https://github.com/ericliang/matplotlib · Python · 124 lines · 112 code · 1 blank · 11 comment · 0 complexity · b2ed0a74a22cff199af662298bba6a9f MD5 · raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """
- This is use to drive many of the examples across the image backends
- and is used for regression testing and comparing backend efficiency
- This example creates a lot of temp files name _tmp_*.py. You'll
- probably want to remove them after the script runs
- """
- from __future__ import division
- import os, time
- files = (
- 'alignment_test.py',
- 'arctest.py',
- 'axes_demo.py',
- 'bar_stacked.py',
- 'barchart_demo.py',
- 'color_demo.py',
- 'csd_demo.py',
- 'custom_ticker1.py',
- 'customize_rc.py',
- 'date_demo1.py',
- 'date_demo2.py',
- 'figimage_demo.py',
- 'figlegend_demo.py',
- 'figtext.py',
- 'fill_demo.py',
- 'finance_demo.py',
- # 'fonts_demo_kw.py',
- 'histogram_demo.py',
- 'image_demo.py',
- 'image_demo2.py',
- 'image_demo_na.py',
- 'image_origin.py',
- 'invert_axes.py',
- 'layer_images.py',
- 'legend_demo.py',
- 'legend_demo2.py',
- 'line_styles.py',
- 'log_demo.py',
- 'log_test.py',
- 'major_minor_demo1.py',
- 'major_minor_demo2.py',
- 'mathtext_demo.py',
- 'mri_with_eeg.py',
- 'multiple_figs_demo.py',
- 'pcolor_demo.py',
- 'pcolor_demo2.py',
- 'pcolor_small.py',
- 'pie_demo.py',
- 'polar_demo.py',
- 'polar_scatter.py',
- 'psd_demo.py',
- 'scatter_demo.py',
- 'scatter_demo2.py',
- 'simple_plot.py',
- 'specgram_demo.py',
- 'stock_demo.py',
- 'subplot_demo.py',
- # 'set_and_get.py',
- 'table_demo.py',
- 'text_handles.py',
- 'text_rotation.py',
- 'text_themes.py',
- 'two_scales.py',
- 'vline_demo.py',
- 'zorder_demo.py',
- )
- #tests known to fail on python22 (require datetime)
- fail22 = (
- 'date_demo1.py',
- 'date_demo2.py',
- 'finance_demo.py',
- )
- def drive(backend, python='python2.3'):
- for fname in files:
- if python=='python2.2' and fname in fail22:
- print '\tSkipping %s, known to fail on python2.2'%fname
- continue
- lines = [
- 'from __future__ import division\n',
- 'import matplotlib\n',
- 'matplotlib.use("%s")\n' % backend]
- print '\tdriving %s' % fname
- for line in file(fname):
- if line.strip().startswith('from __future__ import division'): continue
- if line.strip().startswith('matplotlib.use'): continue
- if line.strip().startswith('savefig'): continue
- if line.strip().startswith('show'): continue
- lines.append(line)
- basename, ext = os.path.splitext(fname)
- outfile = basename + '_%s'%backend
- if backend in ('GTK', 'WX', 'TkAgg'):
- lines.append('show()')
- else:
- lines.append('savefig("%s", dpi=150)' % outfile)
- tmpfile = '_tmp_%s.py' % basename
- file(tmpfile, 'w').write(''.join(lines))
- os.system('%s %s' % (python, tmpfile))
- times = {}
- #backends = ['Agg', 'Cairo', 'GDK', 'PS', 'SVG', 'Template']
- backends = ['Agg', 'PS', 'SVG', 'Template']
- #backends = [ 'GTK', 'WX', 'TkAgg']
- python = 'python2.3'
- for backend in backends:
- print 'testing %s' % backend
- t0 = time.time()
- drive(backend, python)
- t1 = time.time()
- times[backend] = (t1-t0)/60.0
- #print times
- for backend, elapsed in times.items():
- print 'Backend %s took %1.2f minutes to complete' % ( backend, elapsed)
- if 'Template' in times:
- print '\ttemplate ratio %1.3f, template residual %1.3f' % (
- elapsed/times['Template'], elapsed-times['Template'])