Python | 64 lines | 57 code | 4 blank | 3 comment | 2 complexity | dcbfff8ddae4cf03ffe54dd65da9a618 MD5 | raw file
- from distutils.core import setup, Extension
- from distutils.util import convert_path
- import sys, glob
- def dbf_macros():
- """Return the macros to define when compiling the dbflib wrapper.
- The returned list specifies one macro, HAVE_UPDATE_HEADER, which is
- '1' if the dbflib version we will be compiling with has the
- DBFUpdateHeader function and '0' otherwise. To check whether
- DBFUpdateHeader is available, we scan shapefil.h for the string
- 'DBFUpdateHeader'.
- """
- f = open(convert_path("pyshapelib/shapelib/shapefil.h"))
- contents = f.read()
- f.close()
- if contents.find("DBFUpdateHeader") >= 0:
- return [("HAVE_UPDATE_HEADER", "1")]
- else:
- return [("HAVE_UPDATE_HEADER", "0")]
- deps = glob.glob('src/*.c')
- extensions = [Extension("proj4",deps,include_dirs = ['src'],)]
- packages = ['matplotlib/toolkits','matplotlib/toolkits/basemap']
- package_dirs = {'':'lib'}
- # don't build pyshapelib if it is already installed.
- try:
- import shapelib
- import dbflib
- except:
- packages = packages + ['shapelib','dbflib']
- package_dirs['shapelib'] ='pyshapelib/lib/shapelib'
- package_dirs['dbflib'] ='pyshapelib/lib/dbflib'
- extensions = extensions + \
- [Extension("shapelibc",
- ["pyshapelib/shapelib_wrap.c",
- "pyshapelib/shapelib/shpopen.c",
- "pyshapelib/shapelib/shptree.c"],
- include_dirs = ["pyshapelib/shapelib"]),
- Extension("shptree",
- ["pyshapelib/shptreemodule.c"],
- include_dirs = ["pyshapelib/shapelib"]),
- Extension("dbflibc",
- ["pyshapelib/dbflib_wrap.c",
- "pyshapelib/shapelib/dbfopen.c"],
- include_dirs = ["pyshapelib/shapelib"],
- define_macros = dbf_macros()) ]
- datadir ='share/basemap-py'+repr(sys.version_info[0])+repr(sys.version_info[1])
- setup(
- name = "basemap",
- version = "0.6.1",
- description = "Plot data on map projections with matplotlib",
- url = "http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/toolkits.html",
- author = "Jeff Whitaker",
- author_email = "jeffrey.s.whitaker@noaa.gov",
- data_files = [(datadir,['data/countries_c.txt','data/states_c.txt','data/countries_l.txt','data/states_l.txt','data/gshhs_c.txt','data/gshhs_l.txt','data/countries_i.txt','data/states_i.txt','data/gshhs_i.txt'])],
- packages = packages,
- package_dir = package_dirs,
- ext_modules = extensions)