JavaScript | 374 lines | 197 code | 49 blank | 128 comment | 69 complexity | 5111cb11145aab292d994bce04a3dd5c MD5 | raw file
- /*
- Copyright (c) 2004-2010, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
- Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
- see: http://dojotoolkit.org/license for details
- */
- if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.grid.enhanced._Plugin"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code.
- dojo._hasResource["dojox.grid.enhanced._Plugin"] = true;
- dojo.provide("dojox.grid.enhanced._Plugin");
- dojo.require("dojox.grid.enhanced._Builder");
- dojo.require("dojox.grid.enhanced._Events");
- dojo.declare("dojox.grid.enhanced._Plugin", null, {
- // summary:
- // Singleton plugin manager
- //
- // description:
- // Plugin manager is responsible for
- // 1. Loading required plugins
- // 2. Handling collaboration and dependencies among plugins
- // 3. Overwriting some default behavior of DataGrid
- //
- // Note: Mixin and method caching are used for #3, this might be refined once
- // an overall plugin architecture is set up for DataGrid.
- //
- // Some plugin dependencies:
- // - DnD plugin depends on NestedSorting plugin
- // - RowSelector should be used for DnD plugin.
- // e.g. <div dojoType="dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid" plugins='{dnd: true, ...}}' rowSelector="20px" .../>
- // - "columnReordering" attribute won't work when either DnD or Indirect Selections plugin is on.
- //fixedCellNum: Integer
- // Number of fixed cells(columns), e.g. cell(column) of indirect selection is fixed and can't be moved
- fixedCellNum: -1,
- //funcMap: Object
- // Map for caching default DataGrid methods.
- funcMap:{},
- constructor: function(inGrid){
- this.grid = inGrid;
- this._parseProps(this.grid);
- },
- _parseProps: function(grid){
- // summary:
- // Parse plugins properties
- // grid: Grid
- // Grid this plugin manager belongs to
- //mixin all plugin properties into Grid
- grid.plugins && dojo.mixin(grid, grid.plugins);
- //cell(column) of indirect selection
- grid.rowSelectCell = null;
- //DnD plugin depends on NestedSorting plugin
- grid.dnd && (grid.nestedSorting = true);
- //"columnReordering" attribute won't work when either DnD or Indirect Selections plugin is used.
- (grid.dnd || grid.indirectSelection) && (grid.columnReordering = false);
- },
- preInit: function(){
- // summary:
- // Pre initialization, some plugins must be loaded before DataGrid.postCreate().
- // See EnhancedGrid.postCreate()
- var grid = this.grid;
- //load Indirect Selection plugin
- grid.indirectSelection && (new (this.getPluginClazz('dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.IndirectSelection'))(grid));
- if(grid.dnd && (!grid.rowSelector || grid.rowSelector=="false")) {
- //RowSelector should be used for DnD plugin.
- grid.rowSelector = "20px";
- }
- //overwrite header and content builders
- if(grid.nestedSorting){
- dojox.grid._View.prototype._headerBuilderClass = dojox.grid.enhanced._HeaderBuilder;
- }
- dojox.grid._View.prototype._contentBuilderClass = dojox.grid.enhanced._ContentBuilder;
- },
- postInit: function(){
- // summary:
- // Post initialization, by default, plugins are loaded after DataGrid.postCreate().
- // See EnhancedGrid.postCreate()
- var grid = this.grid;
- //overwrite some default events of DataGrid
- new dojox.grid.enhanced._Events(grid);
- //load Menu plugin
- grid.menus && (new (this.getPluginClazz('dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.Menu'))(grid));
- //load NestedSorting plugin
- grid.nestedSorting && (new (this.getPluginClazz('dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.NestedSorting'))(grid));
- //load DnD plugin
- if(grid.dnd){
- grid.isDndSelectEnable = grid.dnd;
- //by default disable cell selection for EnhancedGrid M1
- grid.dndDisabledTypes = ["cell"];
- //new dojox.grid.enhanced.dnd._DndMovingManager(grid);
- new (this.getPluginClazz('dojox.grid.enhanced.plugins.DnD'))(grid);
- }
- //TODO - see if any better ways for this
- //fix inherit issue for mixin, an null/undefined exception will be thrown from the "this.inherited(...)" in
- //the following functions, like saying there is no "startup" in "this" scope
- dojo.isChrome < 3 && (grid.constructor.prototype.startup = grid.startup);
- //grid.constructor.prototype.onStyleRow = grid.onStyleRow;
- //get fixed cell(column) number
- this.fixedCellNum = this.getFixedCellNumber();
- //overwrite some default methods of DataGrid by method caching
- this.grid.plugins && this._bindFuncs();
- },
- getPluginClazz: function(clazzStr){
- //summary:
- // Load target plugin which must be already required (dojo.require(..))
- //clazzStr: String
- // Plugin class name
- var clazz = dojo.getObject(clazzStr);
- if(clazz){
- return clazz;
- }
- throw new Error('Please make sure class "' + clazzStr + '" is required.');
- },
- isFixedCell: function(cell) {
- //summary:
- // See if target cell(column) is fixed or not.
- //cell: Object
- // Target cell(column)
- //return: Boolean
- // True - fixed| False - not fixed
- //target cell can use Boolean attributes named "isRowSelector" or "positionFixed" to mark it's a fixed cell(column)
- return cell && (cell.isRowSelector || cell.positionFixed);
- },
- getFixedCellNumber: function(){
- //summary:
- // See if target cell(column) is fixed or not.
- //return: Number
- // True - fixed| False - not fixed
- if(this.fixedCellNum >= 0){
- return this.fixedCellNum;
- }
- var i = 0;
- dojo.forEach(this.grid.layout.cells, dojo.hitch(this, function(cell){
- this.isFixedCell(cell) && (i++);
- }));
- return i;
- },
- inSingleSelection: function(){
- //summary:
- // See if Grid is in single selection mode
- //return: Boolean
- // True - in single selection mode | False - not in single selection mode
- return this.grid.selectionMode && this.grid.selectionMode == 'single';
- },
- needUpdateRow: function(){
- //summary:
- // See if needed to update row. See this.updateRow()
- //return: Boolean
- // True - need update row | False - don't update row
- //always true when either indirect selection or DnD disabled
- return ((this.grid.indirectSelection || this.grid.isDndSelectEnable) ? this.grid.edit.isEditing() : true);
- },
- _bindFuncs: function(){
- //summary:
- // Overwrite some default methods of DataGrid by method caching
- dojo.forEach(this.grid.views.views, dojo.hitch(this, function(view){
- //add more events handler - _View
- dojox.grid.util.funnelEvents(view.contentNode, view, "doContentEvent", ['mouseup', 'mousemove']);
- dojox.grid.util.funnelEvents(view.headerNode, view, "doHeaderEvent", ['mouseup']);
- //overwrite _View.setColumnsWidth()
- this.funcMap[view.id + '-' +'setColumnsWidth'] = view.setColumnsWidth;
- view.setColumnsWidth = this.setColumnsWidth;
- //overwrite _View._getHeaderContent()
- this.grid.nestedSorting && (view._getHeaderContent = this.grid._getNestedSortHeaderContent);
- //overwrite _View.setScrollTop(),
- //#10273 fix of base DataGrid seems to bring some side effects to Enhanced Grid,
- //TODO - need a more close look post v.1.4 rather than simply overwrite it
- this.grid.dnd && (view.setScrollTop = this.setScrollTop);
- }));
- //overwrite _FocusManager.nextKey()
- this.funcMap['nextKey'] = this.grid.focus.nextKey;
- this.grid.focus.nextKey = this.nextKey;
- //overwrite _FocusManager.previousKey()
- this.funcMap['previousKey'] = this.grid.focus.previousKey;
- this.grid.focus.previousKey = this.previousKey;
- //overwrite _Scroller.renderPage()
- if(this.grid.indirectSelection){
- this.funcMap['renderPage'] = this.grid.scroller.renderPage;
- this.grid.scroller.renderPage = this.renderPage;
- this.funcMap['measurePage'] = this.grid.scroller.measurePage;
- this.grid.scroller.measurePage = this.measurePage;
- }
- //overwrite _Grid.updateRow()
- this.funcMap['updateRow'] = this.grid.updateRow;
- this.grid.updateRow = this.updateRow;
- if(this.grid.nestedSorting && dojox.grid.cells._Widget){
- dojox.grid.cells._Widget.prototype.sizeWidget = this.sizeWidget;
- }
- dojox.grid.cells._Base.prototype.getEditNode = this.getEditNode;
- dojox.grid._EditManager.prototype.styleRow = function(inRow){};
- },
- setColumnsWidth: function(width){
- //summary:
- // Overwrite _View.setColumnsWidth(), "this" - _View scope
- // Fix rtl issue in IE.
- if(dojo.isIE && !dojo._isBodyLtr()) {
- this.headerContentNode.style.width = width + 'px';
- this.headerContentNode.parentNode.style.width = width + 'px';
- }
- //invoke _View.setColumnsWidth()
- dojo.hitch(this, this.grid.pluginMgr.funcMap[this.id + '-' +'setColumnsWidth'])(width);
- },
- previousKey: function(e){
- //summary:
- // Overwrite _FocusManager.previousKey(), "this" - _FocusManager scope
- var isEditing = this.grid.edit.isEditing();
- if(!isEditing && !this.isNavHeader() && !this._isHeaderHidden()) {
- if(!this.grid.isDndSelectEnable){
- this.focusHeader();
- }else{
- if(!this.isRowBar()){
- this.focusRowBar();
- } else {
- this._blurRowBar();
- this.focusHeader();
- }
- }
- dojo.stopEvent(e);
- return;
- }
- //invoke _FocusManager.previousKey()
- dojo.hitch(this, this.grid.pluginMgr.funcMap['previousKey'])(e);
- },
- nextKey: function(e) {
- //summary:
- // Overwrite _FocusManager.nextKey(), "this" - _FocusManager scope
- var isEmpty = this.grid.rowCount == 0;
- var isRootEvt = (e.target === this.grid.domNode);
- if(!isRootEvt && this.grid.isDndSelectEnable && this.isNavHeader()){
- // if tabbing from col header, then go to grid proper. If grid is empty this.grid.rowCount == 0
- this._colHeadNode = this._colHeadFocusIdx= null;
- this.focusRowBar();
- return;
- }else if(!isRootEvt && (!this.grid.isDndSelectEnable && this.isNavHeader()) || (this.grid.isDndSelectEnable && this.isRowBar())){
- this._colHeadNode = this._colHeadFocusIdx= null;
- if (this.grid.isDndSelectEnable) {
- this._blurRowBar();
- }
- if(this.isNoFocusCell() && !isEmpty){
- this.setFocusIndex(0, 0);
- }else if(this.cell && !isEmpty){
- if(this.focusView && !this.focusView.rowNodes[this.rowIndex]){
- // if rowNode for current index is undefined (likely as a result of a sort and because of #7304)
- // scroll to that row
- this.grid.scrollToRow(this.rowIndex);
- }
- this.focusGrid();
- }else if(!this.findAndFocusGridCell()){
- this.tabOut(this.grid.lastFocusNode);
- }
- return;
- }
- //invoke _FocusManager.nextKey()
- dojo.hitch(this, this.grid.pluginMgr.funcMap['nextKey'])(e);
- },
- renderPage: function(inPageIndex){
- //summary:
- // Overwrite _Scroller.renderPage(), "this" - _Scroller scope
- // To add progress cursor when rendering the indirect selection cell(column) with checkbox
- for(var i=0, j=inPageIndex*this.rowsPerPage; (i<this.rowsPerPage)&&(j<this.rowCount); i++, j++){}
- this.grid.lastRenderingRowIdx = --j;
- dojo.addClass(this.grid.domNode, 'dojoxGridSortInProgress');
- //invoke _Scroller.renderPage()
- dojo.hitch(this, this.grid.pluginMgr.funcMap['renderPage'])(inPageIndex);
- },
- measurePage: function(inPageIndex){
- //summary:
- // Overwrite _Scroller.measurePage(), "this" - _Scroller scope
- // Fix a regression similar as #5552
- // invoke _Scroller.measurePage()
- var pageHeight = dojo.hitch(this, this.grid.pluginMgr.funcMap['measurePage'])(inPageIndex);
- return (!dojo.isIE || this.grid.rowHeight || pageHeight > this.rowsPerPage * this.grid.minRowHeight) ? pageHeight : undefined;
- },
- updateRow: function(inRowIndex){
- //summary:
- // Overwrite _Scroller.renderPage(), "this" - _Grid scope
- var caller = arguments.callee.caller;
- if(caller.nom == "move" && /* caller.ctor.prototype.declaredClass == "dojox.grid._FocusManager" && */ !this.pluginMgr.needUpdateRow()){
- //if is called from dojox.grid._FocusManager.move(), and no need to update row, then return
- return;
- }
- //invoke _Grid.updateRow()
- dojo.hitch(this, this.pluginMgr.funcMap['updateRow'])(inRowIndex);
- },
- getEditNode: function(inRowIndex) {
- //summary:
- // Overwrite dojox.grid.cells._Base.getEditNode, "this" - _Base scope
- return ((this.getNode(inRowIndex) || 0).firstChild || 0).firstChild || 0;
- },
- sizeWidget: function(inNode, inDatum, inRowIndex){
- //summary:
- // Overwrite dojox.grid.cells._Widget.sizeWidget, "this" - _Widget scope
- var p = this.getNode(inRowIndex).firstChild,
- box = dojo.contentBox(p);
- dojo.marginBox(this.widget.domNode, {w: box.w});
- },
- setScrollTop: function(inTop){
- //summary:
- // Overwrite dojox.grid._View.setScrollTop, "this" - _View scope
- this.lastTop = inTop;
- this.scrollboxNode.scrollTop = inTop;
- return this.scrollboxNode.scrollTop;
- },
- getViewByCellIdx: function(cellIdx){
- //summary:
- // Find view that contains the cell with 'cellIdx'
- //cellIdx: Integer
- // Index of target cell
- //return: Object
- // Matched view
- var cellMatched = function(cells){
- var j = 0, matched = false;
- for(; j < cells.length; j++){
- if(dojo.isArray(cells[j])){
- if(cellMatched(cells[j])){ return true;}
- }else if(cells[j].index == cellIdx){
- return true;
- }
- }
- };
- var i = 0, views = this.grid.views.views;
- for(; i < views.length; i++){
- cells = views[i].structure.cells;
- if(cellMatched(cells)){ return views[i]; }
- }
- return null;
- }
- });
- }