Python | 344 lines | 297 code | 4 blank | 43 comment | 41 complexity | 9c471e6278a4515d6aede1c98af9ace2 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # Copyright(c) 2010. Free Stream Media Corp. Released under the terms
- # of the GNU General Public License version 2.0.
- #
- # author: Omar Zennadi, David Harrison, AMansfield
- import json
- import netifaces
- try:
- from netifaces import interfaces, ifaddresses
- found_netifaces = True
- except ImportError,e:
- print "WARNING! Failed to import netifaces. You can obtain netifaces on Windows "
- print "and OSX by running:"
- print " easy_install netifaces"
- print "Using the less reliable socket.gethostbyname to determine ip address."
- found_netifaces = False
- import os
- import qt4reactor
- import socket
- import sys
- import urllib, urllib2
- from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
- from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
- #initialize the qt application and load the reactor for qt and twisted
- app = QtGui.QApplication([])
- qt4reactor.install()
- from twisted.internet import reactor
- from twisted.web.server import Site
- from twisted.web.static import File
- #get the values from the configuration file
- def update_config(conf_file, config={}):
- c = config
- if conf_file and os.path.isfile(conf_file):
- rv = RawConfigParser()
- rv.read(conf_file)
- if rv.has_section('fling'):
- for k,v in rv.items('fling'):
- if (v == 'None'):
- c[k] = None
- else:
- c[k] = v
- return c
- #find the configuration file
- def find_config():
- config = update_config('flingo.conf')
- conf = os.getenv('FLING_CONF', default='')
- if conf:
- config = update_config(conf, config)
- return config
- def get_local_ips():
- """Returns the set of known local IP addresses excluding the loopback
- interface."""
- global found_netifaces
- ips = []
- if found_netifaces:
- ifs = [ifaddresses(i).get(netifaces.AF_INET,None) for i in interfaces()]
- ifs = [i for i in ifs if i]
- ips = []
- for i in ifs:
- ips.extend([j.get('addr',None) for j in i])
- ips = [i for i in ips if i and i != ""]
- if not found_netifaces or not ips:
- ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
- if ip != "":
- ips.append(ip)
- return ips
- #store configuration file values, used at cleanup when exiting
- def store_cfg_value(key, value=None):
- cfg_file = 'flingo.conf'
- if cfg_file and os.path.isfile(cfg_file):
- cfgprsr = RawConfigParser()
- cfgprsr.read(cfg_file)
- if (cfgprsr.has_section('fling')):
- cfgprsr.set('fling', key, value)
- savecfg = open(cfg_file, 'wb')
- cfgprsr.write(savecfg)
- #actions that appear as options in the menu
- ACTFILE = 'Fling File'
- ACTDIR = 'Fling Directory'
- ACTSETDIR = 'Set Directory'
- ACTQUIT = 'Quit'
- #keys in the configuration file
- NAMEKEY = 'name'
- GUIDKEY = 'guid'
- DIRKEY = 'directory'
- DIRCHKKEY = 'flingdir'
- CACHEKEY= 'cache'
- #values for the Fling Directory configuration option
- CHECKED = 'Checked'
- UNCHECKED = 'Unchecked'
- #initialize the configuration file and get the values
- config = find_config()
- PORT = int(config.get('port', 8080))
- FLING_ADDR_BASE = config.get('host', 'http://flingo.tv')
- DEV_NAME = config.get(NAMEKEY, None)
- DIR_PATH = config.get(DIRKEY, None)
- CACHE = config.get(CACHEKEY, None)
- #setup the URLs
- DEVICE_CHECK = FLING_ADDR_BASE + '/fling/has_services'
- DEVICE_LOOKUP = FLING_ADDR_BASE + '/fling/lookup'
- FLING_URL = FLING_ADDR_BASE + '/fling/fling'
- #timer delay for polling the flung directory
- class FlingIcon(QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon):
- def __init__(self, parent=None):
- QtGui.QSystemTrayIcon.__init__(self, parent)
- #setting self.flingdir to None so that flinging the directory doesn't happen until ready
- self.flingdir = None
- #menu widget
- self.menu = QtGui.QMenu(parent)
- #check if there's devices to fling to
- self.findAnyDevice()
- #add menu options
- self.menu.addAction(ACTFILE, self.setFlingFiles)
- self.togdir = QtGui.QAction(ACTDIR, self.menu, triggered=self.toggleFlingDir)
- self.togdir.setCheckable(True)
- self.menu.addAction(self.togdir)
- self.menu.addAction(ACTSETDIR, self.setFlingDir)
- #menu item with submenu for detected devices
- self.devs = QtGui.QAction('Set Devices', self.menu)
- self.submenu = QtGui.QMenu(self.menu)
- self.devs.setMenu(self.submenu)
- self.menu.addAction(self.devs)
- #setup an action group for detected devices so the options are exclusive selection
- self.actgrp = QtGui.QActionGroup(self.submenu)
- self.actgrp.setExclusive(True)
- #timer for flinging from directory (updates as files are added)
- self.flingtimer = QtCore.QTimer()
- QtCore.QObject.connect(self.flingtimer, QtCore.SIGNAL('timeout()'), self.servDir)
- #initialize the guid, used later for flinging to single devices
- self.guid = None
- #add detected devices to the list
- self.getDevices()
- #quit option in menu
- quit=self.menu.addAction(ACTQUIT)
- self.connect(quit,QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'),self.quitApp)
- #initialize what files have been flung
- self.cache = CACHE
- #initialize the fling directory for use with flung directory contents
- self.flingdir = DIR_PATH
- #start the timer if a directory was loaded from the configuration file
- if (self.flingdir != None and FLNGDIRCHK == CHECKED):
- self.togdir.trigger()
- #if the timer isn't started, make sure the Fling Directory option is unchecked
- else:
- self.togdir.setChecked(False)
- self.setContextMenu(self.menu)
- self.icon = QtGui.QIcon('flingo.png')
- self.setIcon(self.icon)
- #does some cleanup and exits the app
- def quitApp(self):
- #store fling directory checked state
- if (self.togdir.isChecked()):
- store_cfg_value(DIRCHKKEY, CHECKED)
- else:
- store_cfg_value(DIRCHKKEY, UNCHECKED)
- #remove any files from the cache that don't exist anymore
- allFiles = str(self.cache).split(',')
- self.cache = None
- for singleFile in allFiles:
- if (os.path.isfile(singleFile)):
- if (self.cache != None):
- self.cache = self.cache + ','
- else:
- self.cache = ''
- self.cache = self.cache + singleFile
- #store all the files that have been flung
- store_cfg_value(CACHEKEY, self.cache)
- #exit cleanly
- self.flingtimer.stop()
- app.quit()
- sys.exit(app.exec_())
- #determine if there are any devices that can be flung to
- def findAnyDevice(self):
- response = {}
- try:
- print "searching for devices..."
- req = urllib2.Request(DEVICE_CHECK)
- response = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(req).read())
- except Exception,e:
- print str(e)
- #warn the user if no devices are detected
- if response!=True:
- self.noDeviceWarning()
- def noDeviceWarning(self):
- QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self.menu,'Warning','No flingable devices were found.')
- #obtain a list of all devices that can be flung to
- def getDevices(self):
- response = {}
- try:
- req = urllib2.Request(DEVICE_LOOKUP)
- response = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(req).read())
- if (response.get('services') != None):
- self.resps = response['services']
- #setup an action for each name, guid pair
- #add an option to select all devices, this is a dummy option to fling to all devices by default
- act = QtGui.QAction('All Devices', self.actgrp, triggered=self.selDevice)
- act.setCheckable(True)
- self.submenu.addAction(act)
- act.trigger()
- for resp in self.resps:
- if ((resp.get(NAMEKEY) != None) and (resp.get(GUIDKEY) != None)):
- #associate each action with the action group
- act = QtGui.QAction(str(resp[NAMEKEY]), self.actgrp, triggered=self.selDevice)
- #make each action checkable
- act.setCheckable(True)
- self.submenu.addAction(act)
- #if the device name is in the config file, set this one as checked
- if (str(resp[NAMEKEY]) == DEV_NAME):
- act.trigger()
- except Exception,e:
- print str(e)
- #the select device callback to switch and use the device's guid
- def selDevice(self):
- #reset the guid everytime so that default is All Devices
- self.guid = None
- sel = str(self.sender().text())
- for resp in self.resps:
- if ((resp.get(NAMEKEY) != None) and (resp.get(GUIDKEY) != None)):
- #check if a specific device is selected
- if (str(resp[NAMEKEY]) == sel):
- self.guid = str(resp[GUIDKEY])
- #store the selected value in the configuration file
- store_cfg_value(NAMEKEY, sel)
- if (self.flingdir != None):
- self.resetFlingDir()
- #toggles fling directory option on/off, if no directory is selected, automatically launches the selection dialog
- def toggleFlingDir(self):
- #if checked and no folder selected yet, launch the directory dialog selection
- if (self.togdir.isChecked() and self.flingdir == None):
- self.setFlingDir()
- #if checked and folder has been selected (serving up the directory), stop the timer
- elif (not self.togdir.isChecked()):
- self.flingtimer.stop()
- else:
- #if checked and folder is already selected, start up the timer again
- self.flingtimer.start(TIMERDELAY)
- #displays and sets the fling directory, also starts the
- def setFlingDir(self):
- try:
- fileNames = None
- self.menu.setDisabled(True)
- dir = QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(parent=None,
- caption='Select directory to Fling from...', directory=QtCore.QDir.currentPath())
- self.menu.setDisabled(False)
- if (dir):
- self.flingdir = dir
- #store the selected directory in the configuration file
- store_cfg_value(DIRKEY, self.flingdir)
- self.togdir.setChecked(True)
- self.resetFlingDir()
- #if the user clicks cancel on the dialog AND a directory wasn't already selected, uncheck the Fling Directory option
- elif(self.flingdir == None):
- self.togdir.setChecked(False)
- except Exception, e:
- print str(e)
- #reset the fling directory cache in the event devices or directory selection changes
- def resetFlingDir(self):
- #make sure the timer is stopped
- self.flingtimer.stop()
- #clear the cached flings
- self.cache = None
- #install timer to check for files and fling them
- if (self.togdir.isChecked()):
- self.flingtimer.start(TIMERDELAY)
- #recursively fling the files in a directory (e.g. find the files in the selected directory and subdirectories)
- def servDir(self, dir=None):
- if (dir == None):
- dir = str(self.flingdir)
- fileNames = os.listdir(dir)
- if fileNames:
- for fileName in fileNames:
- fullPath = os.path.join(dir, fileName)
- if (os.path.isfile(fullPath)):
- #if file name already flung, don't fling it
- if (str(self.cache).find(fullPath) == -1):
- #add the file to the cache file
- if (self.cache != None):
- self.cache = self.cache + ','
- else:
- self.cache = ''
- self.cache = self.cache + fullPath
- #fling unflung file
- self.fling(fullPath)
- elif (os.path.isdir(fullPath)):
- self.servDir(fullPath)
- #select and fling one or more files
- def setFlingFiles(self):
- try:
- fileNames = []
- self.menu.setDisabled(True)
- fileNames = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(parent=None,
- caption='Select files to Fling...', directory=QtCore.QDir.currentPath())
- self.menu.setDisabled(False)
- if fileNames:
- for fileName in fileNames:
- self.fling(str(fileName))
- except Exception, e:
- print str(e)
- #makes the actual "API" call to fling the file to the selected device(s)
- def fling(self, fileName):
- try:
- if sys.platform=='win32':
- fileName = fileName.replace('C:','')
- fileName = fileName.replace('\\', '/')
- name = os.path.basename(fileName)
- #http://flingo.tv/fling/fling?[url=U | deofuscator=D&context=C][&guid=G&title=T&description=D&image=I&preempt=P]
- params = {}
- ip = get_local_ips()[0]
- params['url'] = 'http://' + ip +':' + str(PORT) + fileName
- params['description'] = 'Desktop Fling of %s from %s' % (name, socket.gethostname())
- params['title'] = '%s via Desktop Fling' % name
- if (self.guid != None):
- params['guid'] = '%s' % self.guid
- data = urllib.urlencode(params)
- newurl = "http://flingo.tv/fling/fling?" + data
- #req = urllib2.Request(FLING_URL, data)
- req = urllib2.Request(newurl)
- response = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()
- except Exception, e:
- print str(e)
- print "Creating FlingIcon"
- i = FlingIcon()
- i.show()
- root = '/'
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- root = 'C:\\'
- doc_root = File(root)
- print "Starting reactor"
- site = Site(doc_root)
- reactor.listenTCP(PORT, site)
- if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- app.exec_()
- reactor.run()