Ruby | 663 lines | 557 code | 91 blank | 15 comment | 21 complexity | 1e07ed360e8486ce20dcc7b0fe6e5c7a MD5 | raw file
- require 'test/unit'
- require 'thread'
- require_relative 'envutil'
- class TestThread < Test::Unit::TestCase
- class Thread < ::Thread
- Threads = []
- def self.new(*)
- th = super
- th.abort_on_exception = true
- Threads << th
- th
- end
- end
- def setup
- Thread::Threads.clear
- end
- def teardown
- Thread::Threads.each do |t|
- t.kill if t.alive?
- begin
- t.join
- rescue Exception
- end
- end
- end
- def test_mutex_synchronize
- m = Mutex.new
- r = 0
- max = 10
- (1..max).map{
- Thread.new{
- i=0
- while i<max*max
- i+=1
- m.synchronize{
- r += 1
- }
- end
- }
- }.each{|e|
- e.join
- }
- assert_equal(max * max * max, r)
- end
- def test_condvar
- mutex = Mutex.new
- condvar = ConditionVariable.new
- result = []
- mutex.synchronize do
- t = Thread.new do
- mutex.synchronize do
- result << 1
- condvar.signal
- end
- end
- result << 0
- condvar.wait(mutex)
- result << 2
- t.join
- end
- assert_equal([0, 1, 2], result)
- end
- def test_condvar_wait_not_owner
- mutex = Mutex.new
- condvar = ConditionVariable.new
- assert_raise(ThreadError) { condvar.wait(mutex) }
- end
- def test_condvar_wait_exception_handling
- # Calling wait in the only thread running should raise a ThreadError of
- # 'stopping only thread'
- mutex = Mutex.new
- condvar = ConditionVariable.new
- locked = false
- thread = Thread.new do
- Thread.current.abort_on_exception = false
- mutex.synchronize do
- begin
- condvar.wait(mutex)
- rescue Exception
- locked = mutex.locked?
- raise
- end
- end
- end
- until thread.stop?
- sleep(0.1)
- end
- thread.raise Interrupt, "interrupt a dead condition variable"
- assert_raise(Interrupt) { thread.value }
- assert(locked)
- end
- def test_condvar_wait_and_broadcast
- nr_threads = 3
- threads = Array.new
- mutex = Mutex.new
- condvar = ConditionVariable.new
- result = []
- nr_threads.times do |i|
- threads[i] = Thread.new do
- mutex.synchronize do
- result << "C1"
- condvar.wait mutex
- result << "C2"
- end
- end
- end
- sleep 0.1
- mutex.synchronize do
- result << "P1"
- condvar.broadcast
- result << "P2"
- end
- nr_threads.times do |i|
- threads[i].join
- end
- assert_equal ["C1", "C1", "C1", "P1", "P2", "C2", "C2", "C2"], result
- end
- # Hmm.. don't we have a way of catch fatal exception?
- #
- # def test_cv_wait_deadlock
- # mutex = Mutex.new
- # cv = ConditionVariable.new
- #
- # assert_raises(fatal) {
- # mutex.lock
- # cv.wait mutex
- # mutex.unlock
- # }
- # end
- def test_condvar_wait_deadlock_2
- nr_threads = 3
- threads = Array.new
- mutex = Mutex.new
- condvar = ConditionVariable.new
- nr_threads.times do |i|
- if (i != 0)
- mutex.unlock
- end
- threads[i] = Thread.new do
- mutex.synchronize do
- condvar.wait mutex
- end
- end
- mutex.lock
- end
- assert_raise(Timeout::Error) do
- Timeout.timeout(0.1) { condvar.wait mutex }
- end
- mutex.unlock rescue
- threads[i].each.join
- end
- def test_condvar_timed_wait
- mutex = Mutex.new
- condvar = ConditionVariable.new
- timeout = 0.3
- locked = false
- t0 = Time.now
- mutex.synchronize do
- begin
- condvar.wait(mutex, timeout)
- ensure
- locked = mutex.locked?
- end
- end
- t1 = Time.now
- t = t1-t0
- assert_block { timeout*0.9 < t && t < timeout*1.1 }
- assert(locked)
- end
- def test_condvar_nolock
- mutex = Mutex.new
- condvar = ConditionVariable.new
- assert_raise(ThreadError) { condvar.wait(mutex) }
- end
- def test_condvar_nolock_2
- mutex = Mutex.new
- condvar = ConditionVariable.new
- Thread.new do
- assert_raise(ThreadError) {condvar.wait(mutex)}
- end.join
- end
- def test_condvar_nolock_3
- mutex = Mutex.new
- condvar = ConditionVariable.new
- Thread.new do
- assert_raise(ThreadError) {condvar.wait(mutex, 0.1)}
- end.join
- end
- def test_local_barrier
- dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
- lbtest = File.join(dir, "lbtest.rb")
- $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(dir), 'ruby')
- require 'envutil'
- $:.shift
- 3.times {
- result = `#{EnvUtil.rubybin} #{lbtest}`
- assert(!$?.coredump?, '[ruby-dev:30653]')
- assert_equal("exit.", result[/.*\Z/], '[ruby-dev:30653]')
- }
- end
- def test_priority
- skip("[BUG : #1283] Segfault occurs when gets the busy loop with some threads.")
- c1 = c2 = 0
- t1 = Thread.new { loop { c1 += 1 } }
- t1.priority = -1
- t2 = Thread.new { loop { c2 += 1 } }
- t2.priority = -3
- assert_equal(-1, t1.priority)
- assert_equal(-3, t2.priority)
- sleep 0.5
- 5.times do
- break if c1 > c2
- sleep 0.1
- end
- t1.kill
- t2.kill
- # assert_operator(c1, :>, c2, "[ruby-dev:33124]") # not guaranteed
- end
- def test_new
- assert_raise(ThreadError) do
- Thread.new
- end
- t1 = Thread.new { sleep }
- assert_raise(ThreadError) do
- t1.instance_eval { initialize { } }
- end
- t2 = Thread.new(&method(:sleep).to_proc)
- assert_raise(ThreadError) do
- t2.instance_eval { initialize { } }
- end
- ensure
- t1.kill if t1
- t2.kill if t2
- end
- def test_join
- t = Thread.new { sleep }
- assert_nil(t.join(0.5))
- ensure
- t.kill if t
- end
- def test_join2
- t1 = Thread.new { sleep(1.5) }
- t2 = Thread.new do
- t1.join(1)
- end
- t3 = Thread.new do
- sleep 0.5
- t1.join
- end
- assert_nil(t2.value)
- assert_equal(t1, t3.value)
- ensure
- t1.kill if t1
- t2.kill if t2
- t3.kill if t3
- end
- def test_kill_main_thread
- assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, %w(1), [])
- p 1
- Thread.kill Thread.current
- p 2
- end
- def test_kill_wrong_argument
- bug4367 = '[ruby-core:35086]'
- assert_raise(TypeError, bug4367) {
- Thread.kill(nil)
- }
- end
- def test_exit
- s = 0
- Thread.new do
- s += 1
- Thread.exit
- s += 2
- end.join
- assert_equal(1, s)
- end
- def test_wakeup
- s = 0
- t = Thread.new do
- s += 1
- Thread.stop
- s += 1
- end
- sleep 0.5
- assert_equal(1, s)
- t.wakeup
- sleep 0.5
- assert_equal(2, s)
- assert_raise(ThreadError) { t.wakeup }
- ensure
- t.kill if t
- end
- def test_stop
- assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, %w(2), [])
- begin
- Thread.stop
- p 1
- rescue ThreadError
- p 2
- end
- end
- def test_list
- assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT) do |r, e|
- t1 = Thread.new { sleep }
- Thread.pass
- t2 = Thread.new { loop { } }
- t3 = Thread.new { }.join
- p [Thread.current, t1, t2].map{|t| t.object_id }.sort
- p Thread.list.map{|t| t.object_id }.sort
- assert_equal(r.first, r.last)
- assert_equal([], e)
- end
- end
- def test_main
- assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, %w(true false), [])
- p Thread.main == Thread.current
- Thread.new { p Thread.main == Thread.current }.join
- end
- def test_abort_on_exception
- assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, %w(false 1), [])
- p Thread.abort_on_exception
- begin
- Thread.new { raise }
- sleep 0.5
- p 1
- rescue
- p 2
- end
- assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, %w(true 2), [])
- Thread.abort_on_exception = true
- p Thread.abort_on_exception
- begin
- Thread.new { raise }
- sleep 0.5
- p 1
- rescue
- p 2
- end
- assert_in_out_err(%w(-d), <<-INPUT, %w(false 2), /.+/)
- p Thread.abort_on_exception
- begin
- Thread.new { raise }
- sleep 0.5
- p 1
- rescue
- p 2
- end
- assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, %w(false true 2), [])
- p Thread.abort_on_exception
- begin
- t = Thread.new { sleep 0.5; raise }
- t.abort_on_exception = true
- p t.abort_on_exception
- sleep 1
- p 1
- rescue
- p 2
- end
- end
- def test_status_and_stop_p
- a = ::Thread.new { raise("die now") }
- b = Thread.new { Thread.stop }
- c = Thread.new { Thread.exit }
- d = Thread.new { sleep }
- e = Thread.current
- sleep 0.5
- assert_equal(nil, a.status)
- assert(a.stop?)
- assert_equal("sleep", b.status)
- assert(b.stop?)
- assert_equal(false, c.status)
- assert_match(/^#<TestThread::Thread:.* dead>$/, c.inspect)
- assert(c.stop?)
- d.kill
- assert_equal(["aborting", false], [d.status, d.stop?])
- assert_equal(["run", false], [e.status, e.stop?])
- ensure
- a.kill if a
- b.kill if b
- c.kill if c
- d.kill if d
- end
- def test_safe_level
- t = Thread.new { $SAFE = 3; sleep }
- sleep 0.5
- assert_equal(0, Thread.current.safe_level)
- assert_equal(3, t.safe_level)
- ensure
- t.kill if t
- end
- def test_thread_local
- t = Thread.new { sleep }
- assert_equal(false, t.key?(:foo))
- t["foo"] = "foo"
- t["bar"] = "bar"
- t["baz"] = "baz"
- assert_equal(true, t.key?(:foo))
- assert_equal(true, t.key?("foo"))
- assert_equal(false, t.key?(:qux))
- assert_equal(false, t.key?("qux"))
- assert_equal([:foo, :bar, :baz], t.keys)
- ensure
- t.kill if t
- end
- def test_thread_local_security
- t = Thread.new { sleep }
- assert_raise(SecurityError) do
- Thread.new { $SAFE = 4; t[:foo] }.join
- end
- assert_raise(SecurityError) do
- Thread.new { $SAFE = 4; t[:foo] = :baz }.join
- end
- assert_raise(RuntimeError) do
- Thread.new do
- Thread.current[:foo] = :bar
- Thread.current.freeze
- Thread.current[:foo] = :baz
- end.join
- end
- end
- def test_select_wait
- skip("[BUG : #1233] Abort occurs when kill a thread waiting with IO.select")
- assert_nil(IO.select(nil, nil, nil, 1))
- t = Thread.new do
- IO.select(nil, nil, nil, nil)
- end
- sleep 0.5
- t.kill
- end
- def test_mutex_deadlock
- m = Mutex.new
- m.synchronize do
- assert_raise(ThreadError) do
- m.synchronize do
- assert(false)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def test_mutex_interrupt
- m = Mutex.new
- m.lock
- t = Thread.new do
- m.lock
- :foo
- end
- sleep 0.5
- t.kill
- assert_nil(t.value)
- end
- def test_mutex_illegal_unlock
- m = Mutex.new
- m.lock
- assert_raise(ThreadError) do
- Thread.new do
- m.unlock
- end.join
- end
- end
- def test_mutex_fifo_like_lock
- m1 = Mutex.new
- m2 = Mutex.new
- m1.lock
- m2.lock
- m1.unlock
- m2.unlock
- assert_equal(false, m1.locked?)
- assert_equal(false, m2.locked?)
- m3 = Mutex.new
- m1.lock
- m2.lock
- m3.lock
- m1.unlock
- m2.unlock
- m3.unlock
- assert_equal(false, m1.locked?)
- assert_equal(false, m2.locked?)
- assert_equal(false, m3.locked?)
- end
- def test_mutex_trylock
- m = Mutex.new
- assert_equal(true, m.try_lock)
- assert_equal(false, m.try_lock, '[ruby-core:20943]')
- Thread.new{
- assert_equal(false, m.try_lock)
- }.join
- m.unlock
- end
- def test_recursive_outer
- arr = []
- obj = Struct.new(:foo, :visited).new(arr, false)
- arr << obj
- def obj.hash
- self[:visited] = true
- super
- raise "recursive_outer should short circuit intermediate calls"
- end
- assert_nothing_raised {arr.hash}
- assert(obj[:visited])
- end
- end
- class TestThreadGroup < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_thread_init
- thgrp = ThreadGroup.new
- Thread.new{
- thgrp.add(Thread.current)
- assert_equal(thgrp, Thread.new{sleep 1}.group)
- }.join
- end
- def test_frozen_thgroup
- skip("[BUG : #1085] Assertion failed: ((b->flags & flags) == flags)")
- thgrp = ThreadGroup.new
- t = Thread.new{1}
- Thread.new{
- thgrp.add(Thread.current)
- thgrp.freeze
- assert_raise(ThreadError) do
- Thread.new{1}.join
- end
- assert_raise(ThreadError) do
- thgrp.add(t)
- end
- assert_raise(ThreadError) do
- ThreadGroup.new.add Thread.current
- end
- }.join
- t.join
- end
- def test_enclosed_thgroup
- skip("[BUG : #1085] Assertion failed: ((b->flags & flags) == flags)")
- thgrp = ThreadGroup.new
- assert_equal(false, thgrp.enclosed?)
- t = Thread.new{1}
- Thread.new{
- thgrp.add(Thread.current)
- thgrp.enclose
- assert_equal(true, thgrp.enclosed?)
- assert_nothing_raised do
- Thread.new{1}.join
- end
- assert_raise(ThreadError) do
- thgrp.add t
- end
- assert_raise(ThreadError) do
- ThreadGroup.new.add Thread.current
- end
- }.join
- t.join
- end
- def test_uninitialized
- c = Class.new(Thread)
- c.class_eval { def initialize; end }
- assert_raise(ThreadError) { c.new.start }
- end
- def test_backtrace
- Thread.new{
- assert_equal(Array, Thread.main.backtrace.class)
- }.join
- t = Thread.new{}
- t.join
- assert_equal(nil, t.backtrace)
- end
- end