Java | 1140 lines | 990 code | 99 blank | 51 comment | 408 complexity | ef333882fbd20f470f16f05915bef5dd MD5 | raw file
- package bukkit.tommytony.war;
- import org.bukkit.*;
- import org.bukkit.block.Block;
- import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
- import org.bukkit.command.Command;
- import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
- import org.bukkit.event.Event;
- import org.bukkit.event.Event.Priority;
- import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
- import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile;
- import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginLoader;
- import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
- import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
- import com.tommytony.war.Monument;
- import com.tommytony.war.Team;
- import com.tommytony.war.TeamMaterials;
- import com.tommytony.war.WarHub;
- import com.tommytony.war.Warzone;
- import com.tommytony.war.ZoneLobby;
- import com.tommytony.war.mappers.VolumeMapper;
- import com.tommytony.war.mappers.WarMapper;
- import com.tommytony.war.mappers.WarzoneMapper;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.logging.Level;
- import java.util.logging.Logger;
- /**
- *
- * @author tommytony
- *
- */
- public class War extends JavaPlugin {
- public War(PluginLoader pluginLoader, Server instance,
- PluginDescriptionFile desc, File folder, File plugin, ClassLoader cLoader) {
- super(pluginLoader, instance, desc, folder, plugin, cLoader);
- // TODO: switch to bukkit config file
- }
- private WarPlayerListener playerListener = new WarPlayerListener(this);
- private WarEntityListener entityListener = new WarEntityListener(this);
- private WarBlockListener blockListener = new WarBlockListener(this);
- private Logger log;
- String name = "War";
- String version = "0.3.001";
- String versionCodeName = "Patton";
- private final List<Warzone> warzones = new ArrayList<Warzone>();
- private final List<String> zoneMakerNames = new ArrayList<String>();
- private final List<String> zoneMakersImpersonatingPlayers = new ArrayList<String>();
- private final HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> defaultLoadout = new HashMap<Integer, ItemStack>();
- private int defaultLifepool = 42;
- private boolean defaultFriendlyFire = false;
- private boolean defaultDrawZoneOutline = true;
- private boolean defaultAutoAssignOnly = false;
- private int defaultTeamCap = 7;
- private int defaultScoreCap = 10;
- private boolean pvpInZonesOnly = false;
- private WarHub warHub;
- public void onDisable() {
- for(Warzone warzone : warzones) {
- if(warzone.getLobby() != null) {
- warzone.getLobby().getVolume().resetBlocks();
- }
- warzone.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- }
- if(warHub != null) {
- warHub.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- }
- this.info("All warzone blocks reset. War v" + version + " (" + versionCodeName + ") is off.");
- }
- public void onEnable() {
- this.log = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
- // Register hooks
- PluginManager pm = getServer().getPluginManager();
- pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLAYER_LOGIN, playerListener, Priority.Normal, this);
- pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLAYER_QUIT, playerListener, Priority.Normal, this);
- pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.PLAYER_MOVE, playerListener, Priority.High, this);
- pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.ENTITY_DAMAGEDBY_ENTITY, entityListener, Priority.Normal, this);
- pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.BLOCK_PLACED, blockListener, Priority.Normal, this);
- pm.registerEvent(Event.Type.BLOCK_DAMAGED, blockListener, Priority.Normal, this);
- // Load files from disk or create them (using these defaults)
- this.defaultLoadout.put(0, new ItemStack(Material.STONE_SWORD, 1, (byte) 8));
- this.defaultLoadout.put(1, new ItemStack(Material.BOW, 1, (byte) 8));
- this.defaultLoadout.put(2, new ItemStack(Material.ARROW, 7));
- this.defaultLoadout.put(3, new ItemStack(Material.IRON_PICKAXE, 1, (byte) 8));
- this.defaultLoadout.put(4, new ItemStack(Material.STONE_SPADE, 1, (byte) 8));
- this.defaultLifepool = 7;
- this.defaultFriendlyFire = false;
- this.defaultAutoAssignOnly = false;
- WarMapper.load(this, this.getServer().getWorlds()[0]);
- this.info("War v"+ version + " (" + versionCodeName + ") is on.");
- }
- public boolean onCommand(Player player, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args) {
- String command = cmd.getName();
- String[] arguments = null;
- // Handle both /war <command> and /<war command>. I.e. "/war zone temple" == "/zone temple"
- if((command.equals("war") || command.equals("War")) && args.length > 1) {
- command = args[1];
- arguments = new String[args.length - 2];
- for(int i = 2; i <= arguments.length; i++) {
- arguments[i-2] = args[i];
- }
- } else if (command.equals("war") || command.equals("War")) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("War is on. Please pick your battle. " +
- "Use /warhub, /zones and /zone."));
- } else {
- arguments = new String[args.length];
- for(int i = 1; i <= arguments.length; i++) {
- arguments[i-1] = args[i-1];
- }
- }
- // Player commands: /warzones, /warzone, /teams, /join, /leave
- // warzones
- if(command.equals("zones") || command.equals("warzones")){
- String warzonesMessage = "Warzones: ";
- if(this.getWarzones().isEmpty()){
- warzonesMessage += "none.";
- }
- for(Warzone warzone : this.getWarzones()) {
- warzonesMessage += warzone.getName() + " ("
- + warzone.getTeams().size() + " teams, ";
- int playerTotal = 0;
- for(Team team : warzone.getTeams()) {
- playerTotal += team.getPlayers().size();
- }
- warzonesMessage += playerTotal + " players) ";
- }
- player.sendMessage(this.str(warzonesMessage + " Use /zone <zone-name> to " +
- "teleport to a warzone. "));
- }
- // warzone
- else if(command.equals("zone") || command.equals("warzone")) {
- if(arguments.length < 1) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /zone <warzone-name>."));
- } else {
- boolean warped = false;
- for(Warzone warzone : this.getWarzones()) {
- if(warzone.getName().equals(arguments[0]) && warzone.getTeleport() != null){
- player.teleportTo(warzone.getTeleport());
- warped = true;
- }
- }
- if(!warped) {
- player.sendMessage("No such warzone.");
- }
- }
- }
- // /teams
- else if(command.equals("teams")){
- if(!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) && !this.inAnyWarzoneLobby(player.getLocation())) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /teams. " +
- "Must be in a warzone or zone lobby (try /war, /zones and /zone)."));
- } else {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("" + playerListener.getAllTeamsMsg(player)));
- }
- }
- // /join <teamname>
- else if(command.equals("join")) {
- if(arguments.length < 1 || (!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) && !this.inAnyWarzoneLobby(player.getLocation()))
- || (arguments.length > 0 && TeamMaterials.teamMaterialFromString(arguments[0]) == null)) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /join <diamond/iron/gold/d/i/g>." +
- " Teams are warzone specific." +
- " You must be inside a warzone or zone lobby to join a team." +
- " Use as an alternative to walking through the team gate."));
- } else {
- // drop from old team if any
- Team previousTeam = this.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
- if(previousTeam != null) {
- if(!previousTeam.removePlayer(player.getName())){
- warn("Could not remove player " + player.getName() + " from team " + previousTeam.getName());
- }
- previousTeam.resetSign();
- }
- // join new team
- String name = TeamMaterials.teamMaterialToString(TeamMaterials.teamMaterialFromString(arguments[0]));
- Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
- ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
- if(warzone == null && lobby != null) {
- warzone = lobby.getZone();
- } else {
- lobby = warzone.getLobby();
- }
- List<Team> teams = warzone.getTeams();
- boolean foundTeam = false;
- for(Team team : teams) {
- if(team.getName().equals(name)) {
- if(!warzone.hasPlayerInventory(player.getName())) {
- warzone.keepPlayerInventory(player);
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Your inventory is is storage until you /leave."));
- }
- if(team.getPlayers().size() < warzone.getTeamCap()) {
- team.addPlayer(player);
- team.resetSign();
- warzone.respawnPlayer(team, player);
- foundTeam = true;
- } else {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Team " + name + " is full."));
- foundTeam = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if(foundTeam) {
- for(Team team : teams){
- team.teamcast(this.str("" + player.getName() + " joined " + name));
- }
- } else {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("No such team. Try /teams."));
- }
- }
- }
- // /leave
- else if(command.equals("leave")) {
- if(!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) || this.getPlayerTeam(player.getName()) == null) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /leave. " +
- "Must be in a team already."));
- } else {
- Team playerTeam = this.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
- playerTeam.removePlayer(player.getName());
- playerTeam.resetSign();
- Warzone zone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
- player.teleportTo(zone.getTeleport());
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Left the zone."));
- zone.restorePlayerInventory(player);
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Your inventory has (hopefully) been restored."));
- }
- }
- // /team <msg>
- else if(command.equals("team")) {
- if(!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation())) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /team <message>. " +
- "Sends a message only to your teammates."));
- } else {
- Team playerTeam = this.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
- String teamMessage = player.getName();
- for(int j = 0 ; j<arguments.length; j++) {
- String part = arguments[j];
- teamMessage += part + " ";
- }
- playerTeam.teamcast(this.str(teamMessage));
- }
- }
- // /warhub
- else if(command.equals("warhub")) {
- if(this.getWarHub() == null) {
- player.sendMessage("No warhub on this War server. Try /zones and /zone.");
- } else {
- Team playerTeam = this.getPlayerTeam(player.getName());
- Warzone playerWarzone = getPlayerWarzone(player.getName());
- if(playerTeam != null) { // was in zone
- playerTeam.removePlayer(player.getName());
- }
- if(playerWarzone != null) {
- playerWarzone.getLobby().resetTeamGateSign(playerTeam);
- this.getWarHub().resetZoneSign(playerWarzone); // gotta see i just left
- }
- player.teleportTo(this.getWarHub().getLocation());
- }
- } else if(this.isZoneMaker(player.getName())) {
- // Mod commands : /nextbattle
- // /nextbattle
- if(command.equals("nextbattle")) {
- if(!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation())) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /nextbattle. Resets the zone blocks and all teams' life pools. Must be in warzone."));
- } else {
- Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
- for(Team team: warzone.getTeams()) {
- team.teamcast(this.str("The battle was interrupted. " + playerListener.getAllTeamsMsg(player) + " Resetting warzone " + warzone.getName() + " and life pools..."));
- }
- int resetBlocks = warzone.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- warzone.initializeZone();
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Warzone reset. " + resetBlocks + " blocks reset."));
- info(resetBlocks + " blocks reset in warzone " + warzone.getName() + ".");
- }
- }
- // Warzone maker commands: /setzone, /savezone, /setteam, /setmonument, /resetzone
- // /setzone
- else if(command.equals("setzone")) {
- if(arguments.length < 2 || arguments.length > 2
- || (arguments.length == 2 && (!arguments[1].equals("southeast") && !arguments[1].equals("northwest")
- && !arguments[1].equals("se") && !arguments[1].equals("nw")))) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /setzone <warzone-name> <'southeast'/'northwest'/'se'/'nw'>. " +
- "Set one corner, then the next. Defines the outline of the warzone, which will be reset at the start of every battle. " +
- "Saves the zone blocks if the zone if the outline is correct."));
- } else {
- Warzone warzone = this.findWarzone(arguments[0]);
- String message = "";
- if(warzone == null) {
- // create the warzone
- warzone = new Warzone(this, player.getLocation().getWorld(), arguments[0]);
- this.addWarzone(warzone);
- WarMapper.save(this);
- if(arguments[1].equals("northwest") || arguments[1].equals("nw")) {
- warzone.setNorthwest(player.getLocation());
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " added. Northwesternmost point set at x="
- + (int)warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockX() + " z=" + (int)warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockZ() + "."));
- } else {
- warzone.setSoutheast(player.getLocation());
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " added. Southeasternmost point set at x="
- + (int)warzone.getSoutheast().getBlockX() + " z=" + (int)warzone.getSoutheast().getBlockZ() + "."));
- }
- WarzoneMapper.save(this, warzone, false);
- } else {
- // change existing warzone
- if(arguments[1].equals("northwest") || arguments[1].equals("nw")) {
- if(warzone.getSoutheast() != null
- && (player.getLocation().getBlockX() >= warzone.getSoutheast().getBlockX()
- || player.getLocation().getBlockZ() <= warzone.getSoutheast().getBlockZ())) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("You must place that corner northwest relative to the existing southeast corner!"));
- } else {
- int reset = warzone.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- warzone.setNorthwest(player.getLocation());
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Saving warzone " + warzone.getName() + "."));
- warzone.saveState();
- warzone.initializeZone();
- message += "Northwesternmost point set at x=" + (int)warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockX()
- + " z=" + (int)warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockZ() + " on warzone " + warzone.getName() + ". " +
- reset + " blocks reset. Zone saved. ";
- }
- } else {
- if(warzone.getNorthwest() != null
- && (player.getLocation().getBlockX() <= warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockX()
- || player.getLocation().getBlockZ() >= warzone.getNorthwest().getBlockZ())) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("You must place that corner southeast relative to the existing northwest corner! "));
- } else {
- int reset = warzone.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- warzone.setSoutheast(player.getLocation());
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Saving warzone " + warzone.getName() + "."));
- warzone.saveState();
- warzone.initializeZone();
- message += "Southeasternmost point set at x=" + (int)warzone.getSoutheast().getBlockX()
- + " z=" + (int)warzone.getSoutheast().getBlockZ() + " on warzone " + warzone.getName() + ". " +
- reset + " blocks reset. Zone saved. ";
- }
- }
- WarzoneMapper.save(this, warzone, true);
- }
- if(warzone.getNorthwest() == null) {
- message += "Still missing northwesternmost point. ";
- }
- if(warzone.getSoutheast() == null) {
- message += "Still missing southeasternmost point. ";
- }
- if(warzone.getNorthwest() != null && warzone.getSoutheast() != null) {
- if(warzone.ready()) {
- message += "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " outline done. Use /setteam, /setmonument and /savezone to complete the zone.";
- } else if (warzone.tooSmall()) {
- message += "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " is too small. Min north-south size: 20. Min east-west size: 20.";
- } else if (warzone.tooBig()) {
- message += "Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " is too Big. Max north-south size: 500. Max east-west size: 500.";
- }
- }
- player.sendMessage(this.str(message));
- }
- }
- else if(command.equals("setzonelobby")) {
- if((!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation())
- && !this.inAnyWarzoneLobby(player.getLocation()))
- || arguments.length < 1 || arguments.length > 1
- || (arguments.length == 1 && !arguments[0].equals("north") && !arguments[0].equals("n")
- && !arguments[0].equals("east") && !arguments[0].equals("e")
- && !arguments[0].equals("south") && !arguments[0].equals("s")
- && !arguments[0].equals("west") && !arguments[0].equals("w"))) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /setzonelobby <north/n/east/e/south/s/west/w>. Must be in warzone." +
- "Defines on which side the zone lobby lies. " +
- "Removes any previously set lobby."));
- } else {
- Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
- ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
- if(warzone == null && lobby != null) {
- warzone = lobby.getZone();
- } else {
- lobby = warzone.getLobby();
- }
- BlockFace wall = null;
- String wallStr = "";
- if(arguments[0].equals("north") || arguments[0].equals("n")) {
- wall = BlockFace.NORTH;
- wallStr = "north";
- } else if(arguments[0].equals("east") || arguments[0].equals("e")) {
- wall = BlockFace.EAST;
- wallStr = "east";
- } else if(arguments[0].equals("south") || arguments[0].equals("s")) {
- wall = BlockFace.SOUTH;
- wallStr = "south";
- } else if(arguments[0].equals("west") || arguments[0].equals("w")) {
- wall = BlockFace.WEST;
- wallStr = "west";
- }
- if(lobby != null) {
- // reset existing lobby
- lobby.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- lobby.changeWall(wall);
- lobby.initialize();
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Warzone lobby moved to " + wallStr + " side of zone."));
- } else {
- // new lobby
- lobby = new ZoneLobby(this, warzone, wall);
- warzone.setLobby(lobby);
- lobby.initialize();
- if(warHub != null) { // warhub has to change
- warHub.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- warHub.initialize();
- }
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Warzone lobby created on " + wallStr + "side of zone."));
- }
- WarzoneMapper.save(this, warzone, false);
- }
- }
- // /savezone
- else if(command.equals("savezone")) {
- if(!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) && !this.inAnyWarzoneLobby(player.getLocation())) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /savezone lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on outline:off ff:on " +
- "All named params optional. Saves the blocks of the warzone (i.e. the current zone state will be reloaded at each battle start). Must be in warzone."));
- } else {
- Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
- ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
- if(warzone == null && lobby != null) {
- warzone = lobby.getZone();
- } else {
- lobby = warzone.getLobby();
- }
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Saving warzone " + warzone.getName() + "."));
- int savedBlocks = warzone.saveState();
- if(warzone.getLobby() == null) {
- // Set default lobby on south side
- lobby = new ZoneLobby(this, warzone, BlockFace.SOUTH);
- warzone.setLobby(lobby);
- lobby.initialize();
- if(warHub != null) { // warhub has to change
- warHub.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- warHub.initialize();
- }
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Default lobby created on south side of zone."));
- }
- updateZoneFromNamedParams(warzone, arguments);
- WarzoneMapper.save(this, warzone, true);
- warzone.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- if(lobby != null) {
- lobby.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- }
- warzone.initializeZone(); // bring back team spawns etc
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " initial state changed. Saved " + savedBlocks + " blocks."));
- }
- }
- // /setzoneconfig
- else if(command.equals("setzoneconfig")) {
- if((!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) && !this.inAnyWarzoneLobby(player.getLocation()))
- || arguments.length == 0) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /setzoneconfig lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on outline:off ff:on " +
- "Please give at leaset one named parameter. Does not save the blocks of the warzone. Resets the zone with the new config. Must be in warzone."));
- } else {
- Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
- ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
- if(warzone == null && lobby != null) {
- warzone = lobby.getZone();
- } else {
- lobby = warzone.getLobby();
- }
- if(updateZoneFromNamedParams(warzone, arguments)) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Saving config and resetting warzone " + warzone.getName() + "."));
- WarzoneMapper.save(this, warzone, false);
- warzone.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- if(lobby != null) {
- lobby.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- }
- warzone.initializeZone(); // bring back team spawns etc
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Warzone config saved. Zone reset."));
- } else {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Failed to read named parameters."));
- }
- }
- }
- // /resetwarzone
- else if(command.equals("resetzone")) {
- if(!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) && !this.inAnyWarzoneLobby(player.getLocation())) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /resetzone <hard/h>. Reloads the zone (from disk if the hard option is specified). Must be in warzone or lobby."));
- } else {
- Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
- ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
- if(warzone == null && lobby != null) {
- warzone = lobby.getZone();
- } else {
- lobby = warzone.getLobby();
- }
- int resetBlocks = 0;
- for(Team team: warzone.getTeams()) {
- team.teamcast(this.str("The war has ended. " + playerListener.getAllTeamsMsg(player) + " Resetting warzone " + warzone.getName() + " and teams..."));
- for(Player p : team.getPlayers()) {
- p.teleportTo(warzone.getTeleport());
- warzone.restorePlayerInventory(p);
- player.sendMessage(this.str("You have left the warzone. Your inventory has (hopefully) been restored."));
- }
- team.getPlayers().clear();
- }
- Warzone resetWarzone = null;
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Reloading warzone " + warzone.getName() + "."));
- if(arguments.length == 1 && (arguments[0].equals("hard") || arguments[0].equals("h"))) {
- // reset from disk
- this.getWarzones().remove(warzone);
- resetWarzone = WarzoneMapper.load(this, warzone.getName(), true);
- this.getWarzones().add(resetWarzone);
- warzone.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- if(lobby!=null) {
- lobby.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- }
- resetWarzone.initializeZone();
- } else {
- resetBlocks = warzone.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- if(lobby!=null) {
- lobby.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- }
- warzone.initializeZone();
- }
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Warzone and teams reset. " + resetBlocks + " blocks reset."));
- info(resetBlocks + " blocks reset in warzone " + warzone.getName() + ".");
- }
- }
- // /deletezone
- else if(command.equals("deletezone")) {
- if(!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) && !this.inAnyWarzoneLobby(player.getLocation())) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /deletezone. " +
- "Deletes the warzone. " +
- "Must be in the warzone (try /zones and /zone). "));
- } else {
- Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
- ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
- if(warzone == null && lobby != null) {
- warzone = lobby.getZone();
- } else {
- lobby = warzone.getLobby();
- }
- for(Team t : warzone.getTeams()) {
- t.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- }
- for(Monument m : warzone.getMonuments()) {
- m.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- }
- if(warzone.getLobby() != null) {
- warzone.getLobby().getVolume().resetBlocks();
- }
- warzone.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- this.getWarzones().remove(warzone);
- WarMapper.save(this);
- WarzoneMapper.delete(this, warzone.getName());
- if(warHub != null) { // warhub has to change
- warHub.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- warHub.initialize();
- }
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Warzone " + warzone.getName() + " removed."));
- }
- }
- // /setteam <diamond/iron/gold/d/i/g>
- else if(command.equals("setteam")) {
- if(arguments.length < 1 || !this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation())
- || (arguments.length > 0 && TeamMaterials.teamMaterialFromString(arguments[0]) == null)) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /setteam <diamond/iron/gold/d/i/g>. " +
- "Sets the team spawn to the current location. " +
- "Must be in a warzone (try /zones and /zone). "));
- } else {
- Material teamMaterial = TeamMaterials.teamMaterialFromString(arguments[0]);
- String name = TeamMaterials.teamMaterialToString(teamMaterial);
- Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
- Team existingTeam = warzone.getTeamByMaterial(teamMaterial);
- if(existingTeam != null) {
- // relocate
- existingTeam.setTeamSpawn(player.getLocation());
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Team " + existingTeam.getName() + " spawn relocated."));
- } else {
- // new team
- Team newTeam = new Team(name, teamMaterial, player.getLocation(), this, warzone);
- newTeam.setRemainingTickets(warzone.getLifePool());
- warzone.getTeams().add(newTeam);
- if(warzone.getLobby() != null) {
- warzone.getLobby().getVolume().resetBlocks();
- warzone.getVolume().resetWallBlocks(warzone.getLobby().getWall());
- warzone.addZoneOutline(warzone.getLobby().getWall());
- warzone.getLobby().initialize();
- }
- newTeam.setTeamSpawn(player.getLocation());
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Team " + name + " created with spawn here."));
- }
- WarzoneMapper.save(this, warzone, false);
- }
- }
- // /deleteteam <teamname>
- else if(command.equals("deleteteam")) {
- if(arguments.length < 1 || (!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation())
- && !this.inAnyWarzoneLobby(player.getLocation()))) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /deleteteam <team-name>." +
- " Deletes the team and its spawn. " +
- "Must be in a warzone or lobby (try /zones and /zone). "));
- } else {
- String name = TeamMaterials.teamMaterialToString(TeamMaterials.teamMaterialFromString(arguments[0]));
- Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
- ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
- if(warzone == null && lobby != null) {
- warzone = lobby.getZone();
- } else {
- lobby = warzone.getLobby();
- }
- List<Team> teams = warzone.getTeams();
- Team team = null;
- for(Team t : teams) {
- if(name.equals(t.getName())) {
- team = t;
- }
- }
- if(team != null) {
- team.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- warzone.getTeams().remove(team);
- if(warzone.getLobby() != null) {
- warzone.getLobby().getVolume().resetBlocks();
- warzone.getVolume().resetWallBlocks(warzone.getLobby().getWall());
- warzone.addZoneOutline(warzone.getLobby().getWall());
- warzone.getLobby().initialize();
- }
- WarzoneMapper.save(this, warzone, false);
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Team " + name + " removed."));
- } else {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("No such team."));
- }
- }
- }
- // /setmonument
- else if(command.equals("setmonument")) {
- if(!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation()) || arguments.length < 1 || arguments.length > 1
- || (arguments.length == 1 && this.warzone(player.getLocation()) != null
- && arguments[0].equals(this.warzone(player.getLocation()).getName()))) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /setmonument <name>. Creates or moves a monument. Monument can't have same name as zone. Must be in warzone."));
- } else {
- Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
- String monumentName = arguments[0];
- if(warzone.hasMonument(monumentName)) {
- // move the existing monument
- Monument monument = warzone.getMonument(monumentName);
- monument.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- monument.setLocation(player.getLocation());
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Monument " + monument.getName() + " was moved."));
- } else {
- // create a new monument
- Monument monument = new Monument(arguments[0], this, warzone, player.getLocation());
- warzone.getMonuments().add(monument);
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Monument " + monument.getName() + " created."));
- }
- WarzoneMapper.save(this, warzone, false);
- warzone.initializeZone(); // bring back team spawns etc
- }
- }
- // /deletemonument <name>
- else if(command.equals("deletemonument")) {
- if(arguments.length < 1 || (!this.inAnyWarzone(player.getLocation())
- && !this.inAnyWarzoneLobby(player.getLocation()))) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /deletemonument <name>." +
- " Deletes the monument. " +
- "Must be in a warzone or lobby (try /warzones and /warzone). "));
- } else {
- String name = arguments[0];
- Warzone warzone = this.warzone(player.getLocation());
- ZoneLobby lobby = this.lobby(player.getLocation());
- if(warzone == null && lobby != null) {
- warzone = lobby.getZone();
- } else {
- lobby = warzone.getLobby();
- }
- Monument monument = warzone.getMonument(name);
- if(monument != null) {
- monument.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- warzone.getMonuments().remove(monument);
- WarzoneMapper.save(this, warzone, false);
- warzone.initializeZone(); // bring back team spawns etc
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Monument " + name + " removed."));
- } else {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("No such monument."));
- }
- }
- }
- // /setwarhub
- else if(command.equals("setwarhub")) {
- if(warzones.size() > 0) {
- if(warHub != null) {
- // reset existing hub
- warHub.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- warHub.setLocation(player.getLocation());
- warHub.initialize();
- player.sendMessage(str("War hub moved."));
- } else {
- warHub = new WarHub(this, player.getLocation());
- warHub.initialize();
- for(Warzone zone : warzones) {
- zone.getLobby().getVolume().resetBlocks();
- zone.getLobby().initialize();
- }
- player.sendMessage(str("War hub created."));
- }
- WarMapper.save(this);
- } else {
- player.sendMessage(str("No warzones yet."));
- }
- }
- // /deletewarhub
- else if(command.equals("deletewarhub")) {
- if(warHub != null) {
- // reset existing hub
- warHub.getVolume().resetBlocks();
- VolumeMapper.delete(warHub.getVolume(), this);
- this.warHub = null;
- for(Warzone zone : warzones) {
- zone.getLobby().getVolume().resetBlocks();
- zone.getLobby().initialize();
- }
- player.sendMessage(this.str("War hub removed."));
- } else {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("No War hub to delete."));
- }
- WarMapper.save(this);
- }
- // /setwarconfig
- else if(command.equals("setwarconfig")) {
- if(arguments.length == 0) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /setwarconfig pvpinzonesonly:on lifepool:8 teamsize:5 maxscore:7 autoassign:on outline:off ff:on " +
- "Changes the server defaults for new warzones. Please give at leaset one named parameter. Must be in warzone."));
- } else {
- if(updateFromNamedParams(arguments)) {
- WarMapper.save(this);
- player.sendMessage(this.str("War config saved."));
- } else {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Failed to read named parameters."));
- }
- }
- }
- // /zonemaker
- else if(command.equals("zonemaker")) {
- if(arguments.length > 2) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("Usage: /zonemaker <player-name>, /zonemaker" +
- "Elevates the player to zone maker or removes his rights. " +
- "If you are already a zonemaker, you can toggle between player and zone maker modes by using the command without arguments."));
- } else {
- if(arguments.length == 1) {
- // make someone zonemaker or remove the right
- if(zoneMakerNames.contains(arguments[0])) {
- // kick
- zoneMakerNames.remove(arguments[0]);
- player.sendMessage(str(arguments[0] + " is not a zone maker anymore."));
- Player kickedMaker = getServer().getPlayer(arguments[0]);
- if(kickedMaker != null) {
- kickedMaker.sendMessage(str(player.getName() + " took away your warzone maker priviledges."));
- }
- } else {
- // add
- zoneMakerNames.add(arguments[0]);
- player.sendMessage(str(arguments[0] + " is now a zone maker."));
- Player newMaker = getServer().getPlayer(arguments[0]);
- if(newMaker != null) {
- newMaker.sendMessage(str(player.getName() + " made you warzone maker."));
- }
- }
- } else {
- // toggle to player mode
- for(String name : zoneMakerNames) {
- if(name.equals(player.getName())) {
- getZoneMakersImpersonatingPlayers().add(player.getName());
- }
- }
- zoneMakerNames.remove(player.getName());
- player.sendMessage(str("You are now impersonating a regular player. Type /zonemaker again to toggle back to war maker mode."));
- }
- WarMapper.save(this);
- }
- }
- } else if (command.equals("setzone") // Not a zone maker but War command.
- || command.equals("nextbattle")
- || command.equals("setzonelobby")
- || command.equals("savezone")
- || command.equals("setzoneconfig")
- || command.equals("resetzone")
- || command.equals("deletezone")
- || command.equals("setteam")
- || command.equals("deleteteam")
- || command.equals("setmonument")
- || command.equals("deletemonument")
- || command.equals("setwarhub")
- || command.equals("deletewarhub")
- || command.equals("setwarconfig")) {
- player.sendMessage(this.str("You can't do this if you are not a warzone maker."));
- } else if (command.equals("zonemaker")) {
- boolean wasImpersonating = false;
- for(String name : getZoneMakersImpersonatingPlayers()) {
- if(player.getName().equals(name)) {
- zoneMakerNames.add(player.getName());
- wasImpersonating = true;
- }
- }
- if(wasImpersonating) {
- getZoneMakersImpersonatingPlayers().remove(player.getName());
- player.sendMessage(str("You are back as a zone maker."));
- }
- WarMapper.save(this);
- }
- return true;
- }
- private boolean updateZoneFromNamedParams(Warzone warzone, String[] arguments) {
- try {
- Map<String,String> namedParams = new HashMap();
- for(String namedPair : arguments) {
- String[] pairSplit = namedPair.split(":");
- if(pairSplit.length == 2) {
- namedParams.put(pairSplit[0], pairSplit[1]);
- }
- }
- if(namedParams.containsKey("lifepool")){
- warzone.setLifePool(Integer.parseInt(namedParams.get("lifepool")));
- }
- if(namedParams.containsKey("teamsize")){
- warzone.setTeamCap(Integer.parseInt(namedParams.get("teamsize")));
- }
- if(namedParams.containsKey("maxscore")){
- warzone.setScoreCap(Integer.parseInt(namedParams.get("maxscore")));
- }
- if(namedParams.containsKey("ff")){
- String onOff = namedParams.get("ff");
- warzone.setFriendlyFire(onOff.equals("on") || onOff.equals("true"));
- }
- if(namedParams.containsKey("autoassign")){
- String onOff = namedParams.get("autoassign");
- warzone.setAutoAssignOnly(onOff.equals("on") || onOff.equals("true"));
- }
- if(namedParams.containsKey("outline")){
- String onOff = namedParams.get("outline");
- warzone.setDrawZoneOutline(onOff.equals("on") || onOff.equals("true"));
- }
- return true;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- private boolean updateFromNamedParams(String[] arguments) {
- try {
- Map<String,String> namedParams = new HashMap();
- for(String namedPair : arguments) {
- String[] pairSplit = namedPair.split(":");
- if(pairSplit.length == 2) {
- namedParams.put(pairSplit[0], pairSplit[1]);
- }
- }
- if(namedParams.containsKey("lifepool")){
- setDefaultLifepool(Integer.parseInt(namedParams.get("lifepool")));
- }
- if(namedParams.containsKey("teamsize")){
- setDefaultTeamCap(Integer.parseInt(namedParams.get("teamsize")));
- }
- if(namedParams.containsKey("maxscore")){
- setDefaultScoreCap(Integer.parseInt(namedParams.get("maxscore")));
- }
- if(namedParams.containsKey("ff")){
- String onOff = namedParams.get("ff");
- setDefaultFriendlyFire(onOff.equals("on"));
- }
- if(namedParams.containsKey("autoassign")){
- String onOff = namedParams.get("autoassign");
- setDefaultAutoAssignOnly(onOff.equals("on") || onOff.equals("true"));
- }
- if(namedParams.containsKey("outline")){
- String onOff = namedParams.get("outline");
- setDefaultDrawZoneOutline(onOff.equals("on") || onOff.equals("true"));
- }
- if(namedParams.containsKey("pvpinzonesonly")){
- String onOff = namedParams.get("pvpinzonesonly");
- setPvpInZonesOnly(onOff.equals("on") || onOff.equals("true"));
- }
- return true;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- public Team getPlayerTeam(String playerName) {
- for(Warzone warzone : warzones) {
- Team team = warzone.getPlayerTeam(playerName);
- if(team != null) return team;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public Warzone getPlayerWarzone(String playerName) {
- for(Warzone warzone : warzones) {
- Team team = warzone.getPlayerTeam(playerName);
- if(team != null) return warzone;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public Logger getLogger() {
- return log;
- }
- public Warzone warzone(Location location) {
- for(Warzone warzone : warzones) {
- if(warzone.getVolume() != null && warzone.getVolume().contains(location)) return warzone;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public boolean inAnyWarzone(Location location) {
- Block locBlock = location.getWorld().getBlockAt(location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ());
- Warzone currentZone = warzone(location);
- if(currentZone == null) {
- return false;
- } else if (currentZone.getVolume().isWallBlock(locBlock)) {
- return false; // wall block doesnt count. this lets people in at the lobby side wall because wall gates overlap with the zone.
- }
- return true;
- }
- public boolean inWarzone(String warzoneName, Location location) {
- Warzone currentZone = warzone(location);
- if(currentZone == null) {
- return false;
- } else if (warzoneName.equals(currentZone.getName())){
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public void addWarzone(Warzone zone) {
- warzones.add(zone);
- }
- public List<Warzone> getWarzones() {
- return warzones;
- }
- public String str(String str) {
- String out = ChatColor.GRAY + "[War] " + ChatColor.WHITE + str;
- return out;
- }
- public void info(String str) {
- this.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "[War] " + str);
- }
- public void warn(String str) {
- this.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "[War] " + str);
- }
- public Warzone findWarzone(String warzoneName) {
- for(Warzone warzone : warzones) {
- if(warzone.getName().equals(warzoneName)) {
- return warzone;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public HashMap<Integer, ItemStack> getDefaultLoadout() {
- return defaultLoadout;
- }
- public void setDefaultLifepool(int defaultLifepool) {
- this.defaultLifepool = defaultLifepool;
- }
- public int getDefaultLifepool() {
- return defaultLifepool;
- }
- public void setDefaultFriendlyFire(boolean defaultFriendlyFire) {
- this.defaultFriendlyFire = defaultFriendlyFire;
- }
- public boolean getDefaultFriendlyFire() {
- return defaultFriendlyFire;
- }
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public Warzone zoneOfZoneWallAtProximity(Location location) {
- for(Warzone zone : warzones) {
- if(zone.isNearWall(location)) return zone;
- }
- return null;
- }
- public List<String> getZoneMakerNames() {
- return zoneMakerNames;
- }
- public boolean isZoneMaker(String playerName) {
- for(String zoneMaker : zoneMakerNames) {
- if(zoneMaker.equals(playerName)) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public boolean getDefaultDrawZoneOutline() {
- return isDefaultDrawZoneOutline() ;
- }
- public boolean getDefaultAutoAssignOnly() {
- return defaultAutoAssignOnly;
- }
- public void setDefaultAutoAssignOnly(boolean autoAssign) {
- this.defaultAutoAssignOnly = autoAssign;
- }
- public WarHub getWarHub() {
- return warHub;
- }
- public void setWarHub(WarHub warHub) {
- this.warHub = warHub;
- }
- public ZoneLobby lobby(Location location) {
- for(Warzone warzone : warzones) {
- if(warzone.getLobby() != null
- && warzone.getLobby().getVolume() != null
- && warzone.getLobby().getVolume().contains(location))
- return warzone.getLobby();
- }
- return null;
- }
- public boolean inAnyWarzoneLobby(Location location) {
- if(lobby(location) == null) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- public boolean inWarzoneLobby(String warzoneName, Location location) {
- ZoneLobby currentLobby = lobby(location);
- if(currentLobby == null) {
- return false;
- } else if (warzoneName.equals(currentLobby.getZone().getName())){
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public void setDefaultTeamCap(int defaultTeamCap) {
- this.defaultTeamCap = defaultTeamCap;
- }
- public int getDefaultTeamCap() {
- return defaultTeamCap;
- }
- public void setPvpInZonesOnly(boolean pvpInZonesOnly) {
- this.pvpInZonesOnly = pvpInZonesOnly;
- }
- public boolean isPvpInZonesOnly() {
- return pvpInZonesOnly;
- }
- public void setDefaultScoreCap(int defaultScoreCap) {
- this.defaultScoreCap = defaultScoreCap;
- }
- public int getDefaultScoreCap() {
- return defaultScoreCap;
- }
- public void setDefaultDrawZoneOutline(boolean defaultDrawZoneOutline) {
- this.defaultDrawZoneOutline = defaultDrawZoneOutline;
- }
- public boolean isDefaultDrawZoneOutline() {
- return defaultDrawZoneOutline;
- }
- public List<String> getZoneMakersImpersonatingPlayers() {
- return zoneMakersImpersonatingPlayers;
- }
- }