAL_CHANNEL)>=0) a = [GLOBAL_CHANNEL];
- for each(var item:Object in a) _viewingChannels.push(item is Ch?(Ch(item).name):String(item));
- } else _viewingChannels.push(GLOBAL_CHANNEL);
- panels.mainPanel.updateToBottom();
- panels.updateMenu();
- }
- public function set tracingChannels(a:Array):void{
- _tracingChannels.splice(0);
- if(a){
- for each(var item:Object in a) _tracingChannels.push(item is Ch?(Ch(item).name):String(item));
- }
- }
- public function get tracingChannels():Array{
- return _tracingChannels.concat();
- }
- //
- public function get tracing():Boolean{
- return _tracing;
- }
- public function set tracing(b:Boolean):void{
- _tracing = b;
- panels.mainPanel.updateMenu();
- }
- public function set traceCall (f:Function):void{
- if(f==null){
- report("C.traceCall function setter can not be null.", 10);
- }else{
- _traceCall = f;
- }
- }
- public function get traceCall ():Function{
- return _traceCall;
- }
- public function report(obj:*,priority:Number = 0, skipSafe:Boolean = true):void{
- addLine(obj, priority, CONSOLE_CHANNEL, false, skipSafe);
- }
- private function addLine(obj:*,priority:Number = 0,channel:String = null,isRepeating:Boolean = false, skipSafe:Boolean = false):void{
- var isRepeat:Boolean = (isRepeating && _isRepeating);
- var txt:String = (obj is XML || obj is XMLList)?obj.toXMLString():String(obj);
- if(!channel || channel == GLOBAL_CHANNEL){
- channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
- }
- if( _tracing && !isRepeat && (_tracingChannels.length==0 || _tracingChannels.indexOf(channel)>=0) ){
- if(tracingPriority <= priority || tracingPriority <= 0){
- _traceCall("["+channel+"] "+txt);
- }
- }
- if(!skipSafe){
- txt = txt.replace(/</gim, "<");
- txt = txt.replace(/>/gim, ">");
- }
- if(_channels.indexOf(channel) < 0){
- _channels.push(channel);
- }
- var line:Log = new Log(txt,channel,priority, isRepeating, skipSafe);
- if(isRepeat){
- _lines.pop();
- _lines.push(line);
- }else{
- _repeated = 0;
- _lines.push(line);
- if(maxLines > 0 ){
- var off:int = _lines.length - maxLines;
- if(off > 0){
- _lines.shift(off);
- }
- }
- }
- _lineAdded = true;
- _isRepeating = isRepeating;
- if(_remoter.remoting){
- _remoter.addLineQueue(line);
- }
- }
- public function lineShouldShow(line:Log):Boolean{
- return (
- (
- _viewingChannels[0] == Console.GLOBAL_CHANNEL
- || _viewingChannels.indexOf(line.c)>=0
- || (_filterText && _viewingChannels.indexOf(Console.FILTERED_CHANNEL)>=0 && line.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(_filterText.toLowerCase())>=0 )
- || (_filterRegExp && _viewingChannels.indexOf(Console.FILTERED_CHANNEL)>=0 && line.text.search(_filterRegExp)>=0 )
- )
- && ( _priority <= 0 || line.p >= _priority)
- );
- }
- public function set priority (i:int):void{
- _priority = i;
- panels.mainPanel.updateToBottom();
- panels.updateMenu();
- }
- public function get priority ():int{
- return _priority;
- }
- //
- //
- public function set commandLine (newB:Boolean):void{
- if(newB && !_commandLineAllowed){
- panels.updateMenu();
- report("CommandLine is disabled. Set commandLineAllowed from source code to allow.");
- }else{
- panels.mainPanel.commandLine = newB;
- }
- }
- public function get commandLine ():Boolean{
- return panels.mainPanel.commandLine;
- }
- public function set commandLineAllowed (v:Boolean):void{
- _commandLineAllowed = v;
- if(!v && commandLine){
- commandLine = false;
- }
- }
- public function get commandLineAllowed ():Boolean{
- return _commandLineAllowed;
- }
- public function set commandBase (v:Object):void{
- if(v) cl.base = v;
- }
- public function get commandBase ():Object{
- return cl.base;
- }
- public function runCommand(line:String):*{
- if(_remoter.isRemote){
- report("Run command at remote: "+line,-2);
- try{
- _remoter.send("runCommand", line);
- }catch(err:Error){
- report("Command could not be sent to client: " + err, 10);
- }
- }else{
- return cl.run(line);
- }
- return null;
- }
- //
- //
- public function ch(channel:*, newLine:*, priority:Number = 2, isRepeating:Boolean = false):void{
- var chn:String;
- if(channel is String){
- chn = channel as String;
- }else if(channel){
- chn = Utils.shortClassName(channel);
- }else{
- }
- addLine(newLine,priority,chn, isRepeating);
- }
- public function add(newLine:*, priority:Number = 2, isRepeating:Boolean = false):void{
- addLine(newLine,priority, DEFAULT_CHANNEL, isRepeating);
- }
- public function log(...args):void{
- addLine(joinArgs(args), LOG_LEVEL);
- }
- public function info(...args):void{
- addLine(joinArgs(args), INFO_LEVEL);
- }
- public function debug(...args):void{
- addLine(joinArgs(args), DEBUG_LEVEL);
- }
- public function warn(...args):void{
- addLine(joinArgs(args), WARN_LEVEL);
- }
- public function error(...args):void{
- addLine(joinArgs(args), ERROR_LEVEL);
- }
- public function fatal(...args):void{
- addLine(joinArgs(args), FATAL_LEVEL);
- }
- public function logch(channel:*, ...args):void{
- ch(channel, joinArgs(args), LOG_LEVEL);
- }
- public function infoch(channel:*, ...args):void{
- ch(channel, joinArgs(args), INFO_LEVEL);
- }
- public function debugch(channel:*, ...args):void{
- ch(channel, joinArgs(args), DEBUG_LEVEL);
- }
- public function warnch(channel:*, ...args):void{
- ch(channel, joinArgs(args), WARN_LEVEL);
- }
- public function errorch(channel:*, ...args):void{
- ch(channel, joinArgs(args), ERROR_LEVEL);
- }
- public function fatalch(channel:*, ...args):void{
- ch(channel, joinArgs(args), FATAL_LEVEL);
- }
- public function joinArgs(args:Array):String{
- for(var X:String in args){
- // XML.toString() doesn't print all if its single node. Therefore need to convert them with toXMLString().
- if(args[X] is XML || args[X] is XMLList) args[X] = args[X].toXMLString();
- }
- return args.join(" ");
- }
- //
- public function set filterText(str:String):void{
- _filterText = str;
- if(str){
- _filterRegExp = null;
- _channels.splice(1,0,FILTERED_CHANNEL);
- addLine("Filtering ["+str+"]", 10,FILTERED_CHANNEL);
- viewingChannels = [FILTERED_CHANNEL];
- }else if(_viewingChannels.length == 1 && _viewingChannels[0] == FILTERED_CHANNEL){
- viewingChannels = [GLOBAL_CHANNEL];
- }
- }
- public function get filterText():String{
- return _filterText?_filterText:(_filterRegExp?String(_filterRegExp):null);
- }
- //
- public function set filterRegExp(exp:RegExp):void{
- _filterRegExp = exp;
- if(exp){
- _filterText = null;
- _channels.splice(1,0,FILTERED_CHANNEL);
- addLine("Filtering RegExp ["+exp+"]", 10,FILTERED_CHANNEL);
- viewingChannels = [FILTERED_CHANNEL];
- }else if(_viewingChannels.length == 1 && _viewingChannels[0] == FILTERED_CHANNEL){
- viewingChannels = [GLOBAL_CHANNEL];
- }
- }
- //
- public function clear(channel:String = null):void{
- if(channel){
- var line:Log = _lines.first;
- while(line){
- if(line.c == channel){
- _lines.remove(line);
- }
- line = line.next;
- }
- var ind:int = _channels.indexOf(channel);
- if(ind>=0) _channels.splice(ind,1);
- }else{
- _lines.clear();
- _channels.splice(0);
- }
- if(!_isPaused) panels.mainPanel.updateToBottom();
- panels.updateMenu();
- }
- public function getLogsAsObjects():Array{
- var a:Array = [];
- var line:Log = _lines.first;
- while(line){
- a.push(line.toObject());
- line = line.next;
- }
- return a;
- }
- public function getAllLog(splitter:String = "\n"):String{
- var str:String = "";
- var line:Log = _lines.first;
- while(line){
- str += (line.toString()+(line.next?splitter:""));
- line = line.next;
- }
- return str;
- }
- public static function get remoteIsRunning():Boolean{
- var sCon:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
- try{
- sCon.allowInsecureDomain("*");
- sCon.connect(RemotingConnectionName+Remoting.REMOTE_PREFIX);
- }catch(error:Error){
- return true;
- }
- sCon.close();
- return false;
- }
- }
- }