Ruby | 364 lines | 288 code | 56 blank | 20 comment | 33 complexity | 2973b71a8f22098c152c5c6780a02876 MD5 | raw file
- module RubyAMF
- module IO
- class AMFSerializer
- require 'io/read_write'
- include RubyAMF::AMF
- include RubyAMF::Configuration
- include RubyAMF::App
- include RubyAMF::IO::BinaryWriter
- include RubyAMF::IO::Constants
- include RubyAMF::VoHelper
- attr_accessor :stream
- def initialize(amfobj)
- @amfobj = amfobj
- @stream = @amfobj.output_stream #grab the output stream for the amfobj
- end
- def reset_referencables
- @amf0_stored_objects = []
- @stored_objects = []
- @stored_strings = {} # hash is way faster than array
- @stored_strings[""] = true # add this in automatically
- @floats_cache = {}
- @write_amf3_integer_results = {} # cache the integers
- @current_strings_index = 0
- end
- def run
- #write the amf version
- write_int16_network(0)
- @header_count = @amfobj.num_outheaders
- write_int16_network(@header_count)
- 0.upto(@header_count - 1) do |i|
- #get the header obj at index
- @header = @amfobj.get_outheader_at(i)
- #write the header name
- write_utf(@header.name)
- #write the version
- write_byte(@header.required)
- write_word32_network(-1) #the usual four bytes of FF
- #write the header data
- write(@header.value)
- end
- #num bodies
- @body_count = @amfobj.num_body
- write_int16_network(@body_count)
- 0.upto(@body_count - 1) do |i|
- reset_referencables #reset any stored references in this scope
- #get the body obj at index
- @body = @amfobj.get_body_at(i)
- #write the response uri
- write_utf(@body.response_uri)
- #write null (usually target, no use for though)
- write_utf("null")
- write_word32_network(-1) #the usual four bytes of FF
- #write the results of the service call
- write(@body.results)
- end
- end
- #write Ruby data as AMF to output stream
- def write(value)
- if RequestStore.amf_encoding == 'amf3'
- write_byte(AMF3_TYPE)
- write_amf3(value)
- elsif value == nil
- @stream << "\005" #write_null
- elsif (value.is_a?(Numeric))
- write_number(value)
- elsif (value.is_a?(String))
- write_string(value)
- elsif (value.is_a?(TrueClass) || value.is_a?(FalseClass))
- (value) ? @stream << "\001" : @stream << "\000"
- elsif value.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) # Aryk: this way, we can bypass the next four checks most of the time
- write_object(VoUtil.get_vo_hash_for_outgoing(value))
- elsif(value.is_a?(VoHash))
- write_object(value)
- elsif (value.is_a?(Array))
- write_array(value)
- elsif (value.is_a?(Hash))
- write_hash(value)
- elsif (value.is_a?(Date))
- write_date(value.strftime("%s").to_i) # Convert a Date into a time object
- elsif (value.is_a?(Time))
- write_date(value.to_f)
- elsif value.class.to_s == 'REXML::Document'
- write_xml(value.write.to_s)
- elsif (value.class.to_s == 'BeautifulSoup')
- write_xml(value.to_s)
- else
- write_object(VoUtil.get_vo_hash_for_outgoing(value))
- end
- end
- #AMF3
- def write_amf3(value)
- if value == nil
- @stream << "\001" # represents an amf3 null
- elsif (value.is_a?(TrueClass) || value.is_a?(FalseClass))
- value ? (@stream << "\003") : (@stream << "\002") # represents an amf3 true and false
- elsif value.is_a?(Numeric)
- if value.is_a?(Integer) # Aryk: This was also incorrect before because you has Bignum check AFTER the Integer check, which means the Bignum's were getting picked up by Integers
- if value.is_a?(Bignum)
- @stream << "\005" # represents an amf3 complex number
- write_double(value)
- else
- write_amf3_number(value)
- end
- elsif(value.is_a?(Float))
- @stream << "\005" # represents an amf3 complex number
- write_double(value)
- elsif value.is_a?(BigDecimal) # Aryk: BigDecimal does not relate to Float, so keep it as a seperate check.
- # TODO: Aryk: Not quite sure why you do value.to_s.to_f? can't you just do value.to_f?
- value = value.to_s('F').to_f #this is turning a string into a Ruby Float, but because there are no further operations on it it is safe
- @stream << "\005" # represents an amf3 complex number
- write_double(value)
- end
- elsif(value.is_a?(String))
- @stream << "\006" # represents an amf3 string
- write_amf3_string(value)
- elsif(value.is_a?(Array))
- write_amf3_array(value)
- elsif(value.is_a?(Hash))
- write_amf3_object(value)
- elsif (value.is_a?(Time)||value.is_a?(Date))
- @stream << "\b" # represents an amf3 date
- write_amf3_date(value)
- # I know we can combine this with the last condition, but don't ; the Rexml and Beautiful Soup test is expensive, and for large record sets with many AR its better to be able to skip the next step
- elsif value.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) # Aryk: this way, we can bypass the "['REXML::Document', 'BeautifulSoup'].include?(value.class.to_s) " operation
- write_amf3_object(value)
- elsif ['REXML::Document', 'BeautifulSoup'].include?(value.class.to_s)
- write_byte(AMF3_XML)
- write_amf3_xml(value)
- elsif value.is_a?(Object)
- write_amf3_object(value)
- end
- end
- def write_amf3_integer(int)
- @stream << (@write_amf3_integer_results[int] ||= (
- int = int & 0x1fffffff
- if(int < 0x80)
- [int].pack('c')
- elsif(int < 0x4000)
- [int >> 7 & 0x7f | 0x80].pack('c')+
- [int & 0x7f].pack('c')
- elsif(int < 0x200000)
- [int >> 14 & 0x7f | 0x80].pack('c')+
- [int >> 7 & 0x7f | 0x80].pack('c')+
- [int & 0x7f].pack('c')
- else
- [int >> 22 & 0x7f | 0x80].pack('c')+
- [int >> 15 & 0x7f | 0x80].pack('c')+
- [int >> 8 & 0x7f | 0x80].pack('c')+
- [int & 0xff].pack('c')
- end
- ))
- end
- def write_amf3_number(number)
- if(number >= AMF3_INTEGER_MIN && number <= AMF3_INTEGER_MAX) #check valid range for 29bits
- @stream << "\004" # represents an amf3 integer
- write_amf3_integer(number)
- else #overflow condition otherwise
- @stream << "\005" # represents an amf3 complex number
- write_double(number)
- end
- end
- def write_amf3_string(string)
- if index = @stored_strings[string]
- if string == "" # store this initially so it gets caught by the stored_strings check
- @stream << "\001" # represents an amf3 empty string
- else
- reference = index << 1
- write_amf3_integer(reference)
- end
- else
- @stored_strings[string] = @current_strings_index
- @current_strings_index += 1 # increment the index
- reference = string.length
- reference = reference << 1
- reference = reference | 1
- write_amf3_integer(reference)
- writen(string)
- end
- end
- def write_amf3_object(value)
- hash = value.is_a?(Hash) ? value : VoUtil.get_vo_hash_for_outgoing(value)
- not_vo_hash = !hash.is_a?(VoHash) # is this not a vohash - then doesnt have an _explicitType parameter
- # Check if this object has already been written (for circular references)
- i = @stored_objects.index(value)
- if i != nil
- @stream << "\n"
- reference = i << 1
- write_amf3_integer(reference)
- else
- @stream << "\n\v" # represents an amf3 object and dynamic object
- @stored_objects << value # add object here for circular references
- not_vo_hash || !hash._explicitType ? (@stream << "\001") : write_amf3_string(hash._explicitType)
- hash.each do |attr, attvalue| # Aryk: no need to remove any "_explicitType" or "rmember" key since they werent added as keys
- if not_vo_hash # then that means that the attr might not be symbols and it hasn't gone through camelizing if thats needed
- attr = attr.to_s.dup # need this just in case its frozen
- attr.to_camel! if ClassMappings.translate_case
- end
- write_amf3_string(attr) # write property name
- attvalue.nil? ? (@stream << "\001") : write_amf3(attvalue) # if value is nil, write an amf null, otherwise, write value
- end
- @stream << "\001" # represents an amf3 empty string to close open object
- end
- end
- def write_amf3_array(array)
- i = @stored_objects.index(array)
- if i != nil
- ClassMappings.use_array_collection ? @stream << "\n" : @stream << "\t"
- reference = i << 1
- write_amf3_integer(reference)
- else
- @stored_objects << array
- num_objects = array.length * 2 + 1
- if ClassMappings.use_array_collection
- @stream << "\n\a" # AMF3_OBJECT and AMF3_XML
- write_amf3_string("flex.messaging.io.ArrayCollection")
- end
- @stream << "\t" # represents an amf3 array
- write_amf3_integer(num_objects)
- @stream << "\001" # represents an amf3 empty string #write empty for string keyed elements here, as it's never allowed from ruby
- array.each{|v| write_amf3(v) }
- end
- end
- def write_amf3_date(datetime) # Aryk: Dates will almost never be the same, so turn off the storing_objects
- @stored_objects << datetime # we may not do lookups, but dates are still end up in the object table, so we need to add them here to keep the right counts
- write_amf3_integer(1)
- seconds = if datetime.is_a?(Time)
- datetime.utc unless datetime.utc?
- datetime.to_f
- elsif datetime.is_a?(Date) # this also handles the case for DateTime
- datetime.strftime("%s").to_i
- # datetime = Time.gm( datetime.year, datetime.month, datetime.day )
- # datetime = Time.gm( datetime.year, datetime.month, datetime.day, datetime.hour, datetime.min, datetime.sec )
- end
- write_double( (seconds*1000).to_i ) # used to be total_milliseconds = datetime.to_i * 1000 + ( datetime.usec/1000 )
- end
- def write_amf3_xml(value)
- xml = value.to_s
- a = xml.strip
- if(a != nil)
- b = a.gsub!(/\>(\n|\r|\r\n| |\t)*\</,'><') #clean whitespace
- else
- b = xml.gsub!(/\>(\n|\r|\r\n| |\t)*\</,'><') #clean whitespace
- end
- write_amf3_string(b)
- end
- #AMF0
- def write_null
- @stream << "\005" #write_byte(5)
- end
- def write_number(numeric)
- @stream << "\000" #write_byte(0)
- write_double(numeric)
- end
- def write_string(string)
- @stream << "\002" #write_byte(2)
- write_utf(string.to_s)
- end
- def write_booleanr(bool)
- @stream << "\001" #write_byte(1)
- (bool) ? @stream << "\001" : @stream << "\000" #write_boolean(bool)
- end
- def write_date(seconds)
- @stream << "\v" #write_byte(11)
- write_double(seconds * 1000)
- offset = Time.zone_offset(Time.now.zone)
- write_int16_network(offset / 60 * -1)
- end
- def write_array(array)
- @stream << "\n" #write_byte(10)
- write_word32_network(array.length)
- array.each do |el|
- write(el)
- end
- end
- def write_hash(hash)
- @stream << "\003" #write_byte(3)
- hash.each do |key, value|
- key.to_s.dup.to_camel! if ClassMappings.translate_case
- write_utf(key)
- write(value)
- end
- #write the end object flag 0x00, 0x00, 0x09
- write_int16_network(0)
- @stream << "\t" #write_byte(9)
- end
- def write_object(vohash)
- if vohash.is_a?(VoHash) && vohash._explicitType
- @stream << "\020" #write_byte(16) #custom class
- write_utf(vohash._explicitType)
- else
- @stream << "\003" #write_byte(3)
- end
- vohash.each do |key,val|
- key.to_s.dup.to_camel! if ClassMappings.translate_case
- write_utf(key)
- write(val)
- end
- #write the end object flag 0x00, 0x00, 0x09
- write_int16_network(0)
- @stream << "\t" #write_byte(9)
- end
- def write_xml(xml_string)
- write_byte(AMF_XML)
- write_long_utf(xml_string.to_s)
- end
- end
- end
- end